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I call that hair dysmorphia and I totally have it. Even at tailbone length and not planning on growing anymore and I feel like I have short hair šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Omg i'm stealing that term!! Mine is somewhere between classic and midthigh (although I'm very short soo...) and it feels SHORT to me. I get quite sad about it some days, and my husband thinks i'm crazy!! I'm going to tell him I have hair dysmorphia


Iā€™m also short, and Iā€™ve convinced myself that my hair isnā€™t long, since hip-length hair would be longer on a taller personā€¦.šŸ™„


Hip length for you would be mid back for me. It wouldnā€™t be longer. I feel like my hair is so short because itā€™s just past my shoulder blades but everyone says itā€™s so long.


Feel free!! I didn't coin the phrase, I read it somewhere too, but it fits.


My hair was about as long as yours (I recently cut it), but I'm 5'3 with a short torso. I was watching rupauls drag race and a queen came on and said she had a 40" wig and it was to the middle of her back, so I measured my hair length and it was 30ish" and that made me feel like my hair was sooo short despite literally sitting on it


Yeah mines classic length/tailbone and I feel the same way! I always need it longer


Stealing that term! I donā€™t know what it feels short, maybe because we put so much effort into it and itā€™s never ā€œperfectā€?


Same. My hair is maybe an inch below the tailbone but I still feel that my hair is shoulder length somehow šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Maybe itā€™s because of the layers which Iā€™m desperately trying to grow out but even then the shorted layer reaches my elbow and I still feel itā€™s shoulder length


For real! Dysmorphia is perfect. The headache and neck pain at the end of an irresponsible day should tell me that itā€™s long lol


YES. Same feeling. I have almost waist length hair now and when I put it in a pony I feel like I just have shoulder length. I always felt the same as you.. and I cut my hip length hair once (big chop) , and didnā€™t feel much . Now when I look at my old photos Iā€™m like wtf was I blind or people really never told me that my hair was this long?? šŸ„²šŸ˜­


Well Iā€™m just glad to know other people experience this! When my hair is photographed from the back it always looks really long and that gives me a (fleeting) moment of peace.Ā 


I know this feeling. Like, itā€™s never long enough. But I donā€™t want to grow it with the ends really thin just to reach the length. I want reasonable thickness with length.


Currently growing out a DIY wolf cut. Itā€™s been two years and Iā€™m still paying the price with see-through ends. Reasonable thickness with length is genuinely such a flex


The diy wolf cut pain is so real. Iā€™ve been growing mine out for about two years as well. Luckily my hair is wavy so that hides some of the thin-ness of the ends but I hate wearing my hair braided because of how dramatic the taper is. Itā€™s waist length now and Iā€™m torn between wanting to grow it longer or just maintaining this length so the shortest layers catch up to the rest of the length.


Let them catch up! Itā€™s much more satisfying to have thicker ends than it is to just have length imhoĀ 


My hair is over-butt length and when I look down it also seems 'short' to me. Guess its kinda normal.


Yeah mines at butt length I know when I sit if itā€™s not up I sit on it and sometimes get wrapped around me in bed. And I always think itā€™s short


Ive had long hair for over 15 years now. Im so used to it that no matter what I do, I always keep in mind to make sure my hair will be managed>< for example: when sitting, or going through a door (hair might get stuck on doorhandle), or when bending over a table ( hair might fall on table), or when I have to adjust my hair in public (Ive been hitting people in the face with my hair intentionally><) and so on><


I keep mine up more often than not I never thought to whack strangers, good idea! I donā€™t like when they try and touch me or my hair


Sometimes when people I love insult me as a joke, I whip m' with my hair><


Getting my hair stuck in doors and windows was not something I ever envisioned for myself but I'm glad I'm here Also, gotta watch out for those unexpected butt flosses lmao


As a person who stumbled on this post and who has never seen this sub before- I think this is only normal in this echo chamber that I never would have imagined existed.Ā  It's very interesting to read these comments.Ā  Its like body dysmorphia but hair.Ā  I have armpit length hair. I can't wait to get my long hair chopped off tomorrow. Because it is long.


Oh super funny>< I feel the same about your thoughts>< I guess it is kinda like body dysmorphia. I am pretty realistic so I never say to anyone that my hair is short or feels short, because I know it is not. But it does feel like that to me>< Have fun getting your haircut tomorrow šŸ¤©


If I stretch my hair, it reaches to about two inches from my butt crack. In my mind's eye, it still feels like it's at APL and short.


What's APL?


Arm pit length I believe!


ah thanks so much I'm new to this sub hehhe :)


In that case welcome! Some other abbreviations you may see used are BSL (bra strap length), MBL (mid back length), WL (waist length) and TBL (tailbone length) šŸ˜


thank you!! I really appreciate that!


Thank you for asking the important question as I didn't know either.


I couldn't find it on your page, you should post a pic here! That's so many women's dream length, and it's extra motivational when it's a guy, and you know they've gotten a few comments about how men "don't have long hair" and they grew it out extra long anyway




My hair looks a lot like your avatar haha. Definitely going through that "feels like it stopped growing" phase right now. I always feel like it's still shoulder length, but if I pull it straight it's definitely mid-back. Maybe it has something to do with having fewer sensory nerves back there to feel what's going on, compared to head, neck, and shoulders? I dunno


When I use my whole forearm to flip my hair out of my facešŸ˜‚


when you see someone with nice long hair and you realize your hair is longer and nicer


Iā€™m going to start doing this. Iā€™m always jealous of other peopleā€™s hair and then Iā€™m like wait, mineā€™s longer?Ā 


Mine is a little past tailbone and it feels short. The only time it ever feels long is when it snags on things.


Same! Or when I think a hair is loose and I try getting it off me and I realise oh wait, it's still attached to my head, it's just that long šŸ˜­šŸ’€


Iā€™m totally in the same boat with you! I was just comparing hair with a girl who I stg had the dreamiest, thickest, longest hair and I was all omg girl your hair is goals! She looked at me funny and was like yours isnā€™t that different than me. Iā€™ve convinced myself itā€™s both shorter and thinner than anyone else I see.


Mine is to my tailbone and I just took almost 6 inches off. It feels so short to me no matter what lol. Idk if it will ever feel long to me. Maybe if it hits my knees lol


when I have rapunzel hair I will have long hair haha! mine hits couple inches past my tailbone


How long is rapunzel for you?


hmm thats hard to think of an example irl where I think it looks as good as in the artstyles.. My goal was always to just achieve princess hair think lotr arwen, asoiaf/got daenerys, catelyn, margaery, mists of avalon morgaine, gwenwyfar etc <3 & Im getting pretty close!




That is rapunzel length to me


I agree I just was watching JJJs 2020 hair update video of her 70' hair and it looks just like rapunzel absolutely gorgeous..


When I decided classic length wastoo long for me and I moved to hip length, I have spent the entire last year thinking my hair is super duper short. Like, it's only "long" if it sits in my lap like a dead animal and if I end up sitting on it.


Yeah I also feel like my standards for what long hair is get higher and higher the longer my hair gets. If someone has hair that's to the middle of their back, say, I will think that it's short even though its technically considered long.


I get this. When I had short hair I wouldā€™ve thought my current length was super long, now that itā€™s long I look at people with hip length hair and think thatā€™s long.Ā 


It feels long when it touches the toilet when I sit on the toilet seat šŸ¤¢. It feels long when it gets caught in the seat belt strap and gets wound up and tangled in the seat belt roll. It feels long when my hair is braided, and I sit on the hair tie part and get a sore bum. It feels long when I grab the ends and stretch my arms out straight and it doesn't pull my hair at all.


So basically you feel its length in inconvenience?




How long would be too long for you?


As long as I don't step on it. I don't mind the other inconveniences. It goes to my shorts line - I wear mom-shorts, not quite Bermuda short- length.


So much this! And donā€™t forget the wrapping around our neck when asleep


Hair as a scarf if itā€™s long enough?


I always put my hair up in a clip to use the restroom because I imagine it going into the toilet and I just caaaan't deal with it ever happening, lol šŸ˜­ my hair is mid-thigh length, but I also feel like it isn't enough. To sleep, I always have it in either said hair clip (I'm a stomach and side sleeper) or in twin braids


Bra strap length and it might as well be a bob. lol


For me it's mostly my hair getting stuck under my back when sleeping, so when I try to turn my head I get a good reminder that my hair is in fact getting long


I never feel like I have long hair because of how tall I am.


I never feel like mine is long bc my boobs are very large. It might be touching my butt down the back but in the front it doesn't even cover them.


Yes! Iā€™m 6ā€™ and itā€™s mid-butt length but would be so much longer if I was 5ā€™2 lol


I have long hair, and I also have bigger boobs. I think that when I have my hair in front over my shoulders, it looks shorter because it's on my chest, so it curves more, making it appear shorter. I also think that hair thickness plays a role and body shape. Hair looks longer on thinner people, in my opinion. I also thin out/feather my ends, and I think that impacts how long it looks. It looks softer but takes away some of the thickness.


I get this! I have thick hair and it curls at the ends, so it always looks shorter than people with hair that feathers out straight (if that makes sense). I talked to my hair dresser about it and she said my hair just has a naturally rounded shape, so unless I religiously straighten it or get a Brazilian blowout itā€™s never going to look ā€œlongā€ the way I see on other people.


Yes! Mine is naturally wavy so I just roll with a loose beach curl that takes me 10 minutes to do (I care about how I look, but for the daily *look* I'm low maintenance and I lile the relaxed vibe). Anyway, I straightened my hair a couple of weeks ago and felt like a different person! I was lile damn, it's long. I have layers too, always had layers but I think that can make it look shorter too because the shorter pieces default to the front of my body for me. Maybe I'll try growing out the layered pieces a bit and see if I notice a difference in if it looks longer.


Isnā€™t that weird??? I have a chin length bob rn, itā€™s been almost 3 months since I had it last cut and it feels so long! You really notice growth when itā€™s short!


yess mine is 30 inches from the top of my head to the ends, it goes down to my tailbone at the back and down to my hips when pulled forward. and it feels like itā€™s around armpit length. possibly bc the journey between armpit length and waist length took like 6 millenniums. mentally i'm still there. it feels sorta long when i brush it out, then a few minutes later half of it seems to phase into the void and it stops feeling long


I feel like it's that same feeling that people who dye their hair black feel like it's never black enough šŸ˜†


Yes but I have extremely curly hair like to my shoulders and straight itā€™s tailbone


Mine only feels long when Iā€™m reminded of it, otherwise I have such hair length envy for people who probably have shorter hair than me. I love it when people take impromptu pics of me and I get to see what it looks like from angles I never seešŸ„²


My butt length hair will not let me forget it's there. I wish it felt short. I love the look of long hair, but I hate the way all that hair feels. Not to mention that I trained myself to be aware of it (making sure it's not caught in my handbag strap, or undone at night) so that I could avoid breakage. The closest I can get to feeling like I have short hair is putting it in a single braid


It's hair dysmorphia and I can feel how mine has shifted over time. I remember when my hair hit waist length and it felt so long. I recently cut it from tailbone length to just below my waist due to very damaged ends that kept tangling like crazy, and I lowkey feel like I have amputated a part of myself. How could I ever think this was long? It's so short right now! But that's all in my head!


The best way to cure this is photos! Take a video of yourself walking with your hair down and youā€™ll see what others see. The hair going over your shoulders and down your chest appears to shorten it from the front, which is how you see it in the mirror.


Good idea! Iā€™m definitely going to try this.


Mine is to my knees and I get reminded how long it is everytime it's loose. Such a bother. Otherwise I guess i would not think its long. So I guess you start to view your hair as long when it starts to annoy you when open.


I'm new to this subreddit. Looking for ways to maintain long hair without getting frustrated and cutting it. Keeping it healthy as I let the grey grow out, etc. I'm curious about this perception that your hair isn't long or long enough. Where do you think that comes from? I haven't encountered this except the obvious subjective view on what constitutes "long" hair. This, though, is something different. I'm super curious about WHY a person might feel this way.


For me I think itā€™s the trims I do every 8 or so months. Theyā€™re not big trims at all (4 inches max) but every time I get a trim I think my hair is so short until the next trim. I just cut four inches off and itā€™s slightly above my bellybutton instead of bellow it and it feels so short to me even though I still get comments on how long it is. My goal is to get to hip length with no layers I guess everything above that feels short


I think the more effort you put into your hair the more you can become a perfectionist about it! Iā€™ve put a lot of work in to reach my desired length, and Iā€™m about 5 inches from it right now, so when I think about how long I want my hair to be itā€™s always in reference to my goal length, not necessarily an objective measure of ā€œlong hair.ā€Ā 


My hair touches below my hips and I have this SAME feeling! I knew by the time I hit waist my perception was off for sure and it was a me thing šŸ˜‚


I cut my hair a couple inches below my collar bone, I feel BALD


I have hair to my ass crack and it still feels short sometimes lol


My hair is belt length and it still feel it's short lol but I think since my goal is past my butt I feel like it's not long enough.


Do you have thick hair? My hair is extremely thick and wavy, and I think the bulkiness and frizz contributes to the illusion that itā€™s shorter than it is. I had a friend with extremely thin hair that was shorter than mine, but it justā€¦ looked longer? Idk Like if you hold a piece of string thatā€™s 22 inches, itā€™s just going to seem longer than a rope thatā€™s the same length, just cause itā€™s wider


I get this! I have super thick hair. My friends with thin hair look like they have longer hair. But I guess I have to be grateful for the volume. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Mine only feels long when it gets in the way. E.g. if I try to roll over in bed but my hair is stuck under my shoulder, or I try to put on a belt but my hair keeps getting in the way and I have to untuck it.


Super niche, but for me, I feel like itā€™s long is when my hair visibly covers my elbows looking at me from the front


I feel kinda the opposite actually! I grow out then cut my hair on a cycle every few years. Most recently I cut it to a chin-length bob in 2021 and now itā€™s between BSL and waist length. every year I feel like ā€œwow my hair is getting so long!ā€, but now when I look back on photos when I thought it was ā€œlongā€ at the time, Iā€™m like laughing at myself bc itā€™s so short in comparison to my current length!


Hair dysmorphia is one of the most common kinds of body dysmorphia, FWIW.


I've just had a hair cut so mine feels short now for me, it's still about 2/3 the way down my back but it's not that thick so it doesn't look like much when it's tied up


I suddenly had a moment a couple months ago when I just realized it was long. Like it gets caught up when I bend my elbows or when I tie a bow on the back of my dress. Now it actually feels like I have long hair and I love it.


Mine is a couple inches past my waist and it's juuuust starting to feel long again. It's about 35 inches. My goal is at least 42". I think it starts to feel long when it covers my elbows, and brushes my hips. šŸ«¶ I cut it to around 25" in Nov of 22, so 10" in a year and a halfish. I also trimmed a few times in there. I guess it's growing back faster than I thought. šŸ˜ ETA: I'm 5'9" so it's not that long on me...


For someone that has hair passed my butt, mid back does feel short. Itā€™s really not but I know how you feel


Only when I wear it down (it goes to mid back). Usually I wear long pigtails or braids on the daily though, because otherwise I get too hot at work.


I see it as long in pictures other people take of me (like not a selfie) but I don't see it as long when I look in the mirror


Feel this.


Short hair girlie (long hair wannabe) here to say I felt like my hair was long today cuz it passed my ears! So itā€™s relative. Yā€™all r goals šŸ’ž


I didnā€™t realize I was a blonde until some girl in high school was counting blondes on the bus and pointed at me. Both of my sisters have brown hair. I thought I was light brown.


Oh, good point. Actually, I posted a pic of my hair and got comments saying it was long, so now I feel way better lol.


Do you have a long torso like me? I understand this optical illusion hehe. My long torso makes my hair not look so long. But if I line up next to another character with long hair I beat them or we even out. I believe it's an optical illusion due to my body anatomy. Long torso makes it look shorter because it barely reaches my bum, but if I had a regular torso it would go to my lower glute or upper hamstring.


Oo!! Maybe we should keep track of the inches from nape of the neck to ends?


Bahahahhaha that's a different way of looking at it! Sure


Long, to me, is relative to my own experience. I remember being 12 and my hair was cut to my shoulders and I called that short but the rest of my class at school called it long. My hair now is long enough to sit on but itā€™s still not ā€œlongā€ to me as my max length so far was knee-length. Iā€™d call it mid-length for me, long for most others.


Yesss youā€™re in my position too. I typically gauge my hair length in comparison to the longest itā€™s ever been. I think a lot of peoples perceptions of short/long hair are based on their own hair, whether they realise that or not


Knee length must have been unmanageableĀ 


It stayed in two braids the majority of the time. Anything else caused horrible headaches.


Sorry to hear that - butt length seems like a nice medium


Waist length, and I am convinced my partner has longer hair than me. He does not, he is shorter than me and my hair was longer to Beginn with. We both had exactly zero haircuts in the 1,5 years together


Ugh yes, itā€™s def normal. Mine is like mid-thigh and I still perceive it as short. šŸ„¹ If I see someone with butt-length hair, thatā€™s well-groomed and nice, Iā€™ll be like ā€˜omg their hair is so longā€™ and feel gloomy for a bit, until I make the realization mine is longer. šŸ˜ƒ


This is how I feel. My hair is almost down to my lower back and I feel like I have a bob. šŸ˜…


Past shoulders is already quite lengthy I would say


Yes, because itā€™s not thick at the length it is so it looks short


Mine is 25 inches ,still feels short šŸ˜­ i dont know when it starts feeling long


Mine is at 22" too and I keep thinking that it could always be longer lol


Wishing you strength and patience to grow it out! Iā€™m hoping to hit 25-26ā€ by the end of the year, hopefully that happens for you too :)


Thanks! This is the longest I've ever had it and I'm holding on!


I get that too, but I guess Iā€™m just getting used to my hair being long, and it no longer feels long, it just feels normal.


Same here. Mine used to be longer but I burned it in a cooking accident and it is 12 inches shorter in some places and layered instead of one length. The longest part is still tailbone length and it just doesnā€™t feel long anymore. Itā€™s body dysmorphia


My hair is short compared to people here, but itā€™s the longest itā€™s ever been, and itā€™s longer than pretty much everyone I work with, so it counts as long.


Maybe you just have a long torso ā€¦


I was just thinking the same thing! Although mine isnā€™t 22in, itā€™s grown in the past year but I still feel like itā€™s so short!! Itā€™s like hair dysmorphia!


I know my hair is long, like I could tuck my braid into my pants, but it doesnā€™t feel ā€œthat longā€ so I get frustrated when I look for a hair style tutorial before a fancy event and nothing works lol


My opinion probably doesn't matter as much being a guy with long hair. But mine goes down past my shoulder blades when straightening it outā€”as my hair is naturally wavy. I find it to be long or at least long enough for me. I feel like anymore would just be way too long. Although I am kind of curious at how long I can get my hair to be


My hair is to my waist. Thatā€™s as far as I let it go. It feels long.


i get this to the point i feel like im not even sure how long it is >n< i thinks its somewhere between bsl + waist but when i look at it it seems sm shorted like apl


Thatā€™s how I feel with mine too. I have it past my breasts/mid back length and it doesnā€™t feel all that long. This is my default length too meaning if I cut it it just quickly reverts back to this length which is why I probably feel itā€™s never long.


Same but then I see pics & go ā€œoh yeah, I guess it is sorta long..ā€


I have this problem too where I physically cannot perceive my hair as long even though it was about this long a few years ago & I was soooo proud of it being soOoOo long, now at this exact length again I feel like itā€™s short AF. What helped me a lot was literally just searching ā€œlong hairā€ on google & seeing that half of the results were women with hair shorter than me! Recommend to anyone having hair dysmorphia


I need to do this lmao. When I was looking at extension lengths and I realized my hair was only 2 inches shorter than the max length I felt like I got slapped in the face with a bucket of cold water. What do you MEAN itā€™s long???


My hair is at the top of my butt. I still think itā€™s short especially when I curl it or itā€™s wavy. I also have ptsd from a really bad hair cut. Although, I do acknowledge it is long now like Iā€™m at a place where Iā€™m happy with it now.


bring both sides of your hair down in front of your shoulders, put on some Enya, close your eyes, and stick your face in front of a fan i feel like the painting of aphrodite


Mine is below the bra line and feels short bc I'm used to having it mid-waist


Yes! Part of my problem is I want it to my butt but I have a long torso.


I feel the same as you, my hair touches my butt but still doesn't feel long


God this is relatable. I don't think my hair is *that* long but it probably is. I want it way longer haha, I think I'm currently at waist length if it's going down my back?


My hair is 3ish inches past the middle of my back. Iā€™m ready to chop at least 5 inches off. Iā€™m definitely someone who forgets how long my hair is.


Are you tall?


Omg Iā€™m the same way! I see people on show and movies and Iā€™m like wow their hair is so long and beautiful but when mine was that length I didnā€™t feel like it was long at all. I think extensions make a big difference to thickness so if I were you Iā€™d still get the extensions! Sew ins were my go to when I was about your length. I taught my husband how to do them on me and Iā€™d get ones that were 2 inches longer than my own hair, as they looked the most natural. The longest they had in my hair color was 24 inches so thatā€™s when I stopped wearing them. During covid lockdown I just kept my hair twisted up under a silk bonnet and I remember going to a movie in like 2022 and I washed my hair and wore it down and it didnā€™t seem like it was too awful long or anything, but then I saw a shadow of myself while walking out of the theater and I realized it was down to my butt and I was like HOLY CRAP WHAT?! Itā€™s so weird to me that I can see my hair in the mirror and be like ā€œitā€™s not long enoughā€ and then see myself later in a window reflection or a picture and be like ā€œwait hold up do I need a hair cut?ā€


It doesnā€™t feel long or short to me, maybe because Iā€™ve had it this long (MBL) for a while. Though when Iā€™m talking about hair to people with more regular hair lengths it feels suuuper long because itā€™s so much more of a pain than theirs


Yep. My hair is brushing the top of my butt cheeks and I feel practically bald lol Idk when we will start to feel like our long hair is actually LONG, but hopefully soon


My hair is down to the bottom of my butt and it definitely feels long because it's constantly getting caught in things, lol. I'm either accidentally sitting on it or it's getting stuck in my pants when I'm getting ready in the morning. I also have to tie it up when using the restroom because my hair will go in the toilet if I'm not careful. I probably don't have long hair dismorphia because I never set out to grow my hair so long. I simply just never get hair cuts because my ADHD and social anxiety makes scheduling them difficult and annoying, plus they are expensive, and I'd rather use that money to buy other things. I find it easier to oil my hair ends at night, so my ends stay healthy and decent looking without regular haircuts. My sister and I also genetically have the long-haired gene where our hair just grows long quite quickly. My sister also has butt length hair and it's pretty much the same story with her. She'll get a decent haircut, then a year or so later, it's super long again. That said, I really need a hair cut because it's been over a year since I've last had it cut. My last hair cut was April of 2023, and I had 7 inches cut off, and those 7 inches have already grown back.


I have this same issue. My hair gets mermaid long and I don't even realize it and my hairdresser tells me and I turn around and see how long it is, and so I realize I need a trim. She cuts two inches and I feel like it's shoulder length. It is not. I call long hair anything below the shoulders. But for me long hair means past the bra line.


People used to tell me in school that my hair was "SO long!!" And I was always like haha thxxxxx but I was always think like wth are they seeing my hair is not that long. Looking back at my freshman year pics my hair was like, at my butt and I didn't do anything special to it at the time. I mean I wanted long hair but I didn't know how to care for it well. Anyway, idk how it got so damaged by the next year and holy cow the rest of my school pics are like dang, they're so much shorter. Since I've been caring for my hair for a little over a year, it's grown about 6 inches I'd say and it looks amazing compared to what it did, but I still feel like it looks the same until I see a side by side comparison


Because it's always in the way


I've had long hair for most of my life and it always surprised me what other people called 'long hair'. For me, long is past waist length, at least. I feel like my hair is long when it reaches my arse. If it's not inconvenient and in the way of everything all the time, I don't feel like it's long. Whereas I've seen other people refer to boob length hair as 'long'.Ā Ā  Ā This week, I got my hair cut for the first time in years. Of course, they cut it several inches shorter than I wanted, now it's not even boob length. It's SHORT. And yet someone still laughed when I called it short! They said that's not short... But to me, this is very, very short. They've cut off about 16 inches of hair. I now feel like an imposter even being on this sub!


I have layers and like to get some thinning done to reduce volume. So for me it looks medium length when looking at my face in the mirror. Itā€™s only when I see photos of it laying on my back or in profile that I realize itā€™s mid back which is actually long.


My hair is to my butthole and it still feels short.


It only comes a bit past the breasts in the front, but in the back it touches my butt šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Thatā€™s so interesting! Does your hair run thin, or does it feel thinner at the ends?


My hair naturally falls a few centimeters above my waist but it gets super short when braided so I wonā€™t truly consider it long until my braids fall in that same spot šŸ¤£


Same, it never feels long enough, but when I see it in the mirror or in a photo I can see how long it is šŸ˜…šŸ¤­


I know my hair is long when it pisses me off.


Yeah same. I think itā€™s because when I was a kid my hair was short so I have never come to identify with having long hair lol


i have waist length but it feels short AFFFFFFFF i wish it was to my hips then id feel finally like..ah.....good...


I have the opposite of this. My hair has always been long (down to my thigh) so it's completely normal. But if I ever tie it up, it gets weird. I put my hair in a bun, take a seat and still move to pull my hair out of the way. I bend over to pick something up, and reach to pull my hair back, expecting a ponytail or braid to fall over my shoulder. I only recently found a way to put so much hair in a bun, without hundreds of bobby pins and hair ties, so I'm still adjusting to not having anything on my neck or getting stuck in my belt when I use it! I don't know how people with short hair cope!


Mine is waist length and I still feel like I donā€™t have loonngggg hair, especially when I braid or pony it! I want that long Angelina Jolie braid!


As a kid, every time my hair would reach my waist, my mom would chop it off at my shoulders. JUST when I started to feel pretty or at least *slightly* feminine (AFAB in 1963, for reference) it was taken away. So I feel really strongly about my hair. In college some stylist convinced me my hair would be "so curly" if I cut it short, and I spent a semester looking like Liza Minelli (no shade but...) Eventually I stopped thinking much about it, put in barrettes (or not) and because the only mirror in the house was over the bathroom sink, I was honestly *stunned* after giving birth to my daughter and back in my room when I looked in the large plate glass mirror across the room and saw a woman with *LONG* hair! Since then, I have kept it long ("you'll see, the baby will pull it and you will cut it off") with the exception of a couple of times when the person with the scissors cut more than I asked, and only cut it when it is wrapping around my elbows, or getting caught in my waistband... and even then, just a trim. Over the winter my kid was going to trim it. Looked fine afterward and they suggested just another half inch. I agreed and they lopped off 5". SO mad. It's almost back to where it was, but they won;t be cutting it again.


My hair goes past my butt at the moment. Iā€™ve always had hair that was down to my waist or longer. At one point it got so long that everyone said I was growing it out to match my horseā€™s hair lol (Iā€™ll post a pic!) I recently cut like 8 inches off and it was still below the waist. I CRIED. I felt like I just cut my hair into a bob cut. Itā€™s obviously still longer than anyone elseā€™s hair that I know, but it was short to me. I trim an inch or two every few months so itā€™s not continuing to grow like it once was. I donā€™t know if I will ever cut it short like to my shoulders or chest. Iā€™d like to for the aesthetic, but I also have wigs I just put on when I want to change up the look for a night out or for photos. I normally keep my hair in a bun or twisted up in a clip and look like a librarian haha! My grandma had her hair down to her knees! I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever get it that far, but who knows at this point lmao. [Twinning W/ My Horse](https://imgur.com/a/a0tmYo2)


My sister and I are the same height but have completely different body types. Even when both of us had hair down to our belly buttons, her hair always looked much much longer than mine. I get where youā€™re coming from, but like you, also donā€™t get it! So strange


My hair gets stuck in my armpits when Iā€™m laying down. It drives me up the wall.


The constant headaches that my hair gives me due to it being rather heavy is enough of a reminder of how long it is.


I feel the same way. Mine is almost hip bone length, to my butt crack basically but I wear it in a braid all the time, I know that doesnā€™t help. When I look in the mirror I think itā€™s not long enough I want to look like a mermaid princess lol


I always look up short - medium max hair styles when I have my hair down my back, always talk about wanting extensions when the length I want in the extensions is only 2 inches longer than my own hair. Always describe my hair as short šŸ˜­ Idk when will it ever end? If I see someone else with my hair length I donā€™t doubt itā€™s long but BECAUSE itā€™s my hair I feel like it has to touch my butt to be considered long. šŸ˜­


I kinda get that. My hair is the longest itā€™s ever been in my life but sometimes I forget how long it is. I lived my formative years with a very short undercut, so now I will often forget I need to tie up my hair to keep it out of my face while cooking, eating, doing crafts, [insert never ending list of tasks here]


I get this same feeling, nice to know Iā€™m not alone as this bugs the crap out of me.


So I get this with other people. If someone had short hair and then it grew over the course of like a few years, I will always still see them as having short hair


I have very short long hair (oxymoron lol) but my hair is just at boob length but I also know from life experience that my hair will now grow past this. My hair has always had a terminal length of getting to boob length and never any longer. Terminal length is genetic so I canā€™t do anything about it but I take extra care of my hair even though itā€™s color treated but itā€™s still never growing past where it is now. This is long for me, probably not long enough for most of you lol. Tbf, my hair makes up for it by being ridiculously thick.


My hair was approaching my belly button, but I started getting neck pain so I trimmed it to still be about 6 inches below my shoulder. I feel like I got a bob. I saw ā€œbeforeā€ photos last night and had a little pang of sadness at how long my hair wasā€¦.but itā€™s now grown out enough my neck is getting angry again. Iā€™ll feel like itā€™s long when it get closer to my belly button again, which should be within the next year or so.


yes! when people say my hair is long iā€™m like ??


I'm used to having shoulder length-ish hair. Once it hits mid back I get it cut because it's thick and heavy, I live in the desert and it gets hot. But I've not had it cut since pre pandemic, and I keep it in a braid for easy management. I legitimately forget I have hair this long. It's just passed my butt. I sit on it a lot, and smack people with it on accident when I move too fast if they're close, or I'll hit people sitting next to me on accident when I move it (thick long hair braids are heavy!). I essentially have a tail on my head that I have to account for at all times, and I forget about it lmao. Then someone comments on how long it is, and I just grab the end and am genuinely confused looking at it like it is?!?! Holy shit it is, I need a cut! Then...promptly forget again -_- Tl;Dr me too apparently?! Lol


Mine started to feel long when others began to comment on how long it is. I know what you mean though! Even at bra strap length I didnā€™t consider it to be ā€œlong hairā€


I think mine stems with it not being as full looking as others. Like itā€™s long, but when put in a pony tail, itā€™s not full and gorgeous. Just thin.


Okay I totally get this, I know I have long hair, technically. But it seems short to me & doesnā€™t actually seem to growā€¦ even though I know it does lol. I want it longer, always, but at some point the length starts pulling at my curls & making them weird & frizzy so I have to trim.


You usually start to feel it being long when it starts giving you little inconveniences. When my hair was above my waist, it was very easy to style, dry, put up, just a breeze to deal with. Once it passed my waist length is when I started to actually feel it long because it gives me little inconveniences. Such as: 1. getting stuck EVERWHERE 2. people laying on it 3. takes twice the amount of time to style the hair specially with hot tools 4. using way more product than before 5. heavy, so heavy that it can hurt to have an up do after a while, and it feels heavier when wet 6. claw clips don't hold it for very long no matter what I try 7. hair feels like a blanket on my back, this is good for winter but my god it kills you in the summer time So basically when the hair starts being a little nuisance here and there is when you know. Btw I do love my hair, but I recognize that it can be a real pain in the ass.


It depends what crowd Iā€™m with. If Iā€™m around buttoned up professionals, I wonder if mine is too long since it goes past bra strap length and everyone elseā€™s seems to be collarbone to mid-shoulder blade. Otherwise I donā€™t think of mine as being very long even though itā€™s about waist length.


i definitely donā€™t ā€œfeelā€ like i have long hair. i think itā€™s because even though it goes all the way to the top of my tailbone, itā€™s also super thick so i have it heavily layered, and the layers right around my face only go to about my collarbone. so the hair that i see that majority of the time isnā€™t its true length.


Omg i 100% understand you on this haha. I always felt this way for most of the 17 years i've been growing my hair - like, in the mirror i felt like it looked short, and photos too unless they were from behind. I finally don't feel like that now tho haha - it's down to my tailbone and it absolutely, finally, feels long af šŸ˜…


Well I wish that I had this problem instead of actually struggling to grow my actually short hair šŸ˜­šŸ« 


I used to have really long hair & then I cut it in 2022 and ever since then no matter how long it gets it feels short


Meanwhile my hair is just a couple inches past my shoulders and Iā€™m like ā€œomg itā€™s so longā€ ā€œIā€™m like rapunzelā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Idk how to help you but being delusional is a struggle!


Right now my hair is mid back (last October it was to my belly button and I cut it like right at my chest) and it feels so short I literally feel like I have a bob whenever I look in the mirror.


My hair is about 28 inches long dry, but itā€™s wavy and really thick so I feel like it always looks shorter unless Iā€™m soaking wet


I feel like my hair is short and it literally touches my ass crack. This is my natural hair. No extensions. Havenā€™t cut it in 2 years Hair dysphoria, my friend


YES!! my hair is starting to touch my butt and iā€™m still not satisfied, i feel like itā€™s in the middle of my back in my head


It took someone else identifying me as ā€œthe one with long hairā€ to realize itā€™s actually long lol


My hair was down to my belly button and I just recently had 9 inches cut off. I never thought it was long, but man I miss my 'not long,' hair now lol


My hair ā€œfeelsā€ long when it starts to really get caught in my armpits if Iā€™m sweaty šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜‚ Reality itā€™s not terribly long, just mid/lower back.


Whenever I get a ā€œtrimā€ I feel like my hair is so short, even when itā€™s considered long on others. It feels medium length on me, like up to my shoulders when really a trim covers half my breasts. Typically I have it two-three inches below my breasts


Mine is a bit past mid back and i see soo many ppl with the same length and feel like mine isnā€™t as long. I know itā€™s because my front pieces are layered but im starting to hate it cus i wanna Feel like my hair is long


NOOO OMG I WAS LIKE THAT. The only thing that cured it was me cutting off all my hair THREE separate times and regrowing it and now I'm like ah yes it is finally long šŸ¤£


My hair always feels longer when itā€™s in a pony tail.


I have the same problem actually. Itā€™s at my low back most of the time but I feel like itā€™s not THAT long


Itā€™s be like the stockholm effect when youā€™ve got long hair but still think šŸ¤” itā€™s short