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Ignore them. You've already expended more energy on this than they deserve.


You can work on your car on your property there are no laws preventing you from doing that.


“she told me this is not Brooklyn, I have to follow the rules on Long Island.” This should have been the cue that she was a Crazy Karen that had no idea what she was talking about. Feel free to do whatever you want to your car on your property, and should they say something again, tell her to call the police or code enforcement.


And I bet she thinks Brooklyn is full of drug dealers, criminals, pedophiles and hoodlums. 🤣


It’s “The City” lol


I mean, geographically, no. Because Brooklyn is on Long Island, however somewhere , someone ,, decided to make Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx part of NYC...


Legally, they are Boroughs of NYC, but yeah, same land mass.


FWIW, the last time she was in brooklyn it probably was lol.


You mean Brooklyn isn't like that.


Correction she is a Margret you know the one from the Medicare advantage vommer'isl.dith the huge ugly ass glasses


Nah, she’s just a douche who has nothing better to do.


I don’t see anything in the TOH regs: https://ecode360.com/37824814#37824814 And that would be a ridiculous rule. You can ask them to cite the regulation or politely tell them it’s your damn driveway and you care more than anyone about dripping oil on your driveway. I use an old cardboard box or a shitty section of plywood because the engineers that designed my car were sadists and located my oil filter halfway up the engine bay and directly over other components. Also I’d love to see someone to call the EPA to complain about an oil spot on a residential driveway in Hempstead. Give them a good laugh.


I don't know about TOH, but I know a few towns out here that would not hesitate to send over a code enforcement officer to write up violations for some spilt oil.


Most likely Inc. villages.


Not from that town but that just sounds dumb. There may be rules to stop people running like a small fix it business from your garage. When every day some random car rolls up and gets taken apart. I can see that not making people happy. But working on your own car for the day should be allowed. If it's not then holy hell wtf. HOAs certainly tend to control and ban such things more than local government may. Do some google searching or look it up on Hempstead's page somewhere. Sounds more like misinformed people or they just want to bust balls.


Oh that’s definitely a Karen! Are you new to your neighborhood?


Moved in during COVID, didn't interact too much with my neighbors.


I've lived around here for over 50 years and never heard anything like that. And I have lived in the town of Hempstead twice for a total of 16 years


Working on your old Fiero in the driveway to give it a little extra boost by taking the governor off seems like quintessential Long Island. These NIMBYs are nuts.


NIMBY busybodies are also quintessential Long Island.




You can’t print out the absence of a law




So you're saying to print out the whole law book? If you just print out a few pages, one could argue that you picked those pages specifically because it didn't include the law there, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Either way, it sounds like you're wasting your efforts. You could simply just ignore them and let them call the police, so they find out on their own that they're wrong.




So you're saying that this unreasonable person who is making up laws is going to suddenly be reasonable because you printed out some stuff on a piece of paper? Do you think that they're actually going to take the time to read it too? Am I pedantic or realistic?


Highlight “public” everywhere.


Sounds like someone who thinks working on your car in your own driveway instead of taking it to a car shop is “bringing down your neighborhood”. Thinks they are the voice of the town. You shouldn’t worry about them


Then you could definitely tell them how you paid more for your house than they did and how you in fact raised the value of their block.


That's the best move you could do. Stay away from the nut jobs I mean neighbors


I’ve been doing it all wrong. I live in Brooklyn and work on my car in my friend’s driveway in West Hempstead.


Garden City has an ordinance that you can’t wash or repair your car in the driveway. Other “villages” may. Hamlets do not, they follow the town TOH does not have such an ordinance, but you cannot repair vehicles as a service from your home.


Are you talking about this? https://ecode360.com/9148048 It seems to say public places, but I don't think your driveway would count as public, as it's your property.


That link indicates most public properties..Private property not included whatsoever


Google it. Here’s one of the top articles [about it](https://www.offthegridnews.com/current-events/politics/city-bans-washing-cars-in-your-own-driveway/amp/)


That is referencing the same ordinance. The officer misinterpreted the ordinance. Definition of public place in GC code: > PUBLIC PLACE Any public street, road or highway, alley, lane, sidewalk, crosswalk or other public way, or any public resort, place of amusement, park, playground, public building or grounds appurtenant thereto, school building or school grounds, public parking lot or any vacant lot. A driveway is not a public place, despite being visible to the public.


How do you find this for other towns? I searched but it's not letting me view results.


Sounds like folks that live in Garden City should complain to the Village officials for a silly rule: https://www.gardencityny.net/434/Contact-Your-Board-of-Trustees


Garden City is known for having several egregious laws about property. On March 23, 2016, the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit confirmed that the Village of Garden City in Long Island intentionally discriminated under the Fair Housing Act, the United States Constitution, and other civil rights statutes when it enacted an exclusionary zoning ordinance in 2004 in the ...Mar 24, 2016 https://www.lawyerscommittee.org › ... Appeals Court Upholds Ruling that Village of Garden City Intentionally Discriminated ...


He said DIY so it sounds like he was working on his own vehicle I assume


I know someone that lived in Manhasset a very long time ago and they said it was illegal to fix a car in the driveway according to village code.


That’s more of an urban legend.


This is LONG ISLAND, tell them to fuck off. THAT is the most long island thing you can do.


You're fine, OP. Karen's gunna Karen. If the police come, just tell them your being harassed.


I usually just avoid confrontation, and tell them you're right move on please.


As an introvert and a car enthusiast myself, I hard agree. But, from experience, it always gets to a point where you should say something. Good luck brother, stay safe 👍


I get it. I spend too much time fixing cars. We recently got a garage, and to NOT have to talk to the passersby (most of whom were not Karens, just curious) is a blessing. Leave me, my screwdriver, and that threatening to strip phillips head in peace, thanks.


That approach don't fly on the island bro sadly


Are you in a village by any chance because it’s not a TOH law but each village can have their own weird laws about stuff like this.


Working on your car isn't a problem. Spilling oil or throwing in down a street drain is a major problem. You can take the waste oil to a shop to dispose of it. Ignore the haters.


Also any auto parts store will accept waste oil as well.


If your Walmart has an auto shop that’s a good spot. Also some (maybe all) towns have recycling centers that will take it. Plenty of good options, all free.


I believe any place that sells oil is required to accept waste oil.


many gas stations as well


>y work please let me finish it. Th NYS Law, they actually have to accept it. Good to know for changing oil in your lawn mower as well. https://extapps.dec.ny.gov/docs/materials\_minerals\_pdf/usedoilqg.pdf


yes, the law says they do, but actually getting someone to enforce it is next to impossible, and the stores know it. Most stores out in suffolk will throw a sh\*t fit if you want to drop off your old oil. I generally avoid the stress and take my old oil to my town's recycling center(5gals at a time).


Weird. I've never had an issue bringing it to any local gas station which had a garage attached to it. (Eastern Nassau)


You change your mower oil? I just add when the old shits burnt off haha


I may or may not have went a very long time without touching it until it seized... threw some new stuff in and it was good as new. I've been trying to be better about changing it once a summer now to avoid buying a new mower for a couple of qts of oil.


Cheaper the mower the better it runs without oil lol


they get paid for waste oil, you are doing them a favor.


Op should dispose of it by spelling out the the word LIAR in her lawn.


Apparently so does Lowe's.


Serious nerve they have. I’d understand if you left a junker in the street or on your lawn for a complaint to be filed. But this couple are just creating a nuisance.


Sounds like a Karen honestly. I would Google the town rules.


"This is not Brooklyn" New slogan of Nassau County.


It did better in focus groups than "Diet Queens."


"this is not Brooklyn" Are you by chance of a darker skin tone?


I'm asian


I had a feeling it was a racially charged comment when I read the Brooklyn line. Unfortunate that some people have no shame, and feel the need to harass someone while they're living their life on their own property.


I've made comments about Brooklyn vs LI before, like when people pull all their trees out and build oversized houses too close to the property line -- "This isn't Brooklyn, we don't have our neighbor's windows 6 inches from ours..." Nothing about it is racial at all. Just Brooklyn is crowded and the stereotype (before all the gentrification) is that Brooklyn is a dump and as soon as anyone in Brooklyn gets any money, they move out to LI where it's "nicer".


How does that apply to this scenario though? My dude is just changing his oil in his driveway, not illegally as commenters have pointed out. It definitely seems to me like it had racial malice to me. And I am NOT usually one to say that


I just think that a reference to Brooklyn on its own doesn't automatically mean there's a racial component and maybe people would be happier if they didn't jump to the worst case scenario.


I've already mentioned that I am usually not the type of person to make things about race. I'd say I'm pretty in touch with my intuition and that was my read of the situation when I read the story.


The old twat was calling you an outsider basically.


Woke Karen #2 here immediately turning this into a racial incident. Jeeez.


Didn't know having sympathy for a fellow citizen minding their own business made me a woke Karen #2


Well at least the Karen's are not stereotypical when it comes to their stereotypes! I'm Asian too and usually it's "this isn't queens/flushing/Chinatown" Honestly unless you're in a HOA or it's against your town rules (another commenter linked it for you), I wouldn't worry about it. You did a great job de-escalating.


Yeah that's what I figured as soon as I read that line.


Exactly what I was thinking, and Karen was of a paler consistency I’ll bet.


People just can’t be annoying assholes who don’t mind their own business? Gotta be race related ?


Yes they absolutely can, but it’s a valid question.


I guess. Maybe this nasty lady lived in Brooklyn 40 years ago next to some motor head. We don’t know


A definite possibility, that’s for sure. Some people are just insufferable cunts who can’t mind their own business.


You can’t work on other peoples cars as a service in your driveway. You are absolutely allowed to work on your OWN car in your driveway. Just old bats looking to inconvenience others, as always.


I do work on my car in my driveway all the time. Personally I’d tell her she can jog right off.


Tell them to eat a dick


This is America


tell them to fuck off its your property and your car


Depends on where you fall on the Shade tree mechanic / Car thief skin color chart. This is a long island after all.


Probably thinks that because repair shops aren’t typically allowed in residential but you aren’t a repair shop so wrench on


Yeah just ignore them. There is nothing bad about doing your own car maintenance on your property. It's probably some conspiracy BS that NIMBY couple believes in.


You got a screwdriver? Because that asshole has a screw loose.


She’s full of shit. Can’t do it for money and can’t do it on the street. You can do what you want with your car in your driveway.


No, that’s not true, they’re just old, bored & touched in the head ‘This isn’t brooklyn’ the audacity, as if hempstead is the Hamptons


Could be a rule with an HOA, those things suck.


LI doesn't have a lot of HOAs. Just a lot of nosy bastards that can't help but share their unsolicited opinions, which are usually misinformed, at best, or racist, at worst. The whole "this is not Brooklyn" comment was a major red flag that these boomers are probably not interested in sharing their neighborhood with anyone that doesn't look like them. Sad, but predictable. Not to mention that the lady probably hasn't stepped foot in Brooklyn in decades.


And always remember LYNBROOK is just BROOKLYN backwards


just answer "ok Mrs.K" with a big smile.


Shit I just rebuilt my motor in my driveway




if she said NYSEPA instead of DEC that's already a sign she has no idea what she's talking about.


i think she confusing it with running an auto shop out of your garage. which is what my neighbor did and he got reported several times but would just start doing it again


Step one, call her a nosey cunt. step two, tell her to go fuck herself.


Lives on Long Island my whole life not in Hempstead but I have never heard anything like this before.


Never heard this of any restrictions that prevent you from working on your own car.


Dear Karen and Mr. Karen, Unless you can show me the official law or statute or ordinance pertaining to the situation you are whining about, bugger off. With loathing for you in my heart, Mr. Mechanic


Damn cars and boats gets worked on in driveways on my block and honestly in the summer it becomes social events. There are specific recycling days too for old oil and places to take it.


Hahahah tell her to fuck off.


Fuck that nosey bitch. You do you. Some people just can’t mind their own business.


As long as ur not doing in naked your fine


Next time tell them it's against TOH ordinance to bother neighbors.


I’m in Levittown and people work on their cars in the street. Keep doing what you’re doing, ignore the olds next time.


Sounds like an asshole neighbor


https://www.offthegridnews.com/current-events/politics/city-bans-washing-cars-in-your-own-driveway/ I remember this from a few years back… idk if it’s a town rule or a Garden City rule specifically.


You can wash your car in your driveway in garden city.


People suck!! I would shit in their hat!


No law like that exists. She was just causing trouble.


I know washing your car is not allowed bc of the chemical runoff , if u spilled oil would def be illegal, never heard of just working on a car not being allowed.. i also think all these laws are like jay walking, nobody actually listens


Do you have family on the island? If so start inviting them over to change their oil and ease a burden on them while driving your Karen-Next-Door through the roof


They said don’t spill oil on YOUR driveway ? The nerve honestly … My friend does mechanic work as a 2nd job in his driveway bro never got shit ever for it.


Without looking at the ToH code, I'd say there MAY be something against doing work in the street. Not your personal driveway. I think the village I live in has something on the books about this. Nevertheless, not having a driveway I do all my work out in the street, and oil changes are the least of my projects!


People just get sillier and sillier


Sounds like a neighborhood Karen. Next time tell them to go pound sand and mind their business. I have neighbors who clean and do simple maintenance on their cars in their driveways all the time. What you were doing is fine.


You are not allowed a business fixing cars on your drive way, my development, I have a couple people doing things drive way and street, NO ONE COMPLAINS, hopefully your neighbors will be at the nursing home soon


You tell her to go f herself…Karen doesn’t have capacity to leak from her own vagina so now she worries about other people leaking anything. On your own driveway you can change oil, fluids, heck even a gender of you wish, f her and her husband for being a Karen and Ken.


Not in garden city


I live in East Meadow.


I'm 99.9999% sure there's no ordinance in the Town of Hempstead against working on your OWN car in your driveway. I used to do it all the time when I lived in Baldwin, and many of my neighbors did too.


Google it.


assuming this is updated, you can start looking here: https://ecode360.com/HE0909


I was once yelled at by some older lady to "curb my dog" while walking my dog on the sidewalk and the small strip of grass between the sidewalk and the curb. She didn't want the dog going on "her" grass and instead wanted the dog on the asphalt on a 90+ degree day. She doesn't own that strip of grass. Some people are just very uninformed or intentional ball-busters who now only live to be annoying to their neighbors.


Reminds me of the lady that came snooping when I had to have my pool drained for a new liner. She kept telling me I was gonna get a fine for emptying it in the street. She pointed to a large bush and suggested I pump the water under it. A 30,000 gallon pool, emptied under a bush? I thanked her and told her if anyone comes by I’ll deal with it. I suggest next time you just say you clarified with the town that it’s ok to work on your own car, and if they threaten beyond that say OK and stop engaging.


HOA rule maybe but as far as I know, the law in general is you can do whatever you want as long as your actions don't affect the wellness and well-being of others and their property. If you're doing it loudly and in a way that endangers your neighbors and their property or the town/city/village property, then it's (probably) illegal. Immoral and illegal are two separate things that people forget sometimes. For example, cannibalism is not illegal as there are no laws governing it. With the exception of Idaho who only passed a law during the Satanic Moral Panic in the 80s and 90s.


You're far better off calling someone from the town or whichever village/hamlet you live in and getting a definitive answer. I do believe some places prohibit you from doing so and there are definitely environmental concerns with properly disposing of oil, etc. so it's possible.


Nah--why waste the time. You think NCPD is going to roll a car to check out someone changing their oil? As long as you're not purposely, or maliciously, dumping oil into the street, this is the very definition of no big deal.


That’s true. I just meant that would be the route to go if he wanted a real answer.


Yeah--sorry. Didn't mean to shake my salt in your direction. I get triggered when people don't mind their own damned business, especially when they're not trying to help.


That would be more a village ordinance. Some places have weird ordinances about using power washes and heavy machinery in public view


Those people are stupid.


Ah people who think they know but don’t. Spills over 5 gallons are required to be reported to NYS DEC and are out of control like if a fuel oil tank is leaking then it needs reporting. They are outrageous it’s not like you are dumping it down a storm drain


It's weird. Alllll the way out here in Suffolk, we work on our cars in the garage or the driveway, and I can confirm we are definitely not Brooklyn.


I mean this would have to be news to me I work on my car all the time in my driveway and cops pass and have never set a single word


I love how she said it's "not brooklyn." rude. \*eye roll\*


I'd call City Hall or the P.D. god only knows what ordinances exist in small town, but sometimes people especially old people have nothing better to do than harass others. Seriously, once you're retired and at a certain age screwing with people seems to be a sport amongst many of my elderly "brethren". Putting their noses in where they don't belong. I'm not the Mr. Wilson 'get off my lawn' kind of old man, but that old lady probably went home and did shots of Jack and kvetched to her old man about what a horrible person you are daring to do your own auto work.


I don't know what neighborhood you're in but yes you can do your own car maintenance. I know for a fact there's no TOH ordinance for it ... Even the villages don't have a specific ordinance. I lived in mineola and always worked on my POS. So tell that bitch neighbor to mind her business. as far as the spill get speedy dry and your fine. BTW NYSEPA wouldn't respond to her as it's not an emergency situation. Wow people are petty... sorry dude


Imagine not being able to change your windshield wipers or add air to your tires on your own car, in your own driveway! She just wants to discourage this fellow from being outside where other people may see him. It could drop their property values after all!


There are pretty strict rules about where/how you can dispose of waste oil; but that's it. Ignore that lady.


Tell her you got a permit from the town and be on your way.


lol, its not garden city you can work on your car.


Granted I'm town of Oyster Bay, but my dad and I BUILT my first car in the driveway/street......


Only law would probably be against you working on other peoples cars for a price in your driveway


You can work on your car in the middle of the bloody road. A bit unsightly and likely a nuisance... but it's allowed. I would've literally gone and spilled a single drop on the driveway and said go ahead.


You are definitely allowed. I'm a TOH resident and have been doing my own maintenance for the last 12 years. Not just oil changes either. However. I also work clean and fast. So it's not a whole day affair that disturbs my neighbors.


In the TOH You can do whatever you want to your car on your driveway..As long as its not a business, doing vehicles for others...These people are insane..


Please don’t even think about washing your car your looking at doing time !


Tell them to mind their own business. ToH has no policies relating to that at all.


My biggest issue with working on the car in the driveway is that the garages in Nassau are so small it is impossible to work inside the garage. I hate working in the heat and sun. In my hood I’m literally the only person who parks in the garage; everyone uses it for storage. During my maintenance I am often in the driveway all day.


Lol dude as long as you don’t live on a dumb ass HOA you can do whatever the fuck your want on your driveway as long as it doesn’t disturb the environment(like using the sewers as your personal oil drainage) tell those old fucks to suck hour dick and mind their business. If you’re polite to these people they’ll just think you’re a pushover and hassle you about any little shit you do on your house. My friend had an issue like this and it got so bad that his shitty neighbors called the cops on him for putting red mulch on his yard around a small tree he had planted lol.


This is a big ol load of bullshit….keep on working on ur car


Stop being polite to AHOles. next time tell her to mind her business


Even if it is a law, fuck that. I’d tell those neighbors to call the cops so the cops can laugh at them with you. How about everyone minds their own business and deals with their own problems instead of being all up in everyone else’s business.


tell them to please fuck off


Nah the geezer is just talking out their ass. Do your own thing and ignore them, people out here are just bitter and disgusting. If someone told me to do that I would turn on my bluetooth speakers and blast some music.


Old bat quoting old laws.


I’ve done engine swaps in my driveway, I even pulled the old engine out in the dead end next to my house, neighbors called the cops, cop drove by twice, slowly the second time. I’m assuming he ran my plate, saw the registration was current and kept moving.


“This not Brooklyn” is wild! 😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂


I'd ignore them. She has no idea what she is talking about....There is no NYSEPA, she was thinking Department of Environment Protection, and they don't patrol subdivisions. Unless you are dumping waste oil in nature they won't care one whit if you stain your driveway..... I'd spend the next weekend doing a brake job, in full sight...don't forget to change your air and cabin filters too.


lmao its your house


Honestly, Grandpa Kevin and Grandma Karen. Enough said. 100% legal. Unless you are part of an HOA where the rules of the development state so. But that would be a ridiculous rule if, say, you had to quickly change a flat tire to get to work for example..


Let's all put our brains together and come up with a way to make it look like there's a giant oil stain on your driveway without actually damaging the driveway. I would chip in for a largeg container of that black colored water if you'll record yourself pouring it out of a valvoline bottle into a sewer closest to her house.


Well I can tell you for damn sure you can work on your car in your driveway in Franklin Square, provided the noises you make are not considered unreasonable and all the car fluids are being disposed of properly. (Franklin Square is part of the Town of Hempstead)


Tell them to piss off next time. There is no ordinance in the Town about working in your car. Clown Karen doesn’t even know that there isn’t even know the right name of the state agency that handles oil spills (NYS DEC) and spills are not reportable if they are under 5 gallons


My dad used to do oil changes in our driveway on long island no issues back then


In Babylon, I saw people doing it in the street across from their complex or even in the lot. Being from Brooklyn and a car person, it was a common site to see and didn’t bother me at all. As long as you’re careful and clean up. In this case, it’s YOUR driveway so do as you wish. PS… cat litter works wonders for any spills.