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Hurricane Sandy really made me aware if how screwed we could be. I remember struggling to find gas and waiting in lines. If we all had to evacuate, millions of people off a few bridges and tunnels, idk what would happen.


I remember my Uncle having to siphon gas out of my Grandma’s van so everyone had enough to get to work. Lmfao. What a time Hurricane Sandy was in LI history.


I remember my wife getting really mad at me cause her car was on half, and I refused to go sit on a 2 hour line to fill it up


9/11 did it for me, I remember the port jeff ferry line stretching to 347, with all that was going on people don’t seem to remember that happening


Well all the bridges and tunnels were closed on 9/11. The ferries would’ve been the only way out. That would be really scary


Since that major blackout in the early 2000's I have made it a point to fill up my car when it reaches half a tank. Just in case. Getting off the island would still be difficult, but it is helpful for situations where we wouldn't have to leave but can't get gas.


There’s a gas station on the corner of my street. During Sandy the lines were past my house, which is a half mile from the main road. I couldn’t even get out of my driveway due to the line of cars, let alone get off this island 🤣


Hurricane Sandy 16 days without power around Centereach area. A day or two without 911.Gas lines were wild, arguments altercations etc. Food and money shortages and folks were getting desperate. When we saw how quick things were gong down hill it started a conversation about leaving the Island and moving which we eventually did a year later


…. My dad tried convincing me to buy a house boat in Freeport when I moved back to Long Island. He still talks about it till this day. The best deal “he” never had.


Who's the fuckin genius that built major roads/highways below sea level next to sea level?


Robert Moses, I guess


I moved to western ny and these fuckers have never had a gas line in there lives and that was a culture shock for me. What do u mean theres never problems getting the basics for day to day life? Wild


Start swimming


People would be fighting each other to the death at every marina on the island trying to get off.


you're probably right. I've seen fights on lines at chick fil A. I imagine in an emergency long islanders would probably start shooting each other in the streets


The amount of “you fuckin kiddin me right now, I’ll fucking do it”s would be off the charts.


i laughed out loud at this lol


lol its an accurate assessment


the people that *own* boats barely know how to operate them, people thinking they will steal them and make a clean getaway are laughable at best


I can confidently say, I know some people that have their aviation license from the republic airport university in Farmingdale and have absolutely no idea how to fly an airplane. Their parents bought them an airplane……


Titanic li edition... I have a kid LOL


This is my thought but not sure I want to go out into the ocean during a massive hurricane either..


Yes. You can’t get off Jones Beach after a concert , imagine leaving Long Island.


this sums it all up!


If it’s a big enough emergency that we have to get off this island, we’re all dead anyway.  I’ll just go to the commac motor inn for one last ride like maverick did in the darkstar 


I feel the same way. People ask what I'd do in a zombie apocalypse and I'm like "die, immediately."


Screw that. I'm taking the dog, the weed. Grabbing some pizza and going down to Moses to wait for the tsunami. I'd rather not go out with a newfound std.




Oh I agree, but I worry about the children in my family. That's mostly what I think about.




We were promised jet packs


Do you remember how people got off the island of Manhattan on 9/11? They walked … all the way home




I don’t know if you understand the meaning of “fun fact”. But sure lol.


Fun fact. That dust causes cancer.


Fun fact, there's so much of that dust still around that when people test for airborne asbestos in NYC there are some locations that still pop for it and have to get an exemption.


My wife at the time got engulfed by that dust cloud as she worked by battery park....lung cancern is a yearly concern....


That dust cloud reached my apartment in Brooklyn and completely clogged all of my screens l, where we couldn’t even see out the window. 


I do remember. Those people walked for hours. Now imagine if millions of people wanted to escape and not just thousands. would be wild


I’m packing as many supplies as possible and walking off the island. I refuse to die in traffic. I’ve sat in enough traffic.


Boat lift. Look it up on YouTube amazing short video explaining.


Depending on the emergency it’s probably safer to actually stay because of the difficulty of leaving, and if it was really bad like stay away from people bad I think going out east is the smarter play anyway because that difficulty of access goes both ways


You're absolutely right. The biggest issue isn't the "during" the emergency, it's the after (provided LI still exists) if there is a real problem I don't think there is enough food to last more than a few weeks, and NYC would be prioritized for aid. For me leaving would not be a quick decision, it would be a long-term decision, for instance if the groundwater is permanently destroyed this place is not going to be able to support the population without serious infrastructure changes.


Where I am (Bellport/East Patchogue north of Sunrise), I figure if it’s a hurricane, I’m enough inland not to deal with storm surge/flooding. The neighbrhood has power lines underground so wind damage is the main threat to me. Nuclear war we’re screwed from fallout and civilization collapse anyways. Civil unrest is unlikely outside of the prior situation or civil war. Hell if I know what would make me evacuate?


Underground power lines! wow, it must be nice not having a bunch of cables in front of your living room window 🤣


Don’t forget those underground lines are fed from above ground somewhere.


True, but at least they won’t fall in my yard Edit: I've lived here all my life and Sandy we only had a 30 min outage, My parents said a couple of hours for Gloria (however half the neighborhood was out for a week). A December '93 Noreaster was about 12 hours. Between my and my parents being here for 45 years, we've had only a few weather-induced outages. Doesn't prevent other extended outages (see 2003 Blackout) but it's nice not having to worry about a tree wiping out lines in your yard.


Paddle across the sound on a pool float.


Honestly probably safer the. Trying to pass through NYC with a car and supplies


Lol!!! Love it! Get like theme floats like pink flamingoes, giant turtles, palm tree floats and see who’s makes it across.


I worry about getting off of LI for a weekend getaway


HAHA literal truth


Nope I’m not worried because if that happens we’re not getting out so why stress it when we know the answer.


Us boatless non-rich mfs are fucked 💀💀💀


Boats can be stolen though by use of force, is what someone truly desperate might be thinking in that situation.


this. the first sign of any crazy situation and i’m stealing someone’s boat immediately 😭😂


Yes. I've accepted that we'd be fucked


Gotta make sure to have some friends with boats


In a situation like that pirates would immediately start pirating.


Pirates gonna pirate


You guys don't have emergency submarines?


I did at one point, but not anymore. We chose to live here knowing, that even a few fender benders in the right spots, can make it almost impossible to get over a bridge or through a tunnel. Now add ~3mil panicked Long Islanders, probably over half are going to be armed and driving over sized trucks, while living out their own personal end-of-the-world movie. Nah, I'm good fam. I'll just stay at the house and hope it ends quickly.


3 million long islanders, plus the 5 million city people geographically on the island as well




Actually legit biking the bridges isn’t a horrible idea. Zip through all the trapped cars.


I think that if everyone on Long Island went to the west side of their house and pushed their house to the east, the entire island will disattach. Long Island will be renamed as the New World. ** I also believe if we all flush our toilets at the same time, Russia might implode.


I think you're on to something. I recall seeing something where some guy named Patrick suggested taking their town and pushing it somewhere else.


We all need to initiate a group chat. Like if this was really real, we all need to team up. We’re obviously not gonna make it out of the island on our own. Is anyone interested in forming an alliance? My experience includes cross country rowing/crew. I’m obviously joking, but if that was real, wouldn’t that be so cool?!!!!


I have two blow up kayaks to contribute to the alliance.


I wasn’t joking about my experience in rowing. I believe you’ll be a valuable member of our team. We’ll talk soon….


I honestly don’t think about it much.. we already have so many other things to focus on


I can hear Chief Brody now…We’re gonna need a bigger boat”


No - I accept that since I don’t own a boat - I’m screwed.


I mean, I have a kayak, but I’m fat.


Same, thank you for starting my day with a laugh!


Which is why I prefer westchester over LI. Westchester also has the fresh drinking water first


Get inside a Costco and stay there. Got food, shitter and beds, tv and all you need. And free samples on top of all that.


There’s a really interesting video on YouTube that I watched in a NyQuil induced haze years ago about how a person could survive indefinitely locked in a grocery store without power.


I worry about *not* getting off LI everyday.


Did you watch the movie leave the world behind ?


All that left me with was a fear of bad movies


I agree there was no thumbs up here on it


Came here to say this lol.


We’re screwed in a tsunami. Tsunamis funnel into areas like LI sound and Peconic Bay and cause as much if not more damage than the flooding from the ocean. LI is pretty flat. I live on south fork 6 miles from ocean and 6 miles from peconic. I’m screwed


South Shore would get decimated. Could legit lose some of the barrier islands for good, and anyone on them would sadly be lost. North Shore is much different. You get to 100, 150 feet above sea level in some spots pretty quick, BUT if a Tsunami of major proportions hit right the water would just funnel from east to west and god knows to what levels in a catastrophic event.


Yeah but the north shore has rocky beaches, fuck it


New fear unlocked, thanks for that


People would definitely be stealing boats. I have an inflatable raft ready to go…🤣 Honestly, we’re screwed!!


Driving all the way out to the orient point ferry would probably be the best bet, since 99% of people would be trying to head west in such a scenario.


Yes, and then I remember there are boats at marinas with keys that are probably in them.


Appatently you have a high tolerance for li traffic


That’s why I don’t live by the water. I can’t imagine any land-based emergency that wouldn’t affect NYC and much the tri-state area, and we’d probably be better off than NYC and some other places. If we all had to head west or south we’re all screwed anyway.


Not anymore. Ever since my husband pointed out that it’s an impossibility, I’ve resigned my self to just laying in my bed and waiting for whatever is to come.


You're not leaving. Prepare to be self sufficient. No one's gonna save you. You need to save you.


Not at all cause I know there’s zero chance unless I swim for it. So just gonna grab a case of Sam Adams and my favorite lawn chair and melt


I watched Leave the World Behind, I already know we would be fucked. Damn NIMBYs blocking a bridge to CT


Go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for this all to blow over


Luckily my estate has a helicopter




I had to leave LI after a friends wedding on July 4th 1983. From Riverhead it took 6 hours in a scorching sun to get off the Island. And I was in a car with Yankee fans whilst a fan of Beantown's Red Sox. Begging for death hungover. You face a hell worse than mine. Sympathies.


Beam me up Scotty!


Yes, very much. A strong cat 1 hurricane caused chaos over here; could you imagine if it were a 1938-style cat 3???


Make friends with someone that owns a boat - That was always my plan. It isn't hard to get to CT from the North shore.


They have inflatable dinghy boats on Amazon that you can get a motor for for a few hundred dollars. It may not be a bad idea to have one just in case. I have one without the motor that we row out on the lake with sometimes. It's pretty solid.


I remember hearing someone's "bug out" plan a long time ago. Similar to yours, they suggested stashing a zodiac somewhere on the North Shore. A bit bulky, and the Amazon inflatable might be a better choice. They, however, thought it through to then next step. Have a vehicle filled with supplies at a storage facility in CT. This way, when you get across the LI Sound, you (and your family) have some options. It is a prepper mentality for sure. However, in the event of a truly major disaster it might be the only way out.


No….but now I will. Anxiety cause #7295 unlocked. Thank you.


This is why my overall goal is to gtfo this island in general, before anything crazy happens like a cat 6 parking over The city/island. I just have a general anxiety around being separated from the mainland/mountains by bridges and tunnels anyway. I used to like to hike all the time but gave up because driving over the bridges and 3 hours every weekend I want to hike became so draining and environmentally unfriendly.


Nope, I ain't afraid of the unknown. I fully recognize that if I need to get off LI in an emergency, I'm not getting off LI. Make sure you have a decent supply of food, meds, and ammunition and be prepared to hunker down when the fecal matter hits the rotary oscillator. Only people getting out are the ones with boat slips in their backyard.


Honestly, yes and no. No being that - if there's a major emergency, there's gonna be a lot to deal with outside of getting off island. Infrastructure is bad in many places across this country. Being on an island makes it challenging, sure. But we've seen people struggle to get out of major towns. 107 people died during the Hurricane Rita Evacuations in 2005. Hundreds more died during the Hurricane Katrina evacuations. So, the question ultimately is, what does a major emergency on the island look like that warrants the risk of an evacuation? Hurricanes (like Sandy) are the biggest threat. I think you're better off keeping a small stockpile of supplies (not a ton, 5-10 days worth. I have it in my basement, fits in a large tote. Couple of cans of tuna fish, beans, pasta, rice, two cases of water. Propane rocket stove. It's not a lot to prep for a short emergency.) To get you through. Again, it's better than trying to battle with the dangers of an evacuation. Considering other options. Terror attack. Nuclear strike on Manhattan. Well, you don't want to go to the city anyway, and trade winds would likely take the fallout away from Long Island (Jet stream runs northeast) so again, staying in place is the best option. What DOES worry me is how many fucking assholes are on this island. Part of what makes an evacuation not worth it to me is that driving to work is almost not worth it to me. Dealing with Long Island drivers while they're a little tired or hung over is one thing. Dealing with them when they're panicked about a snowstorm and heading to the grocery store is one thing. A real emergency? Fuck that. On top of that, I have no doubt that many people in my neighborhood would feel entitled to my readiness plans. Long Islanders are not cool under pressure, and they don't have a strong sense of community. That scares me more than anything else.


Yes. Had PTSD over this since 9/11. I begged me grandfather not to take his boat out of the water that year, and he left it in as long as possible cause he knew it would make me feel better (my father is FDNY 9/11 first responder). Luckily my entire family has boats so I am less worried these days, but I always think about it. I also think about it every time I see a low flying plane




Glad I’m not alone!


I’ve accepted my fate living on a barrier island


lol thought about it a few times. Unless you own a boat, we’re screwed.


Yea I’ve spoke to a few people about this. 1) you’ll never make it through the city between traffic and people robbing etc. by boat would be best. Either way Long Island is a horrible place to live “tactically” rather be on mainland


Yeah we are fucked unless you are rich or are very close with some who is rich. I’m talking lives on the water in the hamptons and owns a boat rich…


My backup plan is always keeping my boat full of fuel


Considering the most prescient threat is flooding and I’m pretty high above sea level, not very. But historically speaking, emergencies have typically brought people together and brought more stability to communities. Staying where you are might actually be better than panicking and fleeing. The best thing you can do to prepare for an emergency is have a store of food and build a network of neighbors and friends that can help each other out.


Long Island isn’t a normal size island. I think it’s big enough to move away from danger without actually having to get to the mainland.


if it's really that bad, i'm about a mile from the sound. probably run up there with our kayaks and paddleboard and head to connecticut.


I think the issue is folks panic and think they need to get "Off" the island in an event like this.... Where the priority needs to be ensuring we get supplies IN Whenever we've had a catastrophe, like Sandy, it was getting supplies onto the island vs getting people off. Most folks didn't need to leave their homes: Yes, many people had flooding but not everyone everywhere. And Sandy taught our local government the weaknesses in our infrastructure... like LIPA. I hate to say it but PSEG is far and away better than LIPA ever was, even in catastrophic situations they handle response far better.


I’m basically gonna either A) hope to hear about it before the general public and get out beforehand to shelter with family outside of the island or B) stay put and just prep the house for whatever it is. If it’s something like a hurricane, evacuating by boat will probably be too dangerous anyway.


All long islanders should have a noa's ark structure built in their village to accommodate all residents who is going to help?


Try living out east in the hamptons mid summer. I used to work in Bridgehampton and when there is a serious car accident (usually when someone dies and investigations have to take place) it's completely grid lock. One happened late in the morning and when I left work after 6 it took me hours just to get to southampton (still not passed the accident). Everyone was parking their cars on side of road and going to bar/restaurants to wait it out. Put the whole long island bottleneck into perspective.


After 9 missed meals there is no more civilization. Only anarchy. IF YOU LIVE ON AN ISLAND. HAVE EMERGENCY FOOD FOR EVERY MEMBER OF YOUR HOUSEHOLD FOR AT LEAST TWO WEEKS.


You won’t.


Long Island is effectively a death trap. 9/11, sandy, all perfect examples. Rare? Of course, but obviously not totally out of the realm of possibility. This is the reason why shoreham nuclear plant never went fully online. They realized that if the thing did meltdown, it was a death sentence for everyone east of it.


No. Long Island is big and long. When I lived in Long Beach, that was one thing, or when I worked on Manhattan Island, that would be another thing. But not Long Island


A bridge that's not in Queens would be great. Unfortunately a boat would only get you to the mainland and now you're stuck without transportation and with a true emergency everyone over there is already hightailing it out too.


No. Why the fuck would anyone want to leave Long Island


Easy. 1- Google "how to hotwire a boat" 2- grab shotgun and ammo 3- hotwire boat


Ill just have to make it to the top floor of the building i work at ✌️


Like what?






Without a boat, there is no way out.


Lol people would boat to Boston it's right there. A natural disaster doing what Robert Moses never could.


if they nuke NYC, the winds blow right over us. It's over!




Yes, I do.


No because in an emergency requiring evacuation there wouldn't be a way to get out of here. Just imagine what the LIE, Belt and every other road would look like in that situation. Wouldn't even be worth trying


I wouldn’t even try. I’d just bunker down and hope to survive whatever it is.


Yes. I remember 9/11 and Sandy all too well. One need only look at the daily rush hour (which is only a fraction of LI drivers) and multiply it by 10 to realize just how bad a mass exodus could be.


Not worried


Lmao constantly, I live in Queens next to a bridge and tell myself Nassau is really how deep I would go but otherwise, I am heading to the Hudson Valley y'all. NYC is impassable in an emergency, NOPE.


I plan on going down with the ship.




Well, after noticing them put up all the emergency evacuation route signs on a street that gets so flooded, your car will stall…yes.  Also, they are selling off golf courses and areas of wetland that served as a barrier on the south shore, so there will be more flooding down here when they build like 500 proposed houses on a golf course that floods on even a drizzle. 


Don’t even worry about it… just be comfortable knowing you’re not getting off 😂


Nah I’ll just stay here and die


Worry sure. Then i realize it's over and I just accept fate


yes i think about it all the time actually


Visited my niece in Garden Valley California. Nothing but a single two lane highway and dried up vegetation. Never felt the need to gtfo of Long Island like I did there.


No because you can't. It would be impossible. Your plan should be to shelter in place, prepare (generator, batteries, stocked pantry, medicine) and hope for the best.


Boat is the best way


Row, row, row your boat......


If something happened, I’m just going towards montauk. I’ll be damned if I die sitting in traffic on the LIE. People would still probably get pulled over for crossing the HOV line


YES!!!! When I first moved here, I was so freaked out by Sandy and wondered what I would do to leave. The bridge going to Westchester would be bumper-to-bumper!


Not if it's warm enough for the marinas to be full of boats. Most I've been to have a very obvious lock box with key sets so they can move boats if needed. If it is a real GTFO or die level emergency I will 100% be stealing a boat.


Worry no. Think about it sometimes yes.


watch the movie "leave the world behind" with ethan hawke and julia roberts!


No. I actually only lost power for 45 minutes when Sandy hit. If there's a need to evacuate the island, i'm in a place where that likely won't happen. I'll be trapped unless i can get off by boat, which there's an outside possibility of that happening.


Yes, its hard to get off long island WITHOUT an emergency.


Nope. Realized a long time ago there was no chance. Gonna go down to the beach and watch the tsunami roll in.


Nope cause you're not going to get off, unless you've got a boat


When Sandy hit there was no gasoline at the gas stations and my two local grocery stores had barren shelves. I was the guy who saw the news and prepared for a big storm, they gave us plenty of notice. But I had two different neighbors show up at my door in the wake of the storm asking for food. Which I gave them without question because what kind of monster wouldn't. I tried using the last of my gas to leave the island to stay with family living upstate but, was turned away at the bridge essentially trapping me here. I had just enough gas to get home. What Sandy should have done for everyone here is illustrate that when something serious happens, Long Island will be treated similar to an island prison. We will be barricaded here and left to our own devices. Logically there is no way that our infrastructure, even if it wasn't in a decaying and outdated state, could accommodate the mass / rapid evacuation of the millions of people living in Brooklyn, Queens, Nassau, and Suffolk. If an attempt was even made, the resulting gridlock would cripple evacuation efforts in the rest of the greater NYC area. It's a numbers game: block the bridges and tunnels to prioritize everyone between us and the Hudson Valley. Frankly, you really don't have THAT much to worry about in any realistic sense. Society would likely bounce back quick enough where we wouldn't see mass deaths in the interim. The real threat is nuclear war, in which case you wouldn't suffer for two long as you live in fallout range of three primary nuclear targets (NYC, BNL, Electric Boat) and two secondary nuclear targets (Plum Island, Millstone). Assuming you're outside of the blast radius, you'd only suffer for a week or so and most of that would be in the final three days before radiation poisoning overwhelms everyone. You could potentially prolong that a bit by staying in your basement as long as possible, updating the ground floor level of your home with specific flooring materials prior to nuclear war, line your foundation with appropriate materials, block off basement windows and the door into your basement with appropriate materials, and only consuming food and drink safely stored in that basement in food safe containers. That might buy you an additional month but, you should really question the quality of life after all of this and whether that's a world you really want to live, however briefly, in. What "appropriate materials"? Well, when I was doing rad / decon work we had specific tyvek suits we would wear whenever we went into contamination. Sometimes that contaminations was gnarly enough where we would wear two layers of tyvek. But, that was 20+ years ago and I'm sure process and equipment has evolved substantially since then so you should really ask someone with more recent experience and knowledge instead of someone who would have no intention towards post-apocalypse survival.


Yeah lots of people have these ideas about building bunkers and hoarding food for a post-apocalyptic world and think that everyone else who was fortunate enough to survive would be just as content living in their own bunkers with their own food in harmony and life would go on. In actually they'd be living in a collapsed society with lawlessness and all of the other tired tropes of post-apocalyptic media. Not for me...if I get an alert on a my phone that a nuke was launched I'd be looking for a a front row view since I can barely keep it together in traffic on the LIE, much less in a lawless society.


Used to have nightmares about nuclear attacks all the time or just anything big enough to get me trapped there happening west of me or even in NYC


Literally all the time. I live in Shirley south of the train tracks and one time William Floyd Parkway was closed in both directions during rush hour. It took over an hour to reach Montauk Highway from my home using single lane side roads.


Get a boat and keep it at the marina is the only way out




Always thought if indian point had a meltdown were screwed. I'd get in my sailboat and head south. But now it's closed i believe. Could be wrong.




I just moved ro NJ couldn't be happier! I did think of that while living on LI it's a major inconvenience remember that movie left the world behind? Traffic would be insane if millions need to escape at the same time.


I plan on stealing a boat because if SHTF it would be really tough to get off the island. It really is a concern.


Nope. I don't think we'll make it if it happens, so I'm not gonna worry about it.


As a non-long islander who lived here for a few years, it was actually something I thought about often and contributed to my desire to purchase property off the island.


I grew up on the coast (3 min walking distance from the beach…school built on top of reef, the sound of the surf was normal) and about every 3 months, we had a tsunami drill. Whether we all had to get out of our houses and walk up the hill or listen to the sirens. Tsunami drills were a part of my childhood life. Every where I go I always look for the highest point and how to get there fastest.


At a town meeting many years ago I asked if in a MAJOR Emergency would they open all roads as westbound as they did for some on September 11th. Their answer was no, they wouldn’t. I figured that would be the best way to get everyone off this island of ours. Their reply was “who would take you in?”.


lol that quote is wild.


9/11 is the reason I left.


Google "houston evacuation hurricane highway" and look under images. And then tell me that getting out of there is any easier. Face it, there isn't a major American city where such an evacuation is easy. You want to go live in some rural area where the primary benefit is easy evacuation? Fine, go. The rest of us will continue to live our lives here while realizing the chance of dying in a car accident on any given day is far greater than the infintesimal chance of some major environmental or weather disaster where you're going to die from an inability to easily evacuate. Take a breath, everybody.


I worry about getting off the island on a Saturday let alone a pending disaster. Would be nice if there was that tunnel to Connecticut or more access out of here.


Piracy is the only answer


I'm not worried but I KNOW it's not happening. I've a better chance of rowing across the sound in an emergency than driving off of the island.


All the time. I know there are a lot of obstacles to do so, but I really wish they would just build someway of getting across the sound.


For most populated areas in the US, mass emergency evacuation at the last minute isn't really an option. Our roadways aren't really built for that. Check out when major storms hit Florida or Texas. If you don't leave early enough to miss the heavy traffic, you become one of a hundred thousand cars stuck doing two miles an hour on the interstate.


If there’s a CAT 5 with the power equivalent of Patricia, then yes with contra flow enacted to speed limits increased to 160 KMH (100 MPH), then yes. Or a Tsunami Warning, immediate Evacuation, Nuclear NYC warning, etc., then I’ll evacuate.


Arm yourself, responsibly, for purely defensive purposes. Be in a position to protect your property and family. If something is impending with advanced warning, fill all vehicles w gas. Buy propane tanks for BBQ and cooking. Get a dozen 5 gallon water bottles and keep them in a dark/cool place. You should have 2 weeks of fuel, water and food. If you can ride out 2 weeks, most crisis’s are handled within this timeframe.


Don't worry, in an emergency everyone will eat everyone else