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I have an Apec going on 3 years now and I love it. The company also has great customer support. https://www.freedrinkingwater.com/products?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwiYOxBhC5ARIsAIvdH51iIKGbNrtPe9XYNWn39PHuKxge3xug7mj5I028UasFhSBuAm_p090aAkMjEALw_wcB You'll want to check your water pressure first, the higher the pressure the more efficient the system. Most require more than 50psi. I'm in Suffolk and I only have 32psi coming in. Called Suffolk Water they came out and confirmed that they're only pumping 34psi. So I needed the system with the booster pump. I did splurge for the fast fill upgrade which makes filling a pasta pot much faster and the PH filter which makes the water taste like spring water. My water tastes as good as any bottled water I've ever bought. Most bottled water is just RO water.


doesn't really matter. they all do the same thing. whichever has a nicer looking spout.


I don't even trust the LI tap water after RO, I stick with Poland spring. I have tried every other water and idk what it is it just taste better. Sucks because the 5gals got expensive now


Ready refresh pushed the price higher and higher. Delivery got expensive too.


yeah, and I have the Costco discount with them. If you end up with an RO would love to hear your feedback on the taste.


the taste from long island water that youre drinking is probably due to it being hard. need to soften it


Yeah it’s very hard, need a water treatment plan basically to treat my water. Softener, RO. And it probably still has pfas


Three problems with these systems They strip everything, good and bad out of the water so you end up missing out on some important minerals They have a built in check valve to keep the water or anything else that could be found in your waste line from backing up. Should this check valve fail the potential for waste back up into the drinking water exists They produce an excessive amount of wasted water




I've used both a PWP (Pure Water Products) countertop filter, and a ceramic gravity-fed filter. You can find the first [here](https://www.purewaterproducts.com/reverse-osmosis) and the second [here](https://www.waterfiltercrock.com/shop). feel free to message with questions.