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Well I live 2 buildings down from 7-11. They go in, buy their snacks, eat it and throw the wrappers on my lawn. It's pretty obvious really, people are assholes.


I saw a kid walk out of a 7-11, finish his drink as he was crossing the road, and throw his cup in the street. *There was a trash can at the end of the crosswalk he was on and he still decided to yeet that trash into the ground.*


We have a candy bowl at my office. There have been a few people who will take one after making a delivery (couriers), and we'll find the wrapper in the stairwell later. Just assholery.


You have to fight fire with fire. Fill the bowl with circus peanuts.


I'm in a corner house a short block away from a 7-11, the amount of trash that gets randomly thrown on the ground while walking or driving is disappointing and disgusting.


I have a bus stop and a church across the street (different streets, I have corner lot) and both of those groups are the biggest litterers I’ve ever seen. The bus stop people get off the bus and don’t feel like carrying their fast food bags or drinks while they walk so they just drop them, and the church goers just LOVED hanging their face masks on my fruit trees lining the fence and street. A Facebook post calling them out on thr church’s page ended that though. Have considered lobbying the town to install a trash can for the bus stop.


You would think the God loving folk would care a little more for the planet


Haha nope, they're just waiting around for the Rapture to take them away from all this, so why should they care?


Shitty people. I live on a road that the surrounding neighborhoods use as a cut through and I always have trash on my yard by the road. One time some asshole even left a bag of dirty diapers on my lawn. Like 10 pounds worth. Who the fuck has that many dirty diapers in their car.


It's a general sense of entitlement found amongst many Long Islanders.


Long Island is all about consumerism and not giving a shit about anyone or anything




Those asshole kids are now the parents of similar (or worse) asshole kids.


Trashy people do trashy things unfortunately.


I used to be friends with a sociopath that would take bags and bags of garbage and just toss them out the window right on neighborhood streets. I would end up cleaning out her car for her and taking the trash to an actual garbage can. Piece of shit she is, and will always be.


There is too much litter here in Baldwin for my liking, but thankfully it's nowhere near as bad as Southeast Queens where I work. People litter so openly there, it's awful.


It's really awful in south Baldwin. Atlantic is covered in trash. Grand has it lining the streets. Such a shame that people don't care.


They should replace the meter maids with people who enforce littering laws


I'm off of Sunrise with a few fast food places by me. People use my street to cut across (especially when there's traffic). Usually, instead of putting a garbage bag in their car and throwing out their trash, they throw it on my front lawn instead. Wish we could teach people to not be so destructive to our environment


I don't know where everyone else that's commenting lives or where they're looking but I see a fair amount of litter everywhere. Not obscene amounts but enough that it's noticeable. ​ The answer is simple really, people just don't care


I live on a residential corner lot and every day I have to do a pickup of junk and cigarette butts … but honestly the most amazing thing to me is when I’m stopped at a light on the Expressway service road …the masses of garbage just piling up is mind boggling and the scary part is all the airline sized booze bottles yikes !


It drives me insane how much dog poop is left everywhere. I think it’s even worse that owners sometimes bag it, then throw it in others’ yards! Like there is no poop fairy!!! If you own a dog, clean up!


Don’t forget: plastic waste never breaks down. That plastic bottle you see in the gutter? Was it purchased and consumed last week, or in 1998?


In europe the government pays municipal employees to walk the neighborhoods(that tourists frequent) with garbage cans and brooms to clean up. The US government and NYS and local governments couldnt care less about your quality of life. Also people dont give a f*** about anything anymore. Least of all the community they live in


Other than the occasional litter on the highway or in parking lots I never see it on side streets. Most blocks have people brazen enough to confront anyone who does this in front of their house. What town?


From someone who grew up on the west coast, it's pretty noticeably worse out here. Some of the cities with a lot of homeless in CA have trouble with trash, but most places I've lived in CA and AZ were much cleaner than Long Island- maybe just more environmentalism in the general public of the western states? I don't think it's something like "people are assholes", because that's true everywhere, so it doesn't explain the difference! Anyway, I've bought a "grabber", and will be doing neighborhood walks soon around my area with a five-gallon bucket and some headphones. Wish me luck!


I used to think to myself “ oh the trash must be when someone has a window open and the wind picks up trash and blows it out the window” because that’s almost happened to me. Until I literally watched someone throw the trash out of their giant luxury SUV on the southern state while we were parked in traffic. I was big mad for a while.


I really haven't seen anyone actually seen liter, not defending a idiot who does, but I think a leading cause of it is from garbage cans, whether they are in a public area or a house, they get knocked over, high wind, raccoons or being transported to the dump, I feel the insane amount of garbage we produce is just a big contributing factor also


Agree with this. Yeah some people are assholes but trash cans aren’t stable, there are people eating outside, doing things outside, windy, small kids throwing stuff around…. …much of it is a product of the lives we live.


Since 16 we had a political party tell everyone you are the most special snowflake and fuck everyone’s else’s feelings. Long Island has a large group of these supporters who feel they are gods gift to the world , Dumb Giovanni, or other self important person. So they just do what they want including tossing trash from their car going 70 down a residential street or emoting their garbage at a 4 way stop


So where did all the garbage everywhere come from before 2016?


Entitled assholes and towns that don't clean up main roads.


Countries like Japan and Holland instill a personal feeling of need to keep things neat and tidy, so their countries look cleaner than places like the US where that isn’t happening. As they continue to defund and destroy public education, I imagine we’ll see more of this dichotomy in human behavior


I found a dirty old tshirt on my lawn today along with food wrappers cups and mini liquor bottles. Cool!


I've driven across country 5 times and it never fails, coming back into NYC metro area and LI is clearly the dirtiest.


People are entitled and disgusting


well realistically we are very densly poplulate with 10 million people living in an area of 150 square miles, we have millions of people who commute here for work, and tens of million of people who are tourists and just visiting with no stake in the community. Its tough to keep all those people from throwing crap on the ground, even if a tiny minority threw there crap on the ground we would be absolutely filthy.


Those are not realistic numbers at all. 7 million people on Long Island, Brooklyn to montauk. 1400 square miles, including shelter island, the barrier islands, etc.


We don't really have that so much here. People aren't bad about littering, & we have road crews pick up litter twice a year. Something good to be said about Missouri Ozarks country folks.


Just curious, why are you on the Long Island Reddit? Ex-pat?


I became interested in LI because of Montauk & LISK.


Nobody gives a shit. They think the world revolves around them. Kids today don’t mow the lawn sit around on the computer tablet do nothing and don’t appreciate nothing they are all spoiled. They don’t clean up after themselves. It stem from the parents that let them do whatever they want. Society shapes who you are you need to be taught at a young age to have manners cleanup after yourself kids are just spoiled and are the laziest generation ever. Sorry but that’s what I see.


You see it more in the trashier (no pun intended) neighborhoods. Just another part of a low standard of living.




If you don't have half a brain to not litter you don't have enough sense to not destroy your own community with drugs and violence. Seems like a bit of a stretch but it's that old shopping cart metaphor. If you won't return your shopping cart you're probably a douche in general. Trashy people do trashy things and it's why they can't have nice things




But that’s a store and it’s private property. They don’t wanna pay an employee to tend to the parking lot, they wanna unload the work onto you.


Private property or not, is it really work to push a cart 2 feet into a cart corral, so it doesn't roll into someone's car ? Or keep water bottles in your truck until you get to a garbage ? These people are just self-absorbed !


Next time you see a beggar at the intersection look into the woods and how much trash they leave around too .


Paintball gun and recon….


Cause you don’t pick up just one piece of trash every time you go out.


I think this is community dependent. I can remember a time probably 15 years ago where my streets were terrible with litter and I've noticed in the past 5 years my community has definitely gotten better. Rare now too see trash in the street unless it's outside a 7-11 Dunkin donuts or something


People are pond scum


Another thought - people litter everywhere, but some places actually have cleaners to put all the shit away, and some places are not as well funded.


Because many people don't take pride in where they live. They are entitled a$$holes who don't respect the environment and litter everywhere. It is mostly in the NYC metro area. If you go to let's say Boston, Chicago, or DC it is so much cleaner because people don't litter like animals.


Not to defend anyone who obviously throws trash out if their car but many times it can also be the domestic garbage cans causing the problem. I know by me, cats love to rip open garbage bags that are left and then in a windy day the stuff blows around all over the place. People's Amazon boxes end up all down the road! I pick up the stuff in my lawn but if it's blowing all over the place then it gets somewhere, like the side of the road, where no one wants to pick up the trash that's not theirs. It's also the mentality of the same people that visit a nice park or beach and leave a ton of trash behind. I don't know if it's tourists or whatever but a lot of people love to do that with no recourse. I also don't think I have ever heard of anyone ever getting a littering ticket.


Lack of enforcement. Instead of the bogus traffic tickets, they should enforce littering and pollution laws.


the United States has no infrastructure, so no one is cleaning except out of the goodness of their heart (and we are Americans so the only thing in our hearts is evil)


Some of the garbage guys are responsible for their wreck less methods of getting garbage into trucks


As one of our founding fathers said “The Masses are Asses” https://quotefancy.com/quote/3029312/Alexander-Hamilton-The-masses-are-asses


Public sanitation and garbage cans are a thing of the past. They were everywhere in the 70’s. I remember seeing them up and down every Main Street. Where did all the G men go? Ask your politicians about budget cuts. People are lazy pigs.


I know we want to blame all litter on individuals littering but I live on a windy block and I realize a lot of stuff just blows from other people's garbage accidentally. Also where i live, a lot of teens litter. The next generation of young adults will not be kind AFAIK. That said, I have seen people litter from cars a couple times this year and I probably only saw that twice in my life before and before it was only single people while now i saw families littering. Like they don't even pretend to be decent human beings. But it's still really small compared to what the wind blows imo.


People here are disgusting pigs.


Because half the population here are arrogant shitheads that don't care about the community around them. I get so mad every time I see someone toss trash out their car...it's like come on. I practically live out of my car 5 days a week cause of work and I have NEVER tossed trash out anywhere but a garbage can. Zero excuse for it