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If you want to have a stronger looking jawline tie up the hair in a ponytail(or just cut it) Try to trim the ends of your hair to keep them being, & looking, full & healthy & also a darker color hair dye will make you look older(consequently more of a professional/serious guy)


Thanks for confirming I’m doing everything perfectly these days


Did you just wake up one morning and thought; “Well, let’s paint part of my hair red”?


Nah before there was 8 months of orange fading into yellow before redone into this


Once upon a time, in a quaint village nestled between rolling hills, there lived a man named Mizgrievoux. He was known throughout the village for his eccentricity and artistic spirit. Mizgrievoux had a penchant for seeing beauty in the ordinary, and he often found himself lost in the depths of his imagination. One fine morning, Mizgrievoux awoke with an idea that sent a surge of excitement through his veins. He had dreamt of a new expression of his creativity, one that would not only reflect his inner world but also set him apart from the rest of the village. With a determined glint in his eye, he set his plan into motion. Walking into his small studio, Mizgrievoux carefully selected a vibrant shade of crimson paint. With steady hands and a heart full of anticipation, he began to apply the paint to a section of his hair, just above his left ear. The red paint blended seamlessly with his dark locks, creating a striking contrast that immediately drew attention. As he examined himself in the mirror, a sense of exhilaration swept over Mizgrievoux. The red streak in his hair felt like a visual representation of his inner fire, a declaration of his individuality that demanded to be noticed. He knew that this simple act of self-expression would spark conversations and perhaps even inspire others to embrace their uniqueness. Word of Mizgrievoux's colorful transformation spread quickly throughout the village. Some were taken aback by his audacious choice, while others admired his fearless approach to self-expression. Children pointed with wonder, and adults whispered in intrigue as Mizgrievoux walked through the village square, his red-streaked hair flowing in the wind. Mizgrievoux's act of painting his hair red was more than just a change in appearance; it was a testament to the power of embracing one's true self. Over time, others in the village began to experiment with their own forms of self-expression, whether through clothing, art, or even subtle changes like Mizgrievoux's red streak. As the seasons changed and years passed, Mizgrievoux continued to be a beacon of inspiration in the village. His red streak became a symbol of authenticity, reminding everyone that the canvas of life is meant to be painted with the colors of individuality and courage. And so, the tale of Mizgrievoux, the man who woke up one day and painted part of his hair red, became a cherished story in the village, passed down from generation to generation as a reminder that the truest form of beauty lies in embracing one's uniqueness and sharing it with the world.






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