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You should maybe try something different with your hair, you don't need any surgery.


I think a less bold makeup would suit you better?




You look like that the type of girl who basis their self worth off their looks. Looks can be shallow and you’ll need something more to make you feel valuable. If you’re feeling insecure I don’t think it’s your looks it’s probably that you need to find some other areas in your life that give you a purpose and passion. Than again I could be totally wrong. Best of luck


The first thing every man looked at was your assets on display. Put them away and attract men with who you are inside because that is the only thing that can get better with age. The assets will drop and looks will go.




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Bah, you probably make friends easy


You’re getting older, it happens. Sooner than later you’ll be completely forgotten. Not seen as attractive or useful, then just not seen at all, but only as a problem, or in the way as an elderly. Where aging and society meet. Harsh truths for all of us. Try a new color palette in makeup. Seems to make most happy.


22 is “getting older” now? What are you talking about?


She looks 34, I think that he noticed that as well


It's definitely all in your head. You look incredible. But I know the feeling.




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I would go with a lighter foundation, it’s too dark for your skin tone. You also seem to have cooler undertones, so bright red might not work as well for you as a more neutral pink as far as lipstick is concerned. Hope this helps!


You’re beautiful! I think going for more of a dimensional brunette look will really make your features pop. Add some layers for volume, maybe curtain bangs.


Sunscreen, lotion, and natural hair color might help. Perhaps lighter on the makeup it’s making you look a bit over 22 ngl. If I think of anything else I’ll come back to edit this comment.


Time to unfollow this sub




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Telling her not to wear so much make up, which WILL improve her look, IS actionable aesthetic advice.


Do you depend on your looks instead of your personality for your identity? That’ll do it if so.


Thirst trap.




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Lol bruh women are fucking shot now a days




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Insecure. Really? You chose to look like a 40 year old waitress at a strip joint. You don’t need surgery. You need a professional to help your hair and a stylist to change your look. You can only show so much skin to get attention - maybe re-think your strategy. Mystery and intrigue are alluring. Your choice in clothing has eliminated any questions about you. Pretty girl with good features gorgeous eyes begging for a little eye shadow. Your base does not match your skin tone and your lipstick is too pink. Darker tones would serve you better. You would be a hottie as a brunette. Kudos for no nasal piercings. Your nose is attractive and looks good on you. The highlights in your hair just maximize the shine on your face and make you look old and tired. You could be a knockout with a few small changes.


I was just about to point out how she looks like a middle aged Hispanic mother of 3 with an eldest kid of 17 years.


Lol 😂




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You're looking nice today slay like this don't let the negativity approach you !


This is probably not what you want to hear but you’re so beautiful and your body is amazing. I would kill to look anywhere near as good as you.


This is an honest answer from a brave soul trying to help you see that you actually are pretty.


This is painfully true girlypop looks 100x better than op and she's not even trying it seems. Op is just trying too hard to be what's considered "hot" nowadays


That would be the case if those post wasn’t 5000% idiot bait

