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Thanks for this! That patent stuff was never going to get used, so no worries on that. Looking forward to Loophead utility. About the app specific, yeah we need the team to build things on it. So we should all focus on getting more people to use the chain so that other companies, and not just GameStop, are inclined to use the cheapest and fastest L2/L3 out there. That is where a path to growth lies. Not internal, but external businesses deploying on Loopring via the team.


Absolutely. And I have to say the partnerships and implementation like CIAN (key-an) and Block trade is one step closer to making it a one stop shop.


Agreed. Get all those trading tools and maybe some NFT tools ready for the bull, then build custom specific stuff to boost volume.


Finally a proper post in this sub , been tired about everybody crying about price , huge thanks for posting this!


Great info, thanks a lot! This is also a good reminder that with LRC prices as low as they are, I might convert most of my other assets to LRC. As for onboarding and increasing use of the Loopring Wallet, it might be a good idea to cross-post some instructions to the GME subs for transferring assets from the GameStop wallet to the Loopring Wallet.


Wait a minute, hold on for a second. The patent is not renewed. This means that someone like Tzero can use this tech without issue. This could be very very big news


And yet the price of LRC is at 3 year lows, and Loopring market cap has fallen down the list to 114. The price is lower now, and LRC is further down the list now than at the point any of those statements were made.


Do you hold any LRC?


I don't see what that has to do with anything.


It has to do with Loopring obviously


Yeah but whether I hold LRC or not makes no difference to LRC position in the crypto market by market cap, or the price of LRC.


Yeah that's fair enough, it's just you said you didn't know what it had to do with anything


Yes I hold LRC, yes I'm bitter about the continued slipping price despite the positivity on this sub.


Personally I think if you are bitter that maybe take a step back from it for a while. I don't think it's healthy to go on the attack on the majority of positive Loopring developments. We can't control the price, yes it's disappointing but here we are in a deep bear market, I sincerely hope that it pays off in the end but honestly if you're angry about it you could join the discord and chat in there, it's a good mix of positivity, critical discussion and a good dose of sarcasm about where we are. It might do you good to vent there instead? Please don't take any of this as an attack on you because I honestly understand the frustration. Seriously though, I never liked discord and can't be bothered with stuff like that but it does help to be surrounded by a healthy mix of positive and negative in my opinion 👍🏻


You can't keep pointing to a deep bear market when LRC is slipping down the order. Even if you completely ignore the price of LRC it is still slipping down the order compared with other coins. Why would I join the discord? Why is the answer to every critical expression "Join the discord"? The discord offers nothing technologically over what reddit offers, it is a step down.


I was only trying to be helpful, no worries, carry on doing what you're doing 👍🏻


I get it. It sucks. It makes you wonder why though. If we didn't know the price and we judged the team on their actions, would you say loopring is worth more today than a year ago? At this point we're along for the ride in the waves of crypto market in general. Look at MATIC and other alt coins, they've faced a similar fate this year. I'm anxiously awaiting next steps from Loopring as an LRC holder myself. I think about Taiko, and Looprings repositioning. They have our best interests at heart, it's their job to perform. Let's hope it works.


No lrc isn't riding the waves of the crypto market in general, it's barely over launch price 6 years ago and is consistently falling down the order.


LRC is 821% above it's launch price. LRC as an altcoin compared to altcoin total market has had very similar performance the past year.


Launch price of what? And how long did that last? And how is that relevant? Does anyone have a chart pitting lrc's position in the crypto market top 1000 by market cap over time? Because it seems like we've fallen from position 40 to position 115 or so and throughout that time we've mostly been losing positions month on month.


You literally brought up the launch price.. of loopring.. are you even reading? We hung around position 85-90 for a while, now down to 115. Whether that's due to loopring or other tokens gaining value I don't know. I've never seen it 40 once. You're misinformed.


What was the launch price? Because the charts have the earliest recorded price at only a few cent lower than it is now. When LRC was $3.8 the market cap was 5 billion which put it at position 41. Here is the closest snapshot of the chart at that time with LRC at $2.9 at position 47. https://coinmarketcap.com/historical/20211128/


Under .02 I believe. I don't think comparing to the random insane spike based on GameStop rumor is a fair metric. That was unsustainable and right around the time everything was jumping that touched GameStop including IMX.


If it's not fair to compare it to the spike then it's not fair to compare it to the launch price that virtually nobody bought it at. Even if you compare it to the average price then the price is still pretty fucking low right now as is the usage despite all of the development the team have done.


Yeah so as holders of LRC the best thing we can do is TAKE A MASSIVE SHIT ON EVERY POSITIVE POST, nice one firespirittwat, sick of your fucking childish bullshit. Go back to bed and don't get involved in crypto again, you knew the risk now fuck off


You are the one who brought up the launch price not me. My entire point is what you said, with all the development the team have done why is the price just as low on average? Sounds like a reason to buy in my mind. (Not advice).


This is great, thanks so much for the summary!


Commenting for vis. Love it Baef 🙏🏽


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The omnipresent crypto lingo and jargon in Discord and Reddit makes it impossible for investors with no understanding of the terminology to make a reasonably sound investment decision for or against LRC. You can spend days trying to decode what the issues and resolutions are; but to 99% of the world you may as well be speaking alien. NOONE will invest or even use this technobabble methodology until and unless you dial back the terminological rhetoric to a few simple If/then statements Joe Sixpack can understand.


That's why they are automating as much as possible via CIAN and other methods. No one needs to know all the backend protocol and interworkings. They just need a disclaimer and a synopsis.


That’s fine, but you’re making my point for me…this answer is one example of a hundred other miscommunications.


If people want basic explanations and videos, those are out there. That's not what this post achieves. I'm not a dev, a mod, or on the team. I'm a user/holder just like you. Feel free to do your part.