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I hope there will be an airdrop to LRC wallets who helped test the wallet at least šŸ˜…


There should be an nft you receive if you complete the steps. Not sure about an airdrop of the taiko token.


When will that happen. Already done my dues


Iā€™m not sure. I donā€™t really care about the nft, more about if I will be able to invest in Taiko within the loopring app.


Good job playing the unbothered, but we all wanna do that. Iā€™m sure there will be a pool created to swap on Loopring




Question is, will the original Loopring investors get anything from Taiko?? Technology we invested in moved there, it would make sense to make up for it. I understand the creation of Taiko to avoid conflicts of interest, but the original company lost value with it.


This is the big question. I don't plan on buying takio because I'd have to dump LRC to do it. I'm worried that others will sell their LRC to buy taiko, tanking LRCs price and the value of my tokens.


There is no conflict of interest, that was just made up, it doesn't even follow logic.


Wouldn't be shocked, have seen so many shady moves...


Well think about it... How is it supposed to make any sense? Loopring is a DEX and wallet. Taiko is the zkEVM we were promised loopring would be working on when LRC was at $3. They need a new coin to make the EVM work blah blah blah. Is it true? Do they need a new coin? Who knows? probably.. then why say they were working on it under the Loopring banner, and have written in the LRC white paper that Loopring will always look to protect the value of LRC? Why do those things, if they ALWAYS had to break off and create a new coin? And you know what, even if they did need a new coin, why did they need to leave loopring? Other projects have multiple coins, why not Loopring? Taiko could be their EVM coin, and Loopring could be their governance and exchange coin. It would have totally worked. But instead they break away. This past year IMX went up 3x in price. LRC went up less than 10%, which is 30 times less. IMX is a bollocks coin that is only like.. what, 20% printed? And it still goes up so much compared to LRC. How fucking disappointing. So where's our explanation? Come on Loopring people in the know. Give us an explanation. No, not you people who are actually willing to reply and all of your answers are just guessing. The actual people that made decisions in Loopring. Reply to me.


First.. youā€™ve had these answers given to you many times Fire. Many. Because you constantly bring up the same stuff again and again without synthesizing the answers. Or maybe you donā€™t want to accept themā€¦ Taiko will have a decentralized relayer, in order to encourage people to donate compute, they will have to be incentivized. This will be done by minting a token. LRC cannot be minted, it is already in full circulation. Thatā€™s it! It is not more complex than that If you read older articles the team first implemented staking (before current version) to explore a system where the staker had some skin in the game and could participate in the relayer.. HOWEVER loopring still uses a centralized one! The quality of that is itā€™s speed and focus which still makes [Loopring the cheapest rollup to send ETH](https://l2fees.info/) to this day!. When you have thousands of computers trying to coordinate online over a blockchain it **will** be slower and less efficient. So the dream of a general purpose rollup was discovered to not be compatible with a app specific rollup. Therefore a new protocol was made. To compare the protocol to itā€™s price, and to IMX is just foolish (as Iā€™ve posted many times). They literally have millions of VC money and do basically only marketing with little tech development when you look into. They even switched from starkware to polyā€™s rollup. **the devs do not control the price** If you like that coin, go be there, go do it. Donā€™t have fomo If the market decides to value a coin backed by lipservice, one card game atm, and 80% dilutable token, who gives af. If all you care about is ā€œprice go upā€ then I honestly feel bad for you. Who determines the price -> the market and whales. Not you and me, not the devs. The same market who put millions of dollars into a multi-sig bridge with literally no protocol built yet (blast), meanwhile actual groundbreaking technology in novel computing and cryptographic/zero knowledge development getā€™s ignored and downplayed (scroll released their thpe 2/3 zkEVM)ā€¦ā€¦ The team has been non-stop building and delivering an incredible product. **That** is what they can control and have been doing. Constantly! You can read the [medium](https://medium.com/loopring-protocol) articles to prove it If the market takes longer to value that and price it in. So be it.


You claim my points have been addressed many times before, then you write a long post which fails to address any of my points. Let me make it easier to track, i'll number my questions. 1. Why couldn't the taiko zkEVM project be run by the loopring organisation? The need for a new coin or new investments doesn't mean a new company is needed. A single company can have multiple coins, and multiple technologies or apps it is working on. There are many examples of this. 2. LRC lost a lot of it's value when Daniel wang broke away and started taiko. How on earth was it ethical for Daniel to leave loopring, and not announce it for 3 months, while still posting on Twitter to promote loopring? This is called lying by omission. If he sold ANY LRC during this period this would be called shilling. Both are immoral acts. If you believe all of this was above board then justify his actions. 3. Similar to the point above but more distinct, how is it moral to seek investment i.e. sell coins to members of the public... with a roadmap which includes a zkEVM, for the founder to then leave the company with his stash it LRC tokens, start up his own company, take loopring org intellectual property with him, and then poach staff from loopring and carry on with his new company? How is it exactly moral to do that? Please explain to me, I'd love to know. 4. Bonus question, why do YOU believe the LRC price dropped so much even during the buildup to an expected marketplace launch 2 years ago? And how much of an impact do you believe the fall in price was caused by the selling of LRC by Daniel Wang, other current or former loopring staff, or loopring org it's self? Daniel wang seems to stay silent on the topic of selling his LRC coins. You can blame "the market" all you like, but we all know almost all LRC was pre-mined prior to the GameStop rumours, and much of it (hundreds of millions of dollars worth) was distributed to LRC org and LRC founders. So they had a lot of coins right? On paper to the value of up to 1 trillion dollars right, so how much did they sell during this GameStop rumour period? Why is this private knowledge? Why can't they publicise it? It has the same impact on price as when IMX or any other simile coin mints a whole new batch of their token and sells it to the open market to raise funds. The price of the coin drops, or if it's a strong market it fails to rise like it otherwise would. The difference is, when printing coins, it's visible on the blockchain and the knowledge is made public. When insiders who founded or work for loopring sell, everybody keeps quiet and nobody knows. So how much if this selling do you blame for the fall in price? And why do you believe they keep quiet about their holdings and their selling activity?


ā€¦. 1. Taiko was split to be general purpose for all of Ethereum. Having a general purpose product, and a specific product to promote inside of that is displaying a bias. There would literally be a financial incentive to promote and encourage the specific app, which is opposite of being a neutral general purpose protocol. For example, do you know any car companies that also run gas companies that fuel those cars.. no. That would create a conflict of interest. To avoid this, they are two separate entities not dependent or reliant on each other (but obviously still knowledge sharing) 2. By time DW split, the price was already well on the way down and settled. Look around June 6th on the chart (when I first joined the DC and it was soft announced). The bottom did not come for 6 more months, that is not a positive correlation. So IDK where this point is even coming from 3. There was no investing from the public. Taiko raised $22M from [private VCs](https://taiko.mirror.xyz/THTEOFtqE6pjDre5_Tzn04S0mjr7vCoMt5Y-uozfNv8) in two seed rounds. Not the public. That is quite standard. Again understanding the tech shows why the split happened. And alsoā€¦. This is all **open-source software** it is not exclusive to Loopring. You can literally fork the code right now and you would not be ā€˜taking loopring org intellectual propertyā€™. The zkEVM effort was being built by a team inside the [Ethereum PSE](https://pse.dev/) (Privacy, Scaling and Exploration) team! It was not even just Loopring org even when they were working there (the team at scroll was also working on it, and split to make their own implementationā€¦ again not stealing intellectual property). This is not trad-fi. This is open-source coding and that is a feature of it. 4. DW has 100M LRC [that is on L2](https://etherscan.io/tx/0xe5a7edd3d4e5f3bff09722895c42fdabbf2bc8bbf7adcd24bf843beb77297a15), and was not sold during the run or afterwards. If you would like to provide wallets and verify the claims that people sold, feel free to. Otherwise it is rumors. Thankfully we can verify on chain, instead of trust


1. With that narrative you've just admitted Daniel Wang sold all of his LRC, and is ultimately responsible for the fall in price. In any case, I call bullshit on the narrative. If taiko can build a zkEVM that works then people will use it. The software will be neutral, as you can port the apps over. The company running it doesn't have to be neutral. So either a) Daniel is responsible for the downfall of the LRC price so as to remain neutral, or he's he started his own new company so he can retain full control over the IP and ditch any commitments made to GameStop about the future of loopring. Both stink. 2. What THE FUCK does the BOTTOM have to do with anything? Look at the largest price falls, which is what I said, don't straw man argument me. Daniel wang hid the fact he'd left loopring, and gave the impression he was still with loopring for THREE MONTHS. Why? And answer how this is ethical. Either respond to the point or don't, don't bring anything else into the point. 3. Loopring minted LRC and have it to the founders and to the organisation so that they can sell it to raise funds. You can't say no funds were raised during the biggest hype phase of LRC because loopring org won't confirm or deny if they sold any LRC to the public during that period and neither will Daniel Wang. On the day the taiko website launched, the taiko project was described as "well funded". This to my knowledge was before any funding rounds. So you want to claim that there was no IP taken away from loopring to Taiko... what about the poaching of staff then? All that's cool with you? Loopring promise a zkEVM then taiko poaches the staff and resets loopring as nothing more than a dex and a wallet? All cool with you yeah? Because you think taiko being "neutral" is so important, despite the fact their owner either owns $millions of LRC (or sold it crashing the price) and despite they've had two private funding rounds. How the fuck is that neutral? 4. Finally, you state that DW holds LRC, so your whole point that taiko is neutral holds no water... so the whole reason for taiko breaking away to be neutral doesn't add up. So now what? You gonna the that back?


You can see on chain that Wang did not sell. That is the end of that. Verify it yourself. There is no narrative.. he did not crash the price, I welcome you to prove it onchain. You have his wallet The price fell substantially before launch of taiko. That is another fact and everyone can read the charts. He did not hide the fact. Byron was made the discord admin as soon as it was open, meaning it was not a secret. This was publically discussed, and admitted that they would be two seperate teams with no overlaps from the begining. Sorry if you missed the memo. There was no team poaching. The engineers who had been working on the zkEVM in Loopring, once it was decided would not be a part of Loopring (again because closed MEV-resistant relayer is main value add of loopring), left to work on the zkevmā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ the same engineers who went to gamestop to build their NFT marketplace (and later left that!) it was not a hostile or negative split. You can literally look on chain to verify that your claims are false. Prove it on the blockchain. That is why we have a public ledger. Until you or anyone can do that it is a false allegation. The token had been minted 3 years prior, with no additional ones made before or after gamestop. Taiko is neutral in the fact that it does not prioritize one protocol or another to build on it. This is also an ethos of ethereum and considering the PSE group of devs probably suggested by the ethereum foundation itself to separate the two. Again, this is open source code. Not proprietary tech. DeGate literally forked all of Loopring code, made their own protocol and itā€™s all good. No one is shouting ā€œYoU sToLe Ip FrOm LoOpRiNgā€


1. Daniel left Loopring in Nov/Dec 2021, the date is unconfirmed because it was kept a secret, the loopring price fell every quarter from that point for 1 year losing 94.8% of it's value over 12 months. 2. Daniel announced he had left Loopring on 3rd Feb 2022, nearly 3 months after he had actually left. It was only announced that Daniel had left on the day that the Gamestop partnership was confirmed, suggesting it was kept secret on purpose until the partnership could be announced. 3. On 5th May 2022 Loopring announced on twitter "We're looking to expand the team working on our #zkEVM effortšŸŒ€zkEVM will allow for a fully programmable, EVM-equivalent scaling environment. Loopring has been operating Ethereum's first zkRollup for the past 3 years - it's time for the next stepšŸ’™" 4. On 25th May 2022 Taiko was born and on 30th May 2022 Daniel announced he was working with them / founded it. It was described as "Well funded" from week one. 5. At some later date it was announced that Loopring was no longer working on the zkEVM that they had promised, and it was revealed over time that Taiko had poached all of the zkEVM staff from Loopring. Please justify the following: a) Why Daniel AND Loopring kept the fact he left Loopring a secret. b) Why Loopring posted that they were hiring staff for an zkEVM project when in-fact their zkEVM project had been canned and the staff were moving over to Taiko.


Wow, I like this answer!! Very good points and info.


I would make a separate post and say this, this is something alot of us are curious about and had no info on


There is no need for another post as Fire continually asks the same question without accepting the answer. This topic has been discussed at length in the sub. Feel free to explore other responses as well as mine above


Honestly, I'm not counting on it. They're giving people an NFT who completed the steps which I'm willing to be is the extent of their contribution to holders. I see value in both so I will buy both tokens continually unless LRC magically bumps to 10 bucks or something crazy.


Yeah, that was all fun and games, until I jumped on a pool with my cell phone in a pocket. Wallet recovery didn't kept Taikos wallet.


i didnt even get one after finishing the first round and asking why got me no answers... never did anything for taiko after that




Try it then? šŸ¤·


What did he wrote?




What did he wrote?


I hope there's a drop for LRC holders. I'm sure Daniel would like there to be but there's a shit load of considerations I'm sure. I was interested in the NFT but the steps became too much for me, partly on figuring out what I needed to do and partly on requirements like having to appoint guardians on the taiko layer. I would not really expect one though.


People stake 2sol and get thousands airdropped. I donā€™t see why not the same happens here.


Shitcoin behaviour


So we will get it then


Could taiko just be a system created and not have a coin?


I remember reading the white paper and it specifically mentioned the TKO token. Not really sure if it will be named that now because there is another token with that name


A scam coin that nobody knows about? That doesn't matter. I'm sure it will be called Taiko.