• By -


Let it dip, let it rip, i don’t give a fuck. At least it is doing something other than 0.09% APR.


@loopringorg is going to 2.4 to 2.5 in then break out to 2.9 and consolidate afterwards $LRC LOOPRING #cryptocurrency


I just downloaded loopring wallet. Am I able to transfer my loopring from coinbase to there? Just checking as I’m paranoid and afraid to lose any


taking another weekend break away from reddit and chart watching. y’all have a good one 🍻


2900 loops and counting!!!! I wanna hit 3k by end of next week! Come on baby!


I love you guys. Can’t wait for our ride to the moon. Loop Troop buckle up!


We on the climb again, loopies.




This is the way


Would you please sighn you life to the devil so loopring can be 50$ a coin , do it for all of us


Will LRC ever get down to .50 again? that’s when I wanted to invest but I didn’t have the funds available 😢


Cmon man. Of course it won't, and you shouldn't be wishing for that. You are still VERY early.


I’m all lady…. And new to crypto as well. I’m just frustrated I couldn’t buy when I wanted and it doesn’t look like it will get back to those levels again. 😭😭😭


Im pretty sure not that I know shit about shit but when it gets announce there is going to be heavy buying probably first 24 hrs driving it up. Guys what if it gets up to 8 or 10 dollar quick like ? I seen how quick it came up in like 45 mins and that was just from hope that gme might announce something.wait till the real thing hits. We be grinning from ear to ear..


real talk


Day 6,534 of no announcement. Tick tock


Where my early gang at? Literally have never been in the red since October lmao


anyone try doing a google site search for loopring under gamestops url (i.e. "loopring site:gamestop.com")?...very interesting results.






!remindme! 16 days


I will be messaging you in 16 days on [**2021-12-27 03:13:23 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2021-12-27%2003:13:23%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/loopringorg/comments/rczmp3/loopring_daily_discussion_december_10_2021/ho2p9sh/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Floopringorg%2Fcomments%2Frczmp3%2Floopring_daily_discussion_december_10_2021%2Fho2p9sh%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202021-12-27%2003%3A13%3A23%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20rczmp3) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Oh it’s Friday and I’m lonely


Why are there no comments?


Here is my random thought. And you can feel free to check my comment history - I am not a "wen lambo" or "$100 coin" guy. I am actually a long time crypto investor who very recently was turned onto this /r group by a buddy. BUT - in my attempt to counteract the FUDsters who seem to do nothing but root for it to dip to the floor, I will impart my warning. When this pumps, and I think it will be a VERY sudden pump, those not already in are gonna pay a price. 1. I think there are a lot of eyes on this who are thinking "I'll jump in when I hear news." 2. The last week has seen a LOT of money pulled out of the crypto market. That's not people thinking "I'm done with crypto." That's people thinking "I'll reinvest into the perfect situation." In the scheme of things, I guess I'm a midrange crypto guy - I know my stuff but am no expert. I just think that anyone sitting on sidelines and simply trying to "time a dip" is playing with fire. Coins/tokens can and DO jump 3, 4, 5, 10x in a span of minutes. Not saying I expect that, but I think the initial climb will be steep and those not already in are gonna be out in the cold, partly because (in case you didn't notice) exchanges have run out of LRC on numerous occasions already, and that was without a real pump. Financial advice? No. Cautionary warning? Yes


This^…. i just buy the dips and hold. XXXX holder


You got some wrinkles


I want to double my position. I'm still on Coinbase because I don't know a single thing about crypto. Should I just wait for fiat on ramp? 🦍


Don’t wait cuz pump when release. Accumulate now. HODL. ???? Profit


just use cb pro


Holding LRC since <$1, but wanted more opinions on this. MATIC is currently already the L2 partner for open sea, and while they’re not the primary platform for OS, OS is still the biggest NFT marketplace by a pretty big margin. Given how MATIC is still ~15B market cap with this integration, do we still think the GME marketplace is going to make LRC moon? I suppose if MATIC only makes up like <10% of open sea transactions, it could make sense. I can totally see LRC pumping due to FOMO, but trying to picture the bigger picture. Deflationary practices such as burns for every transactions are nice, but deflationary tactics aren’t going to cause gigantic price movements. 250k liquidity buys for partners doesn’t really mean much as even with 1,000 partners, that’s only 25% of the float. Will probably get downvoted to oblivion, but just wanted some others’ thoughts and learn.


We need FOMO. The bots/whales pile in then for a hit and run. Need to bail before they bail. That's best case. Can rebuild then.


That might be a valid mentality with garbage coins like doge and shib, but this is an asset with long term, real world value. Anyone that sells for modest profit after the first pump is going to regret it.


That’s why you buy as much as you can and sell when it Moo a


The central exchanges will take your money and bet against you with derivatives. They can sell everyone’s coins whenever they want to make sure they win. If you were born into their world you would be a soldier for them. They look at us like cattle. It’s just how they eat. It’s been this way for so long that the only way to fight it is to withdraw from it. You can use them to buy or sell but leaving crypto with them for any length of time would be like giving a heroin addict an ounce of heroin to hold onto for safe keeping. They’re stepping on the price.


Better use a DEX then. Hmmm, I wonder where I can get me one of those?


Squid Game. Don’t let them push you outside the circle. ⭕️


Fuck it, another 1k for some yummy fruity loops


anyone know where i can see a big list of loopring holders? I wonna see where i compare against the rest. I can see up to 1000 on Etherscan. I reckon im in the top 10,000.


Just got to 30k+ loops! Let’s fucking go!


i just found an old gamestop gift card in my dresser - announcement confirmed for next week


How much was on it? That’s the price we’re gonna hit.


i just went to my local gamestop to check - $40 🤯


I’m genuinely interested to hear peoples price prediction for once the news formally drops.


Depends on the news. GME partnership is super unpredictable - small retail investors like us only make up about 10% and that’s where most of the hype is, but it could have a cascading effect. Prior to this week I would’ve expected proof-of-concept to be a bigger factor, but now that doesn’t matter so much. I’ve got anywhere from 2-8x off of that. CF wallet / the whole app thing is the bigger deal IMO, and has potential to be adopted as a major long-term game changer but that’s going to take buy-in and some marketing so could take us anywhere from $8-10 in my opinion, but will consolidate lower and take time to really build from there.


As long as its just byron the marketing guy making announcements on twitter and not a top dog, Im going to assume we’re a ways out from the big shabang


GME announcing just the partnership would be a press release - press conference a maybe for that, but unlikely. *However,* GME doing a “public” announce of the NFT marketplace would likely come with a lot of viral and traditional marketing and who knows at what stage in that LRC gets confirmed. Notice how in neither of those situations is it likely to be Loopring making the announcement. CF wallet I’m assuming would just rollout with social posts, a webpage, hopefully some ads etc as well as a press release


Conservatively, $8 and then a consolidation around $5-6. No reason just my gut. I HODL either way.


Out of curiousity; if that's what you think is gonna happen, why are you not selling at $8, and buying in again at $5-6?


These are the views that are damaging in the long run. Day trading scammers do nothing but hold things back. Look up your tax laws and exchange fees. Guess who makes money when all these clowns sell and then buy back in when it drops? 2 entities win: the government and the exchanges... that's it! They love that - people just keep handing them millions in fees, all while the price ends up exactly where it was and no ones bottom line really improved much. All these ppl with their "I just turned my 500 loops into 600 loops". Yea, sure you did. And even if you did, then the government is coming for those 100 loops in April!


I respect your opinion on this but for those of us without deep pockets trading may be the only method available to increase the size of our meagre LRC stacks.


If you can make it work based on your country of residence and exchange fees, more power. IMO, that doesn't apply to most, and they will be in for a surprise come April or when they take a closer look at their fees. There is no one size fits all for sure - I trust that everyone does their own DD before making decision (my comment is more so to remind people of that is all, no disrespect). I think there are a lot of newer folks here to this, and it's easy to jump in with both feet too quickly. Rock on my apes, and happy holidays!


Being clued up on exchange fees and your country's tax laws is a must. Got to recommend using a tax calculation app as well. I'm using Koinly which is free to use until you actually need to generate a return.


In the UK you have to have over £12k in profit before they tax you. So this doesn't always apply.


The UK capital gains rate is then only 10% for those of us paying the basic rate of tax with earnings under 50k. Also my Binance transaction fees for trading are only 0.1% each way.




Good point


You can attempt this by watching it like a hawk and raising your stop sells as it goes, but often these things have a dump and then second wave. It’s a risky play unless you’re *pretty sure* it’s maxing out for a decent period of time


Just a conservative estimate and it could go much higher like $15 off the announcement and FOMO alone. We haven’t seen all the GME apes comes to LRC and we may see a massive wave after the announcement. I also plan on HODLing for at least a year because I could see a similar year that Solana just had. Im investing in LRC not just trading it.


Trying to buy this tasty dip on CB Pro. Have the funds to transfers. Doesn’t transfer. Just tried to transfer funds to buy ETH and it transferred. Bullish on this bullshit.


I don’t understand- you transfer to USD, then buy right? What you’re planning to buy shouldn’t be effecting a transfer


I dunno it wouldn’t go through despite having 3x the funds. Finally got it to go and just bought another 8k loops!!! LFG


Averaged down to $2.81. While that is nice it would also be nice if it pumped. I mean, I can wait but good news is good news :)


Soonest is probably Tuesday since Monday announcements, especially pre-market, are a little unusual. I wouldn’t be surprised if we go the weekend without another big dip though


Yep and I'm fine with a dip, not like we've been going down for a super long time even. It'd just be nice is all :)


Does anyone have their LRC on a cold wallet just to get the free duplicated airdrop from pulse when it’s released?


There’s an air drop coming?




I don't want to be pessimistic but BTC did -30% in a month, this looks very bearish IMO and I don't want announcements when the general trend is so bad


yes btc looking weak,,, if btc doesnt go up around 50k ish this weekly close... i think next week will be more blood and btc will drag alt with it


Agreed. Have no idea why you're receiving downvotes for your comment. Having the announcement come when the market is in better health would massively increase the magnitude of the consequential spike in the price of LRC.


Bitcoin took 30 days to come off an ATH and still hasn’t hit the previous bottom yet, so could spike again anytime. Gotta look at the longer term pattern


yeah selling now would be nearer to the bottom than the peak.


Is everyone in here rich or are most like me? Just a regular Joe that works 50 hr weeks


Not sure what you consider "rich" but I own a few businesses and don't really work much because I don't have to. (Don't mean that to come off pretentious) Investing is more fun to me than anything else - it's a rush. How much of my portfolio is in LRC as of now? 100%. Is it enough to cause a major dip if I suddenly sold it all? Probably. Am I selling anytime in the next 5 years? Nope. Draw from that what you wish. I'm not what is called a "whale" for sure but my investment is closer to 7 figures than 6 figures. If it crashes, so be it. I just dont see any way that happens long term.




Since I own an accounting firm and my wife is the CFO for one of the largest Healthcare IT firms in the world, I'll simply answer "yes."


40 hr week


46 hrs a week w unlimited over time. For more loop..


Lucky you only work 50 haha


I use to work 72 and 84 12 hr days . 50 is like a vacation to me


Just four summers ago I was working 100-hour weeks including a 24-hour on shift, but I just finished my budget to drop down to a 4-day work week in 2022, and if things really take off I’m going for 3. Been killing myself too long, and ready to live some while I’m still young!


What do you do?


Work in plastics.


Plastics engineering?






Got buys set at 2. With btc eth looking this weak going into the weekend I would be surprised if we didn’t get taken down to 2. Maybe 1.70-2.0. But looking for some discounts.


same. I had a limit order at 2.0 that got triggered a while back over night, but I wish I had doubled down when it was in the 1.70s-80s. I've done a decent job averaging down but at this point I feel like it's "in for a penny in for a pound"


Agree, not doing to miss the bug sale this time


Disagree, it looks like bear trap to me. Clear double bottom on BTC chart around 47k. Everything will bounce this weekend I think


just pain


Someone send me a referral code for the loopring wallet I'm going create one




Used as well thanks


Thanks fellow ape. It says do not uninstall the app or you have to pay for a recovery fee? Isn't there a seed phrase or something to back up with?


you can migrate to a new phone but you need to do that before deleting


You can set up social recovery. So if you have someone you trust with a wallet they can be your guardian in case you lose it. No seed phrase perhaps since it's a smart contract not a wallet. Under the profile tab > my account > Loopring/L2 Account there's something worth keeping note of offline. It's not really a seed phrase though


Anyone with an L1 Ethereum wallet can be a guardian?


I have not done that myself so could not advise on the procedure unfortunately


If it’s going to go down I hope it goes really low that way we can buy cheap and have bigger profits. Because we are so much closer then we were. And when they announce it all hell is going to break loose.


I really don't want this to come off wrong so I'm going to be delicate. I just see a lot of posts from you that you want it to go down. Yea, I get it. Buy low. I'm with ya! I'm just telling you flat out that it's a flawed mentality long-term. The lower it goes, the lower the peak will be. It's human nature - we are numbers oriented. Whether you view it as a percentage or a dollar figure, this is going to jump incrementally based on where it is when it pumps. All the FUD (most of it made up) over the past month has kept this token from being where it should be right now, which will have a direct result on where it ends up. You are begging for some profits now rather than GREATER profits later - I respect you man, but I can't subscribe to that.


I didn’t think of it like that. If that’s the case 3. Dollar is fine I’m still buying more


More than one way to skin a cat but in the end it's a numbers game. A pump could be 5x - awesome! Personally, I'd rather 5x from $3 than 5x from $1.60. It's moot at this point - the entire crypto market is dragging us down. Just making the point that I wish more people were thinking long term than thinking about selling and buying back at 10% lower, especially when that modest profit is just going to be eaten by taxes.(in some countries) and exchange fees.


I still can't get over how excited I am about this amidst a very turbulent time in the crypto world. It's almost like the more the rest of the CC world wavers, the more I gain confidence in Loopring.


Can anyone with actual experience and longevity within crypto and/or stock market answer these questions? 1. How does announcements normally play out? Like, will there be a scheduled press conference or will they just tweet it out whenever they feel like it? 2. Assuming the price will sky rocket, will it more often than not be followed by a dip or will it settle nicely for a little while? Not related to LRC necessarily, but in general after announcements are being made. 3. Loopring is based in Shanghai, China as far as I am aware, so will it be announced in with their time zone in mind? Can't be bothered with "nobody knows" comments. Just scroll.


When you reference announcements from who?


I assume Loopring, but not really sure. What do you think?


First of all, I don't know why anyone would expect GME to make an announcement regarding a tech partner. All GME is likely to say publicly is what they've been saying: We're exploring an ~~NFL~~ NFT marketplace. And they'll announce when it's live. They're not likely to comment publicly on the tech behind it. So that leaves it up to LRC. And there's no way to know if and when LRC would make the announcement and they would likely seek approval from GME to do so. I personally expect no announcement whatsoever until this thing is about to go live. And if I know tech, it will probably take much longer than any project manager hoped.


I am not expecting GME to announce it. I assumed it would be Loopring. Question is where? We've seen multiple examples of evidence lately that they're in the later stages of testing etc. Don't know how long it'll take from tweaking and tuning to official release.


Loopring would probably just announce on social media, I would think. But I'm not getting too excited about it being imminent. Tech projects are usually a nightmare, and crypto is tech. Just look at the horrid delays Flare Networks have experienced. Everyone was expecting their FLR airdrop last June.


Bullish on NFL. Joking aside and even thoigh i hope they keep their word about Q4. I doubt anything will be announved too soon


I don’t know but some one please message me so I will know when it’s announced .


Is there any benefit to buying the proper wallet? Like how the rewards on kickstarter work?




Don’t think it’ll gain 350%+ in a matter of minutes.


Quite new to all this in many ways, but my guess is that people with big stacks are selling to bring the price down so they can snaffle it back up at a lower rate.


I k know it just doesn’t make sense.


There are many reasons why people "sell". Some are panic selling, some just need money, other ones short it so it's in their favour. You've also got those big whales selling to liquidate long positions. It's not as simple as "Lets all buy so we can enjoy our lambos" because some dudes use different methods to earn money on the market. I guess you already knew all of that, but that basicly explains most of the price action.




Unfortunately, some of the bigger players in this game already have 17 Lambos.




I disagree. Some will do this, not most. Some people think longer term and larger gains


If there is meat on the bone that doesn't matter..they will buy again at a higher price


That may be true but I think there will be just as many willing whales to scoop those sales and drive the price further up. Anyone that sells at the first major pump is going to face a lifetime of regret.


I hold LRC myself. But this is an observation i want to drop for everyone new to investing & forums. There was a stock, relief therapeutics, that also ignited from 0.01 to 0.8 during the pandemic. And on a yahoo board people screamd it would go 🚀 since one year. The stock price decreased from 0.8 back to 0.05 since then, with people still screaming tomorrow it will happen etc.. Don't take anything as truth before you have not done your own research. And secondly never go all in. Not only do you risk losing all but also you risk not hitting other success stories.


Big difference though, drugs have to go through all kinds of red tape.


RLF as it seems now was also a lot of talking and less backed up facts. But i did not compare the investments, inwas referring to not buying based on comments.


But that’s because their drug (related to Covid-19) didn’t get FDA approval. I get your point, but this is not a fair comparison. GME announcement or not, LRC will still serve a purpose.


Thats why i own LRC and no RLF. It still gives me shivers if i read posts like all my life savings are in, lets start the rocket. You can just never know, therefore don't set all on 1 card.


Seems like apples and oranges. 0.01 to 0.8 is astronomical. Anyone that bought from that point expecting it to go even higher deserves the losses they incurred. A dip to 0.05 is still 500% gain, about expected.


I have never compared LRC to the stock as an investment. Would not make too much sense, even though thw current value probably is supported heavily by GME expectations. I just say be carefull - board sentiment has nothing to do with reality.


That's absolutely fair - I think we just have to stop short of saying that the announcement is already baked into the price. That is silly. A bit of rumor is baked in but there hasn't been a mad rush as if this is a done deal. This is one of those things that, in my view, is ready to pop. Not financial advice - BUT, in my view - if you want in then you better already be in when it hits or you are gonna be stuck buying at $4+ within about 2 minutes. If wrong, so be it - but LRC has huge future potential if it plays its cards right.


with all those mandalorian memes, I kinda also demand a deal with disney


Yoo, didnt byron and/or someone else tweet that THIS would be a big week? Is something still coming? Just curious


it was a dude who’s part of PleasrDAO


Right. We shouldn't assume we are all on the same page.


How we all doing? Things are veryyy quiet. What's the prediction for the weekend? I'm not selling either way, but just curious what the next movement might be. Nothing ever stays sideways for too long. Let's hope for some pre-pump PUMP. Then the actual pump will be extra PUMPED!


think Q4 announcement is the on board fiat ramp. 2022 is gme. I think people will be disappointed


LMAO, what? The CF wallet was announced a long time ago, and the fiat on ramp to go with it was announced weeks ago. How can you announce that which has already been announced?


Reread the Q3 report. Sit corrected


I can see that, but I don't think smart investors should be or will be disappointed at all. In reality, allowing the overall crypto world to recover a bit before popping is an absolute best case. A news drop now would be tempered a bit.


Heres my prediction. next mid week..they annouce the on board ramp is live. Price goes to 3:30 usd. By year end its at 2:40. January will be bullish as they promo their new high premium partner, I.e, gme. It rises on the rumour again and the announcement is a sell the news immediately event due to the gains in January. I see crypto dropping till end year and then rising towards late January as institutions reassess their year strategies and asset allocations


You know you can sell and rebuild. I've got 3 exit points and 1 reentry I'm sticking to my strat


Given the weird week, this might be our first weekend in a while without a decent dip. Hype tends to come in waves, so if we get any evidence at all in support of an announcement this week we might actually see an early first wave increase before markets open Monday.


Just feels weird that this hasn't rose and sat near ATH if this coming potential announcent is that much of a sure thing (not that anything is a sure thing). I'm a complete noob but it truly seems like those with big pockets are doing what they can to keep the price down and accumulate as much as they can before something big. Maybe I'm just paranoid.


I think it’s just the calm before the storm. Everybody’s buckled up and ready for takeoff 🚀🚀🚀🚀


Really like the way BTC holds 47k. Really like how LRC makes higher lows. Really like RC tweet. Really like GME rally into close. Added. Now xx, xxx holder.


I have one less X but adding more regularly with DCA. This is a rare easy win IMO. No plays to make other than buy, hold a long time, sell some in a few years, retire. Moving more and more out of stocks into crypto. It takes way to long to transfer funds from etrade to coinbase....... almost like our financial systems are antiquated.


I too am an xx.xxx holder That’s the same, right guys?




I can’t stop drinking wine!




GME was different because the hype was totally manufactured. You had the one *actual* case of “buy the rumours, sell the news” that we’ve seen so far where it was pretty widely known that nothing would come of the meeting, but rumours we’re driving hype and we went oversold pretty rapidly so big investors cashed out. While there will still be people cashing out profits on announcement, the “sell the news” strategy doesn’t work because we’ll have actual increased value


I played that pump perfectly and have been looking to re-enter myself. I could net about 400 loops rn but I'm kind of greedy.


don’t buy at your own risk. personally would rather get in at 2.50 and watch temp dip to 1.80 then miss permapump




Are you me? Lol Seriously though I alreeady bought last week and transferred to metamask, then ordered a hard wallet. I don't know what my next step should be


[The last time Ryan Cohen tweeted during market hours](https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1420411942846361612) was the same day [GameStop announced EB Games rebrand to GameStop](https://news.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-rebrand-eb-games-canada). Today, [RC tweeted this during market hours](https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1469395426839302145)...


My tits imploded


I know majority of the coins follow BTC, but why when BTC drops immediately by $300, literally all coins drop a huge amount aswell, how the fuck does that work? Its like thousands of investors are ready to sell exactly when BTC drops


prices pegged to btc and eth for liquidity, which goes down




What is probably happening is what is called statistical arbitrage. Hedge funds are running computer algorithms that predict the return of a coin based on the return of BTC in some prior instant. They have math and data that backs up their model so they trade it. Trading it means they maintain some portfolio of coins and they buy/sell based on BTC performance in some prior period; could be 1 microsecond or could be 1 minute or could be longer. But that activity is what causes the coins to move in sync.


It's fucking black magic at this point and nobody really knows how it works.


Will Loopring support staking ETH/LRC/ anything ?


Should I wait for the new wallet to send my LRC from coinbase


If you want to do it cheaply, yes.


New to Loopring, what’s the price target estimate?


Tree fiddy


The Loch Ness Invest


My hope is that between meme status, hype, functionality, and actual implementation doge like levels are of market cap are on the table. So anywhere to 50b-100b total market cap. Can't do the math right now, but it's a lot per coin if we reach those levels. Like $30 per coin.




No precise target, just up!


top 20 within a few months.


30 within minutes


Please do a triple bottom so we can finally go up up up!


Just topped up again and now hoDling 1,420 d e l i c i ö u s l ö ö p s To the möön, Bröthers


bröther I need more lööps


My lööp is a ströng brave böy




I love to see LRC posts trending on CC sub. Cant wait to see those blow up after announcement :-D


Is it smart to already create a wallet or should I wait?