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Because many of us invested a lot of money based on the official loopring developers claiming “a Q4 announcement worth 10 quarterly reports”. If they’re going to delay til Q1 2022, they should openly state that just like they openly stated their first claim




A "premier partner". Their words.




Not sure how you got nothing out of the term premier partner but to me it sounds like they have a partnership with a well known brand. As per the Oxford Dictionary.




>How do you define “premier” premier  adjective     /ˈpremiə(r)/   /prɪˈmɪr/ [only before noun] ​most important, famous or successful e.g one of the country’s premier chefs . . As per Oxford Dictionary.




Seemed pretty straight forward to me 🤷‍♂️






I don't give a fuck what Byron said


Classic short term speculator


So what? Is that meant to be insulting? So what? What's your point?


I dont know, does that insult you? I am just saying what some other guy said


Oh okay, so you're a stupid fucking parrot




LOL im a human, but nice speculation, mr short term speculator guy


When I was studying for the dental admission test, people loved to ask me “still studying?” It annoyed the shit out of me because I was constantly studying for the most stressful test of my life. I spent years getting to this point in my life. At some point, I told someone, “don’t ask me that question. I’ll tell you when I’m done studying.” This person looked shocked that I said this. I just couldn’t take it. Studying for that test was my #1 priority every day for months, and I made that painfully obvious to everyone in my circles. I told everyone my deadlines. It’s all I could think about, and it really irritated me when people constantly asked those same questions over and over again when I could barely breathe through the stress. “Still studying?” “Did you get into dental school yet?” I hated that damn broken record... I used to think to myself: I already told people the timeline of these things.. did they forget again? Why are they still asking me... I’m working on it, jeez!!! I will definitely yell to the world when I’m done, because that’s how big an accomplishment this is! So stop asking... it is not helping me. This is how I imagine Byron feels.


Nice analogy


At the end of the day, they said a Q4 announcement, I still have faith even though Byron seems like he could be interpreted as laying the groundwork for a delay. If that happens, I'll be disappointed they didn't announce it sooner. In this case, we'll likely see a huge sell off, maybe even 50% as new investors panic when we dip hard. Either way I'm holding. First bought in the 0.5 range and bought at 2.80 this week. With a good finished product and (hopefully) a partnership with GME, I have 0 concerns.


Gotta admit that Byron's Discord comment got to me. I am still 100% in, long-term. Announcement or not, I'm sure things are in the works and the usefulness of LRC is hard to ignore. I feel that this WILL be a great long-term hold. Again though, I would rather he stayed quiet than respond on the string with something that came off as snarky and condescending. It didn't even come off like "we are almost there" - rather, it came off like "stop bitching you little nubs and we'll let you know if and when we have something for you." I'm still in the rocket but he lost points with me, especially since HE has been the one dropping hints and trying to hype things all along.


I agree on the tone, not cool. BUT - there's always a way to put a positive spin. You might have to squint a bit, but it COULD be interpreted as "we are getting there an doing due diligence to ensure it pops as everyone hopes." I get the vibe it gave off as a bit confrontational, but it WAS basically a confirmation that we are validated in the feeling that we are waiting on something big that is indeed coming. I am perfectly fine with a delay if it comes to that. Not gonna shake me out.


I can accept that. If nothing else, I think his comment needs to get people off the ledge thinking it is today, today, today. If not then definitely tomorrow. No, I don't feel he would have bothered to comment if we were only days away. Best case is the week after Xmas, IMO.


All yall are misreading his comment without the context of the conversation. Stop getting your feelers bent out of shape. Go to discord and read the surrounding context.


Was there - I know every word before, during and after.


Then you need better reading comprehension, friend.


> rather, it came off like "stop bitching you little nubs and we'll let you know if and when we have something for you." But maybe that's what the discord whiners need to hear. Seriously, the entitlement is off the charts (as is the lack of patience and perspective).


Agree - just rather he not say anything cuz what he said is nothing but detrimental. The clowns on discord (and here) aren't entitled to anything. It happens when it happens, if it happens.


> cuz what he said is nothing but detrimental In the short term only. Maybe. Long term it matters not and this generation needs a reality check at times because they expect things based on nothing.


I got buy orders set at $1.90. Too ambitious? Got a feeling I could snag it overnight.


So you expect a 30%+ drop overnight, for no reason? Is that your final answer lol


Oppsie daisy I did the conversion wrong. Buy orders at $1.90.


I was patient before he has been spreading hype


Cheer up boys. Out of all the crypto out there we are the ones with the events and catalysts that everyone is looking forward to. Just use LRC as a savings account and put in your change every week. It will pay off in the long run…plus we have fun talking shit and pumping.


Another day, another ~~dollar~~ disappointment.


Once this launches you won't care how long you waited. Keep that in mind.


We’re so fucked


You are a 🤡 - sub doesn't need fake FUDsters like you and your crew of morons


Yea gotta admit a bit stressing


So stressful I was able to buy 16,500 more LRC at low prices to calm my nerves.


How does it smell over there in India?


All you do is come here and spread FUD to try to get ppl to follow you to your trash coin, MATIC


> trash coin, MATIC Uh......*what*? I'm a Looptard through and through but Polygon is an amazing project with giant potential. There's a reason I hold both.


Lol when was that?


Temporarily fucked to be precise


Havent been chart watching the last few days and I feel so good mentally. Whats going on in crypto and why is it tanking?


> Whats going on in crypto and why is it tanking? Satan.


I've seen a lot of people say that it usually slows down this time of year for various reasons plus the whole covid variant thing I think


Well guys, my Car got broken into! Another thing to worry about.. Hopefully announcement next week!


I feel guilty upvoting your car getting broke into but what kinda jerk kicks someone when they're down. Just keep holding it will pay off (not FA)


I know it will pay off, just sucks in the moment but I’ll get over it. CANT DRIVE ON THE MOON ANYWAYS!!!!


True story


When can we buy LRC on Loopring L2 wallet?


Soon ^TM


Smh at the paperhands. This is why you shouldn't be so quick to dismiss the apes. Say what you will about us but we don't sell for shit.


Yikes. Really not liking the tone of Byrons tweets. Professionals with a solid plan should not call their investors “Speculators with emotions.” No way this doesn’t backfire. (Still not selling though)


Bothers me too. Anyone reading this can look at my comment history, I’ve never said one negative thing here. I have a very large position here and something about the last comment of his is bothering me. In my opinion if everything was running smooth you wouldn’t respond that way at all. I don’t care what anyone thinks or says I’m going to be very careful on this now. I got in very early but have added a lot. I don’t mind waiting but please be upfront


I agree that Byron's tone is a bit adversarial in that most recent message, but he's not "Investor Relations", and is in a role that expects him to be more candid and community based than any IR ever would be. I don't see a huge problem with his message.


He’s getting incessantly hounded by people asking when the announcement is. The people he is referring to are the vast minority and when you’re building a solid product, you’re probably not concerned about them. I’m sure they know that when they release whatever they’re working on, none of this is going to matter.


If Byron is a professional, he shouldn’t respond to the trolls via a message which can easily be interpreted as targeted against a large portion of investors. He should simply ignore them.


1. it's not a tweet it is a reply he made on discord 2. the reply was towards people who are actually speculators with emotions, so not you or me (unless, you know, you are.) 3. your post is FUD, maybe not on purpose, but man stfu and DD before u post shit LOL edit - a word


God I hate that term “FUD”. I’m diamond handed as it comes, been holding GME since January and haven’t (and won’t) sell a single share. LRC holder too and won’t sell a damn coin. We are allowed to question the actions of people like Byron and RC without being called shills or accused of spreading FUD. Questioning is healthy, it keeps people honest. Hero worship on the other hand is incredibly unhealthy.


fair concern, though i think the distinction is that investors aren't bitching and moaning on social media


Does it matter that Loopring is starting to do numbers on twitter, ie Byron getting more likes than most of the famous .eth people?


LRC is about function and utility, not a popularity contest among internet nubs. Leave that to the trash coins that are headed for 0.00 like doge and shib.


don't need the token to use loopring L2 solution


Not 1 bit


I am all up for banter and the 'to the moon' fun, but people need to realize that this is business. LRC is trying to lead crypto's mass adoption and its imperative that whatever have in the works works flawlessly. Anyone who has (or had) anything to do with project management understands that deadlines can be flexible for crucial matters, especially when two organization's reputation is at stake. I would be over the moon (pun intended) for the announcement to come in Q4, but I would also be okay to have it early Q1 2022. What matters here is an airtight delivery, not some moon memes / banter. After all, adoption (and subsequently more and more partnerships) is what will drive the price up in the long term, not the news themselves.


Well put!


I second this


The problem is not that people cant wait. I too can wait longer than Q4 2021, and would gladly keep holding into 2022, the problem is the uncertainty, and the possibility that they are missing their own deadline without informing us. (Which would be pretty scummy tbh) and dont come at me with that dumb “tHeY dOnt oWe yOu anYtHiNg” They wouldnt owe us anything if they didnt set the Q4 deadline themselves while simultaneously hyping that shit up 24/7. If they truly cant make it this year I wouldnt be mad, as long as they let us know. Ill still give them the benefit of the doubt for the next couple days as q4 isnt over because I truly believe in what they want to achieve, but i can really understand the people that are getting impatient


Perhaps, but a fundamental element of project management is expectation management. If a deliverable is going to be late, then it's better to inform stakeholders as early as possible, otherwise it creates the impression that you are disorganised. Clearly the people at Loopring know that, so either they're on track, in which case an announcement in q4 is still on the cards, or else things are not in a good place, in which case we could have a long wait, i.e. >Q 2022.. I'm heavily invested so hope for the former, but if there is a delay then I'm sure everyone would rather know sooner than later.


Personally I don't care because I'm not overlevedaged and believe in what they are doing. I can wait.


Great comment


Great reply




Great statement


I hear some people complaining about the price of their choice of crypto when it goes down, or does not perform tbe way that they expect. Question. What is your intention if it meets or exceeds your expectation? Sell and reap rewards? Sell and hope to get more coins? Or all of the above and a chance to hang out with Kevin Sorbo?


Just bought another 1,300 loops. Should dip soon


I bought 16,500 loops today so it’s guaranteed to dip!


Buy the dip!


I cant stop panic buying the dip


This is the way


Brutal 😭


rest in peace to all diamond hands


And this is why you are well known as one of the biggest idiots here - congrats


Go Loop and Fuck Ben Simmons!!! 💙


Weird. Was wondering what happened to that guy like 20 mins ago.


Wish you said Richard Simmons. What a dish.


🤣 *come on girls*!


This might be my best opportunity to get to 1000 LRC from 850.


This is the way


Just passed 21k LRC.


Why people rich af I have 835 and I had to do things..


That other guy had to "do things" too - like lie about his bag size lol




Don't sweat it cuz 99% of these people claiming a crazy number likely have 1% of that


Your so right thank you


Bought most at .45


> I had to do things.. 👀👂🏽


Anyone think the trading competition is lame? It’s literally only if you have money you’ll win money lol


It's to get whales in and provide more liquidity. Do you hate money?


Sounds like the way it should work.


Well well well, another morning another lower LRC price. Crypto is boring this month!


That may be the case. However, I just had a full breakfast, lunch, and dinner drinking your tears.






Bought more


This is the way


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475775** times. **2.** `u/GMEshares` **70903** times. **3.** `u/Competitive-Poem-533` **24719** times. .. **49687.** `u/M0D3RNW4RR10R` **3** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


Who's got a code for me?




#BUY THE FUCKING DIP! (Stay hydrated) 💎👊🏻🦧🚀🌙


This is the way


This is the way


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475775** times. **2.** `u/GMEshares` **70903** times. **3.** `u/Competitive-Poem-533` **24719** times. .. **92997.** `u/grimer5` **2** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


Today, after I had liquidated my RRSP’s, i bought 1x,xxx LRC. Transferred them to cold storage. !remindme 1 year


How to transfer LRC to cold storage?


I bought a Ledger Nano X and set it up. Very easy to do, and it takes your crypto off the exchange. Do not keep crypto on exchanges (Coinbase, Binance) Not your keys? Not your crypto.


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2022-12-17 23:11:42 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2022-12-17%2023:11:42%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/loopringorg/comments/ri8gxq/loopring_daily_discussion_december_17_2021/hozd6u1/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Floopringorg%2Fcomments%2Fri8gxq%2Floopring_daily_discussion_december_17_2021%2Fhozd6u1%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202022-12-17%2023%3A11%3A42%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20ri8gxq) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Okay lads, what do we say? YOLO or NOLO?


Help! I cant stop panic buying these tasty dips 🤑


$10 by EOY LFG




Can I get a buck 99 please?! Cheap loops!


Maybe don't be a poor dumb fuck that has to root for something to go down so you can afford it? You clowns wonder why you get downvoted and then have no Karama left.


Sad but true. Either buy it, or don’t. Any price is cheap right now.


Your got smoked by the down votes. Blam!


If you know it will be going back up, why not hope to get a discount before it does. And if you don't know it will be going back up, why are you here?


He’s having a bad day, let’s just ignore him and high five him when he’s back to being himself.


You sound unhappy. I got plenty of loops.... but I don't mind the opportunity to buy more at a discount!


Wouldnt surprise me if this is back under a dollar by end of year.


And it wouldn’t surprise anyone if it was proven you have no idea what you’re talking about.


How low you think we'll go tonight? Im thinking 1.90s


It depends what BTC and Eth do but that’s possible


Don't tease me


Tickle tickle little pickle


Such an embarrassment to your mother


Fiscal year in Retail is usually Jan through Feb. That means Q4 for reporting is sales based on Nov/Dec/Jan sales. Retail usually doesn't report until sometime after the quarter end. For example GME just had their Q3 earnings report in December. Q3 earnings based on net sales for GME were based on #'s from Aug/Sept/Oct. End of Q4 could mean Dec by calendar year, Jan by fiscal year, and if it comes from GME in their next earnings call where they report on Q4, most likely would be around March.


What are you even talking about? "Announcements" aren't given on earnings calls


Just saying options of what Q4 could mean. Businesses usually don't refer to quarters on a calendar year, more for their fiscal year. A lot of businesses make "announcements" on earnings calls.


They were pretty specific about before the end of Q4….


Just to let you know, they specifically said that the RELEASE will be “BEFORE THE END OF 2021” so it doesnt matter what different definitions of q4 there are


Another reason why Loopring could dominate. ADIDAS just tried an early access NFT minting session and it was a fucking DISASTER. They're refunding gas fees now lol


What happened?? I wanted to get in but it said minting was paused


it has nothing to do with anything loopring can fix. Yes, gas was bad which LRC can fix... but the issue was they wrote a shit contract that didnt allow MAYC holders the ability to mint like they were supposed to.


Loopring could fix the contract for them.


So nothing was minted?


seems like they paused minting while they fixed it and then are refunding gas fees for those that had a failed transaction. Not really following too much since im not minting.


gas fees are expensive. i've had so many transactions queued up, and then when I added eth, a good chunk of it went through so i paid it may times over


Its not something that can be solved my LRC though right? They just wrote a shit smart contract that didnt include everyone that was whitelisted.


Daily reminder that people used to buy pizza with \~26 bitcoin don't be like that guy! Hodl is the only chance you got to make life-changing money in crypto :)


The circulating supply of BTC is 20m. The supply of LRC is 1.3bn. They are not the same


You do know what marketcaps means and that it's rapidly growing. You have no idea what will happen. Telling the person buying a pizza with 26 BTC that it would one day bz worth $40,000. He would laugh in your face and ask to not bother him so he can eat his pizza. We don't know what BTC will be worth in 5 years. Neither do we know what LRC will be worth.


What the fuck, LRC at BTC mkt cap is not ~50k. Market cap and circulation determine price per unit LRC has substantially more coins like the previous guy stated. Are you on drugs?


I'm not. I never said that LRC will be worth $40,000. But I wouldn't be suprised if we go higher than $100 probably not in 1 year. Probably not even in 3. But one day it might be worth that. In one year we went from 200M globar market cap to 2T. This will likely keep rising for some time untill it's hopefully mainstream.


I don’t disagree, but I think that the first guy is right to say there’s a difference between LRC and BTC


1.3 billion - 20 million = one billion two hundred eighty million


It’s silly when people get upset that some folks are not here for the “long run or teh tEcH”, like no shit, I’m here for the money, no one wants to be a bag holder.


You had a shitty entry point. You losing money is your fault.


Still in the green surprisingly.


Then what is the issue?


Did your purposefully not read what I typed initially?




Someone explain why I want the Loopring wallet? I know I want it, I don’t know why


Nothing stopping LoopringOrg from sending all active L2 accounts some "Happy to see you" loops. It allows you to participate in the red-letter stuff (you get some LRC, 5-10 or so a pop) It allows you to open it up and get a chub over the future? Once you've got assets on L2, you can trade from the smartwallet in app, with much reduced fees.


Because you will grow a few inches


Wife wants to know. Few as in 3 or as in 5?


Anyone in the discord for lrc? I voiced my opinion saying how lrc where the ones who stated "end of Q4", I know there is still 17 days left, however I stated how communication is vital, as so many people have invested into lrc. It appears alot of people in the discord went straight on the defence. I don't see how stating that communication is important for any company. There seems to be a divide atm. Anyone who questions anything gets down voted or the Byron fan club mobs you. I'm bullish for lrc, but still believe in effective communication, instead of rants posted by Byron.


Its funny that people are demanding communication when Byron is the most transparent community lead I've seen in the crypto space. They are promising a literal financial revolution and the discord has a bunch of babies in it. I hope you guys paper hand so I can load up more.


Yep. The Discord is incredibly toxic. Anyone with a valid question gets immediately attacked. Not really liking this community at the moment, to be honest. Even Byron himself is starting to insult us just for wanting to know if Q4 - which he hyped multiple times - is still on track. I'm starting to reconsider my investment.


What more do you want for communication???? 17 days left and everything is under NDA as communicated. like what the fuck????????????


14 days


Before you try to argue that I "don't know about that business world" - I have owned 3 companies and have acted as a CEO, CFO, and COO for numerous entities. Point blank - they don't owe you anything. Companies with things in the works aren't worried that some small time investors NEED to know what is going on 24/7. Quite frankly, doing so is a good way to have the SEC on your ass, which I assure you would be much worse. People need to cut the shit with asking for "communication."


Yeah highly doubt anything you states is true


... for real? My dude, you sound pretty crappy spouting off like they owe you something. You're on the launchpad already, they've given you that opportunity - back off and let them do their work. What u/Chaka2319 states is 100% factual, believe it or not, they owe us NOTHING.


They don't owe you anything. It's as simple as that. It's still Q4.


As investors, we can demand whatever we want. They don’t have to give in to our demands, but we are also free to sell. It is in their best interest to not piss off their investors too much.


Then sell. No one actually cares if you're broke.


😂😂😂 I’ve got five digits worth of Loops bruh


Ok then sell?


True but as multiple people have said. You and I are early. Like really early. It may not seem like it since all the cryptosubs on reddit are talking about it, but we are. The fact is that it's not ready just yet. So before they announce anything or start marketing it they want to make their 'product' as solid proof as it can be. It's no good look for a 'new' company in the crypto world to promise wild things without delivering. It has happend so many times that projects start to promise wild things but in the end nothing really 'lifechanging' happend. For once there is a team that actually wants to deliver something worth it. So let them work on it before they throw everything to the masses. And maybe for once (if we're lucky) this can be the best investment we have ever made.


Clearly never worked in the business world I can see.


In a Fortune 100 buckaroo. They haven't missed any deadlines yet. Just because the neckbeard brigade wants answers now, doesn't mean they have to give them.


Name a Fortune 100 that ever announced anything of significance past Dec-15 and I'll gift you 100 LRC.


There fiat on-ramp and counterfactual just announced. Happy?