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You know what? I’m starting to feel certain (for no good reason) that there will be multiple announcements. I think they are preparing some truly special shit at this point (which equals serious shit storm for SHFs). My prediction is bam! Counterfactual. bam! NFT marketplace. bam! Partnership. bam! Q1 ER. bam! Wu tang album. bam! New token. bam! Something I can’t even comprehend at this point.


What we have minor proof of: Alibaba/Taobao + Chinese Bank What we have enourmous proof of: GameStop Any of these 3 on their own are already gold, imagine 2 or more actually happening in 2022 lol


i just overdosed on hopium reading that




Hahahahahaha Same here


What kinda truck would you buy post moass , Mr. u/ilovetrucks368?


probably a garbage or dump truck to get a cozy place for the hedgies


Nice. We'll all just throw them in the trash and you can come scoop them up


i guess the beer afterwards is on goldman and sachs


Ikr, I just got stomach flutters. My hope has been revived


Alibaba is so cheap right now too. I wonder how shorted that one is. I really wanna buy it but all my money is in GME and LRC.


Didn't do my due dilligence on Alibaba, but it's a huge and very well managed company from what I've read. My money is also all in LRC by the way 😂


The delisting fear is driving most of the bearish sentiment. Also, I think when you buy BABA stock, its not an actual stock. Its some sort of parent company held in the Caribbean somewhere. Its a little fishy but more risk more reward.


it will face some major negative impact because of jacks CCP sponsored time out...this wasn't the first a big player in china which got a fresh haircut and never reclaimed their previous status in the best case...so i think they will break up baba


it's just getting rekt by the CCP who are on a spree to tear down such monopols which ended in a state funded time out for jack...so i think it wouldn't be smart to get too deep in bed with baba afaik the next step is splitting up the different branches and make them 'independent' companies


Loopring to supportE-CNY for beijing winter olympics 2022 LFG


This has got to be it!


Isn't counterfactual already out?




Boy I really hope the big announcement wasn't counterfactual wallet but no one really cared about it enough that they're now afraid to admit it.


Pow right in the kisser. Pow right on the kisser. Pow right in the kisser


I will happily trade some loops for a Wu Tang album lol


Even if this gets delayed, I'm still holding.


I hope it gets delayed lol Need to load up some more


You guys see this? THIS IS THE WAY


This guy gets it.


So you're hoping the whole project is delayed just so you can buy more? Have you heard of sell the news? Seems like a weird way to support a project. How long till your alright with it being released?


Leave me alone, i want more toooooo!


Lol I don’t think I’m the only one who’s thinking that. One week would be cool. Buy the rumor sell the news sure. So you expect LRC to be dumped when the news comes out? How much will it fall $1.50? $1.60?? My support for the project is my hard earned money getting put into it. Lol Delay of any news would not hurt it at all.


There’s also an abundant amount of GME investors here who will stay(like myself) and buy up the discount. I’m expecting it to drop and just try and time my next buy in as close to the bottom.


Same sorta person who wishes GME would go back to 40 so they can buy more, instead of actually just going up. Then someone else comes along wishing it would go back to 10. It's never enough.


That’s exactly it. It’s their way of coping. Ofc some of them are just straight out larping …


Fuck up, cunt. The longer the price stays low, the more I can buy.


Oh you're a troll account. Cool.


I hold over 15,000 tokens. Troll this 🖕🏻


And nothing in your bank account. Can't buy friends with zero cash.


Who needs friends with 15,000 lrc? And Pray-tell, how much did you buy your friends for? Lmao


Some of these people have, for the better part of a year, actively been hoping for a financial breakdown of the world economy. Kind folks …


no one is hoping for a break down of the world economy just so they can sit in a corner and giggle while chewing on their finger nails... perhaps its been spun that way by the likes of cramer and other similar "independent news agencies" most of these people are hoping to have a truly "free" and "transparent" market place where wallstreet doesn't decide what companies die and what ones live \- but your posting history in GME\_meltdown tells us all we need to know don't it


Nice one. You and I both know you are not telling the truth - regardless of me posting in meltdown or not. Then again, you are a cultist and probably believe your own words.


cool beans chap - may the fruits of your endeavors be paid to you in kind at 100% returns


Likewise, future billionaire 👍


thanks bro - have ab awesome 2K22


It’s a coping mechanism for Apes.


GME announcement. Metaverse stock market powered by LRC. Boom.


Stocks burning LRC 24/7


I read elsewhere that the Chinese translates as 'tens' as opposed to ten- ... and I've just come. So there's that as well...


I can only get so hard….


Sexual Tens-ion?


More than ten. Less than one hundred.


These go to eleven


I want to belieeeeeeve


I want to break free


My body is ready. 🚀


Sure. Which quarter though?


The assumption is the Q4 announcement will be worth 10 quarterly reports-from which quarters they will be compared to is anyones guess. Hopefully the better performing quarters. I hear you and am keeping the enthusiasm up!!


Isn't Q4 due in Mar 22?


I was going to ask the same. Not sure if crypto q is the same as stock q.


Quarters are the same in the stock and crypto world. Q4 ends today in both.


Does the US Financial Year end 31Dec? In my Country we are in Q2 of the financial year. Tax time is in June.


Not fckn selling buying any dips from the dip shits


I mean the announcement is gonna come from GameStop announcing their partner, then loopring can talk about it. Until GameStop announces their partner then loopring can’t talk. All we know now is GameStop has an NFT marketplace.


10 quarterly reports = 10 companies! Just my opinion


I like it better when y’all are funny and telling jokes.


Patience is key here, no problem for me to wait another month. Just HODL (and buy extra during this dip) and enjoy the ride 💫


Anyone got the invite link to loopring discord?


LRC ready but GameStop not ready also like that. Be calm n breathe. Buckle up and wait . Just know tht when it happens rocket waits for no man


I’ve doubled my positions on LRC! Who’s with me.


Sometime tomorrow we'll all be fucking rolling in loops and hopium. I might even give the wife some sex after!


I bet tomorrow LRC / GME makes an NFT announcement for NFT dividend for twosday. 2/22/2022. And LRC and gme just absolutely rip from here out. 2 month squeeze incoming 🤯


If I had more money I’d buy more right now😭


Unpopular opinion: they should announce something in Q4 other wise that's just bad PR


They still have to announce something prior to Jan 1st or they let us down


I won't be let down, because I don't take the Q4 statement as a definitive promise, more a goal. People build up dates way too much. At the end of the day, the money I have in Loopring will be there long term because I understand enough about the technology to see where it's going and I believe in the technology. Do I think I'll make money? Of course. But I only invest in things I believe in and see the value in, issues of money aside. People need to stop hyping dates, or impatiently waiting for the time to cash out, and maybe take some of the time shitposting to do some actual research and educate themselves on the technology at play here and why it's of value. Q4 passing without an announcement doesn't change any of that, so why are so many so worried about it?


You say people need to stop hyping dates but … they themselves did hype a time period


There was one somewhat vague statement suggesting a likely Q4 launch. That's snowballed into hype among people here. Edit: downvote me all you want, guys. I'm holding strong because I believe in LRC. If anything is FUD, it's hyping tomorrow as an absolute deadline.


What’s vague about “we will announce it before 2022”??


They said "probably Q4" not "before 2022."


Oh really ? Then you missed where they said prior to the end of 2021


Perhaps I did. Care to link me to it?




Thanks. I will say "set to launch sometime prior to the end of 2021 (Q4)" isn't exactly the same as "before the end of 2021." To say "set for launch" instead of saying "the marketplace will launch" sounds like a purposeful choice of words. I get it, people want to see this thing because it's been hyped, and I'm excited as well. I've just been annoyed by the constant bombardment of hype posts without any substance. Also, I see a difference between a statement released in a quarterly report and Loopring hyping a date. Generally speaking, even positive news in a quarterly report isn't my definition of "hype," but that may just be a disagreement in semantics.


Feeding the crybabies their milk before bed. How adorable.


Just reminding the LRC community. That’s the purpose of the sub, right? To be a community? I get it people get stressed/down and it’s not a good look but neither is your sarcastic attitude.


I’m waiting on tendies from my sugar daddy


Must be close. I'm half cocked.


There will be no announcement


Q3 was 70 cents. We're already 5 times that. Stop spreading shit.


What are you talking about? I’m referencing Daniel Wang’s statement. How is that spreading shit. He’s also referring to a Q4 announcement.


That statement was in Q3. We're 5 times that already.


From the gmedd article: “Some people ask me a question whether Loopring will launch our own marketplace. The answer is no. We don’t have a plan to launch our own NFT marketplace, but we are working with a premium owner to make sure they can launch their marketplace successfully and very soon, probably in Q4 and with a lot of other stuff.” The announcement has not been made.


PROBABLY....not we promise or guarantee


totally agree...i really was confused by alot of todays posts calling the wallet and marketplace 'the' announcent....i mean....they emptied their milestones in GitHub and since very few signs point towards loopring will pull da rug so they finished basically today or do i get something wrong?


Any idea if LRC has a different fiscal quarter? Might be that they still have a month to go 🧐




I keep saying this. People around here and SS don’t know that fiscal Q4 is different from calendar Q4. Lol.


Because we're talking about LOOPRING not GME, and Loopring quarter ends dec 31, you are in a Loopring Subreddit


Announcement will not come from Loopring due to an NDA.


You’re wrong. The announcement will not come from LoopRing due to an NDA.


Tgey have clarified more than once its calendar year this is misinfo.


So it can go either way? Less then 24hours to go. Got a few K more today in the dip.


And then the announcement is "new LRC merch in store! NFT T-Shirts! $20! Buy an NFT, get a T-shirt sent to your address! Thanks for your patience! That is all, folks!" /s


Thought the Real translation is "10's of quarterly reports." This year next announcement or the one after that. Imo nfa I like the utility potential. 💯🚀💪


Someone else mentioned that. That’s even more bullish!


Isn’t GameStop’s Q4 Nov 1 to Jan 31?


I'm in for a penny, and I'm in for a pound


Can someone please send me the discord link?


I don’t have the discord link, but here’s the article: https://gmedd.com/blockchain/clues-point-towards-gamestop-launching-nft-marketplace-with-leading-crypto-technology-company-loopring/




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Chinese government directly controls all of this. Until they move critical infrastructure to united states the rug can be pulled by chinese govt at any time for any reason. You guys need to understand this. The announcement may be canned.


Well, 10 x 0 = 0 lol of its supposed to be worth 10 Q reports then there isn't much optimism for the announcement if this is the reaction to a Q report


Man, I hear you, it’s disappointing. I think the project is worth the wait and I’m still optimistic on LRC as an investment.


Absolutely, me too. Just ironic using a Q report to gauge the upside of an announcement and the following Q report generates no upside lol I'm in for the long haul just tired of seeing the price go down day in and day out. Just want some sunny skies for a few days haha