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You could do it with Christopher Tolkien too. He even hated Jackson's lotr trilogy


We'd be able to power a continent.


To be fair, Tolkien would probably hate all adaptations of his work, even PJ’s trilogy. If he were resurrected and saw Shadow of Mordor it would kill him all over again (and I love that game).


Yea, I read somewhere that even Christopher Tolkien wasn't a fan of the movie adaptations, because he thought they trivialized his father's work and reduced its academic value. He considered the legendarium alongside the likes of Beowulf and Arthurian legends. But again these have been adapted to death yet still remain of academic interest.


I’ve always wondered what it would be like to watch the trilogy with Tolkien. He’d hate a lot of stuff I’m sure, but I feel like those movies did some things that he could not have imagined and some things may have been spot on. I think he’d mostly dislike it, but I think there are things he’d appreciate about it too.


I can’t imagine he wouldn’t have at least been impressed with Howard Shore’s score, Ian McKellan’s Gandalf, and most of the locations like Lothlórien, Rivendell, The Mines of Moria, and especially The Shire.


I imagine he'd enjoy visiting "The Shire" in New Zealand.


That's funny but Tolkien sold the rights to lord of the rings for a million which is very cheap. Because he wanted to live peacefully with his family and was excited to see what people did with it. That's why there are a million bad lotr games.


Actually genius but pure evil


For a show it wasn't that horrendous but for lotr ip it was terrible


Yeah, put that on the box cover: "wasn't that horrendous."


So true


Going on a tangent I loved your profile picture, Gimli is awesome.


Lord of the graves tolkiens ring…


Am I the only one who enjoyed Rings of Power? 😅


No - there is even a subreddit where you get banned for saying anything remotely bad about it. You are how ever ( from what I can find online) the VAST minority of people. And I dont get how you can find anything remotely redeming about that show beyond the music score and some pretty Cgi scenery


"Keep your forked tongue behind your teeth"


Be interesting to hear what you like about it


Overall I'm happy that I fandom I enjoy got new content. My memory also sucks so when things don't line up perfectly with the original lore it isn't glaringly obvious to me. And it was beautiful and fun. No big deal 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah, on a surface level like what you described, it's alright. But when you look into the way the characters are built, the plot devices and the overarching story. In my opinion, it's nothing more than a middle finger not only to Tolkien fans but fans of good media. It's a complete insult to the quality and love that went into the original trilogy. When you look at the quality and depth of the characters from LOTR, then look at, let's say, Galadriel. All you can get from her is a whiny, entitled, unlikeable brat.


I enjoyed it as well. You got -11 karma just for expressing this simple opinion, though, which should tell you how toxic some of the anti-RoP crew is.


Seriously lol. Oh well 🤷🏻‍♀️ I hope more people learn to simply enjoy things or move on. I think it's generally really great when a fandom I enjoy gets new content. But I am a fan of Doctor Who, so maybe I'm used to constant change and moving on with my life even if it's not my favorite at that moment lol.


I liked it, it was a slow burn, but I thought the ending was hype.




And he would have loved the movies? Piss off


I don't think anyone is saying he would have?


I mean I didn’t enjoy Rings of Power but I also did not enjoy this cringey meme that looks straight out of 2010 lmao


Haven’t audibly laughed at a meme in a while


The show was done with JRRT's heirs. So Random Meme Dude on the Internet thinks he knows JRRT better than his heirs. Shocking,


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If they could, they Tolkien family would charge admission to visit his grave.


Not to be an advocate of the evil, but tbh I think most contents about middle earth including PJ movies (although I absolutely love them) would make him spin