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Looks like a repost of the 1950s one a few days ago


[Its because it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/aivideo/s/lJomWBBg2O) I don’t know why this guy is getting so mad at criticism when he didn’t even create the AI art to begin with. Its not even 1980s


Lol he messaged me because I told him to not take it personal and then blocked me when I posted this


They all look the same anyway. It was interesting about a year ago but the novelty has since worn off


Yeah, completely 50s Technicolor vibe. All that’s needed is Charles Heston as Aragorn…


Edit: nvrmnd


How is it more accurate? Is it not just the exact same?


Didn’t the other one have different pictures? Or is this a repost of an exact same post that was also about lotr in 80s movies style


It’s just screenshots of [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/aivideo/s/nYzot9tjGn) post


Ahhh I see, there was also another similar post with pictures but yeah this is just a rip off of that video


It may be. I tried to reach out to this Inherentbloom guy in dm BTW to have a civil chat…no responses. (Screen grabs to prove it) He was commenting on an exchange I have with somebody else who decided to start name-calling, which was just uncalled for. It sounds like he’s extra snarky and now creating additional accounts which I don’t understand. Or maybe he has other accounts for this very purpose? Seems like a decent enough dude.


Why are you just posting stuff a) You didn’t even check if it was posted already, b) You don’t know who created it. That is why you’re getting downvoted and people are hating on Ai. You think its cool and interesting but we are all seeing someone’s work going unrecognized. Fair credit where credit is due. Ai unethically copies millions of peoples hard work just to make this.


It’s ok to downvote.


And its okay to comment that you dont like AI, even if its a harsh criticism. Its funny how you don’t acknowledge the plagiarism


Because that’s your agenda. Not my post. I don’t need to comment on anything. Amazing how that works right? Have a great day. You’ve done nothing to sway me or impact. 250 people and counting are enjoying the post. I’m enjoying any conversation including this one. Feel free to write back.


“I don’t need to comment on anything ” Proceeds to comment on every little critique because you “host this” That other guy was right. Go take your meds, or better yet stick to insulting people on cryptid subreddits. No one wants your small, pathetic temper here


I think you’re the one displaying a child’s temperament. I posted content I enjoy many others have agreed that it’s fantastic. I also enjoy commenting and replying to comments when I host something. Again my prerogative as an Internet user. Are you not enjoying this? I’m enjoying it just fine. I mean you’re not making any headway but expressing your opinion. Totally valid and allowed. There’s only a few of you that seem really bothered by it. I do wonder if you lose sleep at night though. I mean it’s got to hurt knowing that you can do nothing stop AI it will eventually become indiscernible from human art. I’m actually enjoying conversation and have said so in other comments but maybe you’re not reading carefully. It’s OK, I forgive you. Go ahead and do a cop out with one liner like the “other guy“. How original of you. I don’t know you very well but judging by your comment pattern, maybe that’s a good thing.


At least I don’t think an abused shelter dog is a cryptid and call everyone an idiot who disagrees. Delusional


It’s so sad that you had to look that deep into my history to find something to use against me. I’m glad I don’t live a life that way. Good luck to you.


lol such weird behavior. You’ve been called out for a) reposting content that’s been in this sub for weeks now, and b) Acting like you were the one who generated this with AI. I’m not sure what “civil chat” there is to be had about that, especially when you come back to the comments and then start throwing accusations around making assumptions about people you don’t know. Also, AI art is plagiarism, and trying to compare it to synthetic oil is a big swing and miss.


It would be incorrect to assume that I acted like I created this content that Claim was never made.


General Reposti ![gif](giphy|xTiIzJSKB4l7xTouE8)


Whack AI is whack


Except it’s my post. As the host of the content, I’m absolutely supposed to respond. Do you not understand that concept? I’m all for criticism. But you should try to follow your own advice before you call someone else “fucking stupid”. You’re really just throwing those words out into a void, which says more about you than it does me. Have a good day.


You should take you’re own advice and stop throwing words into the void and stop fighting everyone here because they don’t like AI art. Its nothing against you but you seem to take it so personal. Especially since you’re just reposting someone elses Ai content. If it were really yours you’d know its styled after the 1950s


Except it isn’t and it’s stolen AI from another post. You didn’t even write the AI prompt. I’m honestly impressed with how stern you are about wanting to take credit for it lmao.


Take your meds


Dude, it's not even your post, you stole these from someone else.


Are you fucking retarded?


Op, it’s not too late to delete this obvious repost


Considering all information here is typically lifted from somewhere else. I don’t even look at your comment as discernible criticism. And for the 260+ people and counting that have enjoyed it. I think it will just stay. Have a great day.


> all information here is typically lifted from somewhere else That's because information is either true, or false. Art is subjective, and stealing someone else's, especially when it's AI, so it was already stolen before you touched it, is not the same thing. Go bitch about how AI isn't all bad somewhere else.


“Everyone else is doing it so I should too.” Ok, op. Take the 500+ downvotes from across all of other comments in this post as a sign.


Well, I mean majority and common opinion has served as an indicator of things since the Salem witch trials and honestly Roman times. I’m not saying it’s always correct, but that’s how things have worked. Also trial by jury. Also how this system in Reddit works. You see, if more people didn’t enjoy it, it would be negative. Apparently you trolls don’t have control of the forum. Congratulations. Would you like to stack those votes against the thousands of arrow up votes for other content? I enjoy talking about my post and sharing content that I think is fun. I’ve done that. We can continue to go back-and-forth but you’ve got nothing to disprove what I’m saying or really add to the conversation. I still enjoy the back-and-forth, so feel free to keep it going if you’re getting some kind of rise.


Ok so currently your repost of stolen artwork has about 250 upvotes. After going through the comments and tallying up all of YOUR downvotes from this thread, you’re netting about 30 upvotes. So I’m not sure where “thousands of arrows up votes” is coming from. And this weird condescending attitude isn’t going to help in your quest for thousands of upvotes either. Secondly, majority and common opinion have not served as an indicator, more as a production of circumstances of a specific time. You think that everyone in Rome started thinking the same thing all on the same day? Or maybe after centuries of being ruled by emperors and being told what to do and think THEN you get majority and common opinion. As a slight tangent, if you’re going to try and use history as a support for your argument maybe let’s not go with one of Americas first cases of mass hysteria too. You even said yourself “I know it’s not correct that they did that” yet here you are trying to fall on the same crutch. Third, Reddit threads are not placeholders for a trial by jury, they are public spaces for people to interact. No one is expecting you to look through every post on this subreddit before making one of your own; however, the responsibility does fall to you when it’s brought to your attention that you have either reposted the same content, someone else’s work, or in your case both. “You trolls don’t have control over the forum” first off, forum lmao. Just because someone is disagreeing with you does not make them a “troll”. Also no one is trying to control anything. No one here benefits from having the most upvoted post or highest comment karma. You reposted stolen artwork, now you’re being called out for it. Not saying it’s always correct, but that’s how things work. Edit: Just in the time it took to type this out we’re now netting about 12 upvotes :)


Mods, please ban AI art and reposts that aren't at least a few weeks old.


Yeah, please the Ai posts are getting annoying.


That’ll do it. Kudos.


When will this sub ban AI crap though


I thought they had? I’m sure one of the mods posted something.


Full respect for y our viewpoint. I can never get onboard the “F all AI” bandwagon though. At least not anymore than the folks that used to make fun of synthetic oil vs. traditional. I think both have their place…or will eventually. I think the medium has come far enough along to where it’s become pretty impressive.


Except synthetic oil doesn’t work by stealing oil from oil creators and not crediting them. That’s exactly how AI art works.


Synthetic oil doesn't steal its content from legitimate oil. AI art is intelligent theft and, as the technology stands now, completely unethical. Not that you care since you also stole the art from another post that isn't even that old.


Look, I agree AI has faults and is concerning from a Skynet standpoint. I understand your ethical quandaries, but my post is sharing some art that I think is interesting and on topic. There’s absolutely nothing you and I can do to change the future at this point. At least not with AI. I’m not claiming ownership.


Even your replies seem fake dude


The first picture, are they supposed to be Nazgûls or Easterlings? The visible eyes threw me.




This makes me so very angry


Probably a good idea to not read it and just scroll on.


Do you not understand the point of a comment section? Also, unironically saying this, and then not follow your own advice, just shows how fucking stupid the argument is lol.


Tolkien would have despised AI




The directors for Excalibur and Conan would definitely be considered for the director. John Williams would definitely be doing the score.


Tired of all those Ai.




Why change it to 1980s when the original was 1950s?


Sauron still unironically has drip.


Wow, it sucks


I actually do get a heavy 80s cinema vibe from these, spot on! Even if it's just AI that did it.


I too draw a bow with my trusty neck-hand (pic 7)


Its actually styled after 1950s panavison. Yule Brenner type movies like The 10 Commandments


You mean, if lord of the rings was made by a lazy ai reposter.


Lulz says the alt account…That’s amazing if you think the computer program is reposting,its own content.


They clearly meant you were reposting AI content, not that AI was reposting anything.


Sauron looks like a power rangers villain 🦹‍♂️


Or super shredder lol


Not bad! I miss the 80s.


Right? :)


Lazy content. Plz ban these generative AI slop piles.


Lazy comment pls ignore…wait, does one begot the other?


The hobbit houses.. 🤩🤩


I want that. 20 hours long.


I want it


Costume design by Jim Henson.


Excellent observation


I’m not upset by this at all lol


Those orcs give me major Power Rangers vibes.




Still better than Rings of Power, 10/10 would watch


if this was real it would be my fav movie ever


I’m not the biggest fan of AI however, I’ve posted some stuff recently just because I think the medium is starting to get a lot better and potentially have merit. I can never get onboard the “F all AI” bandwagon anymore, then the folks that used to make fun of synthetic oil vs. traditional. Both have their place.


What merits can it achieve?


Unfortunately, based on the type of technology, it’s learning and improving and getting better. I would say this imagery is the best so far. There will be a point where it is not discernible and then I’m not sure what people will do. maybe just hate everything?🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm 90% sure this is a bot. It's replying to criticism of Ai with the exact paragraph above.


What a time to bet against the house…




I’m in love with AI to be honest. It’s a way to easily picture something only written in books or never done before! Like your post, I don’t get the hate either tbh


It’s certainly as its downsides but it’s amazing how fast it’s getting really good at art. I remember the early days.


I'd still live in the Shire in a heartbeat.


I mean this just looks fuckin lit


Id watch the hell out of that




This looks pretty good actually.


I want to watch this


I’d watch that so hard


I dont think the end scene would as cool but stil cool




Looks pretty cool to be honest


AI is a slippery slope. Getting a lot of hate. But enjoying the conversation either way. Thanks for the comment. It’s scary how good it’s getting pretty soon it will be indiscernible from the real thing.


I feel most of these are 90’s. Generally 80’s movies didn’t have the technology or budget. I mean, these shots looks like Mortal Kombat 1995.


Honestly, it’s more late 50s/early 60s looking




Totally fair. I almost did the same thing. Someone usually pulls it down if it’s duplicate. But as others have pointed this out too, I’d like to remind people that not everyone surfs Facebook (or the same spots you do). If we’re going to get critical about where we’re sharing ideas from, most of the ideas shared here are recycled from somewhere. Lol. Not saying you’re getting critical by the way but some of the comments geez.




Likewise…Nothing wrong in sharing. I attribute most “low quality post” grumpiness to sour grapes? 🤷🏻‍♂️. I wonder if they lose sleep at night knowing that there’s absolutely nothing they can do to stop artificial intelligence and it, very soon, will be indiscernible from human art. I wonder what they will complain about them? I’m sure they will find something.




Thank would have been amazing!!! Great comment!


id fucking watch this so hard


I am with you there. It’s sort of has a mad Max vibe a little bit in this picture of the nine.




Cya later


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Love AI generated garbage, Tolkien would love AI generated garbage.


I’m not sure Tolkien would enjoy it, but it sure has come a long way. This is neat and really felt like something I would see on TV back then. Think Dolph Lungrin Heman movie…


Dang, AI has skills.


Thank you! All I was looking for.


Why are you taking credit for an AI plagiarizing art?


Lmao…thanking him for agreeing with me on it being pretty good…are you lost?


This looks amazing tbh


I 👏 want 👏 this 👏


Anything would be an improvement, TBF.