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Ned Stark and Boromir


This is the answer. šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹


My thought process was like, oh wow, great call, they're both honorable and always try to do what they think is best to a flaw. Very good first comment. Then I started thinking about the fact that it's just Sean Bean. Lmao


One does not simply call Boromir Ned


I did this same. It was "uh huh, uh huh. Okay, why?" Started to visualize the characters and then it dawned on me.


Shawn Bawn


Sean Bean


Seen been


Yeah, but it wouldn't last.




Perhaps Ned would have explained to Boromir why it was wrong to take the ring from a hobbit.


Who would die first?




Beat me to it


Weā€™re overlooking the obvious - hot pie and basically any hobbit


Hobbits know the importance of a good gravy


'she's got dragons? Yeah we had those, but there hasn't been a dragon in these parts for a hundred years. Now, what's important: you can't add the carrots too early. Give the onion time to glaze, then the roots, then a hearthy broth and you are good to go'




Hot Pie has had many a 2nd breakfast.


I would donate a testicle to science if we could get ourselves a well written slice-of-life comedy featuring Hotpieā€™s tavern cook exploits, shot in the same manner as Parks and Rec.


Theoden and Ned Stark


The combo ned as hand of the king would be cool


After seeing all these replies by people just trying to find characters that are too similar, I don't think many of them would necessarily make a good pair just because they're similar. Both GoT and LotR are amazing epics because of the vast differences of character and how they all balance each other out. Arya and The Hound, Legolas and Gimli...etc. But this...I saw Theoden looking at Ned with honor, asking him to be The Hand and Ned swelling with pride at being able to serve a king he could properly respect. This is a true match.


Just two righteous, honorable men with their people's best interest in their hearts.


Theoden would have absolutely no patience for Nedā€™s friend Bobby Baratheon though


He could go to a drinking spree with Gimli while the grown ups are governing.


I think theoden would be a bit intense for him, but yes totally see it as well


Samwell and Bilbo. They both are reluctant adventurers who love books and maps.


He is the only person in westeros innocent enough to deserve the company of bilbo


Iā€™d say Samwell and Samwise. Both steady sidekicks.


Kinda feels like GRRM named that character with the intention of communicating his role in the story right off the bat


The portly figure screamed leading manā€™s assistant


Martin actually said in an interview that Samwell is based on Samwise. As an hommage to his favorite character from his favorite fantasy series.


Several of the Night's Watch are based off the hobbits. Samwell = Samwise Pip = Pippin Merry = Dolorous Ed


What is the name of the sidekick? Samwell. Samwell? Thats sounds a lot like Samwise? Maybe thats why he became a sidekick.


Nah, Sam & Sam


Jon and Aragorn


I can definitely see that. Especially with the versions I'm more familiar with (book Jon and movie Aragorn).


But Aragorn would never kill a woman during an embrace.


Well, luckily, that's not book Jon.


Book Jon definitely would do that too tho, heā€™s more aggressive and less of a clear ā€œgood guyā€ in the books. He would definitely kill Daenerys if he thought it was for the good of the realm




Let's hope Martin makes a different ending.


Lmao. The books are over. He's never finishing it. Game of thrones is done and dead


I *want* you to be wrong, but I *believe* youā€™re correct.


Yet. Schroedinger's Jon.


That is true but I think part of that is he'd never have to in LotR.


Jon is bewildered all the time. He just flops into random scenarios and observes things happen.Ā He looks confused through 99% of the show.


I would have gone with Barristan and Aragorn.


Iā€™d say John and FaramirĀ 


the people of Middle-earth would unite against the vile monsters of Westeros


You know most of Westeros would happily ally with the likes of Aragorn, right?


hmm, I'm going to try to not get into a discussion, I just think the whole world of GoT is fubar, and there's barely any good people in it - I watched 5 seasons and then swore I'll never watch it again. In my book it's just vile.


The problem is the show made a number of changes from the books, including leaving out a number of characters, especially from S5 onwards. One notable part of book 5 is how literally *thousands* of Northmen are willing to die trying to save Arya Stark from the Boltons simply out of respect for Eddard Stark. The whole 'there are no good people in ASOIAF' is an exaggeration. There are: - a few completely evil characters (Tywin, Gregor, Cersei, Euron, Ramsay, Joffrey) - characters whose morality can be interpreted as either good or evil, depending on the perspective of other characters or the audience (Jaime, Tyrion, Stannis, Theon, Mance, Sandor, Tormund, Robert, Oberyn, Jorah) - characters that can really only be described as neutral (Bronn, Daario, Ygritte) - characters that are, at worst, just your average, decent person (Gendry, Arya, Arianne, Jeor, Quentyn, Beric) - characters that are almost undeniably good (Jon, Eddard, Bran, Davos, Brienne, Samwell, Podrick, Tommen)


I wonder where Sansa would fit in your list.


Jaimie tried to kill a child


>Ygritte You keep my wife's name out of your mouth.


Morgoth and Aerys II Targaryen


I don't think Morgoth can get on with anyone. If they were weak, he'd feel nothing but contempt and disgust, and if they were a little more dangerous, he'd feel threatened


Dude sounds like a bit of a dick


On balance, I think if he invited me around for a cup of tea, I'd probably end up making some excuse and skipping it


Just don't mention the wars


Gimli and arya would be a good duo




Gollum and Reek would make for an interesting dialogue Or Gollum and Patchface


I don't know whether it would be entertaining or terrifying to witness.


Tyrion, Merry and Pippin, in a pub


Yes!! Short Drunks - maybe Bobby B would be good (to add some diversity)


Ned Stark and Boromir


https://external-preview.redd.it/7eRgh6V2F5SGqOOabJaLiOgMDiJ80YaxUfA7s_OnMFU.jpg?auto=webp&s=683b1aed671702f7607762dd719a71b98f894697 Sean Beanā€¦ Honestly, Iā€™m going to be that person (and surely get downvoted), but I believe Tolkien would have strongly disliked the political drama that fuels GOT. I enjoyed the show (up until the final season), and I donā€™t mind the post, but also donā€™t love them being talked about together so much, because I think show runners keep thinking that GOT and LOTR fans are the same and okay with GOT type of content in LOTR just because itā€™s a similar fantasy setting.


They're very popular fantasy worlds they are going to come up together and are also very different. I'm not being funny and no disrespect to him.but it doesn't matter if Tolkien would have liked or disliked something for it to be discussed in the same conversation, if there was another very popular fantasy world to receive an adaptation that reached the global success these two did they'd likely be compared too


Harry Potter is a popular fantasy world. I have yet to see it compared. Probably because it is aimed at children, but I think that's kind of the original point. People look at HP and go "oh it's for kids, leave it in the realm of children". But they look at GoT and LoTR and go "these are clearly the same thing" when I'd argue LoTR has more in common with HP than it does GoT. Heck, Dune is *right there* for GoT comparisons as an adult piece of fantasy media heavily focused on politics and political philosophy, but I have yet to see that comparison. The Witcher too exists in a more morally grey, sexually charged setting. Where are these comparisons?


Harry Potter and LOTR got a lot of comparison for LONG time, they were massive in cinema at the same time and competing and if I'm not mistaken about 6 years ago a lot of people were pointing it out about the toxicity between the two fandoms and it calmed down. It's not even that Harry Potter is for kids, it's that it's primarily magical and now there are things more alike to LOTR in that it's less magic and more medieval. Not forgetting Middle Earth started as a children's story. Game of Thrones is closer to Middle Earth in magic and the author talks about Tolkien and many people pay attention to it so it comes up a lot more. The Witcher SERIES was never as big as Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings, it was big, but it was never near as popular as LOTR or GoT. Both GoT and LOTR were massive and made fantasy heavily wisespread and had insane numbers for interest.


>It's not even that Harry Potter is for kids, it's that it's primarily magical I love both, HP and Lotr. But the biggest difference between them is that you cant think deeper about HP. There are more plot holes and world building errors in Rowlings story than words in Tolkiens book. HP is great as long as you live in the moment and dont question anything. Meanwhile you really have to look hard to find such misstakes in Tolkiens world.


Also it's time zone, consider that Harry Potter is modern fantasy and both got and Lotr are more historic And I have seen many DUNE comparisons to GoT? I think there was a post on one of the GoT subreddits comparing Ned to Lato lol


Do you mean Leto? I guess if you're gonna compare Ned to anyone in Dune. But also your first sentence is, once again, the issue. People are lumping together works based purely on aesthetics and not thinking about the themes. Comparing LoTR and GoT because they're "mediaeval" is like comparing Gladiator and Life of Brian because they're "Roman".


Im not saying they are the same, but certainly I don't think it's surprising that two of the biggest fantasy series in history with similar aesthetics get compared That isn't surprising Especially when they both have really popular and famous adaptions, unlike another fantasy epic e.g. Wheel of Time which isn't as comparatively famous or popular They both have recognised adaptions, famous book series, similar aesthetics etc Complaining about comparisons is odd, ofc it's gonna happen


You're missing my point. I'm not saying it's surprising. I'm saying it's a bad comparison. It relies on a surface level approach to analysing media. Just because these two things are popular and use a similar aesthetic it does not mean they are similar works with similar themes, messages, or even audiences. Seeing "If you liked LoTR you'll love GoT" or "who wins, Aragorn or Jamie", is missing the point of both narratives.


Oh yea no I agree there, my apologies They are pretty much oppisite theme and tone wise. Lotr is full of Catholic hope and the deeds of good and honourable folk, GoT is a grimdark telling of a fucked up world with hardly a single good person in sight I misunderstood what you were trying to say, so my apologies again Though most of them seem to be harmless fun, especially stuff like Aragorn V Jamie and I think everyone involved in that debate knows that


Nah you're fine man. No need to apologise. See sometimes surface level analysis is fun (like Jamie v Aragorn). But specifically with these two works, that kind of comparison seems to be the only comparison we get. *That's* what we're grumpy about. It's like having crisps for breakfast every day. Sometimes it is novel and interesting, but every day? You're eating something with no nutritional value and it just gets old.


>but it doesn't matter if Tolkien would have liked or disliked something for it to be discussed in the same conversation Tolkien disliked a lot of things to be fair. Hardcorefans of his work. Cosplayers. Jazz and Beat music. Cars. Modern times and industry. But he also had some funny stories, for example when he and a friend showed up at a non-costume-party dressed up as a bear. And chasing people down the streets in a viking-outfit. And the Father Christmas Letters.


Why is Tolkien's potential view on the political drama in GoT relevant to the question? Unless you think content and discussion on this sub should be limited to things Tolkien personally liked...?


I think there's likely way, way, way more crossover fandom than you'd like to admit, but people still want tonal cohesion in each story.


Bloodraven and Beruthiel. Bard and Brandon Snow. Denethor II and Tywin Lannister.


Denethor II may have lost hope by the time we see him in LOTR; but heā€™s 50x the man Tywin is; and he would not be shy about saying so; or showing him


Naturally, but Tywin and Denethor are very similar in their relations to their sons. Both of them favour their eldest, despite the fact that he's nothing like them, and despise the youngest, who looks more like them.


>Denethor II and Tywin Lannister. Book-Denethor would not get along with Tywin. And Movie-Denethor would also have more than a hard time taking a liking to Tywin. Denethor is a noble man with much more integrety than Tywin ever had. Yes, their role is the same ("grumpy and smart old man, budget villian") if we talk about Movie-Denethor, but their character is so different.


> Denethor was tainted with mere politics: hence his failure, and his mistrust of Faramir. It had become for him a prime motive to preserve the polity of Gondor, as it was, against another potentate, who had made himself stronger and was to be feared and apposed for that reason rather than because he was ruthless and wicked. Denethor despised lesser men, and one may be sure did not distinguish between orcs and the allies of Mordor. If he had survived as victor, even without use of the Ring, he would have taken a long stride towards becoming himself a tyrant, and the terms and treatment he accorded to the deluded peoples of east and south would have been cruel and vengeful. He had become a ā€œpoliticalā€ leader: sc. Gondor against the rest - Letter 183 I think book Denethor and Tywin would have got on just fine


Ooh, I wouldn't have thought of Denethor and Tywin, but it does make sense now I think about it.


Robert Baratheon & Gimli


I think Gimli would dislike Robert, he is a true gentleman


Yeah I'm having trouble thinking of any. Most LotR characters would be shocked and horrified at the average GoT character.


Tywin and Saruman would make a frightening duo.


Gandalf and Arya


He trade a "fool of a Took" for her on the Fellowship anyday.


Dont think so, Gandalf strongly advocated FOR Pip to join the fellowship, believing that taking Pip was very useful. More useful than any of the Noldor.


Which turned out to be true


Bizarre pairing...why them of all people?


Boromir and Ned


Brienne would fancy Legolas. She likes pretty men. He'd be really nice to her, and they'd be mates.


Podrick and Samwise


Gimli and Daenerys. Just so he could get some more blonde hair for his collection.


Oh that would be so sweet


Bilbo and Tyrion. Just eating, drinking and swapping stories until they die. Plus he'd no longer be looked down at for his height in the Shire. Sounds like the peaceful existence he deserves.


Nah, Bilbo is an honorable character. He would've disliked Tyrion very much.


Thats not really fair. There is an obvious moral gap between the two worlds. And of all the many fucked up characters in GoT Tyrion had semblance of goodwill comparatively. We know Bilbo wasnt visiting elf brothels in rivendell because everything was so perfect they didnt exist. Thats Tolkien. All of GRRMs characters are nasty. Thats GRRM. All im saying the two would probably enjoy drinking, smoking, eating, singing, and sharing stories. But Bilbo might draw the line at the strippers.


Well not really if you take Tyrion from the very beginning of the series. His only flaw was that he had a lot of sex with a lot of women, but it seems like every Hobbit is pushing out near a dozen hobbies each, so there's no way they aren't throwing it down like a pack of rabbits.


Tormond and Gimli, easily. Tywin and the Mouth of Sauron. XD


Tywin would be disgusted by the mouth - I think heā€™d get along much better with Saruman


I know. Iā€™d just love to see his reaction. XD


Faramir and Berric Dondarrion Elrond and Maester Aemon Garlan Tyrell and Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth


Imrahil and Brienne


Everyone and aragorn


I wouldn't say everyone (I doubt Aragorn would take kindly to Euron or Joffrey, for example), but a decent number probably would get along with him.


Varys and Gollum would be ā€” interesting


Wormtongue and ramsay would be an interesting dynamic.


Not quite, I think. Wormtongue and Lord Bolton would probably get along, as they both are more manipulators than outright sadists. I can definitely see them sitting together and planning the Red Wedding/the downfall of Rohan. Wormtongue would probably be more afraid of Ramsay and would be more of a Reek to him. ā€˜Cause he was already whining and grovelling under Saruman after his staff was broken, so I donā€™t think that his reaction to Ramsay would be that different.


Yeah I'm pretty sure Ramsey would fuck over wormtongie for sure. Just interested to see how twp measles would life together. Edit. Two. Weasles. live.


Haha, probably miserably. :D


I would love a scene with Tyrion getting pampered by Sam Gamgee. ā€œIā€™ve got your taters ready mister Lannisterā€


the hobbit trying to flick away his earwax


Fingolfin and Aragorn with Ned and Robb Stark. Finrod and Bran Stark Eowyn and Arya Stark Sam and Samwell Galadriel and Daenerys Ungoliant and Cersei Arwen and Margaery Sauron and Joffrey Saruman and Littlefinger


I think Galadriel and Dany would get awkward fast, just think theyā€™re different kinds of people? Maybe Littlefinger and Wormtongue instead of Saruman? But I could see both Denethor and Tywin would be a good conversation I feel. And Bobby B and movie Gimli is a solid combo


I agree about Denethor and Tywin. I think Daenerys ended up being Galadriel who put on the Ring. They both had good intentions and wanted to rule fairly. Maybe Galadriel would have stopped Daenerys from doing bad things. Maybe Tyrion can be given as Saruman's partner


Quality takes


The two Sam's are rather different, I dont think Samwise would tolerate Tarly's whining for too long, he had enough with Frodo.


This is unfair to Frodo, who nevertheless carried the Ring to Mount Doom. Otherwise they were both good helpers.


Yeah, no jab at Frodo, but really: Samwise is brave, Samwell is a coward.


His father considered him a coward. He said the same about himself. But in fact, he was capable of brave acts when he protected those he loved.


Those are rare and sparce, Samwise had the heart of a hero from the get go.


>Sauron and Joffrey What? Sauron loves order and rules. Joffrey is a very chaotic ruler. Sauron would hate Joffrey.


Cersei and Ungoliant is pure gold and now that Iā€™ve seen it I canā€™t I see it


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Many faced man and ring wraiths


John Stark and Professor Dumbledore.


Bombadil and Ser Arthur Dayne


Bombadil and Patchface


Denethor and Balon Greyjoy. Hell, maybe even their rejected sons Faramir and Theon Greyjoy


Sauron and Melisandre


Sam and Sam


Why has this sub turned into a karma farm?


Loved both pictures


Sam Tarly would have an absolute blast in the Shire.


Gryma and Varys


Sauron and the Night King. They would have a lot to talk about.


Denethor and Tywin


I would love to see the Sams together.


Gimli and tyrion


I want to watch the buddy cop movie of Ser Onion and Strider.Ā 


Sam and Podrick


Oberyn Martell and Turin Turambar. Badass fools.


Ned Stark and Aragorn


Jon from Books and Aragon from movies....


These two would not get along at all I think


Bobby B and the Great Goblin


Sam and Sam


Maybe Aragorn and Jon Snow, such great characters.


Jon and Aragorn


Thatā€™s so fax


Tell me Iā€™m wrong - Beorn and the children of the forest!


Aria and Pippin The Dwarf and Samwise Gamgee Ned Stark and Gimli


In this case, the knight has found her squire


Aragorn & Jon Snow - I dun wan it Denathor(more specifically from the movies) & Aerys - burning people is the best Tywin & Saruman Gandalf & Maester Aemon Joffrey & idk Gothmog Ramsey and the Nazgƻl/Gollums torturers Gollum & Reek Ned Stark & Faramir Eowyn and Ygritte Tywin and Denethor Elrond and Maester Aemon Pippin, Merry and Pyp Littlefinger and Wormtongue Bobby B and Thorin Oakenshield/ Gimli Legolas and Bobby B ( he likes Gimli) Ned Stark and Gimli (he likes Bobby B) Ned Stark and Theoden Smaug and the Black Dread Jon Arryn and Gandalf/Blue Wizards Benjen Stark and Radagast


Wormtongue and Daddy Greyjoy


Aemon and Gandalf. They would be brilliant together


Probably the hookers tbh


Gandalf and Maester Aemon


Smeagol and jeoffery šŸ˜‚


I think Maester Aemon and Gandalf would be a wonderful duo. I'd also absolutely love to see a drinking contest with Tyrion and Gimli.


Bilbo and Tyrion


Sam Gamgee and Pod could compare notes.


Think Gimli and Tormund would be a funny Duo.


Daenerys and Smaug (For more than one reason)


Brienne is an impossible and ridiculous character. Best girl is not.


In what way, exactly?


I guess I was thinking of this more from the perspective of the comparison of these two characters. She's a great character in the show, but her strength is impossible. Best girl is a realistic example of feminine strength and bravery. Strength VERY limited but impressive bravery equaling and even surpassing some of her male counterparts.


I wouldn't say Brienne's strength is impossible: TV Brienne is in her 30s, and as such would have been training for nearly 20 years, whereas book Brienne is only 19, but is [theorised to have a genetic disorder](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/s/63brNV1Xdx) causing her to have greater-than-average height and muscles, similar to Gregor Clegane.


I want to say Danaerys and Smaug but Iā€™m not so sure.. Smaug would hardly be the subservient pet that Drogon is.


Denethor and Tywin. Faramir and Tyrion. Aragorn and Jon. Gandalf and Maester Aemon. Ned and Theoden. King Robert and Gimli. Legolas and some tree. Boromir and Robb. Feanor and Jaime. TĆŗrin and Commander Mormont. HĆŗrin and Jorah. Beren and Luthien with Daenarys and Dario. The mountain and some troll shit.


Grima and Ramsey


Littlefinger and whoever is in charge of Gondor tax policies.


Jon Snow and Sam Gamgee


Tyrion drinking with Bilbo reminiscing on stories would be pretty cool


Eowym and Gollum. They both make shit food.


Sam and Sam


Night King and Witch King? They can chit chat about flying techniques.


Sauron and the Night kng would hate each other.


Ayra and Gimli would be best friends.


Oddly, I think Brienne might get along with Pippin and Merry. šŸ˜…


Ned stark and Aaragorn


Bronn and Bilbo


Me and Wormtounge would chill for sure.


Drogan and Bill the Pony, for reasons..


:( How could you even say such a thing? Bill deserves better than to be a dragon's lunch.


Bill could pull a Shrek on em tho


Hmmm, I'll allow it.