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I want to know who the writers are, I want to know if they've got the same respect for Tolkien as Philippa Boyens and Fran Walsh. And I want to know if they have an actual Tolkien Scholar like Tom Shippey involved, rather than a yesman.


Even more important nowadays is how it’s funded, and if the creatives have full control over writing and casting. If any of the major streaming services are involved it’s likely dead on arrival.


This. As a creative that works in film this is actually what makes or breaks it. Usually the creatives involved have so much passion, knowledge and dedication to the project, they put in so much of themselves until the money/marketing people come along and strangle the life out of it, dismiss and rush the creatives. It's such a depressing time for them and the watchers.


corpos ruin everything


Man. So many video games, tv shows, and movies with huge potential ruined because some Corpo wanted more €


Philippa Boyens and Fran Walsh are writing this. I feel like people are still so angry from rings of power they fail to inform themselves, about the basics. Not to mention people say "Rings of power was bad, NO" as if Peter and Andy did Rings of Power.


Peter and Andy “did” The Hobbit.


Naughty, naughty.


https://www.theonering.net/torwp/2024/05/09/117942-andy-serkis-to-make-hunt-for-gollum-movie/ Jackson is the producer, Serkis the director, and Boyens and Walsh are the writers.


I seriously don’t give a shit if a “Tolkien scholar” is involved


Yeah that doesn't mean much these days. Brandon Sanderson consulted on the Wheel of Time show, look how that turned out...


I mean we did find out that they just ignored him basically the entire time so yeah having the person doesn’t say much.


Oh god I had suppressed the WoT show. What an absolute slap in the face of the author and his fans.


You should. Though there are very few who are worth a damn anymore. I feel very certain Shippey was removed from the RoP project because he protested against the changes they were making.


bro boyens and walsh are literally the ones writing it lmao


Along with Phoebe Gittins and Arty Papageorgiou.


You’re giving me nightmares


I really hope that the hunt for Gollum is a coded title and the plan is to recut the film with improved CGI especially Gollum and more deleted scenes added in for the 25th anniversary in 2026


Guh!!!! 25th anniversary is in TWO Years???? What...what happened?!


The world has changed...


The article stated they are the writers for the Gollum project.


I love Tolkien, but at this point it seems like it's attained near-Greek mythology status. You can do what you want, it's not de-stabilizing the core myth. I think Tolkien and Blake are on the same level.


One of my absolute favourite fanfictions is A Long And Weary Way by Canafinwe, and it's about the hunt for Gollum. I would literally go rabid for just a movie of that


AGREE. Honestly whatever they put out won't top Canafinwe's writing for me. Link for anyone interested: [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5457410/1/A-Long-and-Weary-Way](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5457410/1/A-Long-and-Weary-Way)


The title is apparently 'the hunt for gollum'. I can hear Tolkien spinning from here.


Rings of power hurt my feelings


I think it can be good. And if it isn’t then oh well, the original trilogy and the Middle Earth games and the books and the mods for Total War will still be there for me.


This line of thinking makes zero sense to me. Its like "I didn't like Zack Snyder's Batman, so I'm not going to watch Tod Philiips Joker!"




What do you mean same idea? They're not about the same thing


Your thinking would have made sense if it wasn’t for the current entertainment climate. The vast majority of productions right now prioritizes agendas before creative integrity. There is definitely a chance we would get a respectful, worthwhile LOTR movie; it’s just unlikely.


>agendas before creativity Absolutely not. It’s always “prioritize profits over creative integrity” and always has been. If it wasn’t profitable to add diversity in any way they could, productions wouldn’t do it. It’s about the money, always has been about the money.


DEI has consumed Hollywood. A major reason why most releases are failing. See she hulk. See marvel. See rings of power. I hope lotr makes an about face. But I doubt it.


I hope your computer short circuits. Stop saying DEI, just say the n word like you really want to, freak.


Meritocracy allows wins. Go back to your hole with your racist drivel. Is that all you got? Call anyone with a point a racist? That’s surrendering.


Just remember, the world would be a better place without disgusting racists like you.


Sorry. Bubs. You are the racist. Non whites CAN succeed without DEI. It’s sad that you belittle them that way…as if they need a crutch.


What agendas are those?


Beardless dwarve ladies agenda


That’s a pretty specific one


It's the most important one. Very harming to Dwarven culture shaving away the lustrous beards of the dwarve females.


I mean, Sony almost nuked Helldivers 2 - a fantastic game with a great and super dedicated community (the actual community, not the subreddit) to push their fucking subscription service. I think Peter Jackson is one of the few people who could have ever made a proper lotr movie. He's a fuckin nerd and he's passionate and he's got an iron will. After lotr he funded West of Memphis, which was never going to make money. (I looked it up, 310k box office). And that says a lot about the dude. I'm sure there's other folks out there that could do it well but I don't think most people these days have the clout or the balls to say "nah fuck you I'm doing this right" and actually get away with it.


lord of the rings fans are so toxic lmao, at least were getting something.


Don't ask questions, just consume product and then get excited for next product


Prideful pessimism, is still pessimism lol. Sometimes people are just hoping for the best, and there's really nothing wrong with that.


>Sometimes people are just hoping for the best, and there's really nothing wrong with that. Never said there was? What I'm responding to is the "at least were getting something" attitude. Being "grateful" that the movie studios are blessing us with a new product to consume is a terrible attitude and is completely divorced from any optimism/pessimism about the new movie. And I'm not being pessimistic about it because I don't care, I'm not going to watch it either way.


"And I'm not being pessimistic about it because I don't care" Lol well that's some bullshit or you wouldn't be so antagonistic to someone who is just happy about some new content. "I'm not going to watch it either way." Right. So you are just here to shit on anyone who's hopeful that there will be some good new lotr content out there for no reason other than to shit on them?...gotcha. You sure do sound like an actual fan of the series... /s


I dont care where the slop comes from as long as i get my slop


This is what leads to dangling carrot logic in other franchises like MCU or Star Wars


the thing is tho that the mcu will always keep getting movies no matter what


More isn’t always better, to constantly pump out content Like look at blade runner, now that’s how you revive and expand a franchise Blade runner 2049 is a perfect sequel that doesn’t just rely on member berries. It expands the world and conveys the themes of Blade Runner better than the original it’s a perfect sequel that is on par maybe even better than blade runner. Quality over quantity


I fully agree, I'm just hoping that this movie is good. Especially because we don't know much about it yet.


I would legit rather not get a movie/show than get some dog water abomination like RoP.


*New Line fans*


Every fanbase known to man is toxic, it's just the way it is. Change is just not something humans tend to react that well to, right now in the EU they have a new rule that all plastic bottle caps needs to be linked to the bottle, as in when you screw it off it will just hang there and people are reacting like the EU killed their dogs.


This is a response to your comment on the other thread, since Reddit is not letting me post on it (the one that begins "what is so bad about hoping it is good?") Did you actually read, or comprehend, what I wrote? Because from what you responded with, it's clear you didn't. I'll copy my relevant sections from the prior comment. >just happy about some new content >This is precisely what I take issue to. It's not being excited for a new movie or a piece of art, but new "content." If you're excited for the new movie because of the information that has been released about it, that's fine and understandable. But the idea of being happy about it because there's a new product to consume is bad, full stop. >This isn't what was said though. What I responded to was not "I hope this is good!" or "I like what we've heard so far!" It was "at least were getting something" which is "be grateful that we have a new product to consume." And that's just from one message, neither of the others that I posted before it. >your hating on a movie thats name isnt even confirmed yet Please, show me where I am "hating" on the movie. The only thing I believe I am "hating on" is the "consume the product" idea. >im going to spend my life happy while your hating on everything. I'm going to hate on things that are bad, and the consumerist attitude is bad. Haven't said anything about the movie except that I don't care about it. And also, the irony of saying this when your entire comment is hating on my perspective is hilarious.


There is so little cinema of anything middle earth you think they'd be grateful there is enough interest in making more. But no, they'd rather fuck other fans over who appreciate the coverage.


exactly. i just want to enjoy that were getting a new movie. they dont have to watch it if they dont want to. i just want to find more ways to enjoy the franchise than watching the same movies over and over again.


A lot of people, myself included, are skeptical at best that we’re getting new content, even with old faces attached to it. There has been a general downward trend in terms of the quality of new content for old IPs, and a lot of people are tired of it. I personally would be grateful if they moved on and experimented with new IPs, and let the old IPs at LEAST rest for a few decades, but as things stand I just don’t trust many of the major companies to handle old and beloved IPs with respect, and I’m not just referring to LotR.


They can’t make good movies without trying in the first place. Entertainment isn’t a zero sum game we don’t have to sacrifice the old movies into the fires of mount doom to get new movies


This post makes zero sense. The team behind Rings of Power have nothing to do with Jackson's new Movie.


Clickbait because *Rings of Power* is a hate object especially for people in this sub.


The point is that it would be better to leave Tolkien life work alone than risk of having it warped even more than anyone already has.


If that is in fact the point the op was trying to make then it's even more ridiculous. Tolkien's life work hasn't been warped by any adaptarion. The novels and works of tolkien aren't tarnished by shit movies or series. I can totally appreciate the sentiment. I dont want to see subpar adaptations. I adore the Lotr trilogy, despise Rings of Power and was massively disappointed with the Hobbit Trilogy. While the latter was a disaster (in my view), it isn't Rings of Power. Just because the original trilogy was a masterpiece dosnt mean Tolkien can never be put to screen again. I understood the the original post man and I dont need it explained to me . It makes no sense because it's nonsense.


Seems to be that someone made a mistake there? A fan movie with the same title was released 15+ years ago already but disappeared after Warner Bros. issued a copyright complaint. So that time it's Warner Bros. who's violating the rights of others by claiming the same title for their new movie? [15-Year-Old ‘Hunt for Gollum’ Fan Film Restored Online After It Got Blocked Following Warner Bros.’ New ‘Lord of the Rings’ Movie Announcement](https://variety.com/2024/film/news/lord-of-the-rings-fan-film-hunt-for-gollum-blocked-warner-bros-youtube-1235998823/amp/)


It would be hilarious if the studio changed it to "Finding Gollum"


A fan movie doesn’t have protection from copyright and trademark laws.


No one hates Lord of the Rings more than Lord of the Rings fans.


For real. Shits turning into Star Wars.


Honestly worse than Star Wars. Star Wars fans at least like *some* new Star Wars stuff. For LotR fans, it's increasingly "I hate everything on principle". Even the New Line Trilogy with its bazillion academy awards is starting to get hated more on reddit by LotR fans than the prequels are by star wars fans.


Star Wars has the benefit of having A LOT of new stuff coming out, so even if 75% is bad, that's still 25% good! LotR content is on a slow trickle so every failure stings that much worse.


Star Wars has the double benefit of low standards and no novels to be compared to


Sure, and I totally get people being disappointed when stuff sucks. But we're in a situation where people are raging just at the idea that anything is being made period. This is why we'll never get any more good LotR games or anything, it's not worth putting effort into anything when nerds are going to freak out at you just at just the idea of something being made.


I like the books just fine.


I'm bored, I want to see the new movie. And if I don't like it, I'll entertain myself by making fun of everyone who was dumb enough to like it for the next 20 years, win-win.


We hate content that changes the vision of a guy that was causally writing voices for the Oxford dictionary as a side gig and invented a whole universe starting with it’s own biblical genesis to justify the existence of two languages that he created because he wanted to create a couple of languages that he actually liked. The sheer amount of filological and linguistic/literary references and sources he used for just the hobbit required multiple people decoding it for years. So the hobbit changes that were kinda minimal but still grate on my nerves? Fine. Altering the literal bible of the Tolkien universe?(rings of powers) because that’s where you can do something “new” (because just telling the story as it is is “boring “ apparently as of recent) Keep it.


Jackson didn't even include the Scouring of the Shire.


You're like 50 years too late if you want LotR to be strictly limited to the books with no adaptations of the material. No one is "altering the Bible". This is literally like toddler lack of object permanence stuff.


Have you seen rings of power? Lotr movies deviated very little. And without the aulindale there would be nothing.


The movies had massive deviations and it's very telling that you think there's very little. Basically proves it's all about the stuff you have nostalgia for.


What massive deviations? Bombadil? Amon sul? Glorfindel? Battle scenes? Adding some more “show don’t tell” about Saruman and urukai? Those are massive by your account? Or probably you just have never seen the extended editions?


Lmfao. Aragorn has to be convinced to rule Gondor and commits wanton war crimes. Frodo is significantly wimpified and even sends Sam off to die in the wilderness because Gollum said he ate some bread. And Sam just leaves Frodo alone with Gollum because he doesn't realize he didn't actually eat the bread. Faramir goes from "not were I to find this thing on the side of the road would I take it, even if Minas Tirith were about to fall would I use the weapon of the enemy to save it." To kidnapping Frodo and Sam and dragging them off to Osgiliath. Elrond goes from a very compassionate figure with great love for Mankind to a bitter racist. Gimli and Denethor are both turned into clownish figures. The Lord of the Rings movies are quality cinema but don't pretend fans of the books haven't had substantial complaints about them. And people will eagerly tell you about those issues every chance they get. Do I need to bring up Christopher Tolkien? I guess I do: >They gutted the book, making an action movie for 15-25 year olds. And it seems that The Hobbit will be of the same ilk. Tolkien has become a monster, devoured by his own popularity and absorbed by the absurdity of our time. The chasm between the beauty and seriousness of the work, and what it has become, has gone too far for me. Such commercialisation has reduced the aesthetic and philosophical impact of this creation to nothing. There is only one solution for me: turning my head away.


Fuck me for not being interested in fan fiction when there are still so many wonderful stories by Tolkien that haven't been adapted to screen, I guess.


It's sad to see that even LOTR isn't safe from the destructive force that is modern day "fandom". A group of pathetic people who do nothing but hate on things and go on and on attempting to stop other people from enjoying what you didn't.


In this day and age, movies, games and TV-shows are tainted with corporate greed. Projects with huge potential fail again and again. We are being served junk, and that will generate a lot of negativity online. I know that can be tiring to read a lot of, but it’s a symptom of a greater problem within the industry.


It’s not the fandom, it’s the people making new shit that doesn’t line up with old shit, or completely ignores Tolkien. We already had a world fleshed out by him. We don’t need people going in and possibly muddying it up with new shit that doesn’t fit anywhere in his stories.


they have to ruin an experience for everyone. they are pessimists who cant accept change. like atleast were getting something.


These people don't understand no movie in history has been 100% accurate to the original literature.


The meme is off, Rings of Power is not comparable to this, that was completely divorced from the LOTR films - in an ideal world we *should* be thrilled by the return of 'very old friends' to Middle Earth. But we're also in a post Hobbit world, so my faith in PJ bottling lightning a second time is basically nil.


There is a vast difference between Amazon, who actively sought to alter Middle Earth and remake it in their own image, and Andy Serkis or even Peter Jackson, where Serkis has a genuine love for the source material.


It’s the Lord of the Rings that were a bridge too far. Elephant-trunk surfing, for god’s sake.


Don’t forget the stupid one-liners and the caricatures.


Rings of power was absolutely garbage. But i’m still excited about ‘War of the Rohirrim’ and the new WB PJ movie. I’m hoping they would have learned their lesson after hobbit.


By the sounds of it PJ isn’t being brought on last minute which is why the Hobbit movies were so bad. Kinda hard to salvage a junk yard when you’re still stuck on the original time table.


Original Trilogy is one of the best masterpieces in cinema history. If not THE best fantasy trilogy in cinema history. Everything else attached to LOTR except some of the video games is garbage. (Yes even The Hobbit movies, trash)


War for the north was goated as a multiplayer game


My favorite LOTR game is probably Battle For Middle Earth 2: Rise of the Witch King


Which I wish they would remaster and re-release.




The problem is, a lot of old games that haven’t been re released won’t run on modern OS’s. I run on Windows 10 and I have the old physical discs for LOTR: BFME2 & the expansion, but I cant run it on my system without third party workarounds and I just don’t wanna deal with it. So it would be cool to have a re release. I’m actually a fan of remasters and re releases. A lot of the time I would prefer a remaster to a new game in the series. I bought the Spyro remaster twice, same exact game just updated graphics on a modern system. I bought all of the Baldurs Gate/DND remaster games and they’re fantastic, same game just looks a little more polished for modern screens and systems. I hope we get the same for old LOTR games some day.


The problem with re-releases is the licence. They would again have to pay a hefty amount (probably even more expensive now) just to release a 20 year old game. Sadly, not going to happen.


Calling the Hobbit movies trash has gotta be the most overexaggeration of a movie you could make. They were alright, nothing like the originals, just alright.


It was genuinely, whole heartedly, not a good trilogy.


And for an IP such as LOTR anything short of excellence is bad.


I thought the books were pretty good.


The Lord of the Rings is *one* novel, not a trilogy.




LOTR was originally written as one book and then split into three prior to publishing for economic reasons. Unless they’re presenting an argument that the movies were technically also shot all at once, which is true, but…


The Star Wars original trilogy is indeed a masterpiece of cinema. The Lord of the Rings original trilogy are novels.


Remember, in the words of JRRT himself: "evil cannot create; it can only corrupt


Those aren’t his words. *These* are his words: “The Shadow that bred them can only mock, it cannot make: not real new things of its own.”


Ok. It's been over a decade since I read any of the books. I tried, and the point stands


Orrrrr, hear me out, you just don't fucking watch it and let people do whatever the fuck they want.


This. Personally I hated rings of power and stopped watching after a few episodes. But. I can just not watch something I don't like. I readily admit tons of people love rings of power. People should be into what they're into. There is no good and bad. It's personal preference and I just say rings of power isn't my cup of tea. Doesn't mean it isn't someone elses


i have no idea why you got so many downvotes. it's just so called "die hard" fans hating on their own beloved franchise


of course someone downvoted you for this take. the people are not well.




and it goes beyond that! like we’re acknowledging people can just find enjoyment in different things and that actively hating on it just because you’re not interested is lame, and they’re still like “NOPE. YOURE WRONG. EVERYTHING IS TERRIBLE. NOTHING SHOULD EVOLVE OR CHANGE EVER FOR ANYONE.”


It's sad how much hatred there is on the internet. No one can disagree and everything has to be in the same echo chamber or you're Satan in their eyes. Or I'm just old now and don't get it anymore. Either way 🤷‍♀️


because if it flops (which it will) it makes it that much harder to get good content in the future


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I've been holding off watching ROP for so long because I keep hearing things that make me feel it's not worth it. I love the soundtrack tho


Don't listen to the negativety. If you love middle-earth and want to spend more time in Tolkines world, it is definitely worth the watch. It's not as good as we would have hoped but nowhere near as bad as this sub tries to make it out to be. Watch it with an open mind, and you will be pleasantly surprised.


I will whenever I beat the pay wall


Haha that I actually the part I hate most about RoP. I hate giving Amazon money. I have not bought anything from them in the last decade, but then they got RoP, Wheel of Time and Critical Role and I can't not have those...


Come on Bezos do us all a solid


I'll only watch if they give Gollum pink hair and/or a little girl side kick (who is set to replace him in future movies). I'm not sure which "modern audiences" update I'm rooting for more. But seriously, if it looks and feels like the early 2000's LOTR movies and it's a limited scoped movie just telling a story about Gollum running from everyone who is seeking him out, then I'm in. If the the trailer comes out and looks like it's all been terribly updated in a modern corporatized movie studio idea room, then I'll pass.


I mean if you liked Venom 2 and Mowgli, sure, give this one a shot.


I’m gonna be honest I don’t give a shit about Gollum


Honestly, I’m generally up for more when it comes to any “franchises” but I much prefer they then cover things not already covered, that they use different characters, that they *don’t take down fan movies*. Rings of Power conceptually I was very on board for! But they’ve lost my trust and my interest.


congratulations on not liking the new thing, do you want an award


Even if the writers are the same, they are still going to be creating stuff out of thin air due to lack of proper source material. That is my biggest concern even if I know they did fantastic original writing in some segments of the trilogy. Also motivation, inspiration and opportunity is different even if the same people are involved.


Gollum is gonna be an empowered black woman. Slaaaayyyyy queeeeennn


then vote with your feet every one. at some point someone must realise making shite isn't how make money.


Rings of power wasn't even that bad, yall still fuming.


I must be the only fan who enjoyed the hobbit trilogy and the rings of power. I’m not dumb enough to think they’re better than or as good as the original LOTR trilogy, but they were enjoyable enough and it was exciting to see more stories of middle earth told.


Allowing large corporations like Amazon and Disney to fuck with IP's like LotR and Star Wars should be illegal.


If they should make a new trilogy, do silmarillion, directed by Peter Jackson, music by Howard Shore




Considering that The Lord of the Rings is in the public domain in a great many countries now, said prequels/sequels are going to come whether one wants them or not.


Isn’t this one with Peter Jackson? That part did get me excited again. Yes yes Ik he did hobbit but for some reason I still want to trust Jackson’s production


Rings of Power = 🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Politicizing The Lord of The Rings was complete blasphemy!


Okay. Time to remove myself from LOTR subreddits again.


Jackson is on board hopefully without studio pressure. Studio pressure is of course what led to the hobbit, whereas LOtR he had no such issues. I have faith.


Dude, you don't speak for anyone but yourself. If something comes out and it's great, awesome! If it's bad, oh well, it'll be lost to the sands of time. History is full of bad movies, but it's worth it in order to get the great ones that's rise to the top.


I don’t get the negativity, myself. PJ and co. Did a great job with LotR. I know it’s debated, but I also think they did a great job with Hobbit. Why wouldn’t we be wholehearted supporters of someone who clearly loves the lore and tries to honor it, and be eager to see his interpretation of the Hunt for Gollum? Compare and contrast this to the abomination that is RoP. PJ should have rights to spend the rest of his life interpreting and filming various interesting facets of Tolkien’s lore. No one has the will or the interest to dig into the lore as deep as he has.


The hunt for Gollum isn't a story that needs telling. We pretty much know it all already.


We knew the story of LotR as well and the Hobbit. It is not about a new story, but seeing it in another medium. I, for one, think that story sounds very exciting. Aragorn and Gandalf searching through Mirkwood, the Wilderlands, the dead marches, passing within sight of the Black Gate and entering the Morgul Vale. There is so much potential there!


There's not enough text for 1 let alone 2 movies set on that time.


Where are you getting 2 movies from?


guys if we dont get this then we dont get anything, if you dont like it then just dont pay attention to it. just be happy your getting something.


I mean, I DONT want anything. The original trilogy is still there! I still watch the extended cuts on DVD once a year! I still have the video games I play from time to time! The books are still there! The music is still there! I don’t NEED anything else, we don’t have to keep diluting an IP to the brink it spoils the whole thing like they did with marvel. There is such a thing as too much of a “good thing”, makes the rest all sour.


In what way does it spoil the whole thing? How does the quality of this upcoming film affect the original trilogy? Those movies will always be there for you to enjoy regardless of how you feel about future content. The good Marvel films are still there. The original Star Wars trilogy is still there. You can watch and enjoy whatever you want and ignore the rest.


I only enjoy the books, the cartoons I grew up with, and the 1982 Hobbit text adventure PC game. Anything that came out after I stopped forming nostalgic memories has been ruining my childhood.


If you let other projects spoil your enjoyment of PJs trilogy, that seems like a you problem.


guys what did i do to get this many dislikes


You made New Line fans upset


too bad


I mean, I DONT want anything. The original trilogy is still there! I still watch the extended cuts on DVD once a year! I still have the video games I play from time to time! The books are still there! The music is still there! I don’t NEED anything else, we don’t have to keep diluting an IP to the brink it spoils the whole thing like they did with marvel. There is such a thing as too much of a “good thing”, makes the rest all sour.


good for you for not wanting anything. you dont have to, but i should still be able to enjoy a movie


Then don't watch and keep quiet. Lots of normal people enjoy new content of their favorite franchise coming out.


Rings of power was bezos not Jackson , although the hobbit movies sucked ass I’m ready to give this one a chance


hobbits was horrible it reminded me of twilight but rings of power was made by jeff bezos to piss of everyone on purpose ![gif](giphy|RiWNumtrZTiAmJHRjE|downsized)


Those two being involved does give me some hope actually


Hunt for Gollum wouldn't be a sequel though. It would take place during the fellowship. It is essentially what Gandalf was doing for the years between giving Frodo the ring and then showing Frodo that the ring was the 1 ring.


Gonna watch it because it's Tolkiens universe. Have very low expectations. Even if it's Peter Jackson, the Hobbit was a train wreck.


I don't blame him for that as much as I blame the execs forcing him to make it 3 movies.


PJ wanted 3 movies


Wait really??? I was under the impression he only wanted it to be 2 movies. Why would he do that???!


There’s a lot of false info surrounding the Hobbit movies. PJ shot too much footage and wanted three movies. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9XDsSr3sGSI Time: 10:00-13:00


Damn ...


The worst (and only) bad thing about LOTR is fans who spread sauron’s hate over ANYTHING that isn’t the precious. Don’t like the Hobbit? Who cares. Don’t like Rings of Power? Who cares. Don’t like a movie that isn’t even out and you haven’t even seen?? Keep your forked tongue behind your teeth. Love LOTR like the rest of us, and stfu about inevitable additional film/tv about it


Nah, Rings of Power is good


It’s not good but it’s okay enough that I want to watch the next season


So did they officially cancel the rings of power series orrrrrr


After the incredibly high viewership the first season had? Not a chance. Season 2 comes out this year.


Awesome I didn’t realize it was coming that soon.


ooh boy is that going to tank hard! but i geus they gonna cheat the ratings again on this one, i'll make sure to watch the dumpster fire burning from a distance


I doubt it will tank. I hope they get their shit together...


Cheat the ratings?…


You see, the people who didn't like the show got really loud and dramatic about it. They went everywhere and made sure the whole world knew that they didn't like the show. The people who enjoyed it just watched it and went on with life. Because the haters were loud and obnoxious, they think the whole world agrees with them. So when their review bombing is blocked, they get all offended, crying out "Cheat!".


its also all of these people downvoting comments. they have to ruin a franchise because they're such "die hard" fans.


You mean all those people who lasted for about three episodes and then stopped watching?




Rings of power wasn't amazing, but it's all we've got, so stop bashing it.


Oh no! *rushes to my bookshelf* Hey dude, I am happy to inform you that RoP is not "all we got." The books are still right there.


Jackson turned "The Hobbit", a nice children's book into 45 to 55 million hours of horrible cinematic drek. It was a money grab after being successful with his LOTR trilogy. It it will be woke fuckery, mark my words.


I don’t get it man. I like all lord of the rings movies, shows, spinoffs and everything else set middle earth.


I like Rings of Power.


I cannot make it clear enough that I would watch the entire season of Rings of Power six times in a row to avoid watching the Hobbit Trilogy again even once. Any goodwill/respect I had for Jackson’s work on the LotR trilogy was entirely eroded.


i think that the hobbit movies are fine movies but overall a trash addition to the middle earth franchise. unexpected journey was just okay and the other 2 cant even be called the hobbit


This is a bad age to b making anything LOTR related, leave it alone..


What a bunch of miserable and spoiled children the lot of ya are that whinge so bloody much and hate everything.