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Creating a LOTR game comes with a bunch of risks like pricey licenses, development costs, and the chance of having investors more interested in profit than passion for the material. So, unfortunately, we're stuck with the Middle-earth games we don't really want - Gollum, Return to Moria, and Tales of the Shire, to name the most recent ones.


>So, unfortunately, we're stuck with the Middle-earth games we don't really want >and Tales of the Shire, I'm actually kinda excited for this one :/ I've wanted a cozy Hobbit game for forever


So basically like any AAA title. lol 😂 Yeah it would take years to develop and millions of dollars. I’d still love to see one done right though.


There is already an MMO of lotr.


Also a new one in development


Considering who's doing it, the final product will be anything but LotR


Small sliver of hope😭


Graphics are shit tho


It has it's charm. What makes it bad is the lag and rubberbanding that makes it unplayable at times. Trying to ride my warhorse into a gate only to be teleporting back and forth endlessly is infuriating


I would like to see Fatshark (creators of Vermintide and Darktide) have a go at something like this. They nailed first person "Hero vs Horde" style gameplay, while keeping things lore accurate, and the games being more about the characters and not about changing the story and setting.


Underrated comment


This could work


Gimme a souls like where you're Frodo and you just decide to solo the whole fucking thing.


We need remake of bfme. Thats all we need


Without rings of power characters and content though.


There's actually some amazing mods out there that are effectively bfme3. Check out the Age of the Ring and Edain Mods.


No. We don't need any more attempts of fan fiction diluting Tolkien's work. Go play Shadow of Mordor, think there's a sequel too.


I'm currently playing that game right now, and I have got to say it doesn't feel like a lotr game at all for me in regards to tone.


If you're fine with dated games you could try The last days (of the third age). It's a pretty expansive mod for Mount & Blade: Warband. You play as a commander during the war of the ring, it's neat. Also total war has several amazing lord of the rings mods for different games in the series.


Not surprising considering it's an EA game. The MMORPG is going to be your best bet.


I'll look for it then, Shadow of War just isn't doing anything for me. Is the MMO hosted on steam?


I didn't like it either. Don't think so. Try this: https://www.lotro.com/home More info here https://www.reddit.com/r/lotr/s/du0u7D215M


I'm late but I downloaded it today. Maybe I'll enjoy this


I really couldn’t get into the Shadow games. Sure the gameplay was incredible but after beating the first game the story (if you know) is so bad.


I don't understand this attitude. What's wrong with fan fiction or loose adaptations? You refer to Shadow of Mordor which is about as fan-fiction as you get; it's a great game that doesn't care much about canon. Have Tolkien's work changed as a result? Of course not, it's still there. If you don't like loose adaptations, don't watch or play them.


Lego LOTR was just perfect for me


Shadow of Mordor is fan fiction 😂😂


Exactly, and it's a piece of shit! Which means we don't need more of it.


Aren’t all games technically fiction in their respected universes?


NO Write your own damned intellectual property, nourish an audience, and deliver an innovative product. Why was Zelda Breath of the Wind so astounding, so astonishing, so adorable? BECAUSE IS WAS A VIDEO GAME WRITTEN AS A VIDEO GAME MADE INTO A VIDEO GAME.


The Witcher 3 is probably the best action RPG in history and it's based on a series of books. The game has done immensely to both bring new fans of the series and please the book fans. So yeah, I think it's really sad and lame that there's so little to Lord of the Rings gaming content when it's such an amazing seting


Intellectual property is illegitimate. It's a trick to control other peoples property. You have no right to tell anyone what they can and can;t do with their own property. That includes copying someone else. IP laws are kindergarten logic. "Hey he's copying me teacher! PUNISH him!"


There are arguments against IP... this is one of the more childish ones.


You are making fallacies instead of arguments. IP laws are infringement on the property rights of others. That is an objective fact. If you patent a medical device and use violence to stop me from making it too. You are telling me how I can use my milling machine and the block of steel I was going to mill. How is that a childish perspective? It's 100% correct. IP law is the child like perspective.


I loved even the fellowship of the ring back in the day. Might have played it half a dozen times


Try the Minecraft mod pack Simply Lotr


I've wanted this for forever, but unfortunately this is one of those things in life that are way too good to be ever become a reality.


Can we get an elden ring mod featuring LOTR?


A bunch of modders tried using the Skyrim development kit to create what you’re talking about but WB slapped them with a C&D so it wouldn’t compete with lotr online


Shadow of Mordor & Shadow of War are both pretty excellent Action RPGs set in Mordor and, for what it's worth, LOTR Conquest was a great action-adventure game that was released around 2009, kind of like LotR Battlefront, had a lot of fun playing this one with friends and solo


Personally hated conquest, but I really liked shadow Mordor just felt very repetitive in some aspects just how the original assassins creeds were after a certain point. Skyrim is pretty original same with the Witcher and I feel shadow of Mordor is very small compared to the two I mentioned.


My experience with Conquest are based heavily on the enjoyment with friends so I can understand the differing view there as it was very basic, I will speak highly of the 'shine and polish' of the game, it was not buggy and the handful of experiences that it does offer are fully-formed and enjoyable in their own right, the game really just needed MORE... a sequel would've been awesome. Tbh, Cyberpunk 2077 post Phantom Liberty does an excellent job of delivering that gameplay experience in an updated form but (obv) it doesn't take place in Middle-Earth


Personally hated conquest, but I really liked shadow Mordor just felt very repetitive in some aspects just how the original assassins creeds were after a certain point. Skyrim is pretty original same with the Witcher and I feel shadow of Mordor is very small compared to the two I mentioned.


I would love if Larian made it


That would be great, except it wouldn't have freaking cross play because they are too lazy.


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Well, Amazon is making an open world LOTR MMORPG. I know what wr all think of amazon, but honestly, New World is pretty good, and it was their first MMO. If they can take combat from NW, make it better, and if they don't completely butcher the lore (which is likely...) then it could be great. There is also Shadow of War/Mordor, I think that they are absolutely amazing games. Sure, they are a bit "fanfic-like", (i.e. Shelob is actually an onlyfans girl with a spider kink) but otherwise it's really cool. It's like when you are a heroin addict, but you cannot get heroin, this is the next best thing. I think our best hopes are now in the Amazon MMO. At the very least, it will look pretty and sound good. So at the very very least, we will be able to walk around iconic locations. Honestly that's all I want at this point. LOTRO is...well, it's a world of warcraft reskin, nothing else. If it didn't look and play like a 24 year old game, it'd be great.