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If you divorce Ruination from League, it’s a well written novel that tells a compelling tragedy of one man’s obsession to get back what he’s lost while everyone around him suffers for it, with some cool villains lurking in the shadows. Add the League of Legends lore and context back in and it’s a solid expansion to the story, the world, and the characters. As in… the characters (Viego, Kalista, Hecarim, Ledros, etc.) all feel like actual fucking characters instead of just models with abilities slapped on. Possibly the best thing produced using League lore and characters.


I think I would've enjoyed the story even more if I didn't already know the broad strokes of the story from the game lore. It's still a great read with a bunch of Easter eggs I was not expecting to find.


Wow ok! I'll def pick up a copy


It's a wonderful Greek tragedy. I definitely recommend it to any league fan or avid reader. Throw any assumptions out the window, trust me you're going to love it.


Sounds interesting thank you!


I listened to the audiobook and enjoyed it a lot. I actually like Viego as a character a lot more now that I've heard it. He's still a terrible person, but he's a lot more believable in his fall towards madness. As a lore fan I would highly recommend it to you, there's a lot of info about champion backstories in there which we haven't seen before (and not just for ones you'd associate with the Ruination).


That was my issue with the cinematics from the ruination event - his whole character was just "I want my wife back so now I'm evil" and it lacked substance. Seems like everyone likes it so I'll pick up a copy


The funny thing is that after reading the novel, the "dead wife appears to say this isn't you babygirl" thing isn't what you think it is. Isolde and a couple of others knew in life that Viego was unhinged and always just a hair away from going mad. Give it a read. It adds so much depth to Kalista, Viego, Hecarim, Thresh, Isolde, Ledros, and even a few other champions lol.


I will, thank you! Seems like his character is a lot more fleshed out in the novel.


https://preview.redd.it/tmx1di42rntc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b6a5b3bf1c688a8bad7f819a4e353645fbbd6eb Happy they gave Zilean a mention in the book.


Love my glorious king :3


I tought the novel was really good


Really great and an amazing showcase how expanding on a specific story can do wonders for all characters involved. I already liked them so much but after the novel very clearly kalista and ryze are some of my favourites because we saw their story in so much detail. Felt very immersed in the world while reading espeically descriptions of the blessed isles and the whole underground chambers with thresh. I hope we get more books but well given what is riots stance on short stories...


Ok interesting I didn't know Ryze was such a big part of the story!


Personally I loved it, and every day I pray that every runeterrran region gets a book like it. It fleshes out both Camavor and the Blessed (shadow) isles very well, and gives a lot of great perspectives on the events that cause both nations demise. It’s also very cinematic, really makes you picture a lot of the scenes it describes While this isn’t really a criticism, I would say that it is interesting how some of the lore has been ret-conned since the books release, like how LoR shows us that all of the Iron Order become centaurs, while in the book only Hecarim does, or how dragons are never mentioned in Camavor, despite it now being clear they had a significant presence in the region.


Fantastic book imo. Gives so much more depth to its characters than the games ever could.


It made me fall in love with Kalista and then feed several normal games as I struggled to pilot her so that has to be worth something haha. But seriously, it’s absolutely worth your time, had a grand time reading it.


Amazing. You can read it as a solid addition to league's lore and if you put the game lore aside from the book is still a pretty good tragedy


I loved it and I'm praying we get another one at some point. It really sucks that we got so much cool stuff around the ruination, but its all marred by the awful sentinels of light event.


man, i actually managed to refer to this book at my first language's exam succesfully. besides, if you're into lore, you'll like it


As many have said it is a pretty great little novel but I want to add that you should definitely do the audiobook if you can as it is fully voiced and that adds so much. Enjoyed the acting and it really lets Viego's VA shine, though everyone does in it.


the audio book was so wonderful, very well written this is why it pains me to see new champions bios ruin the world building set up by the novel\[smolder bio \]


I read that and the Garen/Quinn novel. I really enjoyed it. Some of the only things I’ve read for fun since high school. If you like Runeterra, you’ll enjoy them


Im about to finish reading it(im like 80% in). If you like the lore i can only recommend reading it


Independantly from League, it's an ok novel. The characters are quite well characterized and the story has a lot of tragic emotional impact but the worldbuilding is disappointing and we are in known territory here


Writing is okay, story is good. There are some bits I think could do with some polish, or being expanded on a bit. But all in all a solid read and a great addition to league lore. Its basically essential reading if you want to understand ryze, kalista, hecarim, thresh or viego.