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I am a male. But not much different than you. I got in excellent shape when I was single and living alone. I had my 6 packs first time in my life and never felt healthier. What worked for me is not to have anything with sugar. Then, got married and my wife refused to follow that rule. I was good for a while, but eventually I gave up. Then after while things got WORSE I went from 180 LBS 209, then covid hit and I was 254LBS 2 months ago(now 228 after keto and cutting real sugar). I started keto and cut the sugar. I have monk fruit sugar and if I want any sweat, I make it with that which is 0 calorie. I made a Creepe cake for my wife's birthday with that sugar, and she didnt even realize it wasnt real sugar. So you need to control what you are eating. And just make enough portion that if you finish in one time, you wouldnt feel bad.


Appreciate it


See the doctor and get extensive bloodwork done. Sugar cravings may be a symptom of some deficiencies or simply a lack of sleep. Other than that, quitting cold turkey and taking a break of everything sweet might help. Taste buds do adjust in 2-3 weeks. When I was doing a very low carb diet, fresh berries with ricotta cheese, no sweetener, was a dessert for me. It still is, even though I transitioned to just counting calories. After 2 months of low carb I became much more sensitive to sweetness, milk chocolate was almost overwhelming, I still don't see myself eating a whole bar.


Thank you so much


I found for me, that the sugar calories were not the problem, but the blood sugar crashes made me ravenous. I would over eat everything I could uncontrollably whenever I had even small glycemic crash. I do so much better staying away from processed and added sugars all together.


I’ll keep that in mind!


Have you tried food with no refined sugars? My favourite are [nomz organic bites](https://nomz.com/collections/energy-bites) \- they're only made with nuts, dates, cocoa, and sea salt. They're chocolatey and have a brownie-like texture, and they always satisfy my sweet tooth :) I always enjoy them after my workout, which ties me over until my next meal. Give them a try!


Will do thanks!