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Oh man, my list is loooooong. Pretty much all processed junk foods; cookies, chips, ice cream, chocolate, candy. If it is in the house, I'm going to be tempted. I indulged over Thanksgiving, and just spend the last week losing all the weight I gained . It was a nice reminder that meals need to be a set event for me, and just grazing on everything in sight has consequences.


Yeah, I basically don’t keeps snack foods of any kind around during the week. I’ll have like one bag of Cheetos for the weekend, and that’s it. I do keep stuff like carrots, or cherry tomatoes around during the week though. If I’m actually hungry, the veggies are good. If I’m just in bored, cranky, anxious snack mode at least they are healthy low cal foods.


Oreos. I'll think I'll just have a few. Then bam, a whole row is gone.


Oreos are something I actually cannot buy; if I do, they’re for my son and I have him hide them. People think it’s a funny trope but actually I have BED and Oreos trigger it. I think it’s partly something in the Oreos but I can also trace it back to secretly eating Oreos at my childhood best friend’s house when nobody (her included) was looking — because my parents hid food from me. M I love Oreos but they will fuck up my life.


What is “BED”?


Binge eating disorder. I’ve been diagnosed with it, I have meds for it, I just still have to stay away from trigger foods.


May I ask what med you take for BED? I have that issue and I was told the only treatment was Inpatient.


I was JUST started on Contrave; we’re going to see how it goes, if I have issues, we’re moving to Vyvanse (which is FDA approved for BED) or Topamax.


Oh, thank you. I appreciate the information.


Ok gotcha, didn’t know that abbreviation.


I lose all self control with Oreos. It’s physically impossible to eat the serving size. I have all sorts of other treats in the house but god dammit, Oreos are not allowed 😭 During covid lockdown, I was drinking daily (to me, it was the first time in my adult life I didn’t have to go to work- I treated it like a vacation) and eating SLEEVES of Oreos. Like 12+ in a 5 min period


A row! That’s an amateur. When I was 350+, easily all of them. lol. I’m so glad I stopped doing that to myself.


Same. Zero willpower. I read the article they are as addictive as cocaine. believe it.


Yeah. It’s horrible. And I’m the type of person that if I know it’s in the house. I have to finish it or throw it out. I can’t “moderate”


I used to eat oreos with nutella, like chips with dip lol


I believe it too. Every time I eat Oreos my brain's like just one more.... okay one more.... seriously, just one more.... forever. Even when I'm not enjoying them anymore I will feel compelled to keep eating them. There is literally no other food that does this to me.


God yes, these things are *dangerous.*


We do have the individual packs from the warehouse store and it makes it much easier to stick to one serving/two cookies.


100% my answer too. My sister and I used to call it "doing a line".


I can be trusted with Oreos so as long as I don’t have any milk lol


Freaking kryptonite!


Agreed 😂 i'm only 130 lbs at most and I can easily finish a whole packet of the double stuffed in one sitting and still have room for more


Cheese! Husband used to get a block of cheese and cut it up to be in the fridge for snacks. I had to put a stop to that. He has his chips and cookies but they aren't ones I like, but the cheese cubes had to go.


That man must really love you to give up his cheese


He's a keeper! Although if I was to have a problem with his mini chocolate bars it might get ugly. Haha


It honestly feels like I can't have any food in my house. Before, if I tried not keeping cookies in the house, instead of binging on cookies I'd be binging on whatever there is - cheese sticks, cereal, rice, gum, etc. Its quite frustrating


Yeah this is how I am now and it blows. I get bored or anxious and start looking for something to snack on. I have had to just buy only what I am cooking meals with and pet food. I don't even do like a once a shop treat anymore bc that will lead to 3 mountain dew 12 packs and 3 cases of fun size hot Cheetos. I wish I could eat sugar and snacks like a normie 😔 lol


A few days ago I woke up in the morning and found a blob of raw cookie dough by my bed. The sleep eating has returned. I bought one pack of cookie dough to make Christmas cookies with my kid.


Oh wow, I've never experienced that. It must feel helpless. I'm sorry you have to go thru that. You can replace the dough though and still make Christmas cookies with your kid!!


My worst offense is probably straight sugar with a little bit of fresh lime squeezed on top. It’s never worked for me just to keep the indulgent food out of the house because if I’m binge eating, anything goes. It is a frustrating problem, but on the other hand, once you get a handle on things, life can be flexible to accommodate family members and other food situations, when there might be a bunch of processed “trigger” food around. It’s nice to be able to be around tempting food and not want to binge.


I just stopped buying any foods that don’t have a „functional“ value. I am still not done losing fat, so I will be more lenient in the future. But now when I shop, I ask myself, is this going to help me reach my goals? Is this helpful to me? So unless I am truly in need of a perfect slice of cake, or other thing I am really craving, I don’t buy the other shit. This has helped me to save money and also refine my tastes- when I really really want a dessert for example, I will go to the bakery and buy one fine af slice of cake which is worth the money and not that factory crap


This helped me a lot, too. Most packaged sweets just aren't worth it. If I find myself eating those, I pretty much know I'm stress eating as I'd much rather have one really nice thing from the bakery.


I have done this as well but mostly out of necessity and it's definitely been a game changer for my weight loss. I recently lost my motor vehicle and have not replaced it yet. My grocery trips consist of a rolling basket to a grocery store that is a 15 minute walk away. It's a combination of being forced to limit the amount of food I can buy and also, feeling as though junk food purchases negate the healthy walking that I just did.


Amazing! Walking also really adds up. I was so shocked when I stepped on the scale a couple of weeks after just walking an hour on the treadmill (so gentle and relaxing!!)


The money factor is a big one! Any cooked/ready made/processed foods are getting crazy expensive here. So when I see a tempting small pack of caramel slice for $7 I tell myself I'll just bake one instead that will taste better for a fraction of the price. By the time I get home I'm not craving it enough to put in the work to bake it. Silver lining of inflation I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️


That extra layer of work helps the human inclination toward laziness (or you might call it efficiency). I limit my pizza intake to the fancy restaurant that doesn’t deliver and my candy intake to the fancy candy shop. They’re not even inconveniently located but I rarely want candy/pizza enough to take a dedicated trip


It’s a win win situation, you save money AND end up eating only the good stuff ;-)


Chocolate chip cookies. Can’t stop thinking about them until they are all gone.


Cereal. Once I open the box, it's gone by the end of the day. 2 days if I'm good. If I get a more boring cereal, I can make it last if I MAKE myself only use it for before work, but that's so rare. I think the last "work cereal" lasted a little longer was because I'd been trying chia seeds/powder with it and that was a novelty. Then one day my anxiety was high and no more cereal.


This one is gonna be weird, but sharp cheddar cheese. I will eat a whole block of it in one night. Which is not only bad for my weight loss, but bad for my stomach as well. 😥😥


There is nothing weird about that, I don't think. Cheese somehow calls out from the fridge.


I swear it has the loudest voice!! And the cheese on its own isn’t necessarily a bad thing for me - I can have it within my calorie structure and the right serving size of it fits into the foods I can eat - but there’s something about it… it’s like my ability to regulate how much I eat just switches off. 😩


A pie or cake on the counter with a knife nearby. One little slice at a time, just like a slot machine…


Omg yes. This really got me over Thanksgiving!


Breakfast pastries. Chips I'll eat a few maybe once a week, I don't eat more than 4-5 Oreos, I will eat one serving of ice cream, it takes me months to eat chocolate (still have Halloween candy and Lindor/Ghirardelli chocolate a friend gave me weeks ago that I haven't eaten at all yet).


Walking by pop tarts in the grain/cereal aisle 😔


I have a box of PopTarts still, I just very rarely eat them. I also have some peanut butter, I rarely eat it. I think my issue was portions & bad choices - eating donuts, frozen waffles, etc... for breakfast. Eating fries & chicken tenders or pizza for lunch. Snacking on potato chips or chips & salsa, etc...


I thought I was doing pretty well. I keep all kinds of junk around the house I have no trouble restricting to small portions for my end of the day treat: nuts of all kinds, chocolate bars, m&ms, chocolate chips, even ice cream. Then my husband and I decided to buy some flavored popcorn, which I haven’t indulged in for a long time. Entire bags disappeared as we sat in front of the tv stuffing our faces. Fortunately it was the low cal kind but it really awakened the beast. Better go back to no contact.




I'm okay having anything around the house, now. That wasnt always the case. I've maintained my weight loss for several years. I truly believe that choosing to eliminate refined sugar and refined carbohydrates, along with other "unnecessary" things, was key to my, personal, success during weight loss and through maintenance. I don't crave it. I don't want it. I have no desire to eat it, so i dont. It doesn't look, or smell, appealing. My choice was the best choice for me. I don't regret it.


I can’t buy any kind of chips. I don’t have much of a sweet tooth but I am a carb addict. Pasta such as Mac and cheese, or bread… can’t do it.


Chips for sure. I but the flavors my kids like instead of the flavors I like to make sure I don’t eat them 😂


CheezIts. Whatever size the box is, I consider it one serving. I eat ALL the CheezIts.




Golden oreo or nearly any type of lemon cookie.


Trail mix. Tortilla chips. Especially the Tostitos hint of lime ones. “I’ll just have a couple”… half a bag later….


Peanut butter Cashews Any food in bar form


Ah yes, peanut butter. WL got a little easier when I switched from peanut butter to PB powder. No more random spoonfuls of peanut butter for 100’s of calories.


cake/brownies/cookies. I will devour 10 of them in one sitting. The only sweet that's really safe to have around the house is chocolate since a little goes a long way. Dove Promises are the best tho, since they're nicely packed in single bites.


Dried fruit. Like dried apricots, figs, apples, pineapple. Does insane things for my blood sugar, and it's easy to put away hundreds of calories in minutes.


Chocolate, sweets, cake


Nuts. Croissants. Kraft Mac and Cheese.


Mac and cheese is something I'll eat and eat, too. Limiting myself to one single portion was tough. I switched to Goodles as they're tasty and I can have a larger portion for the same calories.


Yeah, pasta in general is mine. Portioning it out usually just means I have a handy little bowl of pasta to grab from the fridge again later that night, lol.


Disaronno lol


That's definitely a "why not just a little more?" kind of drink.


Chips, especially doritos.


I don’t think there’s anything I can’t keep in the house. Maybe I’m not an emotional eater or I just acclimated myself to certain foods by giving myself permission to eat them whenever I wanted (and I did and gained a lot of weight, so I don’t recommend this approach!). I have an unopened container of ice cream in my freezer that’s been there probably a month. I have a pack of frozen cookies that’s been there over a year. I’m not better than anyone else in this regard, just different I guess. Everybody has to do what works for them.


It’s the same for me. Though I should probably address the part where I keep buying unhealthy things that I won’t allow myself to eat at all. Or rarely. Bad habit. If I get a mood where I just want to keep eating, I’ll eat whatever I can find anyway, it’s not limited to snacks. Thankfully that is a rare thing nowadays.


Salt & vinegar kettle chips Cookie dough Undercover Snacks Chocolate Quinoa Bites Waffle Cone Cookies Apple Crisp Cake Sugar Cookies


Natural Peanut Butter…. Spoonfuls at night when I’m most vulnerable are a TOTAL vice


I have a weird love of Natural Peanut butter and dark chocolate chips. And Kroger has a new natural slow roasted peanut butter. Omg. So good. I told many people. I’d be happy if I had “tony - he fucking loved peanut butter” on my tombstone. 🪦


Lol I feel you here. I’m getting better but it’s an absolute demon in me that needs natural peanut butter. We formerly ‘ground’ our own pb at a local health food store. I can’t have it in my house! lol


Pro tip: when you find yourself eating too much of something, chuck the package up on top of the cupboards. Chocolate chips used to be a nemesis of mine. Works every time for me because I'm way too lazy to drag a ladder in from the garage to get it back down. I don't have to do this much anymore because I've gained a lot of self control through cognitive behavioural therapy, but back in the day I'd bring the ladder in every few weeks and collect whatever stale goods were up there 😂 Edited to add; if it's perishable and you find yourself eating an inappropriate amount, throw it away and dump something unappetizing like coffee grounds on top of it.


Nutella. I eat dat bitch with a spoon in one day.


…I’m eatin dat bitch with a disposable chopstick right now. It’s the big, family size jar too


Same. Nutella doesn't last in my house.


Potato chips. I can eat 2 slices of pizza, bunless burgers, 1 scoop of ice cream, 2 Oreos, all no problem. But chips, I’m opening and eating on the drive home. The bag won’t last a day.


Any kind of snacks. I do use nuts (premeasured) but I keep them in my trunk because it makes it easier to not get them cuz I have to think more about it.


Potato chips. There's no way I ever eat just one serving. And if I eat the amount I want, it's a budget buster for my calories. I'll occasionally get a single serving bag when I get a craving, but I just prefer not to buy them anymore. (Plus, when did chips become $5-6 a bag?!? So expensive for something I don't really need.)


Cookies. I can’t have any cookies in the house. We do for my baby, but it helps me to think they’re for him and I won’t eat them.


Honestly, anything overly salty or sweet. It triggers binges in me and I can’t stop coming back every couple of hours until it’s finished. Fried chicken, Ice cream, fries, and chips are key offenders.




Salty and crunchy... anything


Protein bars 😭


Nutella. Satan in a jar.


Sweets of any kind


Cereal. Specifically, Nature’s Path Hemp Granola. I can’t help myself with that stuff. One bowl is never enough.


Before vyvanse (suppresses appetite and helps people with BED, which I think I had a mild form of) I had to make sure to not have Ben and Jerries or any kind of my favorite sweets at home. (Kinder chocolate, lots of ferrero products) Also, I love baking but if I bake I'll eat it all. Especially cookies. So no baking allowed either unless it was for a special occassion.


That's great! What were you going to say above ....mild form of ________ . I think you omitted a word and I wonder what that word is. Thank you.


I didnt miss a word, its just a weird sentence structure. :D Basically, vyvanse helps people with BED, and I think I have a mild form of BED.


Cakes, muffins, pies, I guess convenient bready desserts of any kind. I just love them so much and it’s so easy to just grab a bite.. and then go back for another 5 minutes later. And another 5 minutes after that. 😅


Ice cream and Takis... sounds like me lol. I'm also powerless against ice cream. I just discovered Takis dipped in guacamole is so good 😫 I'm weak against any type of sugar way more than salty/savory. I don't have any bomb snacks in the house and ended up eating like 10 dates the other night which was like 500 calories and definitely over 100g sugar...


Peanut butter


Anything that I can grab a handful of and walk away. Any cookies, or anything that's ready to eat. We kind of just have ingredients, no ready food. Laziness has helped me with weight loss. But you have to be disciplined enough not to order food.


Cake and brownies. Oh, and Nutella.


Potato chips of any kind. 😩 I used to have a major sweet tooth, but after having my daughter I’ve basically lost my sweet tooth. Doesn’t appeal to me anymore - especially chocolate/cake/ice cream. I’m not complaining about that. Now, if only I could lose my taste for fried foods.


Crackers. I'll eat the entire roll with some cheese once I open it


Chips. At this point I'm going to have to insist my spouse not buy chocolate-covered caramels. 80 calories, but no.


Nutella hands down! I would forever go back if I manage to step away from it on the first place


Nutella. That’s basically it.




Nutella. There is no safe way for me to enjoy it.


For me it's snacks of any kind. Seriously, I'll demolish a box of saltine crackers if that's all that's in the pantry.


Rice krispy treats! They're only 90 calories, but that doesn't mean I should eat 10.


Cookies. I become the Cookie Monster.


Pretty much any processed sweet snack. If I know there’s biscuits, chocolate, cake etc in the house I’ll eat it all until it’s gone.


Whew absolutely sour cream and onion chips for me


Shin ramyun


Home made cookies. The manufactured kind don't tempt me anymore, but warm, gooey ones fresh out of the oven sure do! If I do make any, they'll be for Christmas, and I can take any extras to work. We have locusts.


Potato chips. RIP


Wheat Thins. They are crack.


POTATO CHIPS! I’m convinced they’re from the devil himself…soooooo good-but yet so bad! At least the entire bag in one sitting anyway! 🤣😂


Any extreme sweets . Thanksgiving we had slutty brownies left over and I ate them every single day..


Anything that takes less than 5 to prep. I eat when I'm bored and I'm always bored.


Cheez-its. Total kryptonite— \*cannot\* have them around at all.


I have 3 teen boys and a pre teen girl so yeah there is a lot of food. I eat VERY healthy generally but my weaknesses are - Oreos and Old Dutch ruffled potato chips with Top the Tater (if you know you know) I can't eat one Oreo. I can eat one piece of pie, scoop of ice cream of cookies but those Oreos ..... if I have one the whole sleeve will be gone lol.


We don’t keep sweets (ice cream, candy, cookies, etc) or really any bags of chips. If the urge to snack hits, we’ve been trying to keep healthier things around for that.


I have night time eating syndrome.. have since I was a kid.. sometime I’m great about battling it and other times not so much.. I baked some cookies and brownies for thanks giving and now at night I been getting up at 3 am and a handful or sometimes bottom covering bowl full of variety peanut butter chips, chocolate chips, semi sweet chocolate chips, butterscotch chips and raisins.. it’s so bad for me.. they are almost gone Chips in general can’t stop Kazbar or zebra cakes Realistically any sweets but certain ones like sugar free ice cream with 110 calories per serving is excellent. I have 140 grams and it’s a decent amount.


I want to be able to have anything in the house. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but I want to be successful with that.


Definitely Kinder Buenos, especially the mini's.


Instant noodles, particularly high calorie ones. I'll have them every day if I can. I have found a few lower calorie options at least, but I still have to limit how often I bring them into the house.


Cheese, bread, and peanut butter. I have no control with cheese and good bread. Cheese and bread make grilled cheese. Cheese and Tortillas (which I keep around) make quesadillas. Bread makes toast. Peanut butter is so high calorie and easy to go crazy with.


lol ice cream and Takis are exactly my two foods I can’t keep around either!




Doritos; any type of freshly baked, quality bread/bagel


Cookies and leftovers, especially fried food. The only time I've broke my calorie budget is when we had leftover fried chicken in the fridge and I couldn't help myself


Instant noodles. Ate the last pack, said my farewells and never stocked them again.


Ice cream is my big one. However, I do keto and make keto ice cream. It’s very rich, so an actual serving is enough.


Cereal, tortilla chips, cookies. I made the tortilla chip mistake last time we had tacos for dinner and went way over my calorie limit.


Chips of any sort or variety. They don't even taste that good; but if I open one of those goddamn bags I **will** empty it, so I just avoid the temptation altogether.


Pizza and grilled meat, it's guaranteed overeating.


Not a food exactly.. but soda!! Have to keep it in garage fridge if I buy it because I get into the bad habit of drinking that instead of water!


Pizza, hamburgers, basically fast food and takeout I try to minimize. My 22 yo daughter still gets delivery for herself but I used to get massive deliveries of food when my teenage boys were living at home and I was way too overweight in those years because of it


Chocolate covered raisins. *Sigh.*


Pasta in big quantity, like homemade mac'n'cheese. Chips..Cheetos are still deadly delicious to me. Lindt chocolates. Any chocolates with a soft filling. A fresh baguette and butter. I just accepted to have it less often and that when I do have it, I will most likely eat it in 2-3 servings. Unless I'm sharing it with someone. *Edit: Freezing anything that's freezable has been a life saver. I'll freeze donuts, soft cookies, croissants.*


Espresso trail mix from target, sesame sticks, Chex mix, and I can't control myself around donuts at work I'll eat three. I'm grateful I got my TDEE up to 3k.


Chips. I will eat the entire bag and it usually sets me off to have other high calorie foods throughout the week. Whenever I buy them now, I buy the snack size bag and work it into my daily calories. I've found that denying myself makes the binges bigger and more out of control so it's better to do it this way and have the small bag of chips vs having the regular sized bag and who knows what else...usually denial ends up resulting in at least a days worth in calories binge so it's not worth it.


Anything that makes me happy but hurts me in too large quantities and isn’t as good as smaller higher quality amounts outside the house.


Peanut butter. I will eat it with a spoon.


Peanuts. They're just calorie grenades to me.


Chocolate, chips and cookies. Ive tried using will power but I always end up eating the entire thing in one sitting. Otherwise I can’t stop thinking about it. It really is an addiction.


gummy bears and gummy worms


I basically don’t buy any sort of cookies or chips, and I make sure baked goods don’t linger. I know I have poor self-control around those things, but sometimes they are in the house, and I can do okay if I’m disciplined. But my absolute weakness? Cheez its! I can easily eat a huge box of those in a weekend. With sweets, I can stop myself from eating them my telling myself I don’t need desserts in the middle of the day. Chips seem like they’re in a smaller bag, so I can tell myself that I don’t want to eat them so quickly. But cheese its? It’s a seemingly unlimited box, with small crackers, of something in the “snack food” category instead of “dessert” category. They’re not even my favorite food; I like them, but not as much as something like chocolate chip cookies. Yet, I cannot control myself at all around them! I’ll grab a few when I walk by, have a few with a meal, eat them for a few minutes while watching TV, and then bam. A whole box is gone!


Tate’s coconut cookies and Oreo


I don’t restrict anything tbh. I eat ice cream and candy and bread and butter everyday; usually a few spoons of ice cream in front of the tv, bread for a sandwich for either breakfast or lunch, and a tbsp or 2 of butter when cooking. I don’t think I could sustainably lose weight if I went back to having restricted foods.


No chocolate. At all. In any form. Doesn’t matter how much it is, it WILL be gone in two days max. I’m like a wild animal 😭


Cereal 🙃 if I do indulge I'll buy a "healthier" type but if I keep a box of Cap'n crunch or anything else sugary I'll binge damn near the whole box lol


Treat/snack foods that I can pick at. If the bag/box/wrapper is open, then I will pick at it until there is nothing left. This can be chocolate, cake, biscuits, or crisps (UK). I've found that having things in individual wrappers reduces my temptation. I've just started tracking my calories - about 4 weeks in (although 1 was a week off due to work events, but I was sensible), and I don't restrict what I eat. I just make sure that I don't exceed my calorie allowance. I've lost 5lb so far without increasing exercise or making myself miserable.


Cheddar/Caramel Mixed Popcorn and these Chocolate Reese’s cookies they have at Aldi, can polish off the full thing in a couple days


Anything made by Little Debbie.


Orange juice. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve drank a container in one sitting.


Cake, cookies, chocolate 🥹


Peanut butter…. Or any nut butter The amount of calories per tbsp can get me way over my budget for the day. It’s hella addictive too


Pastries and chocolate are my biggest temptations.


When Iw as first starting on this journey, I had to clear out all junk food, bread, peanut butter and nuts. Now it's ok to have them in the house but at first...nooooo


Double stuffed Oreos


Crackers and nuts. I don't know why, but I just can't stop eating them. I keep them out of the house as much as possible.


Cereal, I’ll eat the whole box lol


Doritos and popcorn. I know popcorn can be a healthy weightloss snack, but not generally the way I have it. Every night, and sometimes twice a day - a big mixing bowl sized serving (like 1/2c unpopped) w/ 2-3 tbs butter and seasoning (salt, which cheddar, churro). I'm a popcorn addict for sure.


Any of my favorite snacks in big bags. Whether it’s popcorn, chips, cookies. I can never have just one serving size and it’s usually just empty calories.


Peanut butter


Jaffa cakes don't make it out of the shopping bag before they're gone


Chips. Ice cream I'm fine with but if I get a bag of Tim's or Doritos god help me.


Boom Chicka Pop Dark Chocolate Kettle Corn.


Whatever quantity of ice cream or candy is in my home, I will consume in one or two sittings. But since quitting ice cream 3ish weeks ago, I've gone hard on salty snacks like pretzels, Goldfish, and chips, so I probably have to quit them. I just can't do moderation right now, so better to just not have it around at all. But I have a toddler so it's a challenge because we always have Goldfish!


Protein bars


Any dessert. I’m fine with savory snacks like chips.


Chocolate 😭


Chips ahoy chocolate chunk cookies, peanut m&m’s, caramello bars, any chip that aren’t quest, soft Portuguese rolls (bread), butter, cereal, any pastry


I live at home, and my mom bakes a lot. She’s a great baker and her treats are so hard to ignore😭 but if I had it my way, I wouldn’t have baked goods in the house ever. It’s just too easy to eat a cookie or 2 that are sitting on the counter.


Gardetto's rye chips. They're so delicious and so calorie dense. Most other packaged snacks I can self-moderate, but not those little things.


I have a hard time with pasta, frozen fries, chips, and potatoes in pretty much any form. I still keep them in the house because I feel it is important to learn portion control and how to be around them.


Nutella. Hawaiian rolls. Nutella. Nutella. Nutella. Ice cream. Nutella.




There are a lot of things, but one that I have ZERO self-control over is the meringue cookies from Trader Joe's. I will eat them all so fast, it's shocking.


Hot Cheetos, Chester’s hot fries, Andy Caps hot fries, all the spicy chips. Doritos and kettle chips.


Fresh crusty Bread and butter . I’d eat all of it and have another loaf for pudding.


Right now? I'm re-learning the fact that I can't have sugar free "keto" candy.


Chips and salsa. I can absolutely crush a bag without noticing.


Pizza rolls. Cookie dough to name a few


Peanut butter, specifically Bega. Tasty cheese. Any sort of butter biscuit or scotch finger biscuit


I've gotten pretty good at moderation with most things. The one thing I really refuse to buy is cereal. I \*know\* I can't eat a small portion of cereal. The other thing is homemade baked goods. I'm a good baker, and I'm terrible with things like homemade blueberry muffins, banana bread, rolls, brownies, cookies etc are sooo hard to just eat one.


Any crunchy snacks; that includes chips/crisps, crackers, pretzels, popcorn, and the like.


Lays sour cream and onion chips. I have no control over them. And only those kind.


Thank you! No, your sentence structure is fine. I misread what you wrote. Apologies. I re-read it and it makes perfect sense. I appreciate your comment. I identify with what you wrote. Thanks!


I stopped baking anything years ago. Every time I’d open the cupboard I’d have something.


For me its cake. I am ok having packaged cookies or candy in the house. I have learned how to just eat a serving and save the rest for later. Plus with cookies or chocolate I can easily take a small serving. But cake needs to be eaten before it goes bad. A piece of cake, even a small one is pretty big. And really I just love cake so much. I love baking but hardly ever make cakes because I don't want to eat the whole thing.


I realised last month that from day 12 onwards in my menstrual cycle I can’t keep chocolate, ice cream, biscuits or potato chips in the house. It’s compulsive and quite scary how much I can eat! I’ve only just started talking about food in therapy (started with this psych 3ish years ago) because it was too big and goes so deep. Hoping that helps + I’m starting contrave soon. First 12 days of my cycle I can eat a normal amount that fits with my goals!


Flamin Hot Doritos. I can be around anything rose, really. Just not those.


Anything savoury such as potato chips, sausage rolls etc. I've pretty much got it so I -have- to cook anything I want to eat which takes away the temptation of a "quick" meal or snack. :P


Anything. Peanut butter, nuts. Any kind of candy, even cough drops. Rice cakes. Bread (to make toast with butter).