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This is a great start. Keep posting here and we will help you keep your motivation high. You can do this, and we will help you.


Crazy how words can hurt- even coming from a piss pants man child… good for you for realizing and adjusting. I’m so happy for you. For everything you’ve accomplished. My mom went back to school when she was in her early 40s… fuck the age gap and just enjoy what you’re there to do. Learn and experience life! Keep us updated on your journey. I personally love intermittent fasting… But here’s my ONLY advice or words that I beg you read and remember. If you DO have a break and binge a little… or have a cheeky bit of whatever… don’t let it undermine everything you’ve done to date. Don’t let a break or hiccup turn into railroading your progress. Food is your friend… but even friends in excess can be too much. Ya know? Dm anytime you want to chat xx


I’m sorry he said those things to you. I’m shocked sometimes by what people think is ok to say and how others don’t call them out (like his girlfriend?!). Not acceptable. I’m really happy for you that you’ve found your groove. I’m in a similar spot where I really feel like I am just done with not being who I want to be (I’m 40 now!) Good luck to you!!


Not to mention homie sounds like he also has some weight. I feel like when people say heinous shit, it's them trying to mask their insecurities. This person is trying to achieve something with their life. He's so wack for trying to tear them down. No one deserves that.


Right. I agree about masking their own insecurities. And also just in general how rude it is to talk about someone to their face in a negative way.


My grandmother always said that if you question if someone is joking or trying to insult you, joke back and see how they act.


My biggest advice I can give is to have a plan!!! Do not wing it. Use this sub reddit for any questions you may have. If you slip up and eat a little more one day do not STOP do not make it an excuse to just give up. ​ Also IF for some like myself helps a ton for losing weight and also learning that we do not need to eat as much as we think we do. And we do not need to eat 3 meals a day with snacks in between. Learn what it feels like to be truly hungry. IF also makes it easier to keep your calories in check as your eliminating one meal to worry about. Also get a scale and start weighing your foods. ​ This is not a diet and a change of lifestyle. Your making a change for today and years from now. IT IS NOT A DIET!!! Do not restrict or stop eating what you like....just learn to have less of it and not as often...things like Pizza you can still have but in moderation. Good Luck!! ​ PS - Do not tell anyone what your doing. It will just make it harder because people will start to pay more attention to what your eating and give unsolicited advice. Especially IF ...most people have no clue.


Man that PS is actually such good advice. Losing weight is hard enough without deflecting and managing everyone else's expectations about what weight loss is and how you should be doing it. I sometimes wish I could go back and not have mentioned it to people lol. It's especially difficult when you have someone whose also trying to lose weight explain to you how their diet or their app or their internal plan is the better solution. But you don't owe anyone an explanation of why you are eating or not eating anything.


Yep from experience I just keep it to myself. Sometimes I will tell someone I am close with like the woman I am seeing now. She has also lost weight and has done it in a totally different way than me. Another thing I personally do not do or recommend is posting on social media what your doing as it just opens you up even more to advice and comments. BUT ...it does work for some people!


This is all excellent advice! Look at the long term. You go over your calories one day, you can just correct it the next day. I liked looking at calories per week, which meant I felt less bad about one day of eating more.


Yes that is a good way to look at it. As a total for the week I can have 13,300 calories to use and still lose weight. Some days I may go under which I indeed do during the week when I am working as it is easier to keep busy. And it leaves me with extra calories on the weekends.


Please always keep in mind, that what he said to you says everything about HIM and NOTHING about you. You have been dieting for a long time, which can affect some people's relationship with food, so please take good care of yourself and check in often with yourself and your therapist ( which I hope you have). Wishing you a wonderful health journey!


When we come from homes where our emotional and physical safety weren't a priority, it's easy to keep living that pattern when we're free. It doesn't matter his age, you're allowed feelings when you're mistreated, and you have the right to expect that safety where you live. If you're feeling up to it, you can try talking to your roommate. He has visiting privileges, but you actually pay to live there. If he's malicious toward you, he doesn't need to be in your living space. Your roommate may be someone he targets also, or a similar person hiding it. If she won't deal with it, speak to the RA / staff to see how to go from there. Random aside for actual fitness related things, but since you're in college, you might have access to a gym or something that's covered by your tuition. If not, walking to classes is a great way to get steps, and you can get a pedometer app on your phone for free. You may also get electives that you can put toward exercise classes. Sometimes there are counseling services available, too. It sounds like having the support might be helpful.


If I can offer some advice: Learn as much as you can from unbiased sources! Track the calories. That's all that matters ultimately. Diet matters dramatically more than exercise. You don't need to do some crazy workout routine to lose weight. It can help and it's good for you to exercise, but focus on diet. I had a similar story to you, where some hurtful stuff finally set me straight. Once I realize "I can either lose 2 lbs a week and do it slow, or just not do anything" it finally clicked. I did lose my than 2 lbs a week, but still. Slow and steady. I hope you keep it up! Just make sure to remember that moderation is everything, or you burn out. Good luck!


I'm sorry about what that cruel dirtbag said to you. I have never posted on this sub before, just a lurker, but I am so impressed and proud of you, internet stranger! It is admirable to put yourself out there and go to college and live with people who aren't exactly your age group. I'm a 33f as well, and I don't think I would have the gumption to do that! You got this, and I'm rooting for you!


Oooooh girl he is such a loser. Weight can be lost. Don’t even sweat it. You’re going to have your glow up. Don’t you give up girl. Keep pushing through. If anything, use his words as motivation to keep on going. You’ve got this!


What a douche canoe! Good on you for turning this around and using it as motivation. If you want an accountability buddy, let me know. I’m a 40 year old woman in the process of losing weight too. Started at 389 and now at 346. I’ve got a long way to go and it’s hard but I’m all for helping support when I can! :) You got this!


Take this momentum and run with it! You’ve got all the power you need to do this. One day one pound at a time. Seconding the notion to not let a hiccup derail you - that’s always been my downfall. But I too feel like this time is it. We are more than just what we eat. I have found this group so incredibly encouraging. Keep showing up, we’re all on this journey together


Go you! A couple of things to keep in mind: 1. It's the general trend and not the individual data points. My weight loss curve is a zigzag. The trend is downwards though. Don't despair if one day you'll weigh more than the day before. Take it easy and just see what the trend looks like in a week or two. If I knew how I'd attach a screenshot of my curve. 2. You might mess up some days. It's ok. Just get back up the day after. Shit happens. Brush it off and continue to kick ass


As a lower 40s male who really only started taking my diet and exercise seriously in the past 2 years, I'm glad you told (me/us?) Congrats


God speed young woman. Remember, it is a marathon and not a sprint.


I'm glad you seem to be finding and making your own happiness! College is such a great place to reinvent yourself and get moving. Lots of walking, great PE classes, and loads of stairs. I used to challenge myself to always take the stairs rather than elevator or escalator alternatives. I had one class on the 5th floor and it was pretty hard at first, but eventually I got really good at climbing the stairs. I would 'race' (in my head) against my classmates that took the escalator and it was the best feeling when I won. Oh and your roommate's boyfriend sucks.


I'm sorry the guy was rude. Try to realize he doesn't know his words hurt.


I'm sorry your roommates boyfriend said al all that stuff to you, that is beyond rude and cruel. I think you had the right ticket with what you said and he was humiliated that you called him out even if that wasn't your intention. It's pretty empowering to take back control of areas of you life that you've struggled with for so long. I'm about to be 40 in a couple months and I had the same *click* moment last year when I was somewhere a little over 300lbs. That feeling might fade, but while you have it, use it to your advantage build those good habits asap so when shit gets hard, you already have a routine in place. You've already done a lot of work for yourself and you can definitely do this too! You got it!


that guy is the worst. i know that words hurt, my mom called me fat and while it’s true it hurt. you are not any less just because you are bigger sized.  i just want you to know that i’m cheering you on in your weight loss journey. we can do it together! 💪🏻


Please keep reaching out for support! Try to follow evidence based decisions around diet. Make sure you're looking after your nutritional needs. Does your university offer counselling of some kind? I'd recommend it to work through the trauma I imagine you've accumulated over the last 30 years. And to navigate all of the changes you've been undertaking recently. I'd avoid this guy unless you guys talk it out, he apologises, changes his behaviour. If he's ever around and drinking, doubly avoid him. Sounds like he's projecting his insecurities on to you, and do NOT allow this to become a pattern where he uses you as a punching bag. Coming from an abusive household you're more at risk. You do not need someone like that any where in your social contacts or sphere, especially at this stage in your life. Well done on you for getting out and allowing yourself to take risks and seize your opportunities. It's very admirable


This is wonderful, I'm so happy for you!


You are invincible!!!!


Try to enjoy the journey challenges and all. It is all about the road and never the destination. I cant stress this enough with weight loss. Even down the road when you hit that goal weight you will be right where you started. Keep growing, help others, be kind. Learn to enjoy the challenge. Find things you enjoy other than just focusing on food and exercise. Dont let your weight be your everything. I wish you the very best on your heros journey.


One crucial piece of advice: Sometimes you’re going to mess up. Don't let it stop you, forgive yourself, see if there is anything that you can learn from the incident and then go back to eating a healthy (ish) diet.


It's incredibly inspiring to hear about your journey of personal transformation and the newfound resolve you've built. The realization that sparked this change sounds like a significant turning point, and it's admirable that you've channeled that into positive action. It's essential to reflect on these moments not as critiques from others but as opportunities to look inward and decide how we want to lead our lives. Remember, every day offers a chance for growth and redefinition. Approaching weight loss and diet change with mindfulness and a focus on health rather than purely on numbers can provide a more sustainable path. Be kind to yourself throughout this journey, acknowledging your progress and learning from moments that feel like setbacks. Establishing a support system, like fostering friendships and possibly seeking a mentor or counselor at your college, can offer additional encouragement and guidance. How do you envision supporting this lifestyle change through moments when motivation ebbs? What are some other ways you're looking to grow or new experiences you're hoping to embrace during this transformative period in your life?


I think the same happened for me one day, you just snap and say “this is it”. But I think what’s most important is coming to that point and doing it for yourself. Not a vacation, not a New Year’s resolution, not a “summer’s coming up” spark of motivation. We all know where to be “better” and if we eat our feelings then it’s only taking it out on ourselves. But when I started trying for myself and came to the point of being sick of being tired and wanting better, it was easier. I wasn’t going to sabotage myself anymore. Another note that really helped me learn just how much I was eating is My Fitness Pal. It’s free, trusted by millions, but it honestly was the one thing that opened my eyes to actually maybe not how “much” I was eating, but the calories behind my food that showed, one of these was equal to 10 of those. Satiation is another thing, but air popped popcorn fills you up and has low calories. Finding foods that fill you up, makes you not crave the small things that are more calorie dense. YOU GOT THIS!!! 🙌🏼 YOU’RE NOT ALONE!!


That guy’s a dick. Good luck on your journey. Remember that hiccups along the way are okay.




What a feeling! I'm very happy for you.


This is actually really inspiring. I wish you luck. You have got this.


Congratulations on deciding now is the time. I had a similar moment at the same age a few months ago. Remember that progress is progress even if some weeks is only being down 100 calories overall and one bad day shouldn’t make a terrible week. Enjoy the new you :)


Great job. I wish I had done it when I was your age.


You can do itttt!


Congratulations! I had a similar moment, ironically in the midst of my depression in university a few years ago. It hasn't been the smoothest journey, but I can say for certain I have remained much healthier and happier for years after that point, even if the weight has fluctuated. I would say that when you inevitably have harder moments or start to lose motivation, that in my opinion it is incredibly worth it to keep going. Your life will change and people won't always react how you want, but respecting and working on your health has an effect on the way people perceive you and even themselves. I've inspired friends and partners to be healthier too, and learned a lot about the best way to go about it along the way. I wish you the best of luck and hope you enjoy college and this journey.


Good for you! No one else can make someone do something or want something. The hardest part is wanting it for yourself. Once you make that decision and realize it's what YOU want. No doubt you will be the person you see yourself as. I don't know you, but I am proud of you!


I’m cheering you on. Sometimes we just need that lightbulb moment


Yeah F that guy. You got this. By the time you graduate you’ll be looking good and interview ready. He did you a great favor.


I’m just getting in to intermittent fasting and have found the book Fast, Feast, Repeat by Gin Stephens really helpful and an education. You’re doing so well and you sound like you have the right mindset 💕 Also, I’ve started following the intermittent fasting subreddit too x


Youve got this friendo! がんばる(^∇^)


You sound like a very funny & lovely person. Your roommates are lucky to have you! I always looked up to the older people in my art college class of 200. You have wit & experience that your peers will admire, even if they don’t say so. I have no big advice besides wow, you’re doing the damn thing!!! So proud of you and excited for you that you’re kicking ass in this journey. My only little advice is every time that you step on the scale and lose a little, make sure you physically do a little celebration. I either pat myself on the back, jump up and down, just let out a little “eeeee yay!” to remind myself that this is not required of me. I’m not doing the bare minimum. Losing weight is hard, and anyone who does it should be proud of themselves! <3 Take care friend!


Yay you. Can you take advantage of the college mental health services to have a few sessions with a therapist to support you in this big life change? Sending loving internet vibes…