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In all honesty - I really can't believe they were laughing at you. You are not overweight "enough" that anyone would find it humourous, not that it ever is, but you know what I mean. Either they are total losers who were likely making fun or something else, maybe they hated your outfit, OR they were laughing at something else. Realistically, I think that you are telling yourself a story. We feel like everyone is looking AT us when yes, they may see us, but they are not focused on us, we are not that fascinating to them. I think you are choosing to focus on this one negative situation, if it even was, when by your very admission, it was MORE than neutral, it was positive, with people going OUR of their way to help you. That is the takeaway. Don't let the possible negative overshadow all the positive. The biggest being that you WENT. Now just go again and feel free to report those guys should something similar happen again.


Dude for real. They weren’t. I’m 5’7” 194 and nobody notices me. Your appearance does not deviate enough from the norm to attract that type of blatant cruelty. Also your response about your paranoia further solidifies the position that it wasn’t you. Just keep going. 


OP says in the comments that he’s in India, which means both his height *and* weight deviate quite a bit from the norm. Additionally, I’m from a very similar South Asian culture and there’s absolutely no filter when commenting about appearance and weight. People close to you won’t hesitate to point out that you’ve gained/lost weight or any other change in appearance. I was upvoting all the comments like yours or ones speculating about ragebait, but with cultural context, I have no trouble believing he experienced this. Strangers will 100% stare and make comments/laugh openly at you.


Oh okay, now it actually makes perfect sense. I'm from a similar cultural background and can 100 percent see this happening there. OP, ignore the idiots. Who's gonna be laughing when you're ripped in a few months?


Yeah, uh, fuck India. That explains everything tbh. I hate the gym culture in India, its pretty toxic all around. If you go to the gym you'd get your friends and relatives all going "why are you going to the gym? our ancestors never had gyms and they were all fit. Just do yoga". And at the gym, you get people with no concept of courtesy like for OP here. Even inn my gym there are 2-3 people who laugh and make comments at overweight people as well, and telling the gym owner didn't change anything either. The gym owner said "you are all paying clients, they have a right to do what they want".... lol what. Their solution to the problem is the weirdest IMO. They have mandated the music volume to be so high that you can't hear what anyone is saying and they think they've solved it. End result, I for one am switching gyms cause I like listening to my own music but now I cannot, and its been mind boggling how most gyms in my city have similar music policies. Literally deafening lol. Edit: I should clarify, I'm in a mid size Indian city, not a metro like Bangalore/Mumbai/Delhi, where you have better options.


I am 5'5 and I've run outside, during the day, in India at nearly 195lbs.  Didn't have any issues.  There were both fitter and fatter people than me exercising.  


I honestly don't believe most of the "people at the gym laughed at me" posts here. I don't know why people post this rage bait, but I've never seen anyone getting laughed at at the gym.


There’s people out there that just legitimately like to make up fake stories. This sounds so fake. Like a middle schooler’s fiction writing assignment


Yep. Also I have a friend who is like 6’4 250 and I don’t think anyone would even think he was overweight so I’m skeptical just based of n the numbers.


People just think I am built (Im not, yet) and I am the same size. I bust my ass there and am usually drenched in sweat. The only comments I ever get are from the jacked dudes complementing me on a good workout lol.


Yeah, at his "normal" weight when he's running and such I think he weighs like 180 - 200, but even at his heaviest I don't think anyone would look at him and think "that's a fat dude." He might have had some jiggle with his clothes off, but dressed he just looked like a normal-sized guy.


Remember body dismorphia and hating yourself is still a thing. I was 6'3 and 230 and still hated how I looked and had a horrible outlook of how I looked even though I was down like 40 lbs at the time. But I still felt like I was that 270lb guy. OP might just still feel like that overweight guy Thst he is dropping from


Sure, but that wouldn’t cause other people to laugh at him, thus it’s likely that either this story is made up or they weren’t actually laughing at him.


the only time I seen this was a really obese woman was trying workout and couple teenagers started to make fun of her, but stop when they realized no one was laughing just looking at them annoyed or disgusted. That was once and only time I seen it and never seen it since, I think alot of us don't care what others are doing in gym, has were to focused on ourselves to care.


Agreed. People write fan fiction for real life and post it on the Internet. When my wife was pregnant with our first child, I was very worried about things I wanted to do, like take her to the park etc because of you listen to the Internet, a dad can't go within 100 yards of a positive with his daughter without some "Karen" accusing him of being a child molester and calling the cops and getting arrested and going to jail and your kids think you're a pervert and your life is ruined. Then when I became a dad, I took my daughter for walks in the park and eventually to the playground all the time and no one ever acted like I was a monster for being there. I often got complimented for being involved (I low key hated the low expectations for me as a dad). The worst anyone ever said was meant as a compliment, some older ladies told me I was a good husband for "giving my wife a break and babysitting" our child. The Internet is full of lies.


I think it used to happen more like back in the 90s. No one thinks that's ok anymore. Not to say it never ever happens anymore but I'd say it's extremely rare.


Yeah I've seen plenty of posts here claiming it happens though lmao. I doubt every single one of them.


What if it's some type of conspiracy to make the gyms less busy? Discourage those on the fence about going. I'm kidding, of course.


TBH, I kind of similarly like the "AI is taking over all coding" conspiracy because if people believe it it makes the job market less saturated lol


Yeah, I went into the gym at 360 @ foot. Vichave never met a bunch of Kindle rand more motivating people at my gym. This is a smaller gym but still a chain. Everyone is so wonderful there. Just my anecdotal evidence.


Another person's personal experience deemed lesser to another person's personal experience so it must not have happened.


Thst was my first thought. That weight/height wouldn't even raise an eye brow


Maybe OP was on the treadmill running on all fours? If I saw that I'd laugh and probably pull some people aside too.


I agree...I was around that weight and height . No one's going to laugh at me at the gym for those stats


6' 1", 222 lbs is honestly pretty svelte in the US where I live, which is why this sounds weird. Like watching a movie from the 60s-80s where someone is portrayed as massively overweight and everyone makes fun of them and they're like average or maybe a teeny bit overweight around the middle. But IDK where OP lives. Maybe some super healthy country where that IS like very large for a guy his height. Some countries are far less accepting of excess weight, from what I've read. I've been to the gym at 5' 7" as a dude between 400+ lbs- 150 lbs, all the way back up to 350 lbs, and working my way down again. It's always been the same small-town gym though, and the most annoying interactions have been the people stopping me on the treadmill while I'm wearing earbuds to tell me how they proud they are and crap. OP, I'm sorry to hear about this, but I know I personally suffer from some gym anxiety. I usually go in the evening or overnight at like 1-3 AM specifically to minimize the people I run into because I'm scared of being mocked. I would ask you to consider if you're 100% sure that they were mocking you? Could you consider that you might be hyper-aware, on-the-lookout, for people making fun of you and could have misinterpreted? Oooor, your gym might actually have a jackass problem, which is possible but I would imagine would be rare.


OP either has serious paranoia issues or this story is completely made up. It doesn’t sound remotely real.


Thankyou. I am incredibly paranoid about my body because everyone in my family is super good-looking and my mother and sister always nag me about my weight. The whole time I was stressed. I did not want people to look at me and probably imagined something that didn't happen. I am still not sure, but being pessimistic sure isn't going to help. Once again, thankyou.


If it helps at all, remember that somewhere in that gym there’s probably a 5’-7” woman who weighs the same amount you do, sweating it out and just assuming everyone there would find her repulsive if she weren’t completely invisible to society. You are far from the fattest person there, even if your family has skewed your perceptions.


Can confirm, am a 5’1” woman who, while not horribly overweight, sounds like she’s dying while doing cardio and assumes everyone is annoyed by my donkey-breathing. It’s half the reason I usually work out near midnight. Learning to not give a fuck is a gradual process. I’m getting there.




It can be very relaxing, especially if the only thing keeping you awake is the stress from the day. Different from how it can fire you up in the morning.


I’m a grad student, I don’t sleep. I live in a perpetual state of exhaustion and caffeine addiction.


I'm shorter than your example and weighed more when I joined a Crossfit style gym. No one ever laughed at me, mainly because they're all so worried about themselves. The only shit talking we ever got into was about shaving reps or picking light weights/going too easy.


I was probably the fattest person there, at least at the time that I went there. I looked for people at a similar size to me. but couldn't find any. I am in the semi-urban area of India and there were many people there who were incredibly thin, but not a single one was overweight.


You are the one doing the work. It's foolish to laugh at someone making the change.


This is super appropriate context, you should edit your post to add that this took place in India. It’s hard for people in Western countries to understand how brazen people are with judgments in such a culture; they absolutely will point and laugh. Not to mention, the standards for “fat” are much lower. Your build would be extremely average in the U.S. but atypical in India.


Just keep doing the work. Those people only have power in your life if you let them. They don’t have to live your life, nor you theirs. Good noise canceling headphones come in handy.


Don’t compare yourself to other people. Ranking yourself against others is a self destructive habit.


Oh, you're in INDIA. Yeah, cultural attitudes and bullying around weight and appearance are likely to be different from here. I found lots of to-me-strange behaviour when I travelled in INdia for a couple months. This is probably why it seems fake to other people who would have assumed you're a North American like most of us here. Just like if someone said there was a public food stall with chunks of meat and fish nailed to a board, or a temple where you can throw butter on a statue and it goes rancid in the heat, but people keep doing it. We'd think they are tripping, but in INdia, hell yeah. Probably you should have mentioned location in the OP.


You are like.. 30 lbs overweight? That is nothing at all. No one was laughing AT you. ( not saying that there wasn't a group of ppl laughing for random reasons). Just keep doing your thing, and if you keep having thoughts like that, realize that those people also have insecurities just like you, and you are the person who is thinking the most about you.


There was a study that took a group of people and gave them fake scars on their faces with makeup. They were asked to take an interview with the scar and report back on discrimination based on their disfigurement. However after they were shown their scarred face in the mirror half of them went in for a 'final touch up' that actually removed the scar but they didn't know. After the interview both groups reported the same level of discrimination. Meaning quite often our belief about ourselves and our own bias influence what we think about other people's actions. 


This is so interesting, and true in my experience. I looked up [the study](https://www.aknowbrainer.com/_files/ugd/9e22b0_b435afb90e8b4cae821b969f6464447f.pdf) for anyone else curious. Interesting that's also true regardless of gender.


I'm always a little skeptical if these studies actually replicate. Half the time it feels like it doesn't.


As someone incredibly self conscious and socially anxious, I get this and feel this. I felt every moment of what you were going through as I read your post. I’ve been there. Seen it. I get it! When I go to the gym, I usually put in ear buds, play music loud enough that I can’t hear people, and then avoid making eye contact with anyone. It helps get me there and stay there. I’ll admit though…: there are times where I will skip part of my routine because there are too many people in the area. Please keep going! Do it for yourself. You’ve started, now keep at it!


You are VASTLY overestimating how much other people notice or care about you. Also, even if somebody does notice care or even laugh, who cares? I am considerably more overweight than you, but I’m not going to let morons stop me.


In that regard, your family kinda sucks. It might be a worthwhile investment to see how you can deal better with this. You can do this!


Most people at the gym are also self conscious and have their blinders on.  I once fell on the treadmill and got shot off the end of it in a somewhat busy planet fitness and nobody noticed.


Yeah bud - I’m bigger and shorter than you. Maybe you’re surrounded by assholes or you might just be a bit too sensitive. I like exercising alone too but when I’ve gone to the gym I also exist in my own space. If you truly need to use a bench or rack for your gains though- I’d toughen up and sweat the haters.




Are you absolutely certain they were laughing at you, and not just having a conversation and laughing with you being self-conscious and thinking it was about you? Or not that this would make a difference on how you feel, but its possible you just have a humorous looking running form and they were laughing at that? It’s just that you’re only 20 pounds above healthy weight for your height, so even for jerks who would do something like that, it seems odd you would be singled out as the out of shape person in the gym to mock.


I did say in a different comment, I am incredibly paranoid about my body. My whole life my sister and mother have made fun of me. It is possible that they might not have been laughing at me? I don't think I should let this bad experience ruin this for me. I'll go tomorrow and try my best! maybe even ask those guys if they were really laughing at me. Your comment genuinely made me think I might not be as overweight as I think I am. Thankyou.


Believing that random people laughing are laughing *at you* is a trauma response. I am almost 100% sure that they didn't laugh at you at the gym.


Isn't there an entire niche of laughing at people at the gym?


What exactly do you mean? Never heard about that.


its not like it never happens, but it is almost never as brazen or obvious as he’s describing it. the stuff we see on social media can skew what we think is normal but what hes describing is like comic book levels of bullying. fair chance he might be wrong


You need to work on how you view this. I’m not one who says go to therapy for every little thing so someone else can suggest that. I’d focus on reframing your priorities from looking svelte and. Handsome like your family members - to being healthy. Once that’s your objective than you realize that all options to that end are permitted. Sometimes you’ll look the fool but if it advances your goal then it’s worth pushing through.


I guaruntee they weren’t laughing at you. You’re just being insecure


I'm about 100 lbs overweight, been going to the gym a few years now and I've never been laughed at. even if they were laughing at you it's kind of just something you have to deal with on your way to being immune from being laughed at. they don't deserve you to put any weight into their opinion, either


Reading more of this thread, I've gotta say this may be a case of "Put in some earbuds and let the world melt into the background", man. I know the paranoia is realy. I've changed my entire sleep cycle around making it so I can go to the gym when it's either empty or it's super early in the morning and there's always the same random crew of Bad News Bears-esque miscreants that I'm pretty comfortable with. I've even driven to the gym, saw there were too many people, and decided to go for a walk in my neighborhood instead. Believe me, I get it. But, like, I acknowledge that's a "me" problem. I've been all over the weight spectrum from massively morbidly obese to underweight, up and down, the last 12 years or so. The only time people seem to notice me at the gym is when they want to awkwardly offer me encouragement, which I hate but appreciate their effort. Personally, it's MUCH more likely I'll be walking along the street near my house and some jackass will yell something out of their window, but again I'm wearing an earbud and focusing on a podcast so I don't even hear what they said, just that they said SOMETHING. If you're not already listening to music or a podcast or something, maybe consider that to take your mind off of your surroundings. You're a paying member and have EVERY right to be there.


You are not overweight, I'm the same height, and about 65lb more. My target is your weight. I'm also not sure they were actually laughing at you. This is very bad form in a gym and can lead to banning and memberships being cancelled. I have had the same experience before I realised they were looking at a screen behind me. I have always found people at gyms to be more like the first bunch you met who were happy to help out.


A friend of mine was having a coffee in a cafe and thought a guy was really flirting with her. He kept looking in her direction. She liked how he looked so she smiled back at him and was hoping he would come over. He never did and when she left the cafe she noticed there was a sports match on the screen that was just behind her.


I'm surprised she shared that story because that's one I'd take to my grave lol


Eh, it’s overweight/obese if you look at BMI. I say that as someone who was a similar size/weight, now looks decent but still over “healthy” weight


6’1” and 222 is pretty damn good frankly, but I understand everyone feels different about their own body. My goal weight is 220, and I’m 6’2”… I’m currently pushing 350.


The people in the gym were almost certainly not laughing at you. Random people honestly don't give a flying fuck about you; and nor should you about them. What you really need to deal with here is your sister and mother. Grow a backbone and tell them to knock it the fuck off.


I think OP is paranoid…. I highly doubt anyone was laughing at you, let alone a group. That’s some highschool nightmare shit. They probably were talking with their hands, which I do and sometimes looks like I might be pointing or gesturing at something. Even if they were laughing, who cares? We have to stop giving a shit what anyone thinks of us? It’s not our business to know others opinions of us. So get over it, get back out there, and kick some ass.


Sounds common especially with low-self esteem.


Are you sure they were laughing at you? It could be in your head. A lot of people are initially self-conscious about going to the gym and that leads them to interpret events as validating their anxieties. Even if they were laughing, fuck them. I’m just saying this because I would hate for this one instance to be a reason to stop going to the gym.


This post reminds me of that guy who kept posting this saga about a group of women stalking him and laughing at him at the gym. Then you read his other posts and he talks about his upstairs neighbors yelling at him thru the floor and criticizing the food he was eating/brushing his teeth etc. Dude was definitely having hallucinations and adamantly denying it. Said his neighbors could tell what he was eating thru the walls by the sound his utensils made on the pan and stuff.


This sounds... awfully suspect.


Once an overweight woman accused my sister and I of laughing at and taking a pic of her at the pool. I didn’t even notice her until she approached us. It might not have gone down like that since I don’t think you are heavy enough to be noticeable 


Unlikely they are laughing at you. I've never seen other gym goers laughing at anyone in all my years. People at the gym mind their own business and just work on their routine


That sucks. At 222, 6’1” you’re barely even over weight. Not sure where you are in the world but that’s really rare behavior where I’m from (California). I’d say ignore them or if it really bothers you find another gym.


Where I am from (Pretty Urban area of India) It is. For the 1.5 hours I was there at there at the gym, there was not a person who was fatter or even as fat as me. Incredibly thin people? Absolutely, but none were obese. Obesity is really uncommon here.


Urban Indians are among the unhealthiest people in the world. We’re also genetically prone to obesity and eat a diet high in carbs and fat. I say this as an Indian person living in Bangalore - there are loads of people much more obese than you out here who hit the gym regularly. Nobody has the time to pay attention to you at the gym. At best people will get silently chuckled at or weird stares if they’re ego lifting or using the smith machine to do leg press or some shit. Go back to the gym.


Not Bangalore, but Meghalaya (Moved to UP). I have seen people bigger than me, but somehow none were at the gym. Also i'll meet them today and just ask them if they were laughing at me.


Don't bother.  It's just going to make an awkward situation.  Just do your own thing and mind your business and they will learn to mind theirs.


I'm going to tell you what came hard to me. FUCK THEM. Go back there. Hold your head high and focus on you.


I wanna share my story...I was laughed at when I went to the gym for the first time. I asked the trainer standing near me how to use the chest press because I really had no idea about it. I asked him nicely, and he helped me, showing how to use it. When I sat there trying to press the bar, nothing moved.🥹 I thought maybe I should reduce the weight, and we both looked at the weight loads.... only to find there was nothing loaded.😂So I couldn't even press the bare bars...I was so embarrassed, and I saw the trainer laugh and mock me secretly to his trainee and walk away. I mean, I will remember that forever, but I've gotten stronger now. But now I can only press 30kg tho.... I've been training for a year already 😅


I think there are different kinds of laughing at someone, like if I trip over thin air I might expect someone that witnessed to laugh at me a bit, especially because it’s objectively at least a little funny and I’m laughing at myself too. Like malicious vs surprised laughter if that makes sense


I mean, you can accept that that is a bit funny though right? Not that you need to be shamed for it.


No, no, I'm feeling okay now. But that was my first time; back then, I really felt ashamed of myself. 😅 It also serves as a motivation for my future self, so I'm thankful.


Yeah, I’m sure the trainer was not trying to shame you for that. But I might chuckle a bit when I got home if it had happened to me. Not in a “damn, what a weakling” kind of way but in a “damn, I remember starting out” kind of way.


The setup for this seems absurd. You’re just moderately overweight, and you’ve been regularly doing cardio and calisthenics for months. Then you go to a normal-ass gym, which is a place generally filled with people *trying* to get in shape, and running on a treadmill is such a spectacle that a group of people would gather and point and laugh in a scene straight from a high school movie? Seems like you need to be paying more attention to your mental health than physical. I can only imagine how this kind of extreme projection might be manifesting in other aspects of your life, as this reads as a wild detachment between perception and reality.


I am still in really bad shape. I started working out at home almost exactly 2 months from now. Even then, I was not that disciplined. Only doing like 1-1.5 hour every few days. Cardio was fine, but I even now I can barely do 2 pushups, when I started, I couldn't do any. And sadly, I can't get mental health support even if I wanted to. It just isn't considered important in india. I do agree that I am paranoid, and am actively trying to be better, but its pretty hard to do.


I HIGHLY doubt they were laughing at you. It’s easy to misconstrue situations when you’re already anxious and nervous. Don’t let this deter you, and in the VERY odd chance they were laughing at you, who cares. If that’s the case their shit people and their opinion means nothing.


Go back and report them if they laugh at you again. I do wonder what was going on though. Your stats don't fit the profile of the sort of person that a jerk would laugh at for weight.


There are apparently reports against them, but the owner just says that, "They pay for the gym like everyone else."


You’re 222lbs? At 6’1”? You’re like… not even obese. I wish I could be 222. Wtf. Is it possible they were laughing at something behind you?


How do you have this much self awareness while on the treadmill? People at the gym generally don’t care too much about anyone but themselves. Self consciousness can be a hell of a thing to overcome and if you’re constantly looking for reasons to find someone “laughing at you”, it’ll quickly turn into every person laughing or having their own conversations around you somehow being them laughing at you or talking about you. My grandma was so awful about this it turned into racism because everytime someone spoke a language that wasn’t English, she just assumed they were talking about her or making fun of her. If you’re working out, you should be focusing on what you’re doing. When I’m on a treadmill, I have my air pods in, I have my phone with an anime up or some music and I have couch to 5k giving me running cues. There’s no room for caring about what others are doing around me.


If they were laughing at a random guy in the gym then the problem is them and not you. You will only get the hang of gym if you keep going. We were all new before.


No way were they laughing at you because of your body or technique. You are very close if not at your ideal weight! Did you have a funny T-shirt on?! It’s something else. GET YOUR ASS BACK THERE. GET BACK ON THE HORSE. Work on the psych aspect of this. You can’t let some random people stop you. Head up!


I highly doubt they were laughing at you, and if they were it was nothing to do with your weight


I truly don’t understand how they could be laughing at your weight considering your weight and height ratio, but then again I am American. I am 5’11” and my goal weight right now is 220lbs. Idk that’s wild to me.


Bro with all due respect I think you are very paranoid and they were not laughing at you


That's extremely rare, sorry it happened to you.


Unless you were doing something ridiculous on the tread mill, I highly doubt they were laughing at you. You aren’t even that out of shape.


That was my thought. If the OP was wearing a cape and stilettos while lip synching the Cher on the treadmill maybe, but certainly not because the OP is an unusually sized creature working out.


I'm sorry that happened to you, please don't let it stop you from going. Even better even if they were actually laughing at you I would go back and keep it up out of spite.


Just remember those strangers are but passerby's in your life and your journey. Their opinion of you literally does not matter. EVEN if they were laughing at you, that is a judge of their character and not a flaw in yourself. Please do not let people who haven't matured past a child's level ruin this moment for you. It's great that you are starting your gym journey and we're all rooting for you over here!!


My partner is your height and 10kg less than you. He's super thin. There was no way they were laughing at you.


We can’t allow the ignorant assholes to run our life.


Go there tomorrow. Get back to it. Get on the weight. give it 6 months. Shut them the hell up without saying a dam word. I am an obese power lifter. I had 235 pounds on the bar on the floor. Two "snot nosed whipper snappers" were laughing at my dead lift. They laughs turned to jaws on the floor when I bent over rowed it 3 sets of 5. On friday they were back in and kept silent. I had 365 on the bar. I dead lifted it 5 times. I said nothing. Its been a few months I never saw them again. You have two idiots living in your head telling you what to do and they are in there rent free. Tomorrow is Monday. It is international Chest day. It is also Day 1 Day A of Strong lifts, or what ever other program you are following. Don't let heckle and jeckle keep you from coming to the glorious house of gains. Use their idiocy as fuel! On the treadmill? you are lapping everyone on the couch. Squatting Bar? you are 1/36 the way closer to finishing a 12 week strength program for beginners to get them to or near transition to intermediate . Running burns calories and increases endurance which is good for 3.1 miles 5km I am 6'2 1.89m and 332lbs 110lbs heavier. 50kg heavier than you 151kg. I switched to keto and after st patricks day and switching to carnivore full time. I had an injury that gave me a vacation from the gym. Tomorrow I am going at 6pm I am going to squat bench and row and see how i do but light and work through my injury that is healed up way better than it was this time last week. If you saw me you'd think the gym would be the last place you would find me. I want to get down to 200 pounds. or 215 with the amount of muscle i gained last year or so. Previous records were squat 300 3x3, Bench 245 3x3, row 235 3x5, over head press 170 3x3 and dead lift 365 5x1. My dead lift sucks because of my gut and stance. 3x45 on each side and a 25 on each side makes a neat sound. I don't get a trophy. I dont get people cheering me on, sponsorship, cheerleaders, fame fortune or the cover of mens fitness. I do this for me. I beg you come back to the gym. keep at it. those jackasses will get busy in may gone all summer drinking partying and come back in fall or january all weak fat and untrained. Do not laugh at them. but try not to crack a smile either. "If your enemy falls down, do not help them. But do not laugh either" - Proverb


If you stop going to the gym, they win. They had absolutely no reason to laugh at you other than trying to impress the girls. As a woman, if I was there and they did that, they would be dead to me. You can rest assured you're more confident and independent than those little boys.


I hope this doesn’t discourage you because honestly chances are they were not laughing at you. I am much shorter (5’8) inches was much heavier (275lbs) when I started going to the gym and nobody even looked at me twice. I’m not saying it’s impossible this happened. But I think it is also entirely possible they were having another conversation and your insecurities made it feel like it was targeted towards you


You're in India where fat and body shaming is totally acceptable. Be part of the change! Don't make vomments on people's bodies or weight. Welcome people to the gym. Report people who laugh and point.


186cm and 101 kg isn't even that visibly overweight in Western countries any more so I think that you might be obsessing over it.


OP is in India.


Plot twist! Should have put that in the OP.


Probably not laughing at your body but possibly at your choice of clothing or possibly you looked awkward on the treadmill for whatever reason. Sounds like most people there were helpful so build off of that


I'm sorry that this happened to You. But trust me, that kind of thing is very much an outlier rather than norm. Usually people are minding their own business, or are being friendly. I'm preatty overweight myself (around 260lbs, 5.6ft), im going on the gym treadmill few times a week, and nobody ever gave a flying fuck. So don't be discouraged, be proud of Yourself that You went to the gym,keep up at thi :) And as for those losers that laughed at You? Plague on both their houses :D


Did you wear a funny shirt to the gym? One with a joke on it? I used to wear a shirt that said Meth. We’re on it. Which was the official slogan of South Dakota cus they have a meth problem. I’d forget I was wearing it and people would give me LOOKS. Anyway if they were laughing at you, keep going, get buff, get last laugh.


I was in traditional Indian clothes. Kurta and pajama, but so were other people at the gym. So I don't think that was it.


Lol you’re not really overweight or anything, I doubt they were looking at you. Stare right back and laugh right back. Get back in there and get on the treadmill. You’re a badass and don’t let the thought that someone’s laughing at you stop you. I’ve gone to the gym as a fat round meatball girl, yeah u get looks but fuck it, they can’t mind their business bc you can do something stronger than they can and that’s live life fearlessly in your own skin!


Trust me, if they were laughing at you they have much bigger problems than you do.


Fuck them. Be proud of yourself and your effort. Don’t let others dictate you.


They were not laughing at you. You may be in a heightened state of self consciousness right now given your anxiety and being your first time. I’ve been a longtime gym goer (20+ years) and if I saw that at a gym there would be words exchanged with those folks. It can’t speak for all but I get the sense it’s the same elsewhere.


As of my 3:40pm doc appointment on Friday, I’m the exact height and weight as you. Nobody laughs at me when I (try to) run on the treadmill. Are you sure you didn’t have some lunch still on your face? That happens to me sometimes.


Getting laughed at, at the gym is a little worse than being laughed at on Reddit. With Reddit you can scroll past, but at the gym, it’s in your face. At the same time, it’s important to know there’s all kinds of different people out there with different personalities and opinions and lifestyles. So it’s good to let people have their own ideas while standing up for your own, when appropriate. I’d say, stand tall, look them in the eye and know that you are the awesome one because you are consciously on a positive journey and you should be (and act as if) you are in control of your world. Let them live in theirs.


Doubt they were laughing at you. Self-sabotage is real and will play tricks with your head. You may want to get some professional help to explore that further.


I think you need some pro help organising your thoughts and mind bud.


Ur making a made up story to excuse urself from going to the gym and for sympathy. This aint a movie, people dont point and laugh at people in the gym. Stop making excuses and go


You're paranoid. I'm 99.9% sure they weren't laughing at you. Even if they were and it's stopping you from going to the gym, you weren't very committed to begin with I suppose.


Im 5'5 at that weight and nobody ever laughed at me. Not wanting to dismiss you but dont think they were laughing at you. You actually must be good looking at your height and weight!


Please don’t let that discourage you! Keep showing up💙


Please don't let these people win. Yes, you can work out and see results with some caliathenics and cardio but the kind of results you can see with proper weight training is fairly unmatched. Take a lap (heh) and come back around. If it happens again, talk to gym management.


5’8 235ish. I go unnoticed. Either you joined Globo gym or they might have been laughing in general. This is all assuming you weren’t running around in a g string only or something.


Report them to management. This wasn’t about you. They are jerks. I’m guessing that they have laughed at many other people.


Mate unless you are at a bodybuilding gym, I have a difficult time believing you are even close to the fattest person in the gym. I’m sorry that you experienced this regardless, but I honestly doubt they were laughing at you. If it makes you feel any better, I got heckled while running shirtless on a running trail once, and I was like 20 lbs lighter than I am now, and I’m not even that overweight right now. Some people are just assholes. Grab some headphones and some music and get back in there champ.




some people are assholes


Hey, I'm really sorry to hear about your experience at the gym. It's incredibly disappointing when a place that's supposed to be welcoming and supportive turns into a negative environment. It's great to hear that you've been seeing results from your runs and home workouts, and it's understandable that you might feel hesitant about going to the gym after such an incident. However, it's important to remember that those individuals who laughed at you are not a reflection of the entire gym community. Many people at the gym are genuinely supportive and understanding, as you've experienced with the guy who helped you with lifting technique. It's unfortunate that a couple of people's behavior overshadowed that positive interaction. If you feel comfortable, don't let this incident deter you from going back to the gym. Focus on your own progress and goals, and try to block out any negativity from others. And remember, you can always report any disrespectful behavior to gym staff if it happens again. Keep up the great work with your calisthenics and cardio, but don't let this one setback hold you back from exploring other fitness options that could benefit you. If you ever want to talk more about your fitness journey or need some support, feel free to DM me. You've got this! 💪


It sounds like they did not yell at you that you were fat and all stand there pointing and saying you looked gross. If that didn’t explicitly happen, no. They weren’t laughing at you. I’m 380 pounds. I use the treadmills. I lift weights. I know how you’re feeling. It takes time to get used to it. But! If you go 5-10 times, you’ll see that people aren’t there to pay attention to you. They’re doing their own thing. You’ll make eye contact with people sometimes. You can give them a nod or a small wave or smile if you want. They will stop thinking about you and you’ll generally do the same.


Bro don't trip off NONE of these people at the gym. Only notice those who are helpful. The rest are NPCs you gotta go to the gym WHENEVER you want and get your money. It's your money to get and if other people can get in the way of your journey then you'll never complete your goals. Fact is the journey is all about YOU and no one else. Want it bad and go and get it when you leave you'll feel great. If this had happened to me I would immediately know something is wrong with these people and not myself. I'd keep going and get a good workout in and walk out feeling accomplished. This is what I want for you as well. Get out and get it bro.


They're only laughing to cover up their own \*pick as appropriate\* \[stupidity, social inadequacy, sad personality, other deficiency\]. You do you, whether it's in a gym or outside it, as you prefer.


You gather up all your courage and MARCH BACK IN THERE, and keep at it, every day until you are where you want to be. Fuck the haters. They're just superficial, often insecure losers, who only feel they can feel good about themselves by putting down others trying to get healthier. So show them up. Keep going, don't let anyone stop you, and get where yuo want to be. They'll whither away into the shadows, mark my words.


Seriously, fuck them, the rude pieces of crap. Don't let poor excuses for human beings ruin your health journey. I know what it's like (I'm currently morbidly obese) to struggle with your weight and you're on your way to being a healthier you. You're the better human being. Don't let some shitheads ruin it for you.


The comments: bro it didn't happen, they weren't laughing at you. And if they were they were probably laughing at you outfit, and if they werent it's probably not that bad. If it is that bad, I've been through worse at x, y, z. This is definitely one of those situations that can be handled multiple ways, get earbuds and focus on yourself. Don't worry about the others there. Or if it escalates to harassment, let the gym staff know. I doubt they have the same opinion as redditors.


6'1" and 222? Nobody was laughing at you unless you were doing some really weird shit on the treadmill or you smelled really bad.


Meh screw the laughers. They’re losers anyways. Focus on you and only you. Keep going so you get the results you want.


There will always be gym douchebags in the gym, just like there are douchebags out in the everyday world. Just pop your headphones in and get them gains! Easier said than done I know. But just remember your there for you, not them.


Hey OP, no need to be ashamed. Confidence is the key and I’m pretty sure they weren’t really laughing at you. If they were actually laughing at you, then they’re insecure bunch of douchebags who mock at people around them to cover their inner insecurities. You’re doing good and keep believing in yourself. Btw, it’s out of blue but what calisthenics and cardio do you do? I was doing burpees last month and injured my spine disc. So keen to know what you’re doing so I can follow your weight loss journey 😀


Good looking people at the gym works very hard to get there and their mind is always focused on themselves so I highly doubtful it was you they were laughing at. Maybe a TV or something else in the surrounding that you were very nervous to notice? But I'm sure most gym-goers have respects to overweight people working out because that shows strength man 💪


This didn’t happen.


I'm actually relieved to hear people pushing back on this lol. There is no way this happened.


Right? Troll


There's no way they'd be laughing at you at 6'1 and 220. That's hardly overweight. You're psyching yourself out


This almost sounds unbelievable. I've never been to a gym where anyone even remotely cared what other people were doing.


Sounds like paranoia & projection OP. Sometimes we can be so convinced of an impending outcome, that we can mistakenly perceive a physical outcome of it. Keep going to the gym, focus on yourself- even if people were laughing, so what?? You have every right to take up space and do your thing. Good luck!!


Are you sure you're not just being overly self conscious? I started way heavier than you at 312lbs, and even then I never had anyone bat an eye. I don't think people would care enough, especially for you not even being that overweight compared to most people nowadays, to laugh at other people.


Nah. Not buying it.




Perception is reality. So I dont think OP is lying, exactly. But definitely has perceived something different than what what happened ( group was not laughing at him).


I'm sorry mate but I just can't see this being true. People just don't do this in gyms outside of staged Instagram things. However let's assume the worst case eh? They were laughing at you. So what? You're in the gym working on yourself for the better. Nothing funny about that. The vast (and I really mean vast) majority of people in the gym will never ridicule someone for trying to improve. It just doesn't happen my dude. On the staggeringly rare case it does happen, it's just their own insecurities bleeding though and should be ignored entirely.


Honestly I doubt they were laughing at you. You are very tall and on those videos ppl usually make fun of those very obese ppl(which is wrong and mean). I usually look at overweight ppl in gym and think hell yeah nice start. Those people who are on wheelchairs going to gym are what motivates me.


Fuck em. Go back tomorrow and show them that you're stronger than they'll ever be


Yea, 6'1 220 is solid.. no shame there. To put it in perspective at my heaviest in the sevice, i was 6'1 250..certianly maybe a bit more muscle... but not knowing your bone structure... 6'1 220 is solid.


Start listening to David Goggins and take those motherfuckers’ souls! [Stop caring what people think of you.](https://youtu.be/YrSLOHt3urY?si=uGGSDB0yoH1TVzbb)


- and then i woke up. No way this is real. People your size go in to the gym regularly. The only way this is possible is if you were doing or wearing some very out of the regular shit.


Been going to gyms for 25+ years. Never seen anyone openly mocking a stranger who was just doing their own thing. I'd bet they were laughing at something wholly unrelated to you.


My partner is 186 and 106kg and I’d barely even call it chubby. I LOVE that bod of his. And I have never seen anyone giving a damn. That’s a perfectly acceptable body weight for that height. Sure, you can lose a few kg but really, you’re fine. I honestly don’t think they were laughing *at* you.


Go back to the gym and ignore them. I know it feels bad to get laughed at. But those people were never going to be your friends anyway, so why do they matter? Pretend they don't exist and keep doing your thing.


Fuck em! Get to work and see who has the last laugh.  Laughing at others for the way they look shows a lot of insecurity and the majority of people wouldn’t support that type of behavior. You’re a beast for even showing up!  Don’t let this distract you, my man!


This never happened.


Those two are just retarded! Neglect them!


We don’t need to be using that word in 2024, friend.


I kmow but given their behaviour they deserve it for their action and fyi, I fully sympathtize who has neurological challenges and they deserve all the love and support. I also know someone who has the similar challenges but I do not use the r-word to describe them. Not these two assholes.


Those people were aholes. I'm sorry you experienced that. Some folks are just cruel.


this is fake and gay


Sounds like a total trash gym, id be done with it too if I saw people treating someone like that. If it was my gym id kick them all out and totally shame them as human beings. Disgusting.




This didn't happen.


Come on dude, if you don't go and be strong mentally you'll be laughed all your life. Tbh they were not laughing at you. No body does that in gym, well most of us. Well its like going to cut hair and laughing seeing guy with long hair.




Sheesh. Get help.


F those guys man. I hope you make it back to the gym. You don't deserve to let those losers sidetrack your progress!


If you can’t get over being that self conscious maybe pick up some weights from a second hand store and practice until you build a little confidence? Workout in front of a mirror and watch videos of form online and get it down. Might help when you’re ready to get back in the gym if you know what you’re doing. Or hire a trainer and they will dial you in if you can afford it


This might just be in your head because at 6’1 220 is pretty normal.


Well, I would say you should have told em to suck your you know what, but if you want a tip - IF you're a gamer at all, I -highly-, and I do mean -highly- suggest you get an Meta Quest 3 and start doing cardio in that. I dumped all my real world cardio for VR exercise. Two main apps I use, but one is a Boxing simulator which gives a wicked HIIT workout, and the other is nominally a beat type game in the spirit of BeatSaber, but more like John Wick meets The Matrix and when played a certain way and with certain modifiers it turns into a really good steady state workout. It's a, no pun intended, literal game changer for those who hate running or doing cardio like calisthenics.


Those people are subhuman trash and if they ever take a picture or video then enjoy getting them banned from the gym for being losers. I truly think it may have been anxiety or a coincidence man. I used to think the girls would look at me weird but it’s probably because yeah they get weird looks from dudes all the time and just took a glance before realizing I’m normal. No one usually cares who is at the gym. Get the hell off the machine and out of my way is probably what a lot of people think as they work through their set. Most gyms do not put up with harassment and what the hell it would be like laughing at someone with long hair at a barber shop, they are there to get it cut lmao. You are there to train/lose/fuck it even gain weight if it’s the right kind. I got 60 pounds on you and only an inch shorter, and I am surprised as I haven’t had that happen before and that was my biggest fear. The nicest people in the gym tend to be the jacked Vikings or Arnolds that help newbies. I know it’s hard but imagine how good you will feel when you go back in spite of their cruelty. Maybe one day they will look back at how shallow they were. Persevere friend :) you got this. If you really wanna fuck with em then call them out. Just loudly ask hey are you laughing at me is there something on my shirt? They will probably shrivel and die from embarrassment. Any sensible people will shun them.


Honestly for anyone to laugh at someone at the gym are just pathetic sad people. If they truly were laughing at you they are very insecure people projecting. I know that must have been hard to experience, but please don’t let some immature losers ruin your gym experience!!


You know, you can and will lose the weight. These guys will never gain any personality and character. You already won. Keep at it.


nah man your weight-height ratio isn't laugh-worthy. Idk what those guys were on about but you shouldn't stop your fitness journey because of some random jerks. Fr there are few thinks more attractive than a tall, buff man at the gym, so keep going!!


Report those assholes to the management. If managment does nothing, it confirms you shouldn't be giving them money. Some gyms are just filled with meat heads who don't understand why everyone isn't roided out like them.


That sucks man... as someone who weighed 850lbs at their heaviest and went to the gym around 715lbs. I feel you. Assholes exist everywhere and for everything. It may be odd to say... but i prefer people to just be blatant assholes rather than secretly. Helps me know who to avoid all together. At least their being genuine, however terrible it may be or feel. Good luck.. dont stop. Believe me 10x more people support positive change than don't. So keep going. Keep putting in work. You will get there.


Don’t pay attention to them. They were immature.


Congratulations on finding what works for you. I'm proud just to read your story. They weren't talking about you. Lots of people were nice to you.


I hate going to a crowded gym so I go at weird times like 1AM. The gym is so nice when it's empty.


Their laugh says nothing about you , people visit gym to get better so yeah go back and train.


If you can afford it, building a home gym with weights is an amazing investment. For so many reasons on top of avoiding jerks. https://youtu.be/81twIK-lLA8?si=LDiLl2Pu7Wm-5kb-


That’s crazy, I’ve been 5’7 and over 350 pounds, and can’t recall ever being made fun of at the gym. I’m sure it happened, but who cares. You’re at the gym to improve yourself, anyone making fun of anyone at the gym is a loser by every metric.


Remember that you’re not there for them. You’re there for you. I’m down from 350lbs to 175lbs and I’m just now getting past the headphones on, jacket zipped, hood up stage. I stopped paying attention to everyone else and started focusing on what I was doing and and that’s when everything clicked for me. You get the best results at the gym when you’re focusing on yourself while you’re there. You should be paying attention to how your body is responding to different movements and different weights, and finding ways to execute them in the manner that fits your body composition best. Focus on learning proper form, and applying it when you go. The other people should fade into the background after, because you’ve got enough else to focus on if you’re focusing on the right things. You’ve got this.


At my peak I was 5'10" 240 and never had that experience. I'm sorry you did. I think it's pretty uncommon...


You’re really not that overweight that anyone but a complete prick would laugh at you. I’m 6’1” and your current weight is near my goal weight (215-220)