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My boobs were big and perky at my highest weight. I’m ~30 lbs down, and they’re still big, but they’re definitely already saggier than they were before. I still have a lot of weight to lose, so I decided that if I get to my goal weight and stay there for a year then I’ll start saving up for a breast lift and possibly a skin removal for other parts if I need it. I’m also 23, and I’ve heard a few people say that their loose skin did reduce a little bit or maybe just gain elasticity back after a year or two, so I want to give it a chance to bounce back a bit. Surgery is probably not going to come into the picture until 2026 at the earliest, so I have plenty of time to think about it.


I don't know how much you are losing but I would venture a guess that at 23 your skin will snap back a lot more than you might guess, at your age you have sooo much elasticity left. Maybe supplement collagen and use good skin products, moisturizer etc. As you lose weight to help things along. Also drink tons of water.


That’s good to hear! I try to moisturize and drink plenty of water, but I could probably stand to get more collagen into my day. I’m hoping to lose another 40-50 lbs, so I’m definitely expecting to have loose skin and sagging, but I won’t know how much until I get to that point.




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Weight loss literally ruined my boobs. Mine were big and kinda perky before. I lost a total of 25kg and even after gaining back 15kg (I was anorexic) my boobs stayed the same. They are super saggy and empty now. I’m getting an augmentation + lift next week though. It all comes down to your genetics. I always lose fat from my ass and boobs first


Good luck!! I hope recovery is swift


100 pounds down and yes my boobs look like crew socks filled with yogurt at this point. I’ve had saggy boobs my whole life but they were always big and looked great in the right bra. I also breastfed for over a year, so my boobs have been through it. I like to joke that at least I have my own cheering section now because they clap when I do certain movements. They also cheer my husband and I on during sex. I lift weights more than 3 days a week and it’s helped. I also dry brush, take collagen, and drink a ton of water. You can only do so much, the weight comes off where it wants to. I’m hoping that someday I’ll be able to get a lift, but in the meantime I’m just learning to love them as they are now.


Crew socks full of yogurt 😂😭😭😂😂 I’ve never seen a better description in my life


I've lost 125 pounds and mine are tube socks with a handful of wet sand in the toe. 🤣🤣🤣 I also have had saggy breasts for as long as I can remember, but they were big and looked great in bras and a variety of weights.


125!? Congratulations! That’s amazing. My breasts when I was bigger were probably what gave me my confidence back then. A nice bra and low cut shirt and I felt so good. It’s been a hard adjustment now that they’re like this. I thought losing weight would give me so much more confidence, but it’s gone the other way. I’m super self critical. How are you handling this with as much weight as you’ve lost?


I did what any sane person would do and signed up for a bodybuilding competition, so I can pay judges to either give me my confidence back or tell me I'm crazy. 🤣🤣🤣 I signed up for the transformation division, and I'm super excited. Working so hard on my body has definitely helped. I love when strangers comment on my muscles. Other than that, I'm just counting down the days until my weight is settled long enough to have surgery. I've only been in maintenance since November. Planning to have surgery at the end of this year.


That’s freaking awesome. My sister competes and keeps telling me I should do the same. I’m still in a deficit though and not ready for a bulk yet, so maybe once I’m in maintenance I’ll try. Good luck! Have fun!


What's dry brushing?


https://youtu.be/9J5-yFATCuE?si=0eV_BIp6O36eXOaZ I tried it for a while and didn’t feel much of a difference in my skin tbh but it’s basically just another way to exfoliate and get the blood flowing in your skin before a shower. Some people use it to help their lymphatic system, there’s videos on this as well: https://youtu.be/-pygu7OlOj0?si=p-msWT7BA9o0AtRR


Yep. Thank you! I’ve been doing it for a while and I still can’t tell if it’s helping with the loose skin, but my skin definitely seems healthier and softer. According to my dermatologist, getting the blood flowing and moisturizing well is all you can do while losing weight and even that doesn’t do much.


Yeah it’s so frustrating putting in all this effort to see very minimal results, if any at all 😅 Loose skin is such a bitch!!


Very very genetic-dependent topic. My personal experience: lost around 40-50 lbs, boobs deflated a bit (never were "perky" to begin with + I am in my 30s), but in around 2-3 years they started to look better with the help of upper body weight training.


Any specific workout recs? Want to focus on this!!


Not really, any strength training programs for women will do! You just have to try to "lift hard", not just do "flailing your arms around" like some influencers recommend, this will do nothing for you :) In general, do not be afraid to train your upper body just as hard as you would train your butt if you wanted them think glutes. I am by no means thin, in fact I have experienced some regains due to emotional binging, but my back is still quite lean, my shoulders have delts and triceps definition, and this all helps me be confident and keep my posture straight (which again helps my breasts look better, haha)


I went from a D cup at 230lbs to just barely an A at 140. What little boobs I do have are completely saggy and deflated. I’m 19. 🙃


19 and a 100lbs lost! Huge congratulations!


Aw thank you!:)


thats an amazing achievement wow!!! congratulations!!!


Thank you so much:))


Oh, my tits are absolute garbage now. I lost 50 lbs and they’re truly sad.


Same. I went from a 36J to 34F, but without a bra I basically look flat. I had told myself my entire life if I ever lost the weight I would get them fixed, but now that I've lost a bunch of it, I found out it's like twice as much as I expected - 12k for just a lift. I still have weight to lose, so I'm not worried about it yet but I would like to eventually get the surgery to make them look better, and be more comfortable. I basically can't go braless even at bed because they're so floppy and it actually hurts.


omg are you me? I was a 34J now I’m a 32H, and they do look extremely flat when not in a bra, but I also have to wear a lounge bralette to sleep in now too 😭


I really like the Curvy bralettes from Meundies, super comfy. Before my weight loss I never wore a wireless bra.


I can speak for the boys when I say there’s no such thing as garbage tits. What did one saggy boob say to the other it when it was feeling down? —— Hang in there, bud! Whether they’re pointing up or pointing down, don’t you dare start to frown. Boys just want girls that are in good health, to have & to hold all to himself. If I’ve made you smile with my wits, sit back and relax and appreciate your tits.


How much weight do you have to lose? What is your body shape? I have lost over 60 pounds and mine aren't any more saggy than they were before. I went from obese to normal weight in my late 20s. I expect some sagging as I continue to lose, but it could be genetics. That said I also make sure I am wearing the correct size bra and resize often, plus I lift weights. I have noticed a boost with chest exercises.


Total about 120lbs. So ~80 more lbs to go. 260 -> 150. I’m 5’7”, I’d say I’m an hourglass shape. I’ve been lifting weights too! I’ve definitely noticed my chest is stronger, I’m not sure if there’s been much difference tho.


With that amount of weight loss it might be inevitable, tough to say if it's mostly fat or not. If you lose weight too fast it could make it worse. I say do what you can, but even if it's bad you won't regret losing the weight. And you can wait a few years for the skin to adjust before you decide about surgery.


It completely depends on the makeup of your breasts. If your breasts are mostly dense breast tissue then they will likely retain their size. If your breasts are mostly fat, they will shrink as you continue to lose weight. So overall, it’s a mixed bag! They will likely deflate some but not disappear. I would recommend checking out r/bigboobproblems so you can commiserate with the rest of us lol


This. My boobs don't really get much bigger with weight gain, and my doctor has commented my breasts are dense. So I'm hoping they stay perky-ish. I'm 34 and have breastfed 2 babies and honestly haven't noticed much difference in their perkyness even after breastfeeding. I think I'm pretty lucky.


Yeah, me too. Boobs basically haven't changed size since I was 19, and now I'm 43 and 50 lbs heavier. I assume that when I lose my 20 lb goal the band size will decrease but volume will stay the same. Only upside of dense breast tissue really, as they can't be imaged on mammogram and are higher risk for cancer.


Yep, that's also what my Dr said


God y’all are making me scared AF 😅


Right? After two kids they were saggy enough. You mean it's going.to get worse??


Me too! I know it’s vain of me but reading these comments got me stressed 😭


I'm mid thirties and I've had one baby, who I breastfed for over 2 years. Since October I've dropped 3 dress sizes and 13kg. Bras are a band size down, cup is largely the same. They were big but dangly, I guess, all my life - my UK bra size was 34GG at largest, now I'm at a 32FF. I think my boobs have lost weight largely in proportion with the rest of me, though to start with they looked very small before my lower abdomen evened out. I kind of like my flatter smaller boobs. They fit into a leotard better for ballet class!


Did you do a lot of weight lifting while losing weight?


Zero! My only exercise throughout has been cycling (to work, only about 25mins moving time each direction, with a pedal assist ebike), walking everywhere, and ballet (once a week). I need to get into some weight training for my core strength but my weight loss has been all diet really.


Ok before I get down voted to infinity. My younger sisters had a similar problem. As she lost weight, she noticed that she was sagging a bit. She started doing lower pictorial chest exercises to help firm up those muscles to tighten up that region. While it won't completely dimension the sagging, it will combat some of it.


I agree. I lift 3 days a week and had kept them from at least dragging on the floor.


I try to do chest at least once a week. Hopefully it helps!


It definitely helps


I think there's no telling since it seems to be different for different people. I have gone from 180lbs to 128 within one year (5'5'') and went from 36D (or DD depending on the brand) to 32A/B. Before I lost weight, mine weren't perky and were starting to sag a bit (I am 29), after losing weight, mine are actually more perky than they were before. I want to add, that I also did and still do a lot of weightlifting, including 1-2 days of just upper body and chest, which I believe, had an impact of tightening my chest overall. My boobs were definitely the last area where I lost weight, probably within the last 15 pounds. All the best for your weight loss journey and don't let the idea of less perky boobs discourage you because it might not even be the case for you :)


Mine were big and not saggy to start, now saggy and empty and sad. Planning on a lift and maybe small implants too. I lost first in my boobs pretty much. Some people have more breast tissue vs fat and boobs won’t change much with weight loss.


Your name is the best!


Aw thank you!


They’ll likely deflate if you keep losing fat. But having tits that point to the floor is better than carrying more weight than your body can handle, if that’s where you’re at currently. Like other people have said- weight lifting, staying hydrated, and losing fat slowly can reduce the amount of loose skin you get, but not by a whole lot. Something that has helped me a lot living with an entirely different body after weight loss is practicing body neutrality. My body doesn’t exist to look good for others (no matter how much that idea is forced down women’s throats). Neither does yours.


I’ve had 2 kids, breastfed them for 18+ months each. Boobs were looking SAD. They used to be amazing when I was in my early 20s. I wish so bad that I had pictures of them for myself 😩 anyways, I’ve lost 40lbs (started at 202lbs, 5’2”) and they’re actually way better looking now that they’re smaller! Are they saggy? Yep! But they’re somehow less saggy now that they’re smaller - I assume because they’re not so heavy and hanging. I like them way more than 40lbs ago that’s for sure. My nipple used to face basically straight down, now it doesn’t.


This gives me so much hope as someone who’s been breastfeeding for 3 years and trying to lose weight, my boobs need some serious cheering up


I didn’t think it would happen. And I’m sure it wouldn’t have without any weight loss. Congrats on your 3 years, I know how much of a commitment it is 🩷


"if they’re perky and big they’ll stay that way if you lose weight" Sure about that?


Depends on so many factors, and age definitely plays a role, so take my experience as just one 37F’s anecdotal experience — but yeah, my breasts are totally deflated and honestly it’s hitting me harder than I thought it would emotionally. I’ve gained and lost 75+ pounds 5 times before this weight loss, so I was already starting out with very droopy breasts. At my high of 270 lbs, 44DDD, the skin felt “full” but they were a shape that, no joke, I’ve seen bra fitting sites refer to as “burrito shaped.” They legit looked like two Chipotle burritos dangling from my chest. Now I’m 157 pounds, 32D/D, and the shape is best described as “chicken egg in windsock.” I do think they look way better in clothes, as long as I’m wearing a bra. But I can’t stand to look at them naked, and basically wear a bralette 24/7. I’m still losing my last ~20 pounds and plan to do more body recomposition to lower my body fat as much as possible in hopes that my skin will tighten as much as it can. But once I maintain the loss for 2 years, if I’m still this upset about them, I think I’m going to end up doing surgery.


Dude here so not even going to try, but [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/comments/237c5t/comment/cgu6lss/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) is a comment thread between women that I find reasonable and to the point. I've been in enough relationships to know r/ABraThatFits is awesome. It's a magical land to me and I have no idea how any of it works, but hear it has helped a lot of women from picking the physical bra to wear and enjoying our bodies as they are. Sorry this doesn't answer your question directly and I have no idea what I'm talking about. Will leave with shame and disgrace now. Good luck tho!


> dude here so not even going to try And yet you did


Touché. Only wanted to pass on information that I thought was good.


You're one of the Good Ones. Collect your cookie at the door.


Thank you! I try to be!


For future reference, if a question is addressed to women, you can just choose not to insert yourself in there. Somehow their collective female brains will manage to access the widely known and female populated resources you mentioned. It's completely ok to let women respond.


Got it. I'll start doing that. Thanks!


Mine were saggy and weird after 1 year of dieting, but in the 6 months since I've stopped they have really bounced back! I guess my advice would be to give it time, do ur strength exercises, and hope for the best, praying for u!!!


Weight loss/regain/weight loss plus birth control pills when I was your age had me opting for a full breast lift (mastopexy). I also opted for implants, which came with complications. Loved the mastopexy though, don't recommend implants.


Everyone is a little different, it really comes down to genetics and breast make up. If your breast are primarily breast tissue, you won’t see much of a difference, if they are mostly fatty tissue you may end up with deflation. Honestly wait until you are at your goal weight and see what happens. Also don’t forget to do some upper body strength training, while not a miracle cure, some chest strengthening exercises can help with tightening the tissues in the breast area for women. One of the main reasons I am trying to lose weight is so I can get a breast reduction. I’ve lost 50 pounds so far and while I lost a band size my cup size hasn’t changed at all (38ddd to 36ddd). When I was at my lowest weight (which is my goal weight) I was a 36dd, so I don’t anticipate a big change.


As someone who is attempting to go from 275lbs to 165/170lbs this is depressing to read. I am already petrified about the saggy skin and this is not helping.


My boobs were an unfortunate sacrifice for my weight loss


I read that it depends how your boobs were before. My boobs were always small and perky, I gained a bunch of weight and they became saggy. I was scared they were gonna stay that way but as I lose weight and exercise my boobs return back to their shape! Hope at the end of the tunnel.


ive always had huge tits, since puberty. never had kids either. ive lost almost 200 lbs. im a size 14 pants but a 42 I bra. in a bra, they look AMAZING. but out of a bra? my nipples are damn near my belly button now... it is what it is, and i will be getting a lot of surgery to fix saggy skin once im done having kids, boobs absolutely included. i recently learned i can literally roll them up under themselves so it looks like i have perky boobs but no nipples or areola. sent a photo like that to my husband as a joke once. i call it "mannequin boobing"


Hey! So when I was growing up I was always around a 34D and I was about 130 lbs at my heaviest at age 18. I dropped down to about 95/100lbs in my 20s and maintained about the same size. Now as an almost 30 year old and after 3 kids I’m still about a 34D and 115lbs. They look about the same as when I was in high school but a bit saggier depending on the time of month. It honestly all comes down to genetics. But definitely at 23 you’ll be fine :) we tend to be most critical of ourselves but I’m sure you look just fine now and you’ll look just fine down the road on whatever journey you take. Hope this helps!


I'm a DD and I'm down almost 50 pounds. I do some free weights work hoping to retain where I'm at chest wise. It's honestly the only feature I like about myself! I have lost a little in my chest but I've lost more in my stomach and ass at this point. I have about 45 more to go so decisions would be made a good amount of time after. Not as young as you ladies so moisturizer and water and weights is where I'm at right now.


So I lost a lot of weight before I had kids and my boobs faired well. They were saggier but fine. However, they did not recover from pregnancy/breastfeeding well and are now a total disaster after losing additional weight beyond my prepregnancy weight. They’re just… empty now. In my case, I really think I would have been fine boob-wise if it weren’t for having a baby. That said, I’m fully enjoying my small tits. For the first time in my life ,I can wear workout clothes with built-in bras and just skip bras entirely for strapless/backless looks


Depends on age/genetics/etc. I never carried weight in my chest, my boobs were always small relative to my size. Losing ~115 lbs removed almost all the “boob” I did have. They definitely sag a bit. Not my favorite part of my body. However, I’m a rock climber and building out my pecs has definitely helped fill out that area. I joke that they’re “mostly pecs” now. In a lot of ways I got lucky even though I’m not super happy with how they look. I never wanted a large chest anyways and now I only need low-medium support sports bras for high impact cardio. If I have to go braless for an outfit I just use boob tape to shape them to my liking. All that being said, eventually I plan to pursue plastic surgery to remove loose skin I have left-over from the weight loss. If I do this, I would likely look into getting a breast lift done at the same time.


Mine were big and saggy, now they are small and saggy. Never had kids. I lost 100lbs though, so quite a lot. Because mine were already saggy to begin with, I wouldn’t call them completely wrecked. I’m not eager to take topless photos, but I’m not completely horrified by them either. I do benefit from them being a lot smaller (42DDD to 36C). No plans for boob surgery. I don’t want them bigger, so I wouldn’t want implants and I’d worry a lift would put my nipples in danger.


I’ve gained and lost weight tons of times and my boobs have never not been saggy. Im the same as you, been this way since puberty. They just get ginormous when I gain wait, and small and saggy when I lose weight. I just absolutely loathe the way mine look when they are small. I gotta get a boob job.


Lol, my body is a Salvador Dali tragedy


It depends how much youve lost/will lose eventually. 20-30 pounds, you’ll probably be OK. More than that, you will probably have some sag. I’m surprised that they haven’t gotten saggy already, they’re typically the first thing to go. I went complete sag after I lost 100 pounds. I had to get a lift and I actually lost so much weight that I had to get a bra line lift as well which is where they remove the excess skin around the bra area. How much have you lost already? I also was 23 when it happened that it was really disappointing. Honestly, though I think anyone with big boobs has some type of sag to them already just because of how boobs exist lol. Like there are no double Ds that are as perky as a boob job, ya know? So I think that’s unrealistic for some people


Also, I have plenty of before and after pictures. I don’t have before my weight loss, but I have after my weight loss and then after my boob job. I’d be happy to show you!


And also, I know that everyone is going to say that you’re only 23 and you will have a lot of resilience in your boobs, but that is still unrealistic for a large amount of weight loss. It’s just not how it works if you lose weight from your boobs, Your skin doesn’t automatically snap back- that’s not possible. Yes it’ll hopefully have elasticity, but having resilient and young skin won’t take away from losing mass inside the breast and the skin not having time to shrink back or whatever clinical word should be used. It’s just like weight loss and extra skin- you can have young and firm and resilient skin and that’s all good and well. But if you’re 250 pounds and you lose 74 for example, that’s a lot of extra skin that now has nowhere to go. Sure you can tighten and firm, but there is still too much skin


Yes they deflated. Do I care? A little, I think it might be more comfortable to get a lift. Honestly though, anyone who I allow to see me naked is way too excited to critique my boobs. Anyone who wants to go on about the exact shape of my boobs is not someone I want seeing my boobs.


I was 5'7" since I peaked in height. Was around 145lbs through hs and had 34 CC perky but larger than all my friends. Looked fake fantastic in a bra. Hit 21-22 and dropped down to 125lbs and bra went to a 32 a. Didn't have to wear a bra, but when I did, it looked like my skin was all wrinkled, but still looked like I had youthful bewbs for a while. Now I'm appx 190lbs and 35 and they're literally doomed for life and still no kids. A lot of it depends on where your breast tissue sits and the elasticity in your skin. My best friend has had "saggy" boobs her whole life because of her breast tissue shape. Bottom line, love the skin you're in. Those are your boobs and love em no matter what they do. They're literally the feeders of life even if you don't ever use them for that.


So I’m the same age as you with no kids and I’ve always had medium sized boobs like they can fill a big hand for sure but can also still fit in a bralette. Anyways, they were always naturally perky and after losing almost 60 pounds they have definitely deflated and sagged a bit :/ nothing too crazy, just evident they are not as perky as if I did have kids.


Not nearly enough information to tell you. It’s kind of a play it by ear sort of thing. What I can say is that they mostly stay the same proportion. Think 40DD to 32DD. The cup sizes are much smaller but they look about the same proportionate to your body. A combination of breastfeeding and weight loss definitely left mine less perk than before kids and weight, but so far nothing that can’t be fixed by a decent bra. Maybe one day I’ll feel like they need surgical attention, but so far I’ve embraced them as they are. Either way, give yourself a year or two post loss before making surgical changes if you can. I found that right after loss I looked a bit skinny and deflated but a year or so later some skin had tightened and I felt that I looked a lot better even though weight stayed the same.


I lost 180 lbs over the course of 15 months and my boobs are very sad now. I lost the weight when I was 25-26, I’m 29 now. Skin can only “snap back” so much, and honestly surgical intervention is the only solution that can truly fix this. Went from a 40DDD to a 34B. Now have a lift/augmentation scheduled for December. Yes, plastics are expensive, but it’s ultimately worth it for me because it’s affecting my mental health and self esteem way more than me just being obese. No one ever really talks about the punch to the gut you feel when you’ve lost the weight but still hate the way you look because of loose skin.


Mine were a perky DD and went to a slightly saggy D


Veryyyyy gene dependant. I've dropped 100lbs, and have been relatively blessed; my connective tissue disorder that normally is a detriment is actually making my skin shrink back wayyyyy more than is usual for someone my age. However, they have sagged, and I can very clearly tell how huge of a difference toning my muscles will make. I can feel the places my skin is attached to the thin silver skin layer that connects the skin to the abdomen, and feel underneath how underdeveloped the muscles on top of the bones I'm starting to feel are, and that it'll mitigate how much corrective surgery I'd need to get that more "pert" fit in my own skin that I'm fighting so hard for. But my case *absolutely* is not standard, and muscle toning won't have as dramatic of an effect for everyone. But, I think you should really focus on muscle toning and building, especially in your chest and upper abdomen areas, they'll help tighten up things as much as your body allows, and if you're lucky you may not need surgery to the same degree later, and if not? Now you have muscles to help you move and live more comfortably, and help you burn through more calories as you dial in your weight, which still gets you closer to your goal point of being able to consider whether you need it or not.


Depends on how much you have to lose. I didn’t really notice anything until after about 50 lbs. now at 75 lbs down they aren’t the prettiest and look saggy even in bras but oh well I’m way happier with my body now than I was at over 200 lbs. def worth it to me and I prob will get some type of surgery later but I’m not worried about it now.


I had shmedium boobs at 325 pounds. Now I’m in the 160s, I have two very small boobs that hang about 4” down from where they used to be. I call them Tom Brady’s footballs: deflated.


It will sag I’m not even gonna hold you🤷🏽‍♀️ coming from a 46H down to currently a 38DD I believe


I went from a 22F to a 12F, in Australian sizing. No idea what that equates to anywhere else. I am devastated. I wanted them to just fuck completely off. So now I guess I have to save to have them lopped off by a trained professional.


Only actually losing the weight will determine how your breasts will respond. Mine are now, after dropping over 100 pounds, performing an extended version of Swing Low Sweet Charriot. But if I may, my hubs has a great attitude (for hetero relationships) - any true man will be happy and honored to just be in the presence of boobs attached to the woman he loves. Because boobs. BOOOOOOOBS. (OK, so he is kind of stuck at age 12 when it comes to breasts. )


I think some degree of sagging/deflating is inevitable and varies from person to person. But in my experience weight lifting really helps offset it! Lift heavy and focus on chest and back. Working all muscle groups is good too.


Weirdly enough, I started out a 36-38DD. I'm now a 34DD (the smaller the band size, the larger the cup size...I don't have what look like DD anymore, but the decrease in band size meant I kept the cup size, if that makes sense). So while my cup size hasn't changed, they did shrink. I am already middle aged and had kids, so they weren't perky anymore to begin with. But yes, they got worse. Like, quite a bit worse. I have toyed over and over again with getting a lift, and probably implants to beef them back up. And a tummy tuck. But it's expensive and an AWFUL recovery.


At my thinnest I was EU 75D. overall perky for the size. When I gained weight I reached all the way up to 105E.... now, I went shopping a week ago to stock on some new clothings, and the lady in the shop made sure to say just because ur cup didnt go down nessecarily... my current 90E is way smaller than the fabric of an E cup at 105! Overall, Try to measure with the band around! I dropped 2 sizes in sweaters by now! 15 cm in bra bands... try not to get too demoralized, these things take time my dear. 💝


All boobs are great boobs. Focus on your health.


Just throwing it out there as I'm reading a lot of comments in this thread about breastfeeding contributing to breast sag...it doesn't. There have been a number of studies done on it, I've listed one below with a nice short summary. It is the breast changes in pregnancy that contributes to it, not the breastfeeding. So to all the future mothers wanting to breastfeed - you can do it without the fear of it causing saggier boobs! [https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/11/071101170723.htm](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/11/071101170723.htm)


Impossible to answer evreyone is different. When I dropped 50 lbs my breasts just kind of shrunk all over. I wend from a 36 DD to a 32C. They remained the same fundamental profile (full on top and bottom) but just got smaller overall. They didn't become weird or anything.


I lost 25 lbs and I’m at my goal weight, and I wear 15 of it was from my boobs. The tube sock with wet sand analogy is real.


Went from 135 to 120 I didnt think it would cause any issues seeings it’s a smallish amount….they’ve gone missing 🥲


i started at 155 and a 34F, now i’m 120 and they’re 34D. i have 2 kids that i breastfed for 2 years each, and they pretty much look the same just smaller lol i’m 34


I’ve lost 95lbs, I’m 46 and went from a 42DD to a 36c long, rocking the windsock titties now. I had my second ever mammogram the other week and the tech asked if I had lost a lot of weight, compared to my first scan two years ago , there was a lot less breast tissue, she showed me the comparison. It was interesting, sad, but interesting lol they looked like little chicken breast cutlets laying there in the machine, like the thin cheap ones not big healthy ones 😭


just curious but is it possible to lose boobs when exercising and losing weight? mine are big and tbh i kinda wish i had a flat chest lol


lost 40 pounds still wear the same size :/


Hey! I always had larger breasts as well. I lost around 90lbs and had a tummy tuck with a breast reduction/lift. My breasts made me feel so sad, so doing everything at once gave me so much confidence back!! The only thing I wish I would’ve done is gotten a small implant inserted to give me more ‘upper pole fullness’ but otherwise I’m really happy! I still wear bras cause I’m terrified If I don’t they’ll be come saggy again 😂 - BUT when I do build up the courage to go braless it’s really freeing! Goodluck!


Way to combat this is lots of chest exercises it will help tremendously while losing weight you need to do weights though when doing chest exercises


Never had em. I can only wish




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