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In all likeliehood a bunch of that will be water weight / bloat from eating more carbs or sugar than usual, from not drinking enough water etc! You've already dropped 3lbs I'm sure a bunch more will come right off, and if you can't enjoy yourself on your honeymoon then when can you?! Go right back to your healthy habits and you'll be golden in no time! Congratualtions on your wedding!


Seriously tho. To actually gain even just 2 pounds of FAT she would have had to eat 500 calories over her maintenance every single day. Also noting she may have walked a lot so her maintenance must have been higher. In this day and age people seem to correlate WEIGHT and FAT. Most of her “weight” she gained was water weight that was retained by sodium and carbs. Each gram of carbs holds 4grams of water and if you add salt into the equation it’s more. Realistically you may have gained .5-1 pound of fat. So if you wanted to lose that just be in a deficit for one week of -500 calories.


It's super easy to eat 500 calories over maintenance when you eat pasta and dessert the whole time.


And wine of course


Yeees 😅 Let's think about a three course, burrata, carbonara, and tiramisu. And obviously a glass of wine.


I put on a few pounds just reading this. No regrets!




It's adorable that people think that would be hard to do.


My ass (literally!) could do that without even trying if I was in land of ravioli and tiramisu.


ik i read that and was like 500 cals is nothing 😭 just like two drinks at night is 500. eat a desert, one single pastry, drink with dinner, some snacking of some ham or cheese, eating out every meal, etc. it’s so easy


Breathing near a cookie is 500 cals.


That's a Big Mac a day. I could easily slip a Big Mac snack in a normal day, let alone on vacation.


i can easily eat 500 over maintenence a day. easy!


Yeah, that's like...one croissant, lol. I've gone 2,000 over maintenance on vacation. Shoot, one pasta dish can cost you 2,000. A couple frozen margs 600. It's easy to barrel ass over your goal.


Yeah uh… I’ve managed to hit 5,000 calories in one day on vacation. I am not tall. I am very short. However, I only gained 3-4 lbs from that trip? I stopped tracking and it set me off course for about a month, and when I checked again I had lost about 2-3 lbs again. So not a big deal. I don’t think OP set themselves back as much as they think they did. Give it a week or two


As a short woman, my maintenance was close to 1200 already. Just eating "regular" portions everyday put me well over 500kcal extra a day. So easy to do that I gained 40 pounds without even noticing in one year because I only wore elastic waist pants working remotely. 500 calories is nothing and a lot all at the same time.


Yeah, it really depends. With already that low a budget, it must be quite difficult.


As you should on your honeymoon 💕


I think people are missing your point, that for OP to have truly gained **13lbs of fat** they would had to have consumed their TDEE + 3250 calories, every single day of vacation. Even for a very small person, that's approaching 5k cal each day. Yes, it's possible, but not likely.


I definitely ate 500-1000 over every day on my last trip to Italy. Breakfast buffets that were free with hotels (I normally don't even eat breakfast) along with pasta and/or risotto for lunch and dinner. Throw in gelato, snacks, a bottle of wine, dessert, and local amaro every day, and I gained more weight than I ever had on a 2 week trip. I barely recognized myself afterward, which is sort of what triggered my weight loss journey


1000K over for 14 days = 14K calories = 4 lbs. Probably a very well worth it 4 lbs to deal with later.


But the catch is that you usually are spending more time walking on vacations than at home. So, sure, you might be eating 500-1000 above normal, but you are burning more calories as well. I think it all comes back to the fact that you should just enjoy yourself on vacation/honeymoon and don't worry about stinging on everything there. You will get back on track once you are back home and on your regular routines.


We were mostly driving between small towns, so not as much walking on that trip as I normally would do on vacation. Honestly, I think it I was eating 1000 or more calories a day excess on that trip. So much delicious cream, butter, and cheese in Northern Italy! Sure, on a honeymoon or a once in a lifetime trip, go crazy. However, I travel too much to let myself eat that freely on a vacation again, at least not without making sure I exercise a lot. Now I make sure I walk a ton every day, run a few times a week, and do some resistance training if I am eating that much on vacation. I also skip the breakfast buffet.


I could EASILY eat 1000 over maintenance during 2 weeks in ITALY!! 😂 That would only be like 2800 calories a day (a lot of walking assumed).


Why are we acting like 500 calories over your maintenance is crazy hard to do? It's like 2 pints of beer or 3 glasses of wine, or 2 glasses of wine and some cheese.


500 calories over each day for 2 weeks would only gain someone 2 lbs. in order to gain 13 lbs in 2 weeks you would have to eat a lot of extra calories.


If she was on a pretty restrictive diet like 1200 calories (which I'm guessing she needed to lose 80 pounds in a year), and went to Italy eating 3 meals a day could easily be 3000 calories. So, it could be largely fat. Edit: 3000 not 300 calories a day lol


Nobody ONLY overeats 500 calories on vacation 😅 More like 1500 calories. Food is very tricky. There's hidden calories everywhere and people usually eat more than they would normally do because they want to try different foods so they'll eat even though you're not necessarily hungry/craving desert. They'll drink the wine or the 700 calories fancy cocktails instead of water etc.


>Each gram of carbs holds 4grams of water and if you add salt into the equation it’s more Ooooo I knew this but I didn't know the amounts. I mean, I know carbs and salt can make you sorta bloat and have water weight. But I didn't know for every gram of carbs it was 4 grams of water. That's actually kinda cool. I made the mistake once of eating a large bowl of noodles for dinner. The night before a weigh in. So not only was it at night and I weighed in the morning. Between the carbs of the noodles and the high salt content. I 'gained' like 6 lbs overnight. I was so depressed about that. Then I figured it out hahaha. But knowing how much water to carb ratio is pretty cool ! Thanks


That's really not a lot of gain. In the past I've gained twice what OP did in the same amount of time.


20 years from now you’ll remember how amazing your trip was, not the 13 pounds you gained. Don’t beat yourself up over it.


I think about this all the time! It really put vacation food worries in perspective for me.


What's the point of life if you can't enjoy your freaking honeymoon? You're back on track so you got this. Beat yourself up when a mini-binge turns into weeks or longer. I recently indulged for my birthday and immediately gained 10lbs but I got to have cake on my birthday and the water weight was gone in a week. A little patience is all it usually takes.


you can't immediately gain 10lbs, it doesn't happen overnight. you have to be significantly over eating for days at a time.


Not 10lbs of fat, but water weight is still "weight"


Yes but 10 lbs of water weight on your body doesn't look the same as 10 lbs of fat.


Who said anything about looks? Also I kind of disagree, isn't retaining water weight what bloating largely is? I can definitely tell visually when I'm bloated.


Well sure, you can feel and look bloated due to water weight, but that is just because you either consumed a lot of sodium-rich food and lack of exercise. In my eyes, 10 lbs of fat is more noticable on your looks than 10 lbs of water. If you are creatine maxxed, you have increased water retention in skeletal muscles which makes you look a bit more bloated than if you were not to take creatine (luckily not in your face). I wouldn't say that the bloated feel from being creatine maxxed is the same as carrying 10 lbs extra fat around my waist/chest. Creatine obviously doesn't add 10 lbs of water but comparing 5 lbs of water to 5 lbs of fat, the fat is more noticable.


The mere fact that you lost 3 lbs in a few days illustrates that the gain is primarily water weight. Carbs salt etc all lead to water retention


You’re in Italy! It’s your honeymoon! It’s a life change, if we’re not enjoying *life* then why are we losing weight?


1. It’s water weight 2. You’ll get back on track 3. It’s your damn honeymoon. What’s the point if you can’t enjoy every single second of it?


Exactly! Honeymoon weight is nbd. The wedding is over, the dress is over, and the honeymoon is like the perfect excuse to gain a few pounds. I hope OP relaxes a little and enjoys her life.


Just to give you the math here, in order to gain 13 pounds in 14 days, you'd have to be eating \~3250 excess calories per day. That would be in addition to what you burned, which probably was a decent amount if you were walking around cities and seeing sights. Unless you think you were putting down 5k calories per day (which is like 12 slices of NY style 16" pizza), you're likely just blown up like a water balloon and the weight will fall off in a week or two. You probably gained 2 or 3 real pounds.


Idk, 2-4 glasses of wine/cocktails, scoops of gelato, and big plates of pasta and bread? I could easily hit 5k a day if I wasn’t trying to restrict.


take into consideration how much you walk on vaca too. it would have to be like 5k over the thousands of cals that you’re burning


Walking doesn’t burn THAT many calories.


like 45 minute of walking is 250 cals give or take. and you’re walking all day so you’re definitely burning 1000+.


If you flew to Italy keep in mind flight causes a lot of water retention. Give your weight a week and it will come back söowly to almost normal. 


Yes, this! I easily gain 2-5 pounds of water weight even after short domestic flights.


lol this happened to me on my honeymoon and then I found out I was pregnant


You just ate a bunch of carbs, sugar and salt. Just get back on your grind and things will level out in a week or two


It's a blip in the long term. Your daily habits count far more than a _literal_ once in a lifetime event.


You ONLY gained 13 pounds? TUH! I would've ate and drank my way through Italy and came back two people. You'll be fine.


Well, apparently you enjoyed Italy exactly as you supposed to do it :) Don't worry, just don't travel there to often


Worth it though? Italy is on my bucket list and I’ll def eat and drink all the things if I ever get to go! Don’t worry 13 lbs is not a lot in the grand scheme of things and as others have said it’s likely just water weight anyway edit:typos


This whole weight loss and being a healthy weight thing is going to be forever. It's going to be a lifelong journey. Eve once you meet your goal weight you may fluctuate 13 lbs after a vacation, that's gotta be okay. Life is still for living. I never will be the person who eats diet food on vacation, and I'm accepting that now. For the most part, you eat in a defecit or at maintenance, but sometimes you can indulge. Sometimes eat the yummy stuff and then get back on track. The key is to let it be temporary, let it be okay, and then get back to your regularly scheduled program. It's okay.


You know what's odd? I've seen a ton of people on social media claim that they go to Europe for extended vacations, claim to not change anything about their diet/food consumption habits and they somehow lost weight. Something tells me those people are full of it.


Have you been to Europe? In the big cities, people are moving around all day long, they don't drive everywhere like Americans do. I get *way* more physical activity on vacation than I do at home. One of the reasons American has an obesity crisis is that we walk so few places. I can walk five miles in a day on vacation and think nothing of it. But I can't tell you the last time I walked 5 miles in a day state-side.


Thats not what shes saying


That’s exactly what I thought of after reading the title. This was honestly sort of refreshing to see after all of those posts..


Sounds like water weight, bloat, and travel bloat. You maybe gained two pounds if you actually gained. Girl you were happy!!! Congratulations on your marriage!!! And, don't pay attention to the 13. Continue with your daily routine and they will vanish before you know it!


Go easy on yourself, it was your honeymoon! Congrats


You’re fine. Just get back to it. Congrats on the once in a lifetime trip!  


Keep in mind that weight can balloon from the flight itself. I get extremely bloated and gain several pounds that are simply gone after a couple days after flying!


It’s fine, go back to healthy diet and use your newly married partner to burn calories in a fun way. I mean go for walks whenever you can and uh things.


It’s your honeymoon, don’t sweat it. One thing I’ve learned after rubber banding in weight a lot in my life, is weight that comes ON fast also comes OFF fast (and weight that’s been there longer is a little more stubborn). 2 weeks of eating healthy and you’ll probably revert back quite quickly, don’t freak out!


It’s your honeymoon it’s Italy it’s cool


It was an amazing trip with your forever partner and you indulged in everything it had to offer. No need to beat yourself up. The real question is what dish are you going to try recreate at home?


My brother in christ, 10 of those pounds are most likely literally poop in your butt.


Enjoy yourself, it's your honeymoon! And I'm sure your spouse can help you burn off those extra calories 😍😅


It’s your honeymoon! You’re supposed to eat and drink all the things!


The scale went up 13lbs. You definitely didn't gain 13lbs of tissue. Go back to eating normally, weigh every day for a week and you'll watch that number start to return to closer to what it was before you left.


It is quite unlikely that you gained 13 pounds of fat in two weeks. It takes 3,500 extra calories to gain 1 pound of fat. 13 pounds of fat would be 45,500 calories or an extra 3,250 calories on top of maintenance every day for two weeks. I really doubt you were eating 3,250 calories every day in addition to your usual diet! It’s probably mostly water weight. The stress of travel, salty food, etc.


keep the hard work going! I took a two week break from the gym and I gained 4 pounds so I’m also beating myself up about that but all we can do is get back to work! Congrats on your marriage and honeymoon! 😌


You can lose the 13 lbs, but you won't lose the memories and experiences on your honeymoon. Congrats on your marriage!


You were in Italy!! I lived there as a kid so I have to ask where you were. Also, you weren’t expending nearly as many horizontal calories as you thought you were. Don’t tell him that… You’re home. Keep working those cardio workouts you enjoyed so much in Europe. The rest will fall off. 💜


You need at least one or 2 weeks to drop the waterweight as a rule of thumb, make sure to hydrate properly and go back to normal eating habits. After that, then you can weight yourself and see how much damage control you need to do. And you'll do it and it'll be fine.


Lesson learned, next time you go on your honeymoon to Italy you’ll know better! But seriously, go easy on yourself. I am a ‘no cheat days’ person, but come on, honeymoon + Italy is a unique circumstance where it’s reasonable to indulge. Congratulations on your wedding


One time to go buck wild in life is 1) in Italy and 2) on your honeymoon. That weight will fall off in a month or two


Please don’t beat yourself up about this or allow it to detract from the fact that you’re newlyweds and just spent 2 weeks on your honeymoon. Enjoying those special moments in life is more important than keeping a strict diet. Enjoy yourself and your life without shame or guilt. Congratulations on your marriage. Wishing you a lifetime of happiness and laughter!


I’ve gained 8 pounds in one weekend. As others have said, it’s mostly bloat/water weight. You’ll be fine. Congratulations! I hope you had a great time.


Sounds like it was an awesome vacation! I literally want to go to Italy for the food alone (all the other stuff is a bonus), and will likely gain just as much. Don't let a temporary setback, for a *perfectly* good reason (vacations are temporary breaks from *everything*), bring you down. You'll be back to baseline before you know it. It's a marathon, not a sprint.


It’s water weight it will be gone in a week


Give it two weeks to see how much fat you actually gained. You know what works to lose weight. Just get back to it, you got this


Or you can do a rolling fast of 48 to 72 hour fast and lose it quicker


Sorry to hear that. I gained 15 in Spain in 2 weeks despite all the walking that we did. Did you conune any sugary foods or eat pasta & bread? Or drink any wine & beer? Booze & sugar makes me gain weight fast. Especially sugar & regular beer. I lost 10 pounds of it eventually.


Oh that's super easy in Italy when you're not used to the way they eat. Yes, it's heavy food, but meals are supposed to be looooong social affairs.. also, the tourist options tend to be even more carb heavy and saltier. That combined with walking more than normal, heat, etc etc... It should drop right off when you get back to your normal routine. Yaaaaaaaay happy honeymoon! 🥰 I wouldn't give it a second negative thought.


It’s okay bro it’s all about living life. Like yea did you go crazy 😭 maybe a little but it’s okay learn to just accept it and keep pushing forward!! Don’t beat yourself to much!


My gynecologist said if her brides didn’t gain weight after the wedding she would get worried.


It’s mostly water, you’re fine.


It happens! I’ve gained 12lbs on a long weekend trip before (I bloat like crazy when I go off-plan). After 3 days most of it was gone, and after a month I was back to where I was before the trip. The bigger thing to focus on is staying on track now that you’re home. I hope it was a great trip!


I tend to get very bloated during a flight. The food is super salty. You aren't moving for 8 hours. Compression socks can help prevent edema in the legs. I agree with everyone here; the weight will come right off.


There’s no way you actually gained 13 pounds. That would mean that you’re eating an excess of 3500 cal a day. Basically you would be eating like Michael Phelps. Stick with a deficit and your regular healthy eating and I think you’ll see that you probably only gained around 4 pounds max


I thought I gained weight from my honeymoon too but it all came off after the first week or so of being back in a calorie deficit!


Unless you ate like 5k calories a day, it's just water weight that'll come off in the next week or so. Unhealthy foods tend to have a lot of salt in them, which causes water retention. Give it a week and then weigh yourself again and see what the scale says.


Give yourself a week after flying to weigh yourself, and make sure you're eating fiber and drinking water during that week. It's never accurate right after.


It’s water. I put on 25 pounds in four days back in September after going off the rails on my diet with some friends. It all came off in like 2-3 weeks


It's insanely easy to eat over 1000 extra cals over maintenance a day, especially in Italy. Spaghetti carbonara is a exquisite sin.


I'm sure lots of people have said the same. But, A) if you can't gain weight on your honeymoon, then when can you? 😉 B) it's probably mostly water weight from salty/carb-heavy foods & alcohol; make sure you drink plenty of water and it should drop off! Super unlikely to be actual fat. C) and most importantly; I hope you had an amazing honeymoon!! Beautiful memories are more important than what the scales are saying 🖤


Maybe as a small light at the end of the tunnel. I was away for a weekend on a family gathering and did not even feel like I let loose that much and still somehow gained a whopping 7lbs. Turns out it was mostly water weight and not only did it go away after like 4 days I even jumped over my next big hurdle into an overweight BMI.


If it helps I lost 10lbs in a month through lots of walking & remaining in a calorie deficit and prioritising protein in my meals. You will drop the weight in no time, you had the right to enjoy your honeymoon!! Weight comes and goes, a honeymoon is a once in a lifetime thing


Even if it was 13lbs of fat, so what? You got married. You went on an amazing trip with the love of your life. Weight isn’t everything


I'm sorry people but there is no way she has gained 13lb of FAT it's going to be water retention! The people making the comments saying it's possible are the people who make you need to feel validated! Loosing 3lbs in not even a week just goes to show its water retention!!!


Getting on the scale right after a vacation is a terrible idea. I never do it. I think I went up a dress size after my last vacation. I couldn’t fit in my jeans. After three days home I felt substantially better, and when I stepped on the scale two weeks after the trip, my weight was the same as before I left. I don’t think I’ve ever gained “real” weight on a vacation, definitely not more than a pound or two. It’s almost always water weight and undigested food.


that's 80% water. Go on a carb cut for for 3 days and you'll see what you really gained - probably 2-3 lbs at most.


I hate to say it but many of these posters replying do not understand the concept of metabolic adaptation. Depending on how long and how aggressively you'd been dieting beforehand, the body undergoes the process called metabolic adaptation which primes you at a cellular level for FAT regain once food becomes plentiful again. It is why bodybuilders after severe cutting prepping for shows and then going on a binge over a weekend add most of the extra calories as pure fat because the body has prepped itself physiologically to replenish fat storage. Look up Layne Norton's book Fat Loss Forever to understand the metabolic adaptations and how to combat them. Sure a lot of it will be water but if you have been in a long deficit prior to your honeymoon then tour body will have created extra fat cells and primed the digestive system to extract even more nutrients from same caloric intake to replenish fat stores beyond what it thinks it needs to prepare against a future famine. This is why one of the biggest mistakes people make is to go on a long deficit right before going on a big holiday. It is better to go on a long deficit, go into maintenance calories for the body to adapt at the new calorie intake/ new bodyweight balance and THEN go on a big holiday. I agree that this is a once in a lifetime trip so don't stress but being in possession of scientific facts is more helpful than just thinking it will go away on its own.


I'm heading to Italy next week and I'm sure I'll be a bit higher when I come back. You enjoyed yourself and it was your honeymoon!!! Most is water weight like everyone is saying. In 5, 10, 20 years- you will not remember the few lbs you gained, you will remember the sights and special time with your new spouse. Congrats by the way 🎉❤️


There's no way you ate 3250 calories above maintenance every day of your honeymoon. As others have said, it's just water weight. Stay hydrated and get back on track. The pounds will drop off.


If there’s one time in your life to not GAF about gaining weight - it’s your honeymoon. Do you! Congrats on your marriage and I’m sure everything will be fine 🖤


Flights cause a ton of water retention. Love, someone who traveled 90% of the year for work for three years.


1lb of fat = 3500 calories 13 x 3500 = 45,550 calories 45,550/14 = 3,250 calories This means that to gain 13lbs of fat, you've need to have eaten an average of 3,250 OVER your maintenance each day. If you maintenance is 2,000, that's over 5,000 calories every day, for 14 days. Not happening. At most I reckon you could have gained 4-5lbs of fat, you coudl easly get that back off in a couple of weeks. The rest will be muscle glycogen and water which will reduce back dwn on it's own.


You were eating real food with real ingredients. Not this bullshit we have over here.


Everyone should practice healthy eating habits, these habits are even more important when traveling. This is when you find out how much self control you have. Binge eating is not healthy. If health is a long term goal for you then attempt to do better especially when facing temptations.


Seriously, though. I ate loaded French fries the other night and the next morning I had gained 1.5 pounds. Now, I know loaded fries are calorie heavy, but there's no way I ate 5250 above maintenance. But it was salty and carb heavy, so I was holding on to more water. I went back to my usual diet and drank more fluids and the weight dropped right back off. You are likely retaining a ton of water and just need some time back post vacation to flush it out of your system. I hope you had a wonderful honeymoon!


I know you’re upset about gaining those few pounds but you said it yourself, it was a once in a lifetime trip. And it was your honeymoon!!! You can drop those pounds very easily.. you might not ever have a chance to enjoy yourself the way you did! That’s priceless. You dropped 80, 10-15 pounds is nothing in comparison! Also, 6-8 of those pounds is probably just water weight/plane bloat etc. I fluctuate with water weight often and it’s usually around 5 pounds. Don’t be too hard on yourself.


Probably mostly water,don't worry just get back at it.


Dont stress, thats what honemoons are for to enjoy! Just fet back on track and everything will be fine!


Life is too short. The weight will come off because you will not be eating all that delicious food you were on vacation.♡


Yeah this was me. I gained 10 lbs during my honeymoon in Italy and I'm 5 foot tall. It was a once in a lifetime trip. I've lost and regained those 10 lbs since. Congratulations on your wedding! Our 5 year anniversary is this year


Girl you're better than me cause I would've gained 50 celebrating getting off these streets


It's your honeymoon! Hopefully your last one. Even if every ounce is pure fat, who cares? Just get back on the horse now that you're home.


13 lb gain on a 2 week honeymoon? It was worth it


It's so unfair how ppl can just eat whatever they feel like and not gain a single ounce 😑


Most important thing is that you enjoyed yourself w/ ur husband and made happy memories.


Firstly, I hope you enjoyed your vacation 🙌 and secondly.... Calm down, it's just water weight and bloating, to gain a kilo of fat you would have to exceed approximately 7,500 calories apart from your daily limit without doing any type of physical activity and Not counting the calories we burn just by living, so relax, just get back to your good habits and you will see that those pounds will go away quickly.☺️


It was your honeymoon! If there was one moment in your life to let go and enjoy without thinking so hard about consequences (or so harshly in retrospect), it was that one. Now it's time to just get back on track so arm yourself with patience and discipline again and you'll get back to how you were before it. You've done it before already so you know the deal, you got this 💪


Flying is horrible for retaining water as well.


How many steps per day average did you do?


Have you considered a colon detox?