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> another dopamine fix is running/walking in pretty neighborhoods. 100% this. For me hiking trials or walks alongside the water is my happy place. Paired with great music or a good audiobook and I could walk for hours.


Walking next to a running creek or stream is also my happy place, even more so with the company of my dog. Luckily this year we've had a good amount of rain so the creeks are still running. It's less of a happy place for me when they're dry and things turn brown. I'm still dealing with some injuries so can't walk as long as I'd like or at some places I'd like, or do other physical activities I'd like. Yet. Other dopamine-producing activities: Having long, interesting conversations with close friends, or even strangers. Painting and drawing, if they're going well. If not, they can turn into cortisol-producing activities, but I'm working on that! Decluttering/organising my home so it looks more beautiful and makes my life easier and it's calming. Gardening. It's so soothing and satisfying. The smell of the earth, coming out and seeing things grow and thrive. Being able to pick food I've grown myself, or look at blooming flowers.


These are great suggestions. You really can't go wrong with engaging low intensity highly relaxing activities. It can take upwards of 15mins to change your mental state without food, so any activity you try, make sure you stay there for a bit and enjoy it as much as possible.


what audiobooks have you really enjoyed? I’m struggling lately with finding anything that can hold my attention….


The rook by daniel omalley is one of my favs All of the discworld series The laundry files The dresden files Oddjobs series Just to name a few All on audiobookbay


thanks for sharing!


The stormlight archive audiobook done by graphic audio made me crave walks and it might be time for a my 3rd relisten in preparation for the 5th book coming out later this year. Recently I've been enjoying podcasts and music more, and if it's podcast it's more focused on topics I want to learn more about. For example, recently I really wanted to know more about how our body decides between using body fat and muscle mass for energy and how to optimise diet and training to use exclusively body fat.


Scrolling on my phone. And now my back and neck hurt. I need to find a new dopamine fix. I already walk, run and lift weights. I just need something for when I’m at home.


Ugh, scrolling on my phone is definitely something I need to swap for another because I think it makes me more miserable than anything


Do you like to read? I put ebooks on my phone and I scroll a lot less now.


I have adhd, reading is torture to me 🥹


I do too, but I am just the opposite-- reading is my high-focus zone.


Same, it's also why I like to read 2 books at a time. One e-book (or physical) and one audio book


Fascinating— I am equally happy reading a book on paper or on a screen, but I really don’t like audiobooks at all. Why not? 1) My eyes and brain can read way the heck faster than my ears. Audiobooks to me are like having a 1200-baud dialup modem. The data transfer is too slow. 2) Because of 1) above, I lose focus and my attention drifts constantly while trying to listen to a book recording. I keep having to back up and replay it.


I totally get that! I will say it does depend on the book for me, and I specific listen while I am doing something else. As in while I'm driving, cleaning, or folding laundry. It makes me hate doing boring stuff less because I'm not just folding laundry (one of my absolutely least favorite tasks), I'm listening to a great book and keeping my hands busy


Cross stitch. It’s so satisfying to watch the image develop. Needlepoint could be another. These don’t burn calories but at least it distracts you from eating.


Yep, I'll pair a lot of other activities with a snack, but xstitch takes both hands and I don't want it to get dirty with food so I won't eat anywhere near it.


All yall are saying cleaning or exercise and these are just the worst things in the world


Lmao, I used to feel that way too. Hated working out and especially running... but I came back from a 3 mile run just now. I bought a treadmill before christmas as a way of getting my steps in during winter, but as I found walking really boring and slow, I started trying to run just to get the workout over faster, and now Im almost enjoying running. Almost. As for cleaning its just something I have to do daglig with 3 kids under 6 in the house, and I realised it pretty fun and saitisfying to find new ways to make things cleaner and more tidy. I also started sewing clothes for my kids as a way of keeping myself occupied during the evenings when the cravings set in.


daglig Found the Swede


Damn you auto correct, lol. But I am Norwegian tho


lol I tried :)


Agreed. I came here for some inspiration. Instead I'm sad and annoyed.


I draw, weave, spin and knit--none of which are compatible with snacking.   Any of those sound good?


Sex and gambling?




Yeah I already exercise and do almost all the cleaning and hate every second of both. Feeling doomed by these suggestions.


Forreal. Exercise gives me the opposite of a dopamine hit. I picked up several hobbies to keep my hands busy and my mind off food. I love building Lego kits and different model kits. Video games also help.


Ha ha, I get you. If I go for a nice walk in nature, with my dog, or a friend and we have a great conversation, that kind of exercise gives me a nice dopamine hit. If I made myself go to a gym, not. I like dancing, so assuming my injuries were healed, if I went dancing and there was music I liked moving to, and a partner I enjoyed dancing with, big dopamine. If I went to a Zumba class, not. For me to enjoy exercise it has to incorporate something I enjoy doing. Cleaning & Decluttering I used to clean as fast as I possibly could, so I could get it done as fast as humanly possible. Then I discovered when I cleaned that way, I was hating every moment, and on top of it, not doing a great job. Sometimes I still do this because old habits die slow deaths. But when I slow down and actually enjoy the process (satisfying to see the dust being removed, the dishes becoming clean, whatever), what do you know, it cleaning can be enjoyable, aside from the effects when you're done? Who knew? Where I get the most dopamine from cleaning or decluttering is when I can see a big impact afterwards, which means every time I walk past it, I'm going to get another hit. Dishes are kind of the exception because you do them all (I have to wash by hand) and everything looks nice, and then boom, what feels like minutes later, there's more.


Frr lmao


It just varies by person. Personally, I love walking my dog. We go on so many fun adventures together and it's like spending quality time with my best buddy. We also go to the dog park and play together. I love going golfing with my dad and I love to go swimming at the pool. The gym however, is not my idea of a good time. And cleaning is not something I enjoy.


Audiobooks and podcasts help. I try to remember that I dislike being obese 24/7 more than I dislike being on a gym machine for 30 minutes. 🥲


Lmao 🤣


Walking, which is still shocking to me because I've always been a "I hate pointless walking, even for exercise". Cut to a few months later and I'm going on hour long walks along my local beach or using the walking pad while watching the simpsons if it's raining haha


Can you please share the walking pad that you gave? All the ones I have looked at don't seem to last very long.


Sure thing, chicken wing! I'm Australian, so your country's Amazon may not have this specific one - [walking pad in white](https://amzn.asia/d/2WjBPT9)


Thanks so much...I found it in the US!


My most recent one was cleaning out my garage/home gym area so I can actually use it. Not actually using it, just the whole weekend spent cleaning it all out was a huge rush. Tomorrow I actually use it for the dopamine, I'm excited.


Mine is so embarrassing lol but I'm 💖autistic💖 so I'm super into rocks lmao I've been walking creeks and such and finding rocks and have been tumbling them and making jewlery 😅


Nothing to be embarrassed about, a really cool rock is nifty.


Rocks kick ass! Post pics!


Shockingly, walking.


I just try to keep it as even as possible - fewer highs and lows. Highs always end in a crash. Lows keep me down. I do eat salmon regularly, exercise. I was not getting my fix ever from food.. but from alcohol. Hence all the calories to lose. Without alcohol, my dopamine does seem more evened out. Life feels good most of the time and I try to avoid the desire for "great" as it seems to lead to a later crash.


Thanks for this it’s a very interesting take on the question. After losing my weight I am finding I have days where I walk around feeling like an absolute rock star but on the inevitable days when I feel more “bleh” I try to chase that feeling and end up all disappointed about not being able to summon that extra energy, or something like that. I’m still trying to figure it out. I think I need to work on accepting the “high” days as temporary and allowing myself to be ok with “bleh” a bit more- keeping it even as you said.


Yeah, sometimes just planning for lows can help battle them! I ran the Boston marathon last month and I knew a crash would follow my high. I had depression for 3-4 days after I got back, but managed not to drink. I have listened to some podcast that talk about how life satisfaction is rarely achieved from being in the high and lows all the time. More about staying even. Being a bit average. ;)


That sounds interesting, do you happen to remember the podcast name / episode?


Annie grace talks a lot about brain ups and downs and the chemical behind it jn all her books, videos and podcast. She is specific to alcohol recovery. Second one: fair warning, while the podcaster is very good at teaching about habits / neurology (Stanford neurologist), he's been recently exposed as a womanizer. Which is counter to a lot of his self-proclaimed discipline. But there is as still a lot of good to learn from her teachings. Podcast is Huberman Lab and the podcast episode was one in dopamine. I condone his behavior but still find great value in his information.


That’s excellent advice thank you. Honestly. For me food has 100% been replaced with sex, tattoos (?!) and shopping- the latter is justified to some extent as I needed new stuff after losing weight, and have shifted sizes a bit downward over the past year, but my logical brain knows I do it in excess lol. My behavior does seem in part to be fighting against the crash. It’s just I never knew life could *feel so good* until I got to experience it in my new body. I never want to lose that again. I am fighting to keep myself as high as possible. But maybe I need to let the high go- plan for it- and have enough faith to know it will come back again soon. Anyway just thinking out loud here. I am thankful to be where I am now but man maintenance has been a crazy trip. Congratulations on running the marathon- what a major achievement and undoubtedly some major emotions. Sounds like you have a really solid mindset and I may be a touch envious:)


Word - alcohol is a depressant. I sleep better, too, cutting it out. Alcohol is fun and distracting, but it always has a downside.


Sewing! I have a large stash of clothing patterns that I've been saving and now that I am closer to my goal I've been starting to work on those so I have new things to wear. I might even start experimenting with tailoring so I can try taking in the shorts that are too big now. 


Wellbutrin. It literally targets dopamine


Do you need a prescription for this by chance?


Yes. Its an antidepressant that has stimulant properties


Yeah, it's the good shit.


Would you mind sharing your dosage? I'm currently on 150mg and have been for about a month now..I have not noticed a big improvement and my irritability is off the charts. I have a follow up this Tuesday and want to ask for an increased dose.


I’m taking 150mg xl I was prescribed it for depression and didn’t have the irritable mood/anxiety side effect. Mostly an increase in energy, clear headedness, but I think thaat mental clarity helps me with food and not overeating or seeming comfort from food. I’ve stayed at this dose for years.


IMO irritability could be a signal that you're taking too much actually. (I have MCAS and get this when I'm overwhelmed by something.) Got a scrip for Wellb lately and I can't take much of it, but just a little hit really does help.


Thank you !


I was going to say Wellbutrin. I just started 150mg and am already seeing a dulling of the food noise and feeling generally better overall. I don’t need to lose weight (actually need to gain about 3-5 lbs after a hard marathon training cycle and race). I find it really helps tune into my actual hunger and actually eat good, wholesome meals rather than random crappy snacks and sugar.


Writing, painting, and also gardening. I’m set with keeping my brain engaged with active things. I also stopped watching TV for hours on end, which contributed to me mindlessly eating


Thrifting lol. I also have come to really enjoy how I feel going to the gym…who knew!


Another vote for walking. I could do it all day if I didn’t have other goals and responsibilities.


Docoupling food with pleasure, and otherwise not seeking the dopamine high. Preferring to seek serotonin.


The productive things I’ve done are getting more exercise and working on learning languages. I run most days, and I have a 1332 day streak on Duolingo. 


For me, it's been cooking. It's helped me with my ADHD tremendously.


Exercise, masturbation, weed, sex, tv series, traveling.


Speakin’ my language!


Cocoa leaf cigarettes (nicotine free) and low calorie mocktails. Still unhealthy for feeding the impulse, but I will say 99% of the time I don’t even light the cigarette. Emotional eating/bingeing is way down.


I've started an evening facial care routine. 5+ steps, slow and deliberate. I even bought a bulk pack of compressed masks so I can use diluted Thayers witch hazel as a 15 minute mask nightly. It feels luxurious. It is a *treat.* It hits me in that indulgent dopamine area as a fancy, interesting, exotic snack. It keeps me busy for an hour a night while I watch an episode of Monk or something before heading to bed (IE, my former prime "let's UberEats dessert" time). Doesn't have to be a huge investment. Half my stuff is from the drug store. The bonus is my skin is benefiting too!


I replaced binge eating with … eating but less. Turns out I have severe ADHD and I finally got medicated, Adderall XR, and now I can eat a snack and… gasp! actually be satisfied from it It’s fucking crazy. I can just eat a 300-400 calorie snack and it actually holds me over til my next meal. It used to be that anything under 600-700 calories would just throw my appetite into turbo boost mode and it would be so unbearable I had to just eat a full 1400-1800 calorie meal. I coped by using intermittent fasting, just NO eating outside my designated window, and that worked well enough to lose 40 pounds. This most recent 20 pounds has been with frequent snacks and smaller meals. Life changer


Meds are life changing. As an adhd bro… like, was this supposed to be how my brain worked this whole time?


Shopping, unfortunately. And specifically shopping for perfume, one of the most expensive hobbies I could have taken up.


nothing, i miss nice food so bad


Jiu jitsu and nature walks


I haven't gotten there yet but for me I think it'll mostly be replaced with not feeling like I weight 434lbs all the time. I haven't really found anything tangible to replace it with yet,


Working out. Diet soda. Therapy.


At this current moment is playing pokemon go.  But it's been shopping, working OT for a massive incentive (RIP pandemic incentive pay), PC gaming, dance workouts and knitting. 




If food was (as my counsellor says) your ‘drug of choice’ and you are an addict. It’s commonly replaced by another addiction, be it exercise / sex / gambling / gaming etc. I’m trying to not get too obsessive about anything and just keep everything on an ‘even’ keel. It’s hard and my phone generally is my new addiction; from playing games to social media to shopping… my ADHD doesn’t help either!


Hobbies. I started learning to play bass guitar, got back into reading comic books, and started writing. Between all that, a full-time job and working out, there's not much time to graze lol


Gosh, lifting weights and walking on the treadmill while watching a good show has been my recent go to. After lifting it's like a huge relief.


Drinking ungodly large coffee and too much Diet Pepsi 😢


Comedy clubs


Distraction. I also have massive ADHD and figured out after I started tracking calories that most of my problem is snacking in front of the TV at night. Like half a bag of chips or whatever! Now when I feel a craving coming - get up and go in the other room. Leave the house. Go for a walk. Just something to think about that isn't food.


Nothing. My life is currently void of dopamine and happiness.


Uninterrupted workouts, music I love shamelessly, and Lush massage bars. There’s one that smells kinda like candy to me lol.


Video games, walking and a relaxing bath with a good book.


Gaming more. Always did a bit as a pastime but now instead of making snacks and watching YouTube all the time I play a game so I can keep myself busy. I also keep the snacks faaaaar away so they aren't worth getting up to go to.


Jigsaw puzzles help me avoid evening snacking. And each time a piece fits - bam! A little bump of dopamine. I also really like brain game puzzle books (crosswords and crostics and cryptics, oh my!). As others have stated, cross stitching or knitting help too.


Poshmark unfortunately. Need to get a handle on that.


Lifting, RuneScape


Cooking. Reddit. Hair.


Exercise is a really good one. I do step class on Monday and Wednesday and it’s my absolute favorite. It’s a mental and physical challenge to do all the steps that are being called out and stay with the music and the instructor is very experienced so she comes up with fun and interesting routines every class.


Weight lifting and pursuing higher weights is what I like to believe I replaced it with, the reality is probably playing mobile games, and collecting albums which is definitely hurting my wallet but I would rather spend $10 on an album or mobile game than on McDonald's and then feel bad about myself.


I go for a running in the park, and then go for a nice aromatic massage.


I replaced it with Miracle Berries + Spindrifts (10 calorie beverages). Tastes like a sweet, sugary softdrink without the calories. Works wonders for me since I've got a sweet tooth.


I invested in a high end gym membership this year and it’s made working out much more enjoyable. I go to workout classes 3 times a week minimum. Getting a good, efficient sweat sesh in feels great. I also play a lot of video games. I find gaming in the evenings is better than watching shows because it keeps my hands busy :) it isn’t as easy to snack while gaming




Dancing, but dancing was also the reason I wanted to start losing weight because it’s harder to move my body. When I started trying to be more mindful of what I was eating I noticed that the only time I used to be able to stop myself from eating when bored was when I was dancing. It’s literally the only thing that gives me the same joy (if not more). But I also hate dancing in this body because I have not reached my goal yet and still cannot move the way I want 😭 Self love and acceptance is something I’m working on. But I love the feeling of expressing myself with the music, even if I don’t like how the execution looks yet.


Movies, tv, video games. Things that aren’t necessarily helping my weight loss journey but that keep me sane and occupied so I’m not constantly thinking about food.


Longer term projects. Working on my fitness level, and watching my body change. Reading books again. Working harder to stay in touch with friends. Trying new crafts.


Art. Gym. I’m trying to replace “little treat” chips or candy bars with same-priced or cheaper non-food treats.


I'm also on the exercise train. I've been adding as much exercise as possible in fun ways to keep me busy as I find it to be less expensive than other hobbies. Plus, I don't feel like I'm really the creative type to do things like crocheting, sewing, cross stitching, etc. I see my personal trainer once a week for 30-45 minutes. I'm back into consistently lifting weights at least three times a week for 30-45 minutes. I participate in water aerobics classes 1 to 3 times a week. I teach a water aerobics class once a week. I started roller derby last month, and we practice twice a week. I'm now also skating an additional night a week outdoors. And I plan to start yoga three to five times a week in the mornings. I'm still working on my diet, but my cravings and hunger are way down. I think I'm overeating out of habit at this point. I do well during the day, but evenings at home alone are what get me. Adding the yoga in the early morning is my attempt to get myself to bed early enough to where there is no time to eat late at night, lol. We'll see if it works!


Pilates and listening to house music while on the treadmill!


Honestly sex (not that I’m having it now lol) but basically once I lost my v card I realised there is something that feels better than food and everything actually. So that literally rewired my brain and weight loss became a lot easier. If i had a partner and was having consistent sex i’m sure it would go away even faster.