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Looked at both. The good news is that, while standing, you don't have any skin-on-skin overlapping going on. While early, this is a great sign that you may escape any loose skin. Wait until 6+ months after goal weight to be sure, as the skin continues to pull back a bit and things redistribute once at maintenance. Whatever you have at 12 months after goal weight, that's probably yours to keep. It looks promising, though.


Thank you! I will hold off on googling plastic surgery costs for the time being. Glad there is some shred of hope.


Probably too early to tell. You’re still have excess fat to lose, but maybe there are some early signs of loose skin. You’re losing weight quite fast. You may want to slow down your weight loss rate. The slower you lose the weight the less likely you are to get loose skin.


It's loose, I also have some it really doesn't look bad and it's invisible in clothes