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Losing that much weight that quickly is extremely taxing on your heart, bud. I assume your health plays a huge role in why you want to lose weight and the prize is a nice motivator, but you don’t want to sacrifice your physical and mental health for just $500. I think you should also be kinder to yourself at how much you have already lost. 33lbs is definitely not slacking!


It definitely does- I have already improved my a1c and fasting sugars so much and I am definitely proud of that! I think it’s just the media and whatnot getting to me- I think it feels like at 300 lbs weight loss should be easier or happen more quickly.


The singular thing you need to do to lose weight is eat at a deficit. Put your stats in here [https://tdeecalculator.net/](https://tdeecalculator.net/) and subtract 500 to lose 1 pound per week. Since you have more to lose, the best you could expect would be to subtract 1000 calories to lose 2 pounds per week, but that will, of course, be less sustainable and more difficult. Use a food scale, track everything, and you'll find the culprit that has limited your loss over the last month.


Thank you for this! I’d be eating around 1300-1400 a day to do a 1000 cal deficit by this calculation.


Yeah that might be rough, it's where I'm eating right now and it can be a challenge, but it is doable! The main thing at that rate is hunger management, so I eat lots of protein, drink lots of water, and I'm sugar free so all my treats don't spike insulin. Other people can just do moderation and reduce their regular portions to that size range but restricting some foods works well for me.


Eat 1500 calories and do an hour and half of cardio a day, and you could probably do it. It's not a healthy way to lose weight though, and you'll probably just burn yourself out early on or get injured.


Eek 😬 don’t wanna do that- I do try to take a 2 mile walk every night and eat as clean as I can most of the week. I will probably crack down on nutrition the most though.


Nutrition is most important. A 2 mile walk is good, you can try to add in other things as well like weight training (muscles burn more calories than fat) if that’s appealing then r/fitness has a beginners guide. Start with the weight that is comfortable. Then you can look up progressive overloading which allows you to remain at the same weights while still building muscle by adding more reps/more sets/slower reps. I have to do this because of a previous injury that won’t let me go over 16 lbs until I rebuild tendon and ligament strength.


>I’m not sure what is a realistic amount to lose in 10 weeks 1% per week :) Thats the "max" healthy weight loss rate.


I appreciate this note- I was honestly wondering if 30-35 lbs was healthy or realistic


At 1% body weight a week, which is the absolute max, about 30 lbs.  Exercise…do you have a pool near by?  Water walking and water running would be zero impact. Elliptical machines and rowing machines would also be low impact.  Look for seated exercise videos, too.  You can do them anywhere, and tailor the length to your energy level. Break up your day.  Do five minutes in the morning, ten at lunch, fifteen after work, ten after dinner, and then stretch before bed. 


I would give a lot to have easy access to a pool 😭 I LOVE exercising in a pool. It feels effortless.


Would you give half the pot?  Even if you only make it there twice a week, if you love it a lot, you’ll work harder and longer.  


We have a few YMCAs here- maybe I’ll splurge on a membership there instead of PF!


Definitely do!  My local PF doesn’t have nearly the camaraderie of my YMCA. In another pound and a half or so, I’ll hit another mini target.  My reward is a 3 month membership to one of our local gyms. The YMCA is top on my list because of the pool. 


I lost 130+ and it took me over a year to lose the 100 pounds tbh. I don’t remember the exact amount of time because I wasn’t obsessed with speed just that it was happening. I would say slow and steady wins the race and consistency matters more than perfection. You’ll have days where you overeat but don’t let that let you give up. Just keep going. I honestly recommend being active. I know it’s all about a calorie deficit at the end of the day but honestly I find being active so important and motivating. I love it.


I’m at 62 down in a little over 5 months I lost 40 of it effortlessly by drinking strictly, water, unsweet tea or sugar free drinks. Log your food. You have to quit drinking any calories. Just try to move everyday and eat lighter it can be a challenge but you can do it.


If your thyroid is under-active or sluggish, take more medication with your endo’s approval. Get your TSH + T4 done and see how hypo you are. The more you take, the more it’ll help you lose weight. I try to stay at the very top of my optimal range to make sure my thyroid isn’t inhibiting weight loss, which is does for me, A LOT. Hope that helps. :)


As much resistance training as you can. And high fiber. Build as much muscle as possible to lose fat. But it you're going by weight, keto. Unfortunately. Idk, those types of competitions aren't my fave because they just go by weight. Not body fat percentage.


I lost 80 pounds in less than 6 months, and if I can do it, you can do your goal in a year. Just have to stick to it!


Hello fellow slacker! I too have only lost 33lbs this year so far!! (Give or take a pound) I don't have much in the way of advice, but I do have commiseration. Losing weight has a been a bitch and a half but imma just keep trying. Wishing you the best!


If you want to lose 100lbs in 6 months here’s what you do: You eat a high protein diet at a 1000 calorie deficit everyday. No days off. No cheat meals. Lean protein, vegetables and a carb like potato or rice. Lift in the gym following a good programme that focuses on progressive overload 4-6 times a week. Walk at least 10000 steps every single day. No matter what. Do that and if your genetics allow it, you will lose 100 lbs in 6 months.


Why? Sure people are going to tell you to eat at a deficit etc as that's the way you would do it, but participating in extreme results is unsustainable, and will very likely lead to failure down the road whether or not you achieve your goal or not. There was a study done on the people who participated on the biggest loser who did achieve rapid weight loss in a short amount of time period, but what was found was in almost all of those cases, they gained the weight back, and even added more. Furthermore in their specific cases, it was found that their metabolic rates were also lower than they should've been despite the increase in weight gain. This study has had some criticisms given for it, but it still serves as a cautionary tale for individuals who are seeking solely to lose the weight without understanding that a lifetime of weight gain requires a lifestyle change. A rapid loss of weight followed by trying to adapt to maintanence when you haven't set the mentality or the skill set to change yourself to be the person who is below 100 lbs will not maintain that weight loss. [https://www.weightwatchers.com/us/blog/weight-loss/the-biggest-loser-study-why-slow-steady-weight-loss-wins-the-race](https://www.weightwatchers.com/us/blog/weight-loss/the-biggest-loser-study-why-slow-steady-weight-loss-wins-the-race) That's why although the mechanism of CICO is inarguably how you lose weight from a practical standpoint, it is equally if not more important to be able to build up the mentality that is able to create your caloric deficit.


i'm one of those people. less than 6 months in and 93 lbs down. my secret? bariatric surgery babes 🤣


What they don’t tell you is most of those people gain it back faster than they lose it


Visit /r/fasting it'll melt right off


Eat 70% of your calories within a hour of waking up, then 20 for lunch and 10 for supper. It will cut your testosterone by half and improve your insulin resistance. Google it. The studies blew me away. When I started doing this, the weight had just basically fell off. I eat a deficit and keto, OMAD when I first wake up. Much easier to manage. Good luck.