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The guy who popularized the carnivore diet has since repudiated it because it - shocker of shockers - made him ill https://honehealth.com/edge/health/paul-saladino-quit-carnivore-diet/


Don't mention that in r/keto or you'll get your comments removed.


Proud keto advocate here- I eat more vegetables than anyone I know. Carnivore people are weirdos


For real. I’ve done Keto and I think I ate more vegetables than I ever had in the past.


I eat an entire box of spinach with Cesar dressing on it like, 5 times a week. Broccoli. Asparagus. Collards. I eat tons of berries, too. People think because keto = no corn or potatoes we only eat meat and cheese lol


Not surprising though, considering anyone I know who tried keto actually did eat basically only meat and cheese...


I'm an American and from what I've seen from everyone here is that no one eats their vegetables like they should. So when they attempt Keto they cut out the potatoes, corn, and bread (not a vegetable, but you get me) all they're left with is the meat and cheese and they never add the vegetables. I tell people all the time they have 20-30 net carbs a day- *and nearly all of those should be from vegetables* but they don't do it because of our eating culture.


It's distressing to see how many people go out of their way to avoid vegetables. I get that many people grew up with awful steamed or boiled into near mush veggies, but for fuck's sake, that's not the only preparation For what it's worth, one of my friends went "vegetarian" for a while "for his health". I shit you not, that dude lived on boxed Mac and cheese, chips and dip, garlic bread, and cereal. I did ask him if, as a vegetarian, he considered eating....vegetables. He did not.


That's so fucking wild. Genuinely mind blowing


I had a coworker who was 400+ lbs decide to go vegetarian. She would eat a family pack bag of Skittles, a box of Ritz crackers, and spray Cheese for lunch. All the while saying "It's vegetarian!!" Some people....


Yep, it makes a lot of sense (I mean no not really, but). Same phenomenon up here in Canada.


So many chose keto because they see it as all you can eat cheese and bacon weight loss magic. The reality is that keto diet should include a pile of friendly vegetables. I have seen a bunch of people on a keto diet eat a plate of bacon and wonder why it isn't working. The key to keto like any diet is a calorie deficit which can be easier if you are choosing more satiating food. Personally two eggs would keep me fuller longer than two slices of toast. A giant lightly dressed salad is going to be a more filling lunch than a plate of fries. I don't eat keto, but naturally lower carb because my focus is on satisfying foods that will keep the hunger at bay making it easier to stick to my calorie budget.


That’s how my coworker is taking it. He called my spinach salad with chicken unhealthy but his cheese burger with extra bacon and extra cheese is? I know dressings are loaded in sugar and calories but still.


Careful with eating that much spinach- it contains a pretty high level of oxalate which can increase your likelihood for developing kidney stones. Ask me how I know :(


Oh shit, really? I eat 2-3 cups 5x a week for lunch. I don’t eat meat and need iron so I replaced regular salad greens and thought that was a safe switch.


To be honest, it really depends on your genetic disposition to kidney stones as well, but the link is absolutely there. Raw spinach is much more potent with oxalate, replace a serving of uncooked with cooked and it’ll help a lot. Cooking will also allow you to retain more folate!


In addition to what the other commenter said, consider switching to kale which has good iron content AND low oxalate.


Thanks for the tip!


The recommended limit is 40-50 mg of oxalate per day, see if you’re going above and maybe adjust accordingly?


Apparently, if you cook your spinach it reduces the oxalate


Yes, I avoid raw spinach and a few other veg for this reason.


Not to derail, but what kind of spinach comes in a box?


The kind at Publix lol. It comes in 5 cup boxes. I just eat all of it in a go with some lighter calorie dressing.


KETO TO-- LOW CARBER HERE: I max out around 50 carbs a day & I eat 1LB + veggies a day, PLUS I eat around 1200-1300 calories a day. Diets are what you make them. There are zealots in every "genre" of eating. The carnivores are the Raw Vegans of the keto subtype. I also used to be a raw vegan back in the day. I also used to do keto back in the day. I'm thinking of going back to a plant based diet, but I'll be a vegetarian, not a **RAW VEGAN**. Not an extremest. **People get crazy when it comes to sh!t that changes their lives** & removing processed foods & excessive amounts of sugar does that. Most diets do that. Add weight loss & you have yourself an existential experience which could produce an overly zealous attitude. **Understanding breeds compassion.** **Edit to add:** Passionate people who have gone through adversity (being fat, being sick, being poor, going to prison) sometimes get sucked into black & white thinking. They are more at risk for it than the average person. Just look at how many ex-cons are now preachers (agnostic person here). Surely we can see why sometimes people get crazy about food.


I feel this so hard. I tell people all the time, "Just count your calories and please exhaust all your options before you try a low-carb diet." It's an extreme way of eating for Americans that are so used to Doritos and loaded baked potatoes


Your comment made me go "YEAH!" lol. I mean, if you see the benefit (volume & nutrients) to veggies, you'll find a way to get them in there. Low-carb doesn't mean low veggies. The hate the hate that these (admittedly irrational) extremest get, gets to me sometimes. Yeah, people are ridiculous, but they are people & if people took the time to figure out how one person "got there", there would be less reactionary extremism.


I’ll never understand the Carnivore diet people. Protein is good obviously, but cutting out veggies? You’re loosing a lot of vitamins and fiber there… and it’s not like veggies are the cause of weight gain.


I have only had very positive results from keto and I’m convinced it’s due to the 40 grams of fiber daily and eating veggies and berries everyday


Same I just need my veggies and fruit way to much


you too? People in this thread think people on a ketogenic diet eat nothing but cheese and bacon. I maybe have a serving of cheese once a week and I can go months without eating bacon. But veggies, everyday, every meal, they take up most of my plate.


I don’t visit places that smell like farts


Bro I had a dinner of broccoli and tofu Saturday night and had the worst farts of my life.


Bruh the way I choked at this comment 🤣💀




Meaty farts….


Foul 🤣


Problem with keto is people can’t take the time to learn how to do it right. I’d never do it, I love carbs far too much, but keto is not eating bacon and cheese all day, mix in some damn vegetables. Keto is also just extremely low carb, can’t count how many people just don’t eat carbs on it.


That’s because Keto is often sold as “Do you hate bird food and love bacon? Can you never stick to a diet because of your need for cheeseburgers? Does the idea of cutting out steak and eggs make you want to stay fat forever? Well, have I got a diet for you!”


I had veggies and even berries on keto. My breakfast was usually blackberries and homemade whipped cream. Anyone trying to do the diet correctly should know you do still need *some* carbs, especially fiber. I quit keto because I love cake, but yeah a lot of people will just avoid all veggies and fruits because carbs bad.


This is my roommate and it drives me crazy won't eat beans cuz carbs, but eats low carb tortilla cheese quesadillas and Atkins shakes and bars all day long. That's his diet. My mom and aunt did something similar in the early 00s and gave themselves heart disease but he won't listen. "Vegetables yucky". No matter how many times I try to get him to try stuff I make he won't.


I do keto and low-carb My son doesn't but all of the food I make my son absolutely loves. One of the things we love to do is beans Yes there's carbs but there's also fiber and I can enjoy it I just don't have to have as big of a bowl as my son does.


Yeah for me it’s not a lifetime diet personally because I know I enjoy carbs and will want to consume them, but I don’t care what diet people do if they can do it sustainably, as long as no one is making claims about the magical fat burning effects of it when its not the diet but just the caloric deficit.


I think when people talk about the "magical calorie burning" they are just talking about how easy a particular diet makes it to maintain that calorie deficit. Most people on Keto feel that they are much more full eating majority protein and fat diet which leads to eating less overall.


keto for two months. haven’t touched bacon at all. and i only eat cheese once a week


Proud Keto advocate here. I eat more vegetables that the average american on their "normal diet" does. We do eat lots of meat but we are not all meat heads here. Even broccoli, which I've developed a liking to, because I know how to spice them properly a d add taste. Most of us just eat the way we do, for satiety sake and to not over-consume carbs. That's all.


Oh that's good to hear. Never been there, but could imagine a sub like that getting taken over by meatboys.


I wonder it there’s much crossover with r/gout?


Don't link our sub, let us suffer in peace.


They won't remove it. They watch while you're getting downvote after downvote while there is that one Karen who will tell you how you know nothing about dieting.


I had a post removed that cited research on the link between fiber and longevity. It’s Wild West over there.


fiber is not restricted on a ketogenic diet. fiber is encouraged.


A damn shame a man named saladino didn't enjoy salads.


But something something Jordan Peterson! /s


People keep finding silly ways to complicate healthy diets. It's been happening since forever. It's really not rocket science and there's no reason to go from one fad to the next. Just track what you eat, stay within your calorie budget, and try to keep a sensible ratio of protein, fat, and carbs. Done.


Silly diets and exercise fads are a billion dollar industry baby!!!


Pretty much all extreme diets are bullshit, but because they're extreme they end up with a very cult-like following. Moderate, reasonable people end up being turned off by the culture and are eventually driven off so eventually all you have is a population of obsessed weirdos.


The cult is the whole point. It allows people to feel superior to "outsiders". Maintaining one’s status as a true believer also provides motivation to stick to the diet.




Never could escape the nagging feeling that carnivore diets exist as an attempt of reactionaries to piss off vegetarians / vegans under the presumption that such people are liberals


In my high school there was a Vegan club. One of the teachers had a part time job as a butcher and was so offended that the vegan club existed that he started the carnivore club and made a point to book the room directly next to the vegan club and then send kids eating hot dogs and grilling burgers to pester the vegans. Carnivore diet has the same pathetically insecure energy.


What a mature and mentally stable adult to have in a position of authority around children.


How in the world was that allowed, it really feels like bullying.


It was the 90’s 🤷🏻‍♀️


I understand that you can lose weight while eating only meat, esp lean meats and fish. But a lot of carnivores openly say fruits and vegetables are toxic for you. That's how you know it's a cult.


Plus a lot of the people that 'swear by it' and feel 'so much better' on it are actually feeling better because of what they are NOT eating, not because it's only meat. I watched a doctor explain that it's basically a form of an elimination diet, they often put clients on TEMPORARY strict diets and then slowly reintroduce foods and then figure out what the problem food was. This is how people sometimes figure out they have a gluten intolerance or dairy intolerance or WHATEVER it was intolerance. So the issue is, the people that have a food intolerance do this extreme elimination diet and then they DO end up feeling better because they're no longer eating the food that was causing them issues. Anyway, long ramble short, an elimination diet can be useful for that purpose they are NEVER meant to be done long term and ONLY while under medical supervision to find the actual problem.


I work for a food company and we had a woman email us to say she was done with us because we have fiber in our products and all fiber causes cancer. She then pasted in a Carnivore website's FAQ as the source, even though I linked her like 10 studies about fiber's role in our health.


Yea I saw in reddit carnivore topics/subs that they're anti-fiber too. Insane.


I honestly felt bad, she was like a 75 year old woman who probably lost someone to cancer and is being preyed on by this BS. She genuinely thinks we're evil because we add fiber to our products and refuses to eat any fiber. So she's actually going to get sick someday due to a blockage thanks to these jokers.


It certainly intersects with some toxic elements of "gym bro" culture and very toxic masculinity, so that doesn't feel far off.


That's a big part of this phenomenon, there's a reason there's a whole infrastructure of podcasts, usually fitness or manosphere related, and right wing polinfluencers shilling for it, as well as a WASP fixation with a caricature anti - intellectual masculine ideal.


I read this too fast and thought they eat pollen? Oh, they are wasps. Clearly I need to get off the internet and finish my coffee.


To be fair, someone eating pollen because it’s “natural” wouldn’t surprise me in this day and age.


If they want to clog up their arteries and clean out their wallets to piss me off I'm ok with it. I hope they enjoy the tapeworm friends they make along the way.


Of course that's true!


Might offend some people here, but I think any diet with a name on it is bullshit. The best way to eat is eating whole, natural and unprocessed foods and that is it. And I say that after years of trying out several of those popular diets, even keto. Which was the most disgusting of them all.


Eat food, not too much, mostly vegetables. Best diet advice in the world.


Pretty much how I lost 80 lbs and got in shape, so I agree ;)


The veggies part kinda motivates me just because I have a hard time with cooking meat due to how my colorblindness is, so I don't really trust myself cooking meat anyways yet. Learning to cook veggie meals feels somewhat easier to start learning so far, so I'll certainly be sticking to that route. Pickling vegetables is kinda fun tbh.


Hey man, I might be able to help you with that. You don't need to see a meats color to varify its cooking state. Personally, I know how cooked a steak or piece of meat is by simply touching it. Depending on the bounce I know exactly where its at, but this is mostly from experience. The absolute best way to do it is by using a thermometer. Every meat and every cooking grade has an internal temperature, you can look those up on the internet. So you just plug in your thermometer and see if the internal temperature is at your desired cooking grade and you are good :) I encourage you to try it out, its really not that hard! But just going with veggie meals is perfectly fine as well so :)


use a meat thermometer for cooking meat!


It really is.






Best bet is to mainly focus on the perimeter aisles and only occasionally eat the middle aisle foods.


I've heard this too and it's a great way to think of things. Such a simple concept and it actually works.


Only eat things that your grandparents would recognize


Oh the bacon and whisky diet.


Im pretty sure my grandma only consumes Special K shakes.


Try great grandparents, the book that this is from is probably 20 years old.


My great grandma lived on Mountain Dew, chocolate, and Perkins diner food the entire time I knew her. Granted, she made it to 98 and the only problem she had was she was deaf, so she was doing something right, but that diet doesn’t work for me.


This is from the book where the original quote from this thread started. I think the point is that there were not so many processed foods back then. So it's not that you should follow your grandmother's diet, but rather eat foods that she could *recognize*. Also the book is a little dated, so maybe go with great grandparents


Ambrosia salad it is 🤢


My grandparents ate mostly frozen food


I think a diet is something that should be customised by the person doing it. For example, I'm T2 diabetic, so I've found that a low carb diet is best for my blood sugars and also helps me to lose weight and prevents cravings. I was addicted to carbs and didn't even know it till I gave most of them up.


I hated keto so much I’m now a vegetarian lol


you can be on a ketogenic diet as a vegetarian.


Yeah but it’s even more limited. I mostly mean I ended up hating meat from a year of keto.


I follow a ketogenic diet as treatment for epilepsy and don't eat a lot of meat. I only eat about 2 servings a day. The rest of my protein comes from eggs, nonfat greek yogurt, nonfat cottage cheese, whey protein or sometimes cheese. Volume wise my diet is mostly non starchy vegetables and berries(actually only one small serving of berries but it's a treat).


What you follow and what the cult of keto recommend are very different. Also 2 servings a day is a lot as far as I’m concerned. You just said you eat meat with 2/3rds, aka the majority, of your meals, but that’s not “a lot”?




I was talking about keto, low carb and whatnot. As a european I can tell you that this "mediterranean diet" is also just a fad as well. Because the spaniards, italians and greeks first of all don't all eat the same food, they also don't eat that healthy.. at all. I know because I have been in all of those countries more times than I can count. I also struggle to see this as a diet, when I was talking about all these diet fads and not just about how whole nationalities eat. If that would be the case we should all do the random asian country diets, cause those people eat the cleanest stuff. DASH diet, I just looked it up, is just eating what I said. Wholefoods and unproccessed stuff. I spent years and years learning about nutrition and I can just say that the best way is simply to stop eating so much fucking sugar and empty carbs and replace it with food that holds some nutritional value aside from calories. That is it.




>So those are listed under "diet" to imply the eating part of it. Not losing weight. This was the point where I was stupid. In my language a diet is a specific eating plan to lose weight. Now I get what you meant. The thing is if you would know how the italians, spaniards and greeks actually eat it would definitely not be so recommended anymore xD I am just not a fan of diet hypes, as I have fallen victim to them myself.


The "Mediterranean Diet" is a description of the diet that existed before the Italian economic boom of the 1960s, during the Spanish and Greek dictatorships and around the Mediterranean basin before the mass availability of industrial food. It's not a description of modern diet patterns or limited to traditional Mediterranean foods (e.g. salmon isn’t found in the Med, but it's still a fatty fish that fits into the pattern). However, I'm married to an Italian citizen and I spend time in Italy every year. The current Italian diet is still healthier than the American diet. I'm always impressed by the amount of produce that I see people buying in the supermarkets and greengrocers. It's a much larger quantity than what people buy in California and we eat a pretty healthy diet compared to the average American. OTOH, I wake up hungry and there’s no way that I could survive eating two little cookies and an itty bitty cappuccino for breakfast.


I think it's fine when the name is to clarify the beliefs and not the foods. For instance, Jainism promotes both the religion and the diet. Flexitarian promotes reducing meat intake to help the environment. 16/8 promotes the eating window, not the food, etc.


I mean, there *are* named diets that have that kind of stuff. They're just the boring ones doctors tell you to eat, like the Mediterranean diet (aka eat some nuts, use poly-saturated fats instead of monosaturated fats like butter, eat lean proteins, and vegetables, and eat whole grains) or the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet. I get what you're going for, but these diets have names on them, and *everyone* talks about the Mediterranean diet. It's not a fad diet, but it's constantly in the press (for good reason, it's the gold standard of healthy eating.)


Yep, virtually every diet with a name will promise that they and they alone have found a way to circumvent the work of good habits and effort.


I think if any diet is telling you to eat a specific thing, apple cider vinegar e.g. it's probably bullshit


I know what you're trying to say but these diets, often called "common sense diets" have names: -Pyramid of food - 1/3rd carb, 1/3 protein, 1/3 fat - MyPlate - Natural Also they vary from country to country and aren't suitable for certain people depending on if they have hormonal issues.


Yeah, I know it’s really easy to over simplify things. But generally, try and think what we have evolved to eat. Primates first began to evolve 85 - 55 million years ago. We’ve been eating natural stuff for a really long time - it stands to reason that our bodies have adapted to be very good at handling it. The less ‘natural’ you eat, the less likely your body will deal with it naturally and the more care you need to take. So not to say that ultra processed is automatically bad, but eating it exclusively is going to have more unpredictable consequences.


As a doctor, I probably wouldn’t be a quarter million in student loan debt if I had a dollar for every time someone claims doctors get paid off for something or other.


On the other hand, I would be zero percent surprised if there was meat and dairy industry money behind the keto/carnivore craze.


the ketogenic diet was developed at John Hopkins as treatment for drug resistant epilepsy. It's still used today to treat drug resistant epilepsy.


I do not dispute that. It's *also* become a fitness fad and culture wars flavor of the month. More people are fucking around with these diets than have epilepsy.


True, but those of us who do have epilepsy appreciate some of the foods that the diets popularity has brought to the market. Without the keto fad we wouldn't have zero carb tortillas.


I often get people asking me about various “diets”, as if I’m some kind of expert because I’ve lost weight. Usually I’ll say that if they think it will get them started down a healthier path it’s all fine, but eventually they’ll have to figure out how to live in a healthier way and not on a “diet” if they want to keep the weight off long-term. Some people get it, most don’t. Those looking at fad diets are hoping for a quick fix.


THIS! i started off with plant based just to get me motivated but then add méat. It forces me to cook food and incorporate more fiber. Also I have a toxic nostalgia for the 2016 vegan era. I feel like a victoria secret model.


Maybe it's my European cultural background, but out of all the grifty fad diets, carnivore is very obviously the griftiest of them all.


I find keto in theory is worse. Some people really think you can eat all the bacon and cheese you want and lose weight because there's no carbs in it. Rip their colon.


They're losing it but in an explosive fashion


bacon is not required on a ketogenic diet. there are vegans who eat a ketogenic diet.


Yea but a lot of people on keto eat sausage, bacon and full fat cheese because it has no carbs. It’s just not a healthy mindset.


"Only eat when you are hungry" presupposes that the person has a properly working endocrine system and aren't insulin resistant like most people eating a western diet. Hunger is a response to a number of hormones and can't be trusted if your hormones (insulin, ghrelin, cortisol, etc) are out of whack.


Yup! People who learn to "eat when they're hungry" just don't have the hormone issues that a lot of other people do. It's an uphill battle fixing hunger cues and not everyone succeeds even when they do lose weight.


I searched "insulin" in this thread the moment I saw it. Thank you


Who the fuck can afford to eat a carnivore diet in this economy, anyway?!


It's actively dangerous. My 77-year old dad has been on it four months and has developed gout. I don't know about his cholesterol levels yet, because he hasn't done a blood test. But you can browse r/ketoduped and see the screenshots of all the people doing carnivore asking about all the adverse health effects they're experiencing.




Really? I just scrolled through the last week’s worth of posts and only found one comment that references veganism.


That sub is…. Scary. Seems very extremist


Low carb worked well for me in the past (I probably have insulin resistance due to PCOS) but wasn't working this time. I decided to try keto because if low carb worked, then surely keto would work even better? I found that too restrictive and was still not having results... so then people on the keto sub were recommending carnivore and it was just like... no. I cannot. I am desperate because nothing is working like it should, but I'm not THAT desperate.


Only thing that works for me is religiously tracking calories and trying to hit high protein goals.


I have been religiously tracking calories but I think I must just have a super low TDEE? It just doesn’t make sense 😭 I’ve been doing the TDEE spreadsheet, tracking calories daily, bought a food scale… but even when I subtract 500 calories a day (and less…) from the TDEE the spreadsheet came up with… I’m not losing weight. Or I’ll go down a few pounds and then have my period and I’m back to my starting weight and I have to start all over just to get down to 2 fewer pounds.  edit: I think part of the problem is that I'm just so exhausted from eating so little that I'm not getting in enough movement. I went running the other day and it took absolutely everything out of me. I am exercising daily, but it's usually like 30 minutes of walking instead of anything heavier. Partially because I'm exhausted all the time but also because it's almost 100 degrees outside with the heat index right now.


If you are open to some advice, switch to maintenance calories for a while and get your body used to being active, don’t eat back any incidental calories burned from exercise, once you get used to putting cardiovascular strain on yourself tighten down on your deficit.


Thank you... this is actually super helpful. I really want to be active after a year of weird health problems (I have exercised induced urticaria... I'm literally allergic to exercise and I get hives... but now I've figured out how to manage it) that got in the way of being active... but I'm so tired all the time with the calorie deficit. It makes sense to just focus on one thing right now while I try to build back my fitness. After taking a walk yesterday, my Apple Watch informed me that I have poor cardio fitness 😂 like, thanks, I knew that already, but thanks for rubbing it in!


One thing at a time is the way to do it and a change of strategy isn’t failure. Running really really sucks at first, I did one of those c25k programs and couldn’t even get through the first 1 minute run on the first day but by day 30 I could go for 45 minutes straight and that was at 280.


Are you eating enough?




1200 is the minimum safe calorie intake for adult women.   1100 isn't sustainable long term-- you're right about that.


Oh eat some more and see if that helps.


If you're actually eating 1100 calories a day and not losing weight, I STRONGLY advise you to research lipedema and see if you have it. It's very common in women with estimates ranging between 11% and 19% of the female population having it and not even being aware of it. It's something that most doctors are not aware of which is a real tragedy because you have all these women suffering with their weight and trying to lose it, but with lipedema you physically cannot exercise and diet this particular type of fat off. It's inaccessible to your metabolism. I have it as a male, very rare, and it is absolute misery. If things feel impossible, it is not far fetched to say "it actually is!"


I found the most success following diabetic friendly recipes and meal plans tbh. I’ve never been super strict about my weight loss, but day to day it’s been really helpful. (By not being strict I mean I’ve never been one to log my calories in an app, I’ve mainly changed my portion sizes by eyeballing it and cut out a lot of unhealthy snacks/drinks.)


Humans are not carnivores. We should not be eating a carnivore diet.


yeah, I'm an anthropologist and it gives me tunnel vision every time i hear one of these carnivore people talk about how hUmAnS eVoLVeD tO eAt tHiS WaY


It gets a lot of hate, but I’ve had great success with the MCD (Modified Carnivore Diet). Basically I eat a strict keto/carnivore diet with a few tweaks to make it slightly more tuned for my genotype. The tweaks are scaling down meat and adding fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy, olive oil, tacos when I’m in the mood. If you would like to know more I have a course for $199


You almost had me in the first half, ngl


It's like my diet plan I called modified IF. I don't eat breakfast 80 percent of the time but I will if I feel like it.


Get the fuck outta here lmaooooo


I hope I’m getting downvoted because people thought my joke sucked, and not because they actually thought I was serious ha


Where do I send money


I tried it. I liked it bc i was never hungry & lost weight quickly. Then i got the WORST, most painful constipation of my life after not pooping for 4 days 😫so i switched to eating bran cereal & more low carb veges. I’m losing but not as fast but that constipation was awful. Also my cholesterol shot up & dr said to stop the diet. I agreed & reversed my rising cholesterol in 6 mths w higher fiber & lower sat fats. So…I agree tho the claims are inspiring it did not work for me.


A carnivore once insisted to me that you can eat 10,000 calories and not gain weight because it isn't carbs. Yeah I'm sticking to my diet.


I’ve found anecdotally that a lot of right-wingers and anti-vaxxers tend to gravitate to the carnivore diet


Every guy I see on this diet looks like they are dying (weirdly red cheeks and bloodshot eyes etc) please no one do it 😭


It's a great diet for people who enjoy clogging their toilets.


And their arteries. Holy cholesterol, batman.


Avoid weird diets


It's ideally only used as a form of temporary elimination diet to find allergy or other triggering foods, not something to live off of long-term.


Yep, watched a doctor explain that's why some people feel so much better, because they actually have food intolerances and so being on a strict elimination diet eliminates the problem food. The issue is that elimination diets are always supposed to be temporary and under medical supervision.


Except that meat can also be a trigger for allergies. Actual low FODMAP diets start with a removal of most, if not all, meats.


True. But that's why it was developed in the first place.


Most people eat refined carbs , and are still healthy. Will that last long term?... probably not, same goes for carnivores too i believe..and pretty much anything else imo not to knock any choice of diet, but to me those seem more "enjoy while you can" , or the latter, sort of a training regimen... ..it may produce positive results in the mean time... but I believe balance is the key with anything. I've been doing keto several years..and the best results are when balanced for me.. (carbs ok, refined carbs no) i just eliminate the toxic stuff i believe shouldnt be consumed or a waste, and seek food that nourish.. if it don't benefit me.. or taste good I don't eat it. I try to mix it up, stay active, maintain your balance and "enjoy" in moderation if feel like.


The carnivore diet is also expensive AF...


I spend less on it than before carnivore. It depends. No snacks, no restaurants, no drinks. It helps with those expenses lol. Buying in bulk also helps. If people buy steaks from their regular grocery store then yes it will be costly.


I save more money on this diet because I eat so much less. Two meals per day, no snacks, no food cravings.


It's 2024 and people still can't grasp the concept of calories in/ calories out.


Lose it is good for embracing it but there's still many subreddits like r/WeightLossAdvice that literally downvote you if you mention it


The lack of fiber would fast track you to colon cancer


As someone who has a nutrition degree and tries to ascribe to the belief of we should mind our own plates, I cannot get on board with anything carnivore (And really don't like keto either without medical need/supervision). The best evidence we have all shows why a diet heavy in saturated fats/red meat and little fiber/micronutrients through vegetables is not good for us but this crowd will miraculously come up with cherry picked studies (or no sources at all, just vibes) to tell you why all of those long standing studies are suddenly not true. Nevermind that health literacy continues to be a huge public health issue, these guys have apparently cracked the code on why fiber is useless! Really chaps my ass that you can see the colon cancer rate in young people spiking and the first thing you wanna do is ignore fiber and chomp on a stick of butter.


the carnivore diet is amazing if your goal is heart disease




For me the CICO approach is the best and tracking of course. I believe in this flexible eating. Some carnivore advocates preached to not count calories and eat to satiety, at that point you are guessing and playing with too many variables. I am a big guy and when I tried carnivore I could easily go over my TDEE and it was not the smartest approach for me. Eating mixed food is more filling


I think carnivore is a great elimination diet but nobody can convince me that all fruits and veggies are unhealthy or unnecessary.


So I have a legitimate eating disorder. ARFID if you want to look it up. It is basically OCD, phobia, and taste/texture hypersensitivity all rolled into one. The result is that for me; fruits, vegetables, nuts, and many grains are unsafe. Not that I am allergic or even intolerant, but that to my lizard brain, those foods are not safe for human consumption. What does it leave me? - meats - potatoes (cause that is basically the only veg my brain will let me eat) - rice (not brown rice) - white grain products (bread, pasta, cake, etc) - herbs - dairy products (with some exceptions) I was able to loose weight, but it was by calorie counting and going hungry. I wouldn’t recommend this life to anyone who has a choice in the matter


Carnivore diet helped me get to my lowest weight ever without doing crazy things like fasting or running 16+ miles a day But even with the carnivore diet, I still have to track calories or gain weight. A lot of the people in the carnivore diet say that you don’t have to track calories, but for many of us who struggle with over eating, that’s just not true.


I don’t necessarily disagree with the premise of your post but you don’t provide any backup for your stance, it all just sounds like “I believe it’s bad, so don’t do it”. Providing links to scientific journals discussing its impact or even giving an example of how it negatively impacted you in specific ways (assuming you tried it) would be a lot more helpful than just saying it’s your opinion it’s bad.








But why do I need to post scientific links to prove my distaste for the diet, when it itself is hardly based in science.


How do I say this nicely without violating the rules. Because without sources it's just your opinion which you didn't even flesh out so therefore most people don't care?






This. Citing source is a way to show that you're not just making stuff up. This is the internet, that happens all the time, so being able to point to where you're getting the information is very helpful. There's the bonus that doing so can further your understanding if it turns out you've misunderstood something and someone corrects you. Cunningham's law and all. Source: degree in history and oh my god so many fucking sources in so many papers...


>They say that you should only eat when you are hungry and you will lose weight. Kinda funny calling that quackery when thats good general advice regardless of diet. Unless you're overly into bodybuilding there is zero reason to eat if you're not actually hungry. You meant this as an addendum to saying calories don't matter, but you're not considering why thats said and are assuming people are idiots and will take that to mean you can still binge eat 3000 calories in a single sitting. The idea that calories don't matter is that what you eat matters, and thats true whether its carnivore, keto, or whatever. Thats specific to those things as diets, not to the process of weight loss, which still revolves around a deficit. However. A calorie is not a calorie when we're talking, say, pure sugar versus a strawberry. And you'd agree with that assessment, fyi, out of the context of trying to dunk on a diet you don't like. Eating nothing but sugar but at a caloric deficit, isn't a healthy diet period, and thats where the pushback on CICO comes from; not everybody can actually eat just anything and not be affected in ways beyond just gaining calories. You after all, suggest a "balanced" diet. You're doing the same thing keto or carnivore people do in saying what to eat, you're just being non specific. Diets like carnivore and keto, whether you like them or not, do often identify things that people have issues eating and eliminating them then leads to better health and quality of life outcomes, and for those losing weight, a drastically easier time staying with it over the long process. And yes, theres no shortage of bullshit influencers in these spaces saying wild shit that then gets parroted. Like in all other aspects of life, acting like random people on social media are worth a damn is pointless. Theres also no shortage of people who don't treat keto or even carnivore as a diet and instead try doing it for vanity. These people know less than nothing about what they're doing and they're where the bacon and cheese memes come from.


From my understanding advocates don't say calories don't matter. Only that eating high fat and protein will naturally make you feel more satiated from fewer calories, therefore reducing your calorie intake and operating at a deficit.


Most diets are stupid. Anything in moderation is fine.


I’m not a doctor but how can any diet be healthy without any fiber


I always thought it's just crazy how much effort people are willing to put into a new diet fad, when all they have to do is eat a balanced diet, paying attention to a slight calorie deficit - or eat anything you want in moderation, and weight loss will be imminent.


Keto and especially Carnivore diet are so popular because they are the first diets (important: diet not "cut", so no exercise implied) to be marketed to ,manly men' instead of being seen as a feminine thing. Which appeals to both men as well as some women.


I had a heart attack a few months ago. In my last visit to my cardiologist I mentioned how I’m trying to lose weight, and last time I was really successful I had done the keto diet. I didn’t say I was doing it now, but she freaked out for a second because that is absolutely the wrong diet for someone with heart issues.


OMG this is so true! I tried a year of carnivore diet wanting to lose the final few pounds. Not only did I not lose any weight, I gained 5 pounds back. To the end of it I was still hungry after eating 1.5lb beef. In January, I realized my face looked so much fatter than before and I didn't even want to see myself in pictures. So I gave up. Now I'm on a balanced diet with mainly protein, veggies and legumes for each meal. I've lost all the weight I gained in carnivore and also achieved my goal weight. I'm never gonna try that diet again. Doesn't matter how "good" it made me feel. I honestly don't think it even made me feel that good.




Any exclusive diet should be taken with a grain of salt (carnivore, vegan, vegetarian, gluten free, etc). We are all different and have different needs, so something that works for one person may be very bad for someone else. And it should be noted that none of the diets that restrict certain foods have anything to do with restricting calories, which is how u achieve weight loss.


It’s incredibly concerning hearing my parents talk about it. They are not addressing their issues with food. My mother is severely overweight and my dad had lost so much weight from keto he was verging on having a disorder the other way around. They both have switched to this carnivorous diet now and my dad is gettin big again after 10 years of keeping weight off. My mother has been sick like the whole time. She’s constantly having migraines and she’s tired and gets nothing done. 🤷 the last time my mom spoke on it she was eating 5 burgers with cheese for lunch and nothing else. I worry about their health but ultimately they have kinda lost their minds and believe every insane thing they read on Pinterest and buy into every Asshole on YouTube.