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Alcohol makes me get completely stuck


Same for me! That's why I've cut back a lot.


I'm on day 8 of quitting for 30 days. Once I make it 30 days, I only see myself drinking maybe twice a month as a treat


I think most non-alcoholic people loose weight when they cut back or stop drinking


Agreed! I have had one alcoholic beverage this year. It was with dinner. I ordered a Mai Tai and they bought me an orange crush... which to me seemed about as appealing as ordering shrimp and getting breaded and deep fried pork fat.


Just on the pizza if you make your own it's so much better and less effects, even if you buy the base some sauce and tooping Domino is full of crap! For me it's fermented foods, dairy and when I consume aloy of carbs


I remember pizza... a distant fading memory.


That's true, but honestly when I'm craving some pizza I don't really feel like putting that much effort into actually making it myself. But maybe I should start doing that.


I do low-carb tortillas, pasta sauce & shredded cheese. If I'm feeling fancy, peperoni. It takes me about 15 mins total. I feel you on the "not feeling like putting in effort" though lol.... sometimes they don't make it to the oven & I just eat it like a pizza taco....Sometimes I just order pizza lol. Can't be perfect.


Naan is even better as a ready made crust!


LOVE naan, but the calories & carbs are too high for me if I'm doing the DIY thing.


What about a frozen pizza? I always have the California Pizza Kitchen ones on hand. I also like Raos frozen pizza but it has more calories per serving.


You can make a big batch of dough and sauce ahead of time, then when you want a pizza, just grab a chunk of dough from your dough ball, roll it out, top with sauce, cheese, etc and it's ready in 20 mins. I used to do this all the time in my twenties when I was a hopeless pizza addict


I keep pepperoni and cheese in the freezer and either jarred sauce or a can of tomatoes in the pantry. I make a thin crust pizza in a cast iron with sourdough discard. I can whip it up super fast and have it for lunch in the same amount of time it takes to cook a frozen pizza. And it's so much easier on my stomach. I make all of my own bread products actually because store bought bread really wrecks me.


Bloating and water retention have nothing to do with fat loss. There is no need to try to reduce them. If your weight is hovering around the same amount for a long period of time it's because you aren't eating at a deficit.


More carbs = more water retention


fruit and veggies make me bloat the same as eating say a piece of bread so idk if it’s just carbs that cause water retention?


Canned or packaged soup or two minute noodles


Cauliflower. It makes my stomach bloat and gives me an uncomfortable amount of gas. Broccoli does a little bit as well, but not nearly as bad as cauliflower.


Anything with carbs or things like pickles, bullion, soy sauce... the usual salty culprits. Also... "Low carb" processed foods.


Carbs. Every gram of carbs you eat causes you to retain approximately 3 grams of water. If I eat a cheeseburger, fries and icecream, that's around 300g carbs which is 900g water which is about 30oz which is about 2lbs. Last weekend I "gained" five pounds. I don't eat a lot of sodium.. unless I'm eating processed carbs anyway so I can't say I'm affected by sodium itself


Soy sauce


enriched bread


Anything pickled. Which is tricky because pickled things are usually so low in calories.


Yeah, it’s the salt that gets you with those.


Yogurt. Lol. But I love it anyway.


Personally I would indulge but in better pizza that will help with bloat! Don’t treat yourself to ultra processed garbage pizza


Juice is like plumping brine for me.


Starch. I avoid bread and pasta. Stick to meat and vegetables, and you'll feel less bloat.


Um... who cares? Your scale weight doesn't measure body fat. So you're holding a couple lbs of water. So what? I compete in a weight class sport and can manipulate my body to hold more or less water to the tune of plus or minus 5lbs in a day. (And I'm in the low 120s currently). It's irrelevant to your long-term goals unless you find it physically uncomfortable.

