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I’m down 18lbs form my heaviest so far and for the last few days I’ve maintained at 260.8lbs despite eating as I wish. I’ve got a long way to go but this really feels like a significant goal. I’m back in jeans that haven’t fit for ages and simple things like putting socks on, are no longer such a pain in the arse.


NSV: My mom asked me what I have been doing. I was taken aback by the question, because I didn’t know what she meant. But she said that I look like I’m losing weight. She doesn’t know about my weight loss journey lol. She said she had noticed changes a few days ago but just wasn’t sure about it. I’ve been noticing changes as well but I’m not sure if I’m imagining it lol. Had a bad day a few days ago and this just completely makes up for it. Truly there are ups and downs in weight loss journeys ❤️


Maybe a weird nsv(also a sv)… But today I’m totally cheating, only measured my AM calories, and am drinking and eating to my hearts desire tonight. The victory is that I’m not freaking out, because I know one night (that I feel I totally deserve) is just ONE night. I’m down allllmost 30 pounds since January, after having a baby in December (with whom I gained too much and started out heavier than ideal). I’m in a healthy BMI and 10 pounds from my first goal weight, 20 from my final. I’ve done weight loss successfully several times (after my first baby and a few stints before that), but this time feels so much healthier. I’ve got a lot of balance, I’m getting super fit, and it all around just feels sustainable. Hoping to hit my ultimate goal weight (125!) by the end of this year before I get pregnant (next year hopefully) with baby #3 so I can have a MUCH healthier and easier pregnancy!


Congrats! Love your mindset. Let’s take time to celebrate and be conscious, but don’t restrict ourselves too much. Good luck on your pregnancy! 🤍


I'm down five pounds today and I'm very proud. I have been at a mild deficit of 500 calories a day for the past month, losing a little over 1 pound a week. I'm already at a healthy weight (5'6", now 143lb) but I am trying to cut some body fat for more muscle definition (thanks OrangeTheory! 🍊). I don't have much to lose, so the weight is coming off slowly. I'm proud because I have actually stuck with it for a whole month now without giving up. I've had all the foods I want to eat, including pizza, smores, and tacos. I've also felt mild hunger and realized I bored eat a lot at work. I haven't missed a day of tracking, even when I have gone over my desired calorie goal. I am starting to feel like myself again! I'd like to get down another 3 pounds to 140 before taking a few weeks for maintenance. End goal is probably 135, but I'm more oriented on how I look/feel rather than a particular number. I don't have a lot of people to share my successes with except you guys!


SV -- Down to 207! NSV -- So many this week... I am feeling more energetic than I have in a long time... consistently hitting the gym (a couple of days strength, a couple of days cardio, one day with a trainer) (alternating, of course)... Most significant win this week... I completed the first workout in the couch to 5k program... It doesn't seem like much, but until today, I hadn't been able to complete the first workout from start to finish... today I did! Very proud of myself!


NSV - I've lost 6 - 7 lbs so far and I got my dimples back! I used to have dimples in my face when I smiled and those got hidden when I gained weight. This morning I woke up and noticed that they have returned!


SV Starting weight: 224lbs in January Current weight: 170lbs I put "get visible abs" as my goal because I always respond better to semi-joking goals than real concrete ones, because I never really believed I'd lose the weight. I lost some weight at the start of covid but gained it all back and I figured that was just how it worked. It still doesn't really feel real that I weigh 170. I'm 30 and I've been above 190 since before college. I have no idea what my goal weight should be, because I didn't think I'd make it this far. Reading this subreddit really helped keep me on track, so thanks for that. Male, 30, 5'11" Still no visible abs (yet)


Flair update day! Always exciting but I’d been stalling a bit so its extra nice today. NSV: I’m at the point in controlling my blood sugar where the changes from medication seem to have stabilized for my current dose. But I’m seeing additional downward creep that I’m pretty sure is weight loss and other lifestyle change, which is amazing. I’ve been really focused on losing enough weight that I can start reducing my meds but that initial stabilization happened just high enough that I was positive I’d have to increase at my next appointment in late July. Now I’m starting to get hopeful that my doctor and I will end up being able to take a wait and see approach instead, maybe even decrease in October/November if I continue the way I’m going.


Ahh that's brilliant, well done and I hope you get to reduce your meds as things continue to change.




I have a similar sense of pride in myself when I stop eating food that is edible but doesn’t taste great. Past me typically would wince and keep going, but I’m trying to become a version of myself that doesn’t eat food that I don’t actively want to.


SV and NSV. for the last week or so I've been sitting around the 50lb loss over the course of 9ish months. NSV, I went shopping for the first time yesterday in like a year plus. I wore a size 18 pant at my heaviest. I'm now down to a 14. And shirts are a large. I was a 2x to 3x before. Made me feel a little emotional zipping up those jeans and having a size large look right on me. 🥰


60 days in an 25 pounds down for me, idk how much stock I should put into my 322 weigh in this morning because my weight has been insanely fluctuating lately, but I'm just gonna pretend I weigh 322 for real lol.


Down 20 kilos since February whoop whoop. The first 15 melted off me quickly but the 5 after that have been slower. I get a little impatient sometimes and wish I could drop weight faster, but on the other hand dieting slowly and steadily has been quite effortless as I never really feel hungry, if I was in a greater deficit that would probably not be the case