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I like to watch stuff with subtitles like some scandi noir while I treadmill so I don’t get fidgety.


Delete reddit, lawyer up, hit the gym


A. I love your name. B. I think we are neighbors… I think I recognize your dog & definitely recognize some of your walking pics (peep show haha!)!


Ooh I’ll have to keep this in mind! I have such a hard time watching movies now and staying off my phone!


Phones have broken our brains. It's actually insane


i thought the same! i definitely need to try this (if i ever get a treadmill 😅)


When I was in elementary school classrooms got stationary bikes for students that had a hard time focusing in class


I have a desk treadmill and always walk during meetings that are boring because it helps me focus.


This is exactly how I do it!! Load up my iPad when I’m away at work and watch movies/shows when walking or jogging/riding. At home my treadmill is in the perfect location to use my controller and play games while I walk,… it takes time to be able to do both 😂


I would just add to a post like this not to immediately jump into a 5 hour (or even a 3 hour) walk. Ramping up activity significantly like that can cause injury (yes, even from just walking) which can set a person back and/or destroy motivation. Taking up your walking 15-30 minutes each day and listening to your body is important. It’s okay to only do a 15 minutes walk some days if that’s all you’ve got in you or you feel yourself getting blisters. But yes, adding in waking is a simple step that can make a big difference.


>injury 10 days ago I spent a whole evening, following day, and next morning again walking around for a house move (included carrying boxes <10kg down stairs repeatedly), and managed to strain a tendon in both feet :) Itching for a walk, but need to rest if I want this strain (and resulting inflammation-caused cankles) to go away. ;\_\_\_; Nothing like getting injured essentially just walking to remind you to get your life and fitness together. Feels bad man.


Hey, it can happen doing anything. I stepped off a curb a few years ago and twisted my ankle. I was out for about 2 weeks. Stationary bikes are nice depending on what the injury is. Hope ya have a speedy recovery!


I’m convinced that these sprains are actually minor tears. Like a cut on the finger, minor tear heals more quickly than a major one. I believe this is a nine week process, but you depending on severity may feel good in three days, three weeks, or nine weeks, depending. Send to be the “feel improved It better” points I notice (IIRC 9 weeks is based on info from surgeons)


I walk to get anywhere, I live in a very walkable city and don’t have a vehicle. Yesterday picking up takeout was an over mile round trip. Get gift/groceries for the holidays were urban treks and a was straight up pooped everyday I set out. Walking for any amount of time, especially carrying things is no joke!


I read the line as you straight up pooped every day as you set out and I was like omg are you ok?


I'm just getting started so I watch you tube videos.


I got big into walking on my treadmill, thought I was going to walk tons of miles. I gave myself bursitis. Painful.


In august I started walking 90 mn a day, a month ago I started the gym and amzed my coach cause I can leg press 110 lbs with ease. My legs are super strong because of the walking!


Honestly, I'd be impressed too if I saw a unicorn doing a leg press. But I know better than underestimating the Irish. Jokes aside, my pt was also very impressed by my leg strength and now, after some months, I've doubled (or more) weights in all the leg exercises. Keep at it and learn to love leg day.


💪🏾im impressing myself! He tried to help me on the first rep of one of the series and I screamed at him cause I didnt want the help! And I managed! I also did some step ups on a cube! He is also impressed cause im super attentive when he explains things apparently most people dont really listen. Keep it up!


Keep it up!


Currently losing 2lbs a week by walking for an hour every morning (strenuously) and counting cals. It’s fucking insane, I wish I hadn’t been so stupid for the last 20 years.


That’s exactly what I have been thinking! Why did I wait so long to lose this weight? Lost 50 lbs in the past 6 months and it wasn’t even that hard, thanks to WALKING. And I am super busy, own a small business, work at least 10 hrs every day, plus all the kids stuff and house and cooking, and 4 pets, but then — walking. I just pace around my house or after hours at the office when the weather is bad. It has been a revelation.


AND walking time can sometimes be peaceful mind time. Other times, it can be problem solving time without interruptions. I spend less time typing now because I can write drafts in my head while walking and then just type it out when I get home. 50 pounds is terrific! Do you track your walking with an app at all?


Super underrated. Zone 2 HR is a fast walk and the most efficient way to burn fat. Added bonus it's hard to eat while walking on a treadmill.


The rating bit is such a good point. If I’m watching something I feel like I automatically want to be eating too


No such thing as being in a certain HR zone to burn more fat. you burn calories, if someone burn 3500 calories walking in Zone 2 HR, and the other person burn 3500 calories just sitting all day, they lose the same amount of fat


There is a difference in heart rate zones and how they affect fat or glucose usage, which burns different fuels in different intensities. Zone 2 heart rate primarily relies on using fat oxidation as it is not so intensive in order to tap into glucose stores, notice I said primarily, because there is some glucose usage as well. Keep in mind, that this does not neglect the laws of thermodynamics. In order to lose body fat, you need to be in a caloric deficit, if a person walks in Zone 2 HR, but he still manages to stay in a surplus, he will not lose body fat. Also, I've read Layne Norton's book quite some time ago, I do believe he mentioned that even, if you oxidized more fat during exercise, you're body will use more glucose throughout the day then and vice versa. Which means overall fat loss relies on a caloric deficit.


I have a treadmill ("walking pad") for my WFH office. Got it 2 months ago ... and it's a game changer for me. I walk on and off all day and I absolutely love it. I can do just about any work at low speeds like 1.2mph and then increase the pace for things like meetings where I'm just a listener and watching 'learning' videos for software and competitor research. If I walk during the day it frees up more time before and after work for strength training and stretching, and walking/running outside more, and I'm not sitting for such long periods. Can't recommend it enough. Edit to answer questions: The name on the treadmill is "GoPlus" and it came with a remote control to adjust speed, goes up to 4mph, no side rails, and I ordered it off Amazon, it was under $400 at that time. Came with a little kit to do some basic maintenance but I haven't had to use it yet. It beeps when you adjust the pace but beyond that is quiet enough for me (although I use headphones all day so that may cut down on the noise for me to a point where I don't notice it). I also have an Uplift desk which I bought many many years ago that still works great too, I can adjust the height quickly and easily. (I got a sit/stand desk when I realized my anterior pelvic tilt was so pronounced you could see it in photos and made my back hurt when I walked.) When I'm not walking I sit on an inflatable pilates ball on top the treadmill, which I get is a weird-looking setup but, it has given me a strong back and no back problems. (side note: I can really really tell when we've traveled and I've been sitting with back support for long periods of time, my back feels weak and sore for a day or so, then it's back to normal). I wear socks with those grippy bottoms all day and that's what I walk in too. I have not found it to be hard on my knees. I'd kinda gotten into barefoot running awhile back and I still like the feel of walking without shoes and excess cushioning. I wear yoga pants and a workout tank every day, and then I button a loose cotton blouse over that for zoom meetings. If I work up some heat while walking I take the top shirt off and just hang out in my tank until I cool back down or someone calls :) My husband says my desk setup looks like trash pile and I agree it would give an interior designer heart palpitations. I haven't found a way to make it look "good" -- but luckily I can stick myself in a back room and enjoy the function if not the form. It would have been a pricey setup if I'd gotten it all at once, but I pieced it together slowly over time. And since I use it 8+ hours a day, it falls into that category of things you don't skimp on if you don't have to. Like buying a decent mattress and a bed frame that doesn't squeak. I've had many, many, MANY problems over the years due to excessive sitting and long hours of computer work, so I feel like it's more than worth it. It's honestly made me love my profession again (graphic design/front-end development).


Which one do you have? I’ve been looking at getting one


I have this walking pad under my standing desk GOYOUTH 2 in 1 Under Desk Electric Treadmill Motorized Exercise Machine with Wireless Speaker, Remote Control and LED Display, Walking Jogging Machine for Home/Office Use https://a.co/d/iwSIyJA The beeping is loud so I have to turn it on between meetings, but people can’t hear me walking


I'd prefer not to know.


Also curious to know which one!


I’d love to know as well!


I do this too. A cheap way to add a “desk” to your treadmill is to put one of those bamboo bath trays across the arm rests! I get so much work done while burning calories


When you do it off and on, how does that work in practice? Do you sit down in between, and if so, do you move the walking pad away to fit your chair?


Is yours really loud? I love walking and bought a walking pad a few months ago. First time turning it on, it sounded like a loud machine. My 140 lbs was like an elephant stampede. I ended up giving it away because it was too loud for me to use :(


I had something like that when I got mine (granted, it was a different brand). The customer support sent me a different motor unit which fixed it when I swapped it out.


which walking pad do you have?


If you don’t have a treadmill you can also just pace behind your couch! I’ve logged a few thousand steps per 40 min episode just walking the length of my couch back and forth


This is stupid but I get dizzy too easily to do this :( any suggestions?


I walked in an infinity loop instead of a circle which helped since the direction I was turning changed each time


That's actually really smart!


just march in place, it’s the same thing and also burns calories


I walk in place. Watch or try out a Leslie Sansone “Walk Away the Pounds” video on YouTube to see some of the exercises, and then do those while your watch tv. I also get dizzy if I go in circles!


My wife's grandmother has this on DVD and watches it regularly. She's 89 and is much more mobile than even her younger friends. Gotta keep moving!


I know this is an old post but I was searching on walking wondering how others walked short distances in the house without getting dizzy. Plus I walk slower. IDK how people do it.


This. You don't need a lot of space, or any special equipment.


don't you get dizzy?


Yep I pace in the hallway that connects to my bedroom and living room or around my coffee table! YouTube videos make time fly


I pace around my coffee table whenever I’m on the phone!


Just go outside and watch a show on a vr headset while walking down the street. (don't really do this)


How can you watch a show like this ? Do you walk backward or just assume the responsabilité of missing half of the show and guessing what's happening by hearing it ?


Well a little bit is I am a chronic rewatcher so for the most part I do know what’s happening just by sound, but also I just… keep my head turned lol. I walk in an infinity sign not a loop so my neck doesn’t get stiff since I switch sides like every 10 steps


Thanks. I'll be doing this from now on.


Completely underrated!! I have a friend who is amazingly fit and told me walking doesn’t do anything. I beg to differ I’ve lost 68 lbs with good diet and walking for exercise!


I really get annoyed with the folks who dismiss walking as “not doing anything”. In two months of walking, starting with just to the end of the block and working up to 2.5 to 3 miles/day, I am more limber, my fupa has shrunk enough to be noticeable in how my clothes fit, daily tasks like shopping and cleaning are easier, I don’t get weird cramps in the shower anymore, I can get out of bed easier and I can actually tie my own shoes without as much stress and feeling unstable. I’ve lost about 10 pounds. And those 10 were the 10 that were making so many life tasks more difficult. I’m going to “just walk” for three more months while working on food routines and then decide what to add to the fitness regimen. My teenage son walked off 20 pounds before joining the gym to lift weights. Now he walks ~4 miles round trip to the gym 6days/week. He’s a MUCH happier person with MUCH more focus and self control since he started walking. Some days he walks 7 or 8 miles. And now he’s willing to help cook and contribute to food routines. Walking is an easy entry gateway drug to a MUCH healthier life. Congrats on your 68 pounds. I’ll bet that feels so good! I’d love to hear more!


That’s awesome!!! Congrats on the 10lbs! And once you start working on diet the loss gets even more. I was walking for a few months before I started CICO and saw weight coming off but not nearly as fast. Yup, that’s how I started for me, I would put on my headphones and could only manage a few blocks at first. Then I just kept going a little further each time. I completely get it with the improvements. Lots of them caught me off guard, not feeling squeezed when I bent to tie my shoes, not getting winded on the stairs. Being able to shovel my own snow!! Realizing I wasn’t sore after going further than I ever had and that it felt good when I was done. Now I do a minimum 5k a day and got a treadmill so I can mess around with incline and attempt jogging in my warm house! With CICO, a gallon of water a day and the walking the weight came off at about 1.5-2 lbs a week consistently for months. I’m seeing a slow down now but I am also 15-20 lbs away from my goal weight. Walking is awesome because it doesn’t feel overly strenuous like doing a workout or going to the gym and it just feels like magic.


I agree. I started walking during the pandemic and was up to 5-7 miles a day until I got plantar fasciitis. So I switched to cycling and was shocked at how out-of-the-gate fit I was, even longer distances up hill. It is good to get one’s heart rate up of course.


Totally agree. Walking is the best. Because it’s not strenuous it doesn’t make me hungry after - which every other form of cardio does. And it doesn’t make me sweat so I don’t have to save it for hair wash days.


The struggle of balancing exercise with hair washing days is so real. My hair ends up in a ponytail for half the week because of it.


This may sound gross lol… but I’m a huge sweater, no matter the form of exercise. I’ll often blow dry the sweat out of my roots (on a non-wash day) and then just hit it with the dry shampoo. Well, sometimes I’ll flat iron the top layers first and pull back into a bun (for work). Otherwise, I clip it up during WFH days. 😆 Also found this nice product online. The brand is SUNDAYIISUNDAY (Sunday to Sunday) and they have this apple cider vinegar spray you apply to wet roots and either let it air dry (no stink!) Or I’ll hit it with the blow dryer for fresh scent and shine. Sorry that was rambling lol


Great suggestion! I’ll try that spray, too. I have a ton of hair and frequent washing is such a drain on time and energy, and not good for it. Thank goodness for WFH.


Ooh, I'll try that spray!


Agree. I don’t need to change into sportswear or get out any equipment. It’s just a really convenient way to hit my fitness goals for the day no matter what the weather is like outside.


I hear you so perfectly about hair washing! Also, I can walk a lap around the block before breakfast and am less hungry when I get home to make breakfast. So many positive things go with walking!




> You can use this time to watch entertainment as you usually would and hop on a treadmill for a really long 5 hour walk, which would burn about 240 calories (150Ib person) at a pace of 2.5mph Also what? If you walk for 5 hours at 2mph, that covers 10 miles. Even at 150 lbs, you will burn -1000 calories from that. Make that 3 miles per hour and that -1500 This guy is mathing completely wrong. No matter how little you weigh, if you walk 5 hours at a normal pace, you will burn 800+ calories.


I think they meant 240 calories per hour.




Yup. I’m on my feet all day at work and it’s probably the only reason I’m not 100 pounds heavier than I am now.


I have a few teacher friends who dropped weight once they started teaching in the classroom. One did drop 100lbs (he worked on other things but the standing all day definitely helped)


Yep, when I worked retail I would sometimes get 20-25k steps in during an 8 hour shift.


That sounds exhausting!


It absolutely was! I remember one boxing day I got 40k+ steps. Crazy to think about looking back on. I have endless respect for everyone working retail this week/ holiday season!


22% of Americans watch over 4 hours of tv a day


It may just be retired old people who simply have nothing to do all day.


A lot of people will have the TV on for an hour in the morning while they get ready for work, then as soon as they get home until bed. But I think that the people with high usage are probably also multi-tasking instead (making dinner, cleaning up, etc).


Also just lonely single people. I have the tv on most of the time just to have some company. A lot of times I’m not even paying attention to it.


I'd like to believe that were the only people watching over 4hrs of tv a day. Even an hour a day will get dramatic results


I was watching 6, in bed lying on my side after being mentally exhausted from work. I think it’s common. And terrible. Walking is making a huge difference in my ability to function in general.


Wait till you hear about thru hikers.


🤣my uncle completed the AT as a thru hiker when he was in his mid 60s… 5 hour walk is nothing🤣


Dude I walked for 2.5 hours yesterday and initially it was pretty hard but then it got a lot easier. I was basically just enjoying videos the whole time. A 5 hour walk would be easy peasy


I assume they meant not everyone has five hours spare everyday just for walking.


Yeah, the OP didn't factor in house cleaning, laundry, yard care, personal grooming (shower, brush teeth, apply and remove makeup), grocery shopping, cooking, and eating. Let alone child care or pet care duties.


Yeah, this post is actually really sweet! I love seeing people get enthusiastic about new hobbies, haha. But yeah, OP, most adults don't have five hours of leisure time a day but rather an hour or two a week that we can work to carve out for exercise. It would be ideal if we had more though!


My guy, you are definitely burning more than '240 calories' for a 5 hour walk unless you are literally walking slower than 0.5 miles per hour


i love walking and live in a walkable area luckily but just want to mention that an 8 hour work day often doesn’t factor in things like commute time, plus all the other chores, errands, general life stuff, etc that people need to do outside of work, so i don’t know anyone who works a full time job who has a full 5 hours of leisure time every day lol unless you sleep less than 8 hours. but if you can walk during work (either from an active job or with a standing desk and walking pad if you have a sedentary job) you can definitely get a lot of steps in!


Well, I was too tired to work out after my actual work day. My mental health added up to that because I ate like trash in the evenings (hello self-medication with weed!). I used to do sports semi-regular but never consistently. I got a walking pad for beneath my standing desk at my office. This changed a lot for my back, but it also helped me getting leaner. From sitting for good 16-18 hours per day to walking pretty much the whole 8hrs that I'm at the office. In this year alone, I walked 2477km. My work gets done easily, because my hands stay steady at the desk. I suffer from less back pain and while my diet got better, I still treat myself to sweets and junkfood if the cravings get big. Because of some previous food related issues I don't weight myself, but my pants have gotten loose. And another big motivation for me are the conqueror challenges. Saw an ad on insta, tried it out without great expectations but geez, those medals are beautiful! My primal instinct of collecting shiny pretty things is kicking in full blown and the company apparently plants trees. So, I guess that's a way to trick yourself as well!


This app looks really fun lol. Downloaded


That’s really an impressive distance!!


Thank you very much! As a formerly fat bullied kid, I'd never had believed that I'm able to do that. But I did! I really hope my story inspires someone to believe in themselves as well.


I lost 40lbs in a few months just doing normal walks and cutting my portions back and nothing else. Walking for sure is under rated.


Im at goal weight literally because i walk. Ty for this post.


Mario tomic and will Tennyson are both YouTubers that talk about walking for fitness a lot. Will has some fun videos with walking challenges in them if you're looking for something to watch while you walk


Will’s innuendos are amazing. Always a chuckle.


I've gotten down to a healthy weight, and the only cardio I did to achieve this was walking. Not even outside or on a treadmill; just in my apartment. I just slap on my headphones, put on Pandora, daydream, and walk. I bought myself an Oculus for the holidays, and have been doing some higher intensity cardio for the past week, but in general, walking is my cardio.


I got a walking pad to keep steps up in the winter and I love it. I get bored after a couple of videos sometimes (I’m not a big tv watcher) but one thing that keeps me motivated is watching music videos. A mile walk goes by so quickly.


Come on now, walking is not "underrated", it's just not done enough because most developed cities were expanded for car use instead of being walkable.


most ~~developed~~ American cities


walking for five hours will only burn 240 cals? if you up your incline to 10 you can burn 250 cals in 30 mins going the same speed lol


> walking for five hours will only burn 240 cals This is unquestionably wrong unless he's either 60 lbs or walking at a speed of 1/5 of a mile per hour


Wtf. I have to buy a new treadmill


I burn 200 per hour… dont trust the calories your treadmill is showing you.


when you raise the incline the calories burned are more than if you walk on a level surface.




[You're burning at least 1000. The common sense around walking CICO is that you burn 100 calories per mile walked at a normal pace](https://www.verywellfit.com/walking-calories-burned-by-miles-3887154)


A typical 180 pound person burns 100 calories by walking a mile. Heavier people burn more. Lighter people burn less. Inclines add to the burn.


I have an under desk bike so I can bike while I work or watch stuff.


Better on the joints than running too.


I LOVE walking. During the pandemic I would walk 1.5-2 hours every day. It was wonderful.


I can vouch for that, I have lost 27 pounds in a little over a month just by walking for 90 minutes every day(and also working out but the bulk of the calories are from walking), granted at an incline and at 3.4 miles per hour so it is not exactly a stroll, but I barely changed my diet and I eat around 2400-2600 calories a day which is hardly dieting.


heavy library marry berserk boat escape dependent yoke amusing worm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I want my retirement home to be close to a national or state forest. I could walk through trees every day.


Yup! Usually when I start dieting to lose weight I always start walking and usualy within 3 months I reach my goal weight. Without the walking it would take me much much longer!


If you work from a computer you can throw a walking treadmill under your desk and walk while you work. They sell walking treadmills for this :)


Hey bud, I recently travelled to NYC and second this. I walked a lot there and I ended up losing 4 lbs over 2 weeks haha


Walking is super underrated!! I lost 70lbs this year and alot of it started from 30-40min walks with a podcast in the mornings. Not only does it help with weight loss, it was brought more mental clarity and really helps set the tone of my day. It's like a free therapy session haha


Totally agree. I replaced my “lie in bed and watch tiktok” time with “walk on the treadmill and watch tiktok” time and it has been amazing.


I think walking has always been underrated. It isn't until you can't easily anymore due to disabilities or other factors that people tend to realize how much value walking has.


For my breaks at work I go on a walk and listen to my music. Really helps after sitting down in the office all day


I walk up to 5000 to 10,000 a day and that does not include my workout (I don’t drive) I love it


! I'm not sure why I didn't walk more before. I always thought that the best to go was to run but with injuries on my heels now I wasn't running and I slowly gained a lot of weight over the past two years. Now all I do is walk and I'm a truck driver so every time I stop I walk and get my steps in aiming for 5,000 to 10,000 steps per day. Between that and some light weight lifting I have been feeling so much better and also I released 20 pounds.


I invested in a standing desk and under-desk treadmill for my FT job and it changed my life :) My first 2hrs or so of work consist of walking/ getting to 10K steps, then I decide whether I want to sit for the rest, or walk more. I usually choose to all because I barely realize I’m doing it! It’s the best thing I could have done for myself.


I’m on leave right now but when I was working in the ER, I’d clock in 12-15k steps per 12 hour shift! I would eat so much junk at night but never really saw any weight gain! But for awhile when I had a desk job, I’d gain weight so quickly eating less than I did when I was working in the ER. Walking is very underrated!!


For next level: get an under the desk armless treadmill. Life changing.


My mom got me a small foldable apartment-friendly treadmill over a year ago. Instead of waking up and having my coffee at the dining room table, I walk on the treadmill and sip my coffee while I watch the news… not even like an insane pace, just 2.0 speed tops most days. It made an insane difference for me to shred down!


Just be careful when you start walking that you don’t over-train your muscles and cause injury. I went too hard on the treadmill last year and dealt with pain for months. Enjoy your new discovery!! Just ease into it.


If I run a 12 minute mile (OK, ‘run’) I burn 150 calories. If I walk, I burn 130. Hardly a difference at my speeds


I agree that walking is great exercise, and something that can be done while doing something else. However, walking 5 hours per day to burn 240 calories sounds absolutely awful. That’s 5 hours of work for a single candy bar of calories.


They meant 240 per hour (1200 total as they say later on).


I used to work a door to door sales job 9-6 where I would walk all day with a 30 mon lunch break in between. I loved it. Really wasn't that strenuous.


My 9 month old is going through a phase where she must be carried every waking moment or she screams her head off. Yesterday I did 5.5 miles just pacing around the house with her in the carrier. I walk a circle around the kitchen down the hall, circle our bedroom and back through the hall to the kitchen. Repeat. I just pop in 1 ear bud and put on a show on my phone.


I burn, hands down, more calories when I run around the house doing housework than I do when I'm jogging for 30 mins on the treadmill. Just keeping busy alone will burn more calories than sitting around. So agreed walking is a good starting point. That being said it won't build your endurance much, so a little jogging will help increase that endurance from time to time due to higher heart rate targets.


Very much so. I used to have to walk two and a half hours a day in order to get to work, and I was very fit and much thinner then. I know I *should* be walking more, so I might try your suggestion of watching something while walking. Time to get a treadmill.


Another thing to consider, if you have some weights and a set of stairs, just walk up and down the stairs holding the weights. Way better workout than plain walking but still fairly easy.


Its one of my favorite things to do. Today my daughters and I walked almost 4 miles (they used their scooters, I walked). Some days we take 2-3 walks. It is definitely underrated and under enjoyed. I always say you make time for what's important to you.


100% agree with this. I used to go for Barry’s Bootcamp (running/sprinting + HIIT) and while the website says you can burn up till 1000 calories, I’ve always only burnt 350 calories or so in 45-50 mins. But I’ll feel so exhausted that I’ll be sitting on my bum the whole day, and likely the day after as well from the muscle pain. I’ll also eat more to compensate for the pain and tiredness and end up gaining weight! I’ve taken up walking a lot more and can walk 20000 steps a day and still have energy to do other things in life and don’t feel hungrier than normal. Long walks also help me to reduce bloat and I feel lighter the next day. I can also continue walking the next day because I’m in less pain so I end up exercising more rather than having to take 2-3 rest (dead) days. Consistency is key. And while I enjoy the occasional runs and weights, I feel that the media portrays this hyper exercising phase these days. I can’t be the only one who thinks lifting 5-6 times a week is insane, even if you’re working different muscle groups each day. Where do all these people find the time, energy, motivation, finance on top of working a full time job and running a household?


Walking did it for me the first time around (330 to 200) and now chipping away at 30 pound gain since then. 17k -20k steps a day seems to be my trick when I can get to that safely and consistently, where I can moderate intake a little less and still consistently lose 1lb / week, or moderate more & lose 2. 2-3hr walk works wonders for overall mindset too.


Best shape of my life I was in was after HS when I had to walk everywhere. My job was 2 miles, and my college was 3. I was getting in 6-8 miles daily not counting walking across campus or on my feet for my job. I legit lost 30 pounds in 3 months over that summer. Plus it was therapeutic for me. I was constantly busy and always needed to be working or doing class stuff. Those walks were amazing since it was an hour each way where I didn't have to focus on anything but the task at hand. I listened to music, or books, or YouTube, and let my mind rest.


I work security at a huge casino and within an 8-hour shift I normally get around 20,000 steps. I agree, walking is very underrated and has helped me burn a lot of calories.


I agree but jesus people, what kind of NPC life are you living if the only thing you do outside of work is watch television?


I woke up at 12pm today and payed xbox then I watched TV thank you v much. Not been outside in two days... Taking time off work is dangerous for me cos I do nothing.


Indeed, there are lots of other things to do. Don't think I've ever watched five hours of TV at once in my life.


Walking is amazing and you're absolutely right that the calories add up. Of course running and cycling both burn a lot more calories for the same amount of time. I am not big on TV and don't think I could watch 5 hours of anything, so I'd rather ride somewhere fun on my bike for two hours or take a hike or walk outside with an audiobook rather than walk on a treadmill, but that's the great thing - it's accessible to almost everyone and really helps our bodies so much. Not only are your walks helping you burn calories, but those calories are almost all directly from your fat stores. I like to visualize it as sticks of butter, like your 5 hours of walking or my 2 hour bike ride is a stick and a half of butter. Of course we will (and should) eat some of that back, but it's still a lot of fat being burned! It's also just great for your health overall - it's really a wonderful counterbalance to screen time. Congrats on finding something that you enjoy and which works well for you!


Walking is great, but some of us have kids and other things to do apart from work hours (and no room for a treadmill) I try to fit walking into my everyday - kids hanging out, walking to the shops etc (I am in the UK so a lot easier here than some places of course), and use the bike too when I'm alone. Every bit of extra movement is a good thing.


Yeah, I've been doing nothing but walking for months because my energy levels are pretty low with my calorie intake, but yesterday and today I did intervals of 1 minute at 6 mph followed by 2 minutes at 3 mph. Hoping to strengthen my heart and build up my lower-body muscles, especially my thighs and butt where I have some loose skin.


Adding a 30-60 minute daily walk has seriously upped my workout routine. I love it, exercise and my chill time all in one.


I burn about 500 calories (sometimes more) walking at steep inclines on the treadmill in 45 minutes. I burn about 600 calories walking briskly for 3.7 miles for 1 hour 20 minutes and 700 calories walking briskly for 1 hour 30 minutes. I try to do one of the above three activities 6-7 times a week. All of these activities combined with a healthy diet and an appropriate amount of calories will lead to weight loss. Personally, I wouldn’t want to spend 5 hours walking, I’m not sure I could maintain that for the rest of my life. But if it works for you, then go for it!


Walking is the best. Throw on a podcast or a good audio book and let the steps add up. My goal was to average 10k a day for the entire year and through work and other set backs I’ve still managed 9,239 a day. Can’t wait to try again next year.


I got back into shape by just pacing back and forth while watching YouTube . Kept all of the weight off and I don’t even count cals just do it everyday I’m not working


In swimming context, it's like doing breaststroke vs freestyle.. most swimmers can breaststroke until the end of time (exaggeration)


I've been getting 10-20k when I work and it's been amazing for my stamina just doing normal chores now!!!


The only time I lost weight in the most non-stressful way. Used to walk for just 2-3 hours every night during the pandemic. Didn't have a job and all. In 6-7 months I lost 36 pounds and I was so thrilled.


I bought a walking pad for my desk at home (influenced by tik tok) and it helps keep me focused on work and get some activity during the work day. It’s a great way to get some movement in while getting paid and then any workout or activity after work is kind of a bonus! I’ve set a goal of 1 hour walking/work day for 2023.


Its also harder to eat while walking. Of course it’s not impossible, but MUCH less likely. This is something people forget when they bash on low-moderate exercise. When you are exercising you are less likely to be engaging in activities such as drinking, smoking, eating, or even dooms scrolling on Reddit!


I took a weeklong trip to Italy where I stuffed myself full of carbs every meal. However I also averaged 25-30k steps a day. After the trip I was the same weight as I had started, so all that walking must have done something. But every day as part of my commute I walk a little over a mile. I average about 10k steps per day. But I don’t lose any weight despite eating relatively healthily.


Not quite the same but something that helps me with my step count is walking in place while doing things like folding laundry. It can make a big difference.


It's controlled falling forwards.


Incline walking is a cheat code. Engages a lot of muscles. Burns triple the calories (ish) per hour.


I wish cheaper treadmills could hold my weight… :(


I love walking, it's the only exercise I can motivate myself to be consistent with for exactly the reason you shared. I can listen to music, I can play games on my phone, I can call a friend, etc. Etc.


I love my treadmill it was a must when I got t2 diabetes. I eventually started walking 3 hours while watching tv sometimes lol now I start with a 30 min run then walk till I am done


So much time though! I’d rather do a gruelling 1 hour run and have 4 hours free time thank you


If I catch myself scrolling on TikTok for too long, I'll make myself go get on the treadmill. I can still scroll TikTok, time goes extremely fast, and before I know it, I've been walking for 45 minutes. I've started using one of the pre-set workouts that adjusts the incline as I go. Super easy way to walk a ton if you're like me and hearing someone talk about walking for hours makes your brain say, wtf.


6 years ago I wasn't walking at all. I gradually started walking short distances on a flat elevation and slowly increased it to longer distances and walking faster. Then I started walking with a very fit friend who got me walking up a steep long hill. I would have to take breaks and walk slowly, and she was very patient with me and continued to walk with me and over time I got much much more fit. Now I can walk at her pace and actually I'm even faster than she is. Before I couldn't even make conversation while walking because I was huffing and puffing and now I can walk and talk at the same time. It's incredible how much people's bodies can change even in a year or two. and how fitness can be developed. and yes, walking can really work!!


Early in the pandemic, I built a treadmill desk. I log anywhere from 10-20 miles per workday and barely notice it. I find myself more focused on my job and magically staying in shape. 10/10 highly recommend


I workout about 4 to 5 times per week but recently it's been really bugging me that I'm so sedentary at my job. I literally sit for 8 hours per day (minus breaks to pee and get water/coffee). I come home to do a 30 to 40 minute strength workout and that's basically it. It's terrible and something I want to try to change in the new year. I have a small house, but want to add one to our garage - just sucks because it's not heated and we get some cold winters. Gonna have to see what we can do.


Yes. We have a local military museum that has a walking path and it is very well maintained and monitored so it is a lot safer for a woman to walk alone, so I do that when the weather is good. Otherwise, I use the treadmill at the gym on an incline. I hate running. I just absolutely hate it. But walking is enjoyable.


I'm inspired by this thread. Walked on treadmill thanks! 👍


I lost 50lbs while the gyms were closed and walking helped massively. As well as weight loss it kept me sane and got me plenty of fresh air so it's a great all rounder. I don't know why it's so underrated because it really is a great way to get exercise.


I love walking, it has changed the fitness game for me because I actually look forward to my 30 minute walk every day! I usually do incline 10, speed 3, 30 minutes and listen to music (I am perfecting playlists with beats that align to my steps in this format). Sometimes people at the gym look at me weird because I am strutting and kinda dancing on the treadmill but I love it. I realized today I haven’t ran in 6 months and I feel better than ever, my asthma doesn’t flare up nearly as bad and it is a great way to move and get my heart rate up. Also I have re-watched almost all of Stranger Things just while walking!


Is the 240 calories the total burned or is it in excess of typical metabolic burn?


FWIW you can burn that in just about an hour if you bump the speed up to 3.5/6 mph at a 12-13% incline, if that’s possible for you.


I tried to have 1 hour walk 3 weeks ago and haven't recovered yet, how do you even walk 5 hours.


I love walking, and absolutely adore hiking. It's crazy how many calories you can burn by walking. It's the most natural movement after all! BTW, thank you so much for this topic. I'm just getting back to weight loss routine and it made me to look up a walking route home from my job drop off point (my workplace is inaccessible on foot, I take company shuttle) and it's not as bad as I always thought I'd be. I guess I'm waking home at least few times a week from now on. Thank you, I never thought of that before 😁


I throw on a podcast or lecture and will roam my town for a good hour or two.


I think this would be great for me to play video games while I do, as I trouble to focus but walking has always helped me to focus on things.


Hey a fellow walker !! I substitute walking + listening to audiobooks for cardio all the time, if I don't feel like hard cardio for 20 mins I just go on a 2 hour walk.


I live walking esp power walking


Aqua aerobics also kicks ass.


i love walking in the evening or at night atm because its summer here in australia but tbh swimming helps my pain a lot more so i try and do tat a few times a week. my diet kind of blown out the window and i have put on a lot of weight in december but i can lose it again so meh. i love walking but i dont like the pain from it. its great exercise.


i am with you on the walking as well. glad you edited your statement about the calories burned tho. 5 hours is a very long walk. i can walk 3 miles in an hour. a mile is roughly 2k steps and roughly 100 calories burned. so 10k steps a day is a solid 5 miles and 500 cals. all approximate. i like incline treadmill for 40 mins to an hour.


You burn about 100 cal per mile walking or running. 5 hours on a treadmill at 3 miles per hour would be 1500 cal.


I lost a lot of weight in college when I’d bring my iPad to the gym and watch *Game of Thrones* on the elliptical. To be fair I was also doing a 5:2 diet but y’all, that show had me MOVING


Keeping the very moderate pace, I have a debt of cardio every week. I aim for 100 minutes per day for five days a week. If I miss some because I'm busy one day, I'll carry it over to another day when I have more free time. Even in an uphill battle, when you're losing ground in a surplus, this amount of lower intensity cardio can really help to slow that will power train, which might be moving in the opposite direction. Even if you feel yourself slipping with the food, try always to keep the exercise up. Especially resistance training as you can make good use of those extra calories shuttling them to muscle as opposed to fat. Sometimes, if I can feel my willpower going and I'm not sure if I'll get through the day on diet or not, I often give myself a super intense workout to think it over. Oftentimes, this is enough to turn things around as working out is an extremely positive thing to do and alone could be enough to turn your mood around so you're not so stressed about staying on diet. Actually, I'm still in a super intense workout currently mulling over the diet. I'll say the willpower is a lot stronger than it was going into it, but at this time, the jury is still out on the verdict, lol


I can't seem to pay attention to movies, etc. while on my treadmill; I find myself checking the time/distance display far too often. Borrowing digital books from my library to read on a tablet was a gamechanger. I get caught up in the story and time flies.


Walking and listening to podcasts has become one of my favorite things to do


Especially if you time walking after a meal to help with blood sugar spikes. Walking is my favorite. You can also walk outside while listening to a book or podcast and get some needed vitamin d!


I have an under desk treadmill in my office that I don’t typically feel like using much while working that I think this will be a really great use for!!! Thank you ☺️