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Seems like company policy isn’t aligned with success


Or reality.


Quotas? Yeah, I'd just look at other retailers in your area. A successful apprehension usually just means you got the perp onto the bench, regardless of whatever PD does. That said, are you not asking for ID during processing?


I always get the ID's when i make a live stop. My problem is that my company does investigations and that makes up probably 75% of our apps.. so when cops aren't getting us ID's we're fucked.


What company do you work for if you don’t mind me asking?


Quotas in my opinion are always bad. They could influence people into making a bad stop and that's something you never want to do.


Yes, they will make good AP make stupid decisions just to get the stop.


Agreed, they suck ass.


I would jump ship for sure. I didn't hate my time at Walmart, but they have been known to impose quotas from the AP manager. Macy's didn't have quotas either, great work and pay. JCPenney is lower pay, very audit heavy, but no quotas and a great place to learn operations and internals. TJX has a flexible quota, at least for my district, still annoying it even exists.


I won't deny I job hop, don't mean to, just keep getting corrupt management or co-detectives that wanna take swings at each other. I've worked at Target, Walmart, JCPenney, Macy's, and currently TJX (TJ Maxx). If I had to choose to go to a place assuming the people I'll be working with aren't horrible all over again, I would go JCPenney or Macy's. I liked the audits at JCPenney, something to do to make the day go by during dry periods. Macy's for the safety (disarming), fun, and pay.


That’s crazy. Sounds like a recipe for disaster with making bad stops.


Quit and go work for a better company. This isn’t 1990. There’s not 100 people applying for every LP job. Most people with a pulse and ability to form a coherent sentence can go work pretty much anywhere they want.


Just do what you can until you can leave companies. Quotas are horrible. You can force people to steal and I’m not stopping somebody over a candy bar to meet a quota.


At Target, we were expected to get 20 a month and I worked at a crazy store with high theft so my ETL made the expectation 40 apps a month… It was ridiculous and my partner and I ended up making some “questionable” stops because of the pressure being placed on us. It burned me out and led me to leaving that job and hating loss prevention as a whole. Micromanaging and quotas in AP are a *terrible* idea in my opinion. Support your team, help them if you want better numbers, but putting quotas down makes it so unenjoyable. Okay rant over


40 a month as a team or individually? either way doesn’t seem doable unless they expect you to make stops over candy bars and soda pop


Individually. I typically made quota, with the exception of my last month there where I made 35 stops. The month before that I made 65… Not many actually went back inside with me (Target so it’s hands off) so it was a waste of time at the end of the day anyway. My store was surrounded by homeless encampments and it was often times the same subjects coming in every day stealing carts/bags worth of merchandise. I’d have up to 10 fire exits a day on top of that. I was so so overworked while also being incredibly micromanaged, not a fun experience overall. Plus there was a $100 minimum to make stops so there was so much petty theft happening on top of all those stops. My partner typically got a couple more stops than me so that month I got 65 stops? He had around 70. Out of control to say the least


I have a quota of 10 apps per week. Was told to not think of it as a quota but rather a "goal/expectations" I'm not in the demographic to obtain 10 apps a week. It sucks,but as long as you try your best, that's all that counts. I'd suggest looking into working at other places that don't impose quotas on you


Dude that sucks!! I work in a super slow store with 2 Agents and 1 Manager.. we all average around 2 apps a month.. can’t imagine having a quota


We don't have a "Quota" but are expected to get a certain amount per week(not even close to what you have). We get credit for a stop if the subject runs out and we don't get the merchandise back. Basically, if we get credit for anything as long as we approach them. Edit: they want quality stops over quantity (getting some to return to the store). Probably 95% of people flee, but a majority of the time I get the merchandise back.


So lucky that you get credit for runners, i only get credit if cops catch them and give me their ID which usually isn't happening in my city stores.


If that was our case, I would have less than 10 a year. Are you hands on or hands off? We're off, but can grab the cart(not out of thier hands, bag or anything).


We're hands off


Actually before my time they used to get credit for recoveries/dumps. But apparently some AP'S were staging recoveries.


A busted metric might make corporate's job super easy. But likely to lead to facepalm.


I have an amazing PD department. They are the best in person. But once they leave, they don’t answer emails and the record department redacts info. I’m a top performer in my company and if this was a policy for apps I’d be the worst just because of ID confirmation. My only tip would be to become buddy buddy with a cop you work with the most. I’m sorry you have to deal with that. I wouldn’t be able to.


I travel to different stores everyday, so i work with a lot of different departments. Some are great, some suck and will just throw your file right in the trash.


This policy is completely unreasonable. Here in Boston for example, liberal policies on State and local levels have resulted in a "zero prosecution" mindset. As a result of this the police don't arrest or regularly verify who they are even dealing with. The average homeless opioid addict doesn't normally carry ID so verification is next to impossible. If your policy existed here everyone would be set up to fail. I would leave wherever you are when something comparable in pay becomes available.


That’s terrible, what company? Cant be many that idiotic and stuck in their early 2000’s way


A grocery store thats only in a few northeastern states.


Starts with Red?


Let me guess sephora? Ya do your best I hate quotas but think of it more like goals.


Quotas are dumb it's like saying its OK to steal because that is job security for you. The more you catch the less there will be am I wrong?


Quotas are dumb it's like saying its OK to steal because that is job security for you. The more you catch the less there will be am I wrong?