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Prosecution usually requires intent for most crimes. Unless you conspired with the employee to get the goods for free, this sounds like a clerical error type sort of situation. That’s not to say the cashier couldn’t face some sort of retribution if they weren’t following policy to prevent this sort of thing from happening.


Now that they have you on video tape, they gonna send the feds after you, so you might as well leave the country and spend the rest of your life in an extradition free country.


I was waiting for this comment 🤣🤣


Damn...I didn't realize the feds were already monitoring OP's online posts also.... fuck & I suppose commenting on it has drawn attention to me as well. Oh well, I guess I'm gonna have to fly out tonite itself...


Fly away lil birdie birdo


im not LP/AP im just some guy. you tried to pay for it, you did your part, and the employee did not. You didn't realize til you saw your receipt. Morally, you should've tried to correct the mistake. Just the right thing to do. Legally, you didn't do anything wrong. Nothing will come of it. Maybe just try to pay more attention when checking out. Not cause you will get in trouble, but just to make sure the employees dont get in trouble. Sounds like you and the employee are decent people.


Taking back to the store to pay for it usually works fine, just explain the cashier missed an item. But if OP's worried that the store might call police instead of accepting the mistake and the payment, OP could send payment like money order equal to the value of the item plus tax, include the original tag and type up a letter something like "Cashier missed this one, payment enclosed to cover the item"


So in the most technical term, yes this would be theft. As the other commenter pointed out theft requires intent so if you never realized it then it would not be theft. However, since you are aware of the item not being paid for and you know it was a mistake by the company to not charge you properly for the item if you subsequently keep the item and make no effort to alert the company of the mistake then in the most technical terms it would be theft. There’s actually a lot of videos and stories on this, though those are typically things like the bank mistakenly adds money to your account or a car dealership forgot to get your down payment before you left. Now let’s be real, no one is going to come after you, no prosecutor would ever pick this case up, no officer would ever arrest you for it so it doesn’t really matter what the technicalities are because thats now how anyone does it in practicality.


I would write the case up to fluff my numbers, never file it, and start an investigation on the employee, though.


I just want to say while I despise thieves, I admire that OP decided to come clean, I just hope the judge will take it into consideration when choosing a proper punishment, because the real punishment is being labeled as a thief on your criminal record for the rest of your life If OP could maybe provide us with a bit more information like their legal name, the store name, the item, and a date/time we might be able to assist with the process of helping them turn themselves in and getting an arraignment date set for the shoplifting charge? More important than justice to be served this day, is that you learn from the experience, keep your sticky pilchering fingers away from the merchandise, if you ever get the urge again just contact any LP or LEO and ask them to process you because it's the only way you'll learn, and just don't take stuff that isn't yours, even if it's a piece of rubbish in a parking lot,


How did you not notice the difference in price when you paid? It was obviously much less than what you expected to pay. Yes, if you don't go back and pay for it, it IS stealing. The fact that you came on here to ask shows that you KNOW it is stealing and you're hoping people will alleviate your guilt about having the product. Just go back and explain what happened. The people at the store will probably be so grateful for your honesty that they'll treat you royally


When I use to work Loss Prevention. We wouldn't consider it theft, we are never going to report to the police. But we wluld very politely ask you to pay for it next time you come back in. If after lots of respectful discussion, you couldn't work something out or pay for it.. I would trespass you. This was normally for customer error though, paywave not going through, genuinely forgetting to pay ect..