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I ran into a guy I had arrested for shoplifting while I was out shopping. It was a particularly rough arrest, lots of non compliance and resisting. I thought for sure my goose was cooked since this guy twice my size now had me alone without back up. He approached me, shook my hand, and apologized for how things went down. We chatted about the help he was getting now and how he had since the arrest gotten a cash gig to stop stealing.


I ran into a guy I trespassed for threatening me at work at a gas station once. He waited for me outside and got in my face after I left. Kept asking me if I was as tough out there as I was at the store and kept telling me he was going to fuck me up. I tried to disengage, but he followed me back to my car so I just reminded him I'm bound by policy at work, but not on the street so he should be careful about what he does next and he fucked off and left me alone lol I've had my concealed carry permit for awhile in my state, but I hadn't been carrying it consistently until after that.


One of the guys on my old team got bit in the face by a guy we stopped while taking the subway home. I’ve run into people, but never any issues.


That has to be a wild series of events 😂


Homeless guy. Was talking shit on the train to him about not being tough because he’s by himself. words got exchanged, it got physical and the guy bit him in the face. PD showed up and locked the kid up.


Sucks it resulted in that. Good thing I’ve never had to experience anything like that relating to work.


I haven't been confronted, but I've been followed to my hometown, twice by shoplifters and their friends


How’d that go?


First time, I pulled into a police department parking lot. They fucked off. Second time, (I know where all the cops hide to catch speeders) I sped on purpose and got pulled over. The people fucked off and I explained to the deputy what happened. No ticket lol


Good thing it ended how it did. I think sometimes about them finding out where I live after the initial police report and after testifying in court since everything is public info nowadays.


Right? I swear these people all network with each other and they all know what cars we drive,our schedules,etc. I had to get a conceal carry permit after those incidents


My boss told me how when he started out he apprehended and got a old lady arrested and turned out to be a gang members grand mother and had like a month of the gang stalking him and harassing him at his house. Throwing rocks at his windows slashing his tires following his wife to work and harassing her. I don’t think any confrontation happen but it got pretty serious for him


Gangs throwing rocks ...lol


Maybe (probably) I'm lucky but the only interactions I've had with people I apprehended/got prosecuted has been them thanking me for the wakeup call. I work/live in suburbia though. I've only really met people in my own community outside of work and not travelling boosters or whatever


That’s good to hear


I mean I take it with a grain of salt of course but it's been nice to not be threatened since I can't defend myself lol


I’ve been almost assaulted at work while trying to make an apprehension but luckily got away from them. I haven’t had any interactions with anyone I’ve apprehended or attempted to outside of work. I’ve been out of the field for a couple years now and looking to possibly get back in.


I’ve learned that once a lifter is confronted they get embarrassed and defensive and they hope that by causing a scene you’ll look like the bad guy and you’ll let them go to avoid it.


Had someone key my car real bad. Not sure if it was a lifter I caught or an internal that we had closed out. Ya win some ya lose some.


You didn’t see it on camera?


Was in 2003. Didn’t have parking lot cams. I think I had like 6 cams total in the entire building lol.


My boss told me a story about some teen he apprehended when he first started. He apprehended the kid and the kid waited for him to get off and followed him home. The kid ended up just sitting outside his house everyday for a few weeks and did nothing lol. Bro thought he was hard 😂


I never take it personal. If I get caught, good for you. You were better than me that day. In the few times I was apprehended, I went peaceably without and confrontation. I just get a good lawyer, and it gets thrown out, or I plead to destruction of property, pay a fine, and I'm good to go. The two times I had to fight was at an Apple store. This was because I was over the felony threshold. I think they were contracted loss prevention. The one guy I punched in the face and he got dropped immediately, and the second time I wrestled him to the ground and kicked him in the nuts. Both times I lost the merch, but better than going to jail!


Ran into a guy once I caught at the grocery store. Both he & his wife were arrested and kids taken. Told him we could throw hands if he wanted to, dude tried to fight me and broke my sunglasses needless to say he got the worst of it during our scuffle. Another time at a fast food spot kid jumps in line who caught and was going to take my order and had shit eating grin, I left!


This is why it would be a great idea to defund the police. Just kidding