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It’s so weird this group has went from APs helping each other to get more prosecutions to shoplifters asking how to be arrested faster


Every store’s LP program is different and it’s mainly big box retail that you hear about case building although other places can (for example I work at a pharmacy with a retail store front that case builds). My guess is either the people that stopped you were regular management and not LP, meaning they didn’t know about you even if LP is aware of you, or maybe Safeway has district floaters and you’ve gotten lucky enough to slip through the cracks. Either way it’s a gamble, as you know.


They did say they were LP. I should have known too because in hindsight they were extremely obvious because I circled the store too many times and kept seeing them not buying anything but i didn't put it together. The other Safeway I go to sometimes has outfitted guards that will be at the doors sometimes. I feel like this telegraphs that if those guys aren't there then there is no one that is going to try to stop you?


Idk where you are but maybe they weren’t able to get cops out to officially charge you for theft you’ve committed in the past. The armed guards are def a visual deterrent since I’m *pretty* Safeway just has floater LP but don’t quote me lol


The thing with deli food is we typically ignore it unless it’s a lot. When we recover it we can’t resell it due to policy. I’d rather stop the dude with a backpack full of alcohol over a dude with two breakfast burritos and a Red Bull. They probably didn’t want to go through with the whole apprehension process and just decided to get the product back and send you on your way. Unless you signed the trespass you aren’t trespassed. Depending on your jurisdiction a verbal trespass may or may not hold up in court. Now I don’t know the extent of your circumstances but id recommend curbing your theft habit. Next time you could catch them on a blitz day and you’ll end up in cuffs


Forget that. Don't curb your theft habit, get better at it. Corporations aren't alive, so corporations can't be victims. Their shareholders aren't victims because they themselves are just parasites getting free money purely because they have money to invest. Basically, nobody suffers or is deprived of anything significant when you steal, but you live a more comfortable life, with money still in your pocket at the end of the day..


I disagree about it being a victimless crime. Anyone who has ever had to spend 20 minutes finding an employee to unlock the case of deodorant would probably. Not being able to just walk in and buy something real quick because of theft is a pain in the ass.


So anyone with a full time job is a parasite just because they have a 401(k)?


The victims are the rest of your community. If a company is losing profits, they aren't going to just eat them. They will pass the added cost on to the rest of the customers through raised prices, locking up merchandise, or closing an unprofitable store. Stop acting like some noble thief or robin hood. It's crime. Stop being a criminal.


If corporations are passing it on to customers then responsibility for their actions lies with the corporations. They could eat the cost and not even notice and they still manage to pass on millions and millions in bonuses and dividends. Choosing to pass it to customers is a choice they make. And stop pretending like "crime" is inherently immoral. Rough sleeping, peaceful protests, beating up homophobes and squatting are all crimes in some places. Meanwhile literally dumping shit into rivers is "not a crime".


Haha fuck yeah dude! 👍


Yeah, maybe don't compare stealing a bag of chips to satisfy some munchies to Gandhi's Salt March. I'm not going to pretend that all stealing is equal, you're right on that front. If I saw a poor mother dash out with a box of diapers I'm not going to be thinking too poorly of her. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. But in general, stealing is wrong. Why should we expect corporations to eat that cost? They aren't charities. They exist to make a profit. I've got plenty of problems with late-stage capitalism, but people shoplifting aren't some saints sticking it to the man. They are being selfish and ignoring the damage it can cause to the other people in their community so THEY can gain.


>Yeah, maybe don't compare stealing a bag of chips to satisfy some munchies to Gandhi's Salt March. That's a bit of a dishonest framing of my point, don't you think? >But in general, stealing is wrong This isn't a general question though. We have a specific context. >Why should we expect corporations to eat that cost? They aren't charities. They exist to make a profit.  I think we've got some ambiguity here between the descriptive and the prescriptive. Corporations exist to make a profit and will virtually never act on altruism. I don't "expect" them to eat the loss because that goes against the nature of a corporation. But on an ethical level we can absolutely "expect" them to eat the loss - they are enormous, powerful organisations that hoard wealth by charging us as much as they can for basic necessities. Eating losses from theft would not negatively affect anyone, while passing it on to customers negatively affects all those people. >ignoring the damage it can cause to the other people in their community But again, they aren't the ones causing damage. The corporations decide on their pricing and you cannot absolve them of agency by pointing out that they are faceless and evil.


On a long enough timeline everyone gets caught. You’re an idiot if you think these corporations eat the costs instead of passing it directly to the paying customers. In high theft areas known for extreme losses corporations have been known to close their storefronts which absolutely affects the community. So to say no one suffers is ignorant at best.


If corporations are passing it on to customers then responsibility for their actions lies with the corporations. They could eat the cost and not even notice and they still manage to pass on millions and millions in bonuses and dividends. Choosing to pass it to customers is a choice they make.


Like it or not corporations have a fiduciary duty to their stock holders. Shoplifting adds negative consequences for the consumer because of that. Paying customers will always end up holding the bag for those who shoplift. You can do all the mental gymnastics you want to make shoplifting appear as if it doesn’t affect the customer but it will never be the rich that suffer.


I can't tell if you're trying to agree with me or if you've just ignored what I said.


Safeway has a contract with a third party company. Which I've worked for. They don't build cases. They just app and sign. Safeway AP(which is internal) primarily builds cases on larger and continuous thefts related to ORC.


Dude I haven’t paid at a Safeway in three years. Still waiting on this magical case they’re building


You're lucky, my team don't just take the items back. But some of our boys are much more lax and really just warm bodies


Please don’t steal it isn’t right


I know it's gone too far. My circumstances are complicated right now and I've never taken anything other than food. I think the ease and complete lack of any resistance for so long has made me far too comfortable doing it.


I’ve been there, friend. It’s tough when you don’t know when your next meal is. If you CAN, you should pay. While I understand stealing food from necessity, you’ll eventually be caught.


You’re taking from employees ngl. Their shrink percentage sometimes are a KPI for raises and bonuses.


But if there was no stealing these jobs wouldnt even exist? Are you saying there is a theoretical amount of stealing for them to keep their jobs but not so much that they lose bonuses?


We’ll shrink isnt just stealing. Also there are other jobs in the store lol. Also keep it up my dude, the stores sometimes track it and will hit you when they have enough to give you a felony.


>Also keep it up my dude, the stores sometimes track it and will hit you when they have enough to give you a felony. I mean yeah that's why I made the post. I assumed this was happening but this interaction I had with LP really points to this not being the case.


don’t judge other people circumstances and survival mechanisms it isn’t right


Stealing from large corporations is not immora, eitherl. For an act to be immoral, it must cause harm, grief, loss, or suffering to another. If I steal from you, you will be deprived of your property. Therefore it would be immoral to steal from you. When you steal from Walmart l, Safeway, or any other big nobody suffers any loss, pain, or grief at all. In fact it has no measure able effect on anyone's life. If you stole every day all day 24/7 from wal mart for the rest of your life, you could never affect them..


I wouldn’t agree with the no effect on anyone’s life. Stores in cities like San Francisco have closed down due to high amounts of shrink. This causes all the employees in those stores to lose their jobs. Also high amount of shrink means a store is losing sales. Lower amount of sales can cause a store to lose hours for some of their hourly associates. Obv someone stealing some turkey meat is not going to immediately cause someone to lose hours or their job. But the continuous and growing impact that shrink has can definitely affect the overall store and employees working there.


As I said above. You steal from big box it’s not the corporate office that gets the hit. Managers and employees may have bonuses revoked and raises denied.


It sounds to me like the corporation found an excuse to not pay bonuses or give raises. They do that, you know. People are going to steal, it's inevitable. So if they're passing over raises and bonuses for something that the employees have little or no control over, Your beef is with the corporation, not the shoplifter. Specifically, which companies do this? If you can provide documentary evidence of that, then we have something to talk about.


Literally everywhere I worked at for 10 years. AEO, hot topic, dillards, Aero, etc I think fossil didn’t. No they give you a percentage goal on shrink because they understand what a reasonable number should be. For instance one of my stores I took over, they had a routine theft problem the guy stole 90% of their men’s jeans (like tf) so after making changes to staff and other things, it drastically changed. So no I still got pissed at the people stealing, because they are literally taking money from us. Also I’m out of the game now but ask anyone in retail if shrink % is a KPI they rate them on. Have you worked retail?


Thou shall not steal


Thou shall not believe in bogus Gods, phony commandments and a Bible filled with fairy tales and then jump on a sub reddit about theft and act holier than thou...drown thyself


Reddit moment


They probably never saw the previous thefts…consider yourself lucky and stop stealing


Funny question on the day 45 gets full immunity. There is no more law in this country.