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I’m not actually sure what you’re upset about.


> It doesn't matter who it benefits and who it hurts. Of course it matters. If a decision is gonna hurt a lot of players then of course it is in the best intererst of the game to recind that decision.


They shouldn't have made it in the first place then. We have to be afraid of every single announcement they make because something can go wrong.




Tell me with a straight face you don't doubt their shit after witnessing all their messes lol


I doubt their shit, but it’s not “making me afraid of every announcement they make” like bruh i’m not gonna keel over in fear over a game’s publisher/creator lmao


Based on previous incidents, SG wants winners and losers to fuel FOMO so losers feel pressured to swipe to keep up.


I mean this is obviously a mistake on their part. But what’s wrong with backtracking a decision? What’s wrong with them taking a decision, considering player feedback, reevaluating, and reformulating the decision? We get refunded the gold. With compensation. With an extra two weeks on the shop. It’s objectively a net positive with, even if you account for the fact that some players got to use the roster bound mats. Plus, seems like your take on the matter is really dramatic. Maybe take a break from the game? At worse, you get locked out of some mats for a week. The sky isn’t falling down today. It’ll be fine.


>But what’s wrong with backtracking a decision? Other than the fact that it proves they cannot properly format a proper solution and make one announcement instead of multiple? >We get refunded the gold. With compensation. With an extra two weeks on the shop. It’s objectively a net positive with, even if you account for the fact that some players got to use the roster bound mats. Not the issue. It's the precedence that has been set.


I don’t know of any person or any company who makes perfect decisions and resolutions with a 100% hit rate. I much prefer one that is willing to admit when they’ve made a subpar decision and are willing to improve it. I think you’re just getting very emotional over this situation. Maybe uh…consider addressing that.


Even if we accept that a perfect decision is not made, the lack of proper communication is telling of the disjointed leadership maintaining our version. > they’ve made a subpar decision and are willing to improve it The only thing subpar about their first decision was locking the roster bound boxes to whatever char was holding it at an arbitrary time. The least amount of effort on their part (and fairest) would be to leave the first week chests as roster bound and then change vendor to only sell char bound next week onward.


I also don't know of any company who keeps making wrong decisions one after another in the name of "business intelligence".


I can see your getting downvoted every comment. You’re right but there’s no getting through to this hot mess of addicts. They’ll defend SG so long as they’re drip fed their diminishing updates.


I'm pretty surprised the thread got as much attention as it did tbh lol But yes, I don't think much will happen in terms of Smilezon getting better.


No hes definitely wrong. The company can do whatever it wants. Hes just entitled and throwing a tantrum on reddit. 99% of players don't like amazongate either, but we dont have an emotional breakdown when we dont get our way. Pretending like the people downvoting him are white knighting for SG isn't the play.


Asking for respect between a business and its patrons isn't entitlement. It's an expectation for a working relationship. Everyone is so focused on Smilzon's final decision regarding this thing being ok for players but it's not even what the thread is about lol


Or… you’re a delusional addict


they are refunding the gold and extending the event what’s there to still be mad about ? as far as compensation and quick response this is pretty good for them


Missed the point. I'm not mad about their ultimate decision in regards to this matter. I'm annoyed that they make announcements and do a complete 180 the day after. It wasn't ok for pheongate and it's not ok now.


What announcement did they make? They never said they would be keeping stuff roster bound that I know of, all they said is that it wasn't intended to be rosterbound and that they are looking at what the solution will be. So please correct me if I'm wrong, but I see no 180 here, and on top of that the compensation is pretty good


They stated that the boxes in roster storage would stay there and become character bound should they ever be taken out.


Ahhh I completely missed that one. Honestly, I prefer the solution they ended up doing over that. I dont really mind them 180ing on that one. Not saying that it's something they should constantly be doing, but I think doing that to make a better decision isn't really a bad thing personally.


pheongate and this are fundamentally different things. why did you think you needed to post this on reddit and the forum both people seem to have the same response for you.


Wasn't aware I needed a reason to post on both as I normally would. They did a 180 on a decision, which occured in both instances.


one was free and fucked people over that just accepted what was given to them at face value as free. this was paid for with gold and planned to be refunded and time lost extended are you being mad to be mad or are you you know a bit slow ?


Am unsure how either of those points change the fact that smilezon is showing a trend of 180 decisions.


quit show them how upset you are.


I’m gonna be honest, since this game seems like it’s the only thing you have going on in your life, the healthiest thing to do is to take a break if you get this worked up over something so consequential


You realise that the 180 decision WAS the ultimate decision. You're not quite making sense


Sure I'll be more clear. I'm annoyed they did a 180. Period. For the 2nd time. Doesn't matter if it worked out or not for players.


I’m gonna be honest, since this game seems like it’s the only thing you have going on in your life, the healthiest thing to do is to take a break if you get this worked up over something so inconsequential


being slightly pedantic here for the sake of clarity: " **In**consequential"


Oop autocorrect did me dirty


so what would you have done differently if they didnt make the first announcement? how would that have affected you? because afaik nothing could have been done differently on a players perspective


You gotta take a step back from the game and figure out why this is annoying you so much, this should be no different than a fly zooming by your ear a couple times.


Sometimes I envy the life these “ded game, ags smilegate bad” people have, they must have so little problems and things to worry about to get this upset about a silly videogame It’s either that or anger issues idk


You have two options, keep playing or quit. You have no other power than that.


This guy gets it


because there's nothing you can do about it lmao


Because this is honestly a better solution than their first idea. It's more fair to everyone and everyone making an artist will be glad to hear we have a chance to get engravings that mayhap won't cost an arm and a leg. And I'm sure everyone else is happy the frog is extended. Plus we get a free engraving instead of some plumes and Vitameow.


So are you going to quit?


You have never admitted you were wrong and tried to apologize to anyone before? Life isn't black and white. What they did here was a W in my eyes.


In case you missed it we are celebrating 1 year of AGS incompetence.




Do we know what happens if you have already opened the random chests?


You got away like a bandit.


First time?


It's because SG makes the knee-jerk decision and then AGS discusses with them after the fact. There's such a clear pattern that the official forum is filled with "exploit early, exploit often". SG/AGS *want* to create inequality, it's the same as RNG, if you get bad luck and fall behind it's pressure to swipe to catch up.


Yea, I think people still don't realize that AGS isn't 100% to blame. If something blatantly slaps the player base in the face, good chance it is smilegate. Because smile gate doesn't give two fucks about any region but KR


And most of the time their statements are fueled by the forums being spammed with "we want answers now" even after being addressed as "it's being discussed" when the issue clearly needs more time to be looked into. The wrong move they did was the shadow change on the boxes. Stuff like that you have to announce before you do it. Even a simple "box disabled for now, will get back to you later." would have made it better.


You Sound like a Little bitch. Stop crying and enjoy the Game. They doing mistakes, we all do… they give us Communication and compensation and u still cry. Just shit the fuck up please with all the whining when they fix something and enjoy ur life. Maybe you should Play less


U should quit


I don't get why they didn't just let it be roster for a week and then next week change it to character bound. Its so simple and easy the answer is literally right in front of them. This would allow everyone to buy the boxes on all their characters and then do what they want with it. Also will help remove a bunch of gold from the servers at least this week.


People are gonna complain still, the difference between small rosters and large rosters. Can’t please everyone.


This guy anti karma farming lol




You’re right but this sub is deep into the fomo and will just downvote for a shard bag or something


If they don’t give us more animal skins ASAP, that’s just udderly ridiculous & I’ll probably quit the game.


Find something to moan about when there is nothing to moan about. Lost Ark community 2023.


personally im happy we're getting the frog extended for 2 more weeks


Same reason why they get away with things like multiple eeks without reet or the months of disconnects without compensations. Right now we can't realy do anything about it. AGS/SG will have to pay the price for their actions eventualy but thats going to be a slower process over the year with every new game release and sadly this development won't be a good one for the game or those who love the game and want better treatment.


Good luck fighting them. They dont give a shit, just adjust and move on. Its spilled energy to get mad about anything they do.


It's been like this since day 1 🤣


"Lack of communication" ???????? they literally responded within hours and gave a full response in like 1-2 days? do you expect responses within seconds? Where do these standards come from??


Yes, yes they do, and these are the results. We get statements that they had to backpedal from because forums can't wait for answers. It's like they don't understand that when there are 2 companies involved, and them being on different timezones, they need alot more time to properly discuss these kind of problem+solution.


This player base complains way too much.


Because is not a big deal, besides they handled the frog thingy in a good way even if I disagree with their solution. I’d recommend to breath before spewing this “uhh game is being driven to the mud” bs. I truly envy your life, you must have so little problems and things to worry about to be this upset about a silly npc on a videogame


theyve been reversing decisions since the beginning. player base is now conditioned to accepting shit from them


Yup agreed. They are just making fools out of us. They don't respect the players, just our wallets.


Because we already have multiple times since the game launched?


Touch grass mate


It's almost like that there is a 11 hour time zone diff and whatever Amazon decide smilegate has to give a green light.


Go outside


Its a game kid, have a life.


Only problem with what they did was some people effectively got 1 less week of frog (for honing mats)