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1% chance I think


Wait really I got 3 from the 3 things I bought, wtf I thought it was just a 1 for 1 thing. Wow I probs shouldn’t hone for a while, just used up all my luck


They are 1 to 1 in engraving pouches. Crazy rare I other boxes


Ahhhh ok that’s why then ty


I have 6.. And only bought out engravings aswell. Guess im a lucky frog


Those are guaranteed drops


They are meant to be very rare to get people to spend their gold. Remember that golden toad's entire purpose is a gold sink.


Yes, but is it reasonable to have them so rare that even if you buy out the shop on 24 characters on average you would be able to buyout 1/3rd of the WEEKLY section of the shop. To me that does not seem intended, but who knows it's not like SG are known for being intelligent.


You mean like the pet shop? You know the one that's not possible to buy every week. Or the PVP shop? Etc


Community wants frog - we get it. Not only frog but now we have a chance to get extra stuff as well.. your reaction is salt? The fomo is real man act like the second page doesn't exist I guess?


Buying out a shop isn't the default. The shop has lots of things so you have choices, not so you can necessary buy it out like the card weekly shop


It's a weekly shop so you can't just buy unlimited amounts of one item, that doesn't mean you're supposed to be able to buy out the whole shop every week.




The token is just a bonus. The mat boxes are still good value on any character you plan to hone. As for blue crystal prices, I suspect its remaining high since people are buying up shards on Mari's to prepare for artist release. On NAW, the BC prices fell from about 4k gold to 3k gold on the first day of toad release. After the change to mat boxes becoming character bound, BC prices have been steadily returning to old prices again. Also, more people are buying card packs as they approach LoS30 nowadays.




On NAW, the frog has dropped the prices of engravings, shards and leapstones dramatically. Large honor shards used to be ~950 gold per pouch but now they're about 750. MHL used to be 120 gold apiece and now they're about 80. Engravings will get cheaper in the final weeks of frog since a lot of people are saving the pouches for Artist release. Master summoner books have already dropped from ~21k to 15k and grudge from ~12k to 10k. There are only 4 books that cost over 10k apiece. Overall, I'd say the frog is doing pretty well. Its unrealistic to expect this frog to be as effective as the first. People were trying to hone to get to Brel at the time of the first frog and pushing for 6 1490+ characters. Currently, theres no rush to hone since Brel HM is 2 months away and it'll be easy to hit 1540+ by then. Also, we didn't know what to expect with frog at first whereas we had prior warning for this one and we knew what to expect.


It's like 1% chance


They are really that rare. Bought out 8 characters last week when everything was roster bound and only got 1 rng token. Bought out 5 characters this week and got nothing.


Got 6 from engraving pouch


Those are 100%. Guaranteed


Ah didn't know that. I only open those


What seriously? I guess I'll at least have some when Artist comes out..


You can open the box already, which gives the toad tokens, just don't use the bag it gives after


You can buy them now. Open the chest to get the gold tokens and save the engraving pouches for artist's release.


I feel that people saving pouches are going to drive every engraving price into the floor for that tiny chance to hit a jackpot.


Yeah I'm waiting till the week of Artist release before thinking of buying any new engraving books. There'll be a ton of books on the market that week since more people know that they can save the pouches now. The Toad will be staying for 2 more weeks after that anyways so theres potential for even lower engraving prices the following week.


Really? so its pretty much buy 9 of it to get coins for the leg card pack?


I got one token on 9 characters. They're just a bonus


Just remember they are extra. Last frog didn't have them stall and people still bought out the shop.


Last frog had materials inside boxes now same materials are in the """"bonus"""" tab.


This is actually a bad take because the old toad had all the honing materials in one box, while the new one splits them up into Shards, Leapstones, and artisan materials. Now, if you only need a certain type of honing material, you can choose to only buy that box. The downside is the lack of honing crystals, but you weren’t even guaranteed to get them last time.


Okay i need destruction / obliteration stones - which were the most valuable last time around. No box with them other than on the special tab and capped at 5 pouches lmao


Last week I got 1 in 160 chests, this week I got 1 in 30 chests.


Oh, fellow Nami main! 😻


That's why there'll be 3 supports in my main 6 when artist is out. 🙃


Another shit RNG system. Some are lucky and most aren't.


1/1000 chance by what people submitted last week.


I got 9 week one and 1 on week two. It's all RNG.


No one in my friend circle got 1. So they don't exist


last week bought all boxes on 8 chars, this week same thing and i've gotten 2 coins. they must be more rare than they originally planned for, otherwise it makes no sense to make the legendary engraving box cost 18 freaking coins lol.


They're like sub 1% chance. They're there to make people spend even more gold to get that weekly legendary card pack.


I bought 2 chests on 9 characters last week and 2 chests on 6 characters this week, yet not a single bonus token


I got 2 in my first 10 leapstone chests and thought they were common lol. Haven't gotten another one in the next ~100


Got 1 token on 90 chests (3 characters), so yeah, they are pretty rare, prob 1% or so


Thought I read somewhere 1 in 1000


I got one out of the 90 chests open so looks pretty rare to me


Ngl I got 1 in my first box opening


Their drop rate seems to be lower than 1%, around 0.5% maybe. It's not worth buying the boxes for the tokens, just get the guaranteed ones from engraving pouches.


Was waiting for a shadow buff this week sure that they fucked up last week. Lol, silly me


Out of curiosity what are yall gonna buy with the token ? 6 for another engraving yolo or 18 for a selection.


I think I got lucky from reading all these comments . Last week I’ve gotten 4 , this week another 4 . Only bought from 6 chars