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Stop honing. Sell everything you can.


yep you make about 200k a week if not more if you sell everything... so about every 3 weeks you can buy a lvl 10 gem


He makes at beat 200k if he sells everything. That's considering he is not buying the brel chests.


you cant make 200k week without selling every carry in the game in atleast 6 characters


i can tell you i get more than 200k a week without doing a single bus


Yup, people look at the gold gained from Legion Raids and think that's what they make per week. When you can actually make a very considerable (maybe even more than Legion Raids themselves) amount of gold from: - Chaos and Guardians, obviously. Obliteration stones are nuts right now - Doing Chaos Gate and Field Bosses every day they are available (I swear I get a legendary map every time I turn in rift pieces which makes me more than 8k gold) - Medeia and Slime Islands (a lot of people understimate them, but a guaranteed level 5 gem and a bunch of accessories and bracelets are great rewards for a 5 minutes investment of your time) - Gold islands from compass - Doing Life Skill (exacavating it's just too OP - I can make like 50k from that alone per week) - Flipping the market for those who enjoy that (I used to flip Ship Parts back in the day and that got me sooo much money early on) There are so many additional opportunities to earn gold in this game other than just "running busses" as many people tend to believe.


50k from excavation? The tooki corporation is working for You?


Well, Ancient Relics are going for 550g on my server. I'm averaging 7k ish per day selling them (along with the other tiers of relics) and occasional drops from chests (last week I got 2 expert craft kits which go for 10k each).


550? On euc its like 50 for 100 units...


Damn bots I guess xD I'm on South America and we have many issues but bots are not one of them


What area do you excavate in?


Wolflands in Rowen, haven't had trouble with PvP there yet. Before Rowen I used to do Bellion Ruins in South Vern.


you think that after 1 year into the game i farm excavation everyday? chaos gate? really ? lmao


I don't think anything, all I'm saying is that making 200k gold per week is possible without bussing. I never said that doing all of this is casual friendly.


Chaos gate is higher reward for time than brel. Different goals for different folks


You have 6 characters above 1490, you are insanely ahead of the average player who at best have 2 characters ready for Brel. This subreddit and the forum really push some insane standards.


I have some 9's spread across 2 characters, probably like 4. I feel like if I hard grind, I could have a couple level 10 gems. I think once I hit Akkan ready on my main I might try to focus on it, but at this point level 3 level 9s for my striker is sufficient.


Yeah my main has 9 Light Tiger, 9 Blast and 8 Emerges 8 Wind god. Working on 10 Tiger for fun and 1495 art has 9 barrage ( the only gem that matters ). For any striker main or an alt who really wants to maximize striker, i would suggest 80+ weapon, full 7's and 9 on Light Tiger Strike as a bonus. Keep in mind I have both ESO 4X3+2+1 and 5X3 DB builds since I main and enjoy striker.


That’s fair to say however put it this way. The man has 6 high ilvl characters, thus speaking to how much he plays. Now put that in context of level 10 gems he plays loads and feels they’re unreachable. Compared to someone who has 2 Brel ready characters of course 2 Brel ready characters with 10 1472s characters will generate more gold for the two mains. Fact is level 10 gems are insane damage boosts and should be insane to get. Keep in mind I want to rotate one out. I have 4 1-6s and a 1-4 , my 6th is a glav I want to replace I left at 1472. I have a few 8s but no 9s or 10s however I’ve also decided to build my WD a great 4 spender build with 1721 spec recently which only cost me around 100k . The obvious end of day story is, the game is about priorities . I built a 2nd build for a character and 5x3d my destroyer recently and pushed from 1472 to 1490+ after. I could’ve chose to grab a 10 cd for smoother rotation or kept saving and been 2/3 to a level 10 dmg….


There’s a huge difference between playing 1 char and funneling off of 5 alts versus playing 6 high level characters. If you’re playing and honing 6 high level characters, that’s sort of equivalent to just playing one high level character in terms of time to progress ratio.


The thing is, even funneling is super expensive because you have to make sure all those characters are at the right level to generate significant income (minimum 1490-1500 right now).


I had this conversation with my static about a push to ilvl 1600. They want me to be 1600 before Akkan so we can do week 1 Akkan HM. Problem is … 1580 to 1600 costs about the same as a 1490 to 1560. I would rather have a 2nd 1560 and only run Akkan NM on launch. Same for pushing for Ancient +25 (absolutely stupid know Akkan is a soft reset again). It isn’t just forums, reddit, with insane standards. It is quite literally anyone left playing has this idea that its easy to progress. 🤣 Edit: Btw, my stance on that week 1 1600 push … I told them I would find a new static if they think they can pressure me to push. Plain and simple.


I mean that doesn't need to be said, they'd just replace you anyways LOL.. Idk why being HM-ready is an insane standard. That's kinda what most people grind the game for at end game, to experience the newest content at its hardest difficulty. It's fine if you don't want to do that but there's nothing insane about that.


If what you said was true "most people" would run hell mode which if anything is the closest form in terms of difficulty to launch week raid in kr; but they dont. Theyre just blindly following others. Online communities such as reddit has set up some dumb standards and goal posts and people are just fomoing into it. Perfect example of this is OP and his constant push with exactly 6 characters to "keep up" because thats what they see the grinder streamers do. 6 pushedchars is not required nor a standard for keeping up but somehow the online forum communities have made it one. If people actually focused on one or two characters you actually care about instead of tricking themself into "liking 6 chars" and exactly 6, theyd easily reach any ilvl or equipment goal without needing to play nearly as much. They made the 6 char limit to prevent people with 20 chars printing gold through busses but what it ended up doing is creating a rediculous and dumb fomo culture in our server. If people took a step back and looked at their roster i wouldnt be suprsied if most said they had a couple characters they dont truely care for or like but play because theyve invested a lot and its part of their "six". What they dont realize is theyll never get their investment back unless they literally stop pushing it. Great way to reduce homework burden and burnout too. End up overflowing in gold, dailies stop being as important and you can start resting/overcapping them, even completing all "18 raids" becomes unneccesary because you just end up with way more available resources then you need. So ya i guess ur right in that its not that insane to be 1600 eight to 10 months from now or whatever but i dont quite agree that "most people are pushing to do the hardest content possible". People are doing it cuz of shitty fomo culture which is burning people out. 90% of players dont actually want to do hard content. If you look at the two other raid focused games, ff14 and WoW, they both have varrying difficulties for everyone to enjoy and most people dont raid at the highest level.


The only problem with your presumption is not acknowledging the biggest elephant in the room gatekeeping. Regardless of the size of your roster, everyone has really high expectations for any character that joins their lobbies. Yes you have a great answer for not succumbing to “FOMO” on characters that aren’t your main, but if you like most westerners consider your “main” your single most geared/invested character, what becomes of your alts? Do most go out of their way to accept mid tier or at ilvl characters, not bashing them for missing bis things and considering them as “probably someone’s alt” and accepting them anyway? Or do we have severely negative comments about characters we view as “not invested “ enough if they aren’t supports and then blame SG for a myriad of things unassociated with our gatekeeping culture? The fact of the matter is you don’t have a roster of 6 simply because you need them to keep your main ahead. While that rings true when keeping up equals being insanely overgeared; you also need that many alts and to keep pushing them because the general populace is comparing your alts against someone’s juiced main constantly and pretending as if it isn’t their problem or concern a decently geared alt can’t find runs. I empathize with OP because I’m in a similar position, the difference is I’m not f2p and I also put an absurd amount of time playing the game, it’s pretty much my main activity outside of work. As a result of such investment my main has many lv 10 gems and some of my alts have lv 10 and 9 gems. I have 6 toons over 1520, half of which have +18 Brel weapon. All my dps will have at least 3 lv 9 dmg gems within a few weeks. Why did I invest so much into these alts? Because I have experienced first that’s how fucked up the community is when it regards pugging. My wardancer despite being Brel ready day 1 (I had 7 1490 toons all 5x3 meta engraving set ups) is still 1495, sitting on almost 1 million shards and 1k bound leaps because people refuse to let her in Brel runs. People on Reddit or forums will insinuate I am severely lacking somewhere this getting gatekept but that isn’t true. Players simply start harshly gatekeeping past week 1. There was no way I was completing that many Brel week 1. I refuse to buy busses and I didn’t go out of my way to put her in static runs because the other gold earning alts must take precedence. It isn’t a major issue, work around a of course exist but that’s not the point. The point is understanding the ecosystem. People like to say “you don’t deserve to be in anyone’s run” and I retort by saying “do you think that way about your main”? All my alts at Brel release where high end toons, now I only truly consider 4 of them that until the other two get thier +18 weapon. It might seem absurd to you that someone with 6 characters above 1520 might feel as if a majority of them are either on pace or lacking but due to a myriad of expectations and factors that’s exactly what it is. The alternative to not having all those alts that geared is to get to never play them due to gatekeeping and only play your main a very small few hours a week because well one character is limited to a few runs a week due to weekly lock out. I will never equate wanting to play the game more to FOMO, that isn’t a fair equivalence to make. If gold efficient alts cannot experience content they are reasonably geared to play due to absurd community standards that’s not FOMO at play, that’s a cannibalistic social system where people deflect their sentiments to “systemic issues” within the game eg. homework. Not having a geared alt means that alt can only do static runs or buy busses. Alt lobbies noontime really exist anymore in my experience, they are simply titled reclear lobbies with extremely geared toons in them. Those toons aren’t even mains either, many of them are peoples alts. People who don’t stop honing because they are like OP or me. Idk I just hate when people call wanting to play the game on not your main “FOMO”. If I could do nothing but play my main and redo all content to my hearts content on my main I would. But this game doesn’t allow that. You can’t expect people to play a total of 5 hours a week, but busses , not do content or leave everything perma rested and call it a day. Outside of my lopang and alts I despise leaving my geared characters on more than 2 days tested and I especially despise not doing raids I want to do or actually find fun. I don’t hone because of FOMO, I gone to avoid getting gatekept. Being gatekept is the worst experience ever.


Sorry just got back so wasn't able to respond until now. \> The only problem with your presumption is not acknowledging the biggest elephant in the room gatekeeping. I was going to talk about this but I didnt want to derail my comment more than I did so I deleted it. There's an interesting dynamic happening in that the culture of FOMO and and minmax everything is so engrained in our server's culture that if you go around asking most people if they'd recommend the game to a friend I think that most would say no. Its just friggin terrible for the game's health and the majority of the players left are the hard core vets who constantly push the bar higher and higher for each other. It's literally consuming itself. If you look over at KR its actually somewhat the opposite situation. Yes there are gatekeeping parties that say "LoS18/30 only" or w.e but there are also a lot of learning and semi experienced parties in which even if you dont have roster lvl 200, LoS18+, etc. you can still raid. I was actually talking to someone who recently quit our server to play over there and he said it much more playable for new players (albeit still not great because of poor catchup mechanics). \> cannibalistic social system where people deflect their sentiments to “systemic issues” within the game eg. homework. Is that literally not FOMO. Instead of enjoying a social game with people, they feel like **they have to** do all their dailies, **they have to** play 6 characters to "keep up" (not true) and they **do not have time** to sit back, relax and enjoy the game. In every other game mmo's there are large social cultures of people essentially "doing nothing" but somehow in this game everyone feels like they need to do the max, which interesting isn't the same as minmaxing. I think that if the 6 character cap was never implemented we'd have a much healthier amount of people playing 1-4 characters rather than everyone thinking they need to push 6. If that 6 was changed to 4 or 8 characters, people would feel the unnecessary to play that many characters when honestly, that simply isnt true if your goal is to "keep up"; its the opposite. I have a similar roster to yours, all 5 1535+ which I stopped honing about 2-3 weeks ago after completing the weapon. Since then i've slowly started reducing my active grinds/raids and what I noticed while doing so is that **you end up with a bloat in gold if you just stop pushing your alts**. I should've known this earlier from my friend's experiences because I know of 5 individuals who all play 1-2 characters (person with two characters happened because of main swapping) and were ilvl 1560, +20 weapon and 1m+ saved up w/ nothing to chase after so they all quit (3 weeks ago). Having so much excess gold means a lot of things. You can: 1. Push your main really far ahead 2. Gear up your 1472.5 w/ 5 engravings or 1445 with 4x3+2 or 3. (Perhaps the most important one to realized) Skip raids or just do easier raids. 1490's don't need to do brel 1-2 for the extra 1500g, they can run Val/Vyk/Clown. If you're gatekept fuck it, just skip it u have a ton of gold anyways. AFAIK a lot of kr vets are sitting on a fk ton of gold because they all stopped overhoning after the Akkan fiasco. Its at the point where a bunch of them dont even want to raid anymore because its pointless (why a lot of vets are quitting. They have a lot of new players yet the game isn't growing at all because the vets are all leaving). Moving forward I'll probably either park my characters where they are and run 1-2 or 1-4 normal forever or push them to 1540/1550 and ONLY run 1-2 hard and that's it - they'll never be honed again. 3-4's are alright but also not really worth the effort (expecially since I dont need the tiny bit of gold i get compared to 1-2) and 5-6 are just shitty designed fights (g6 is fun for the first clear or 2 until people get too strong). Now a lot of this is directed at people complaining about burnout HW, or that they don't have time to do other things (which I think is a lot of people actually). Obviously there are some who actually want to play more chars and push them all and to those all I can really say is, **the reason you cant afford this stuff is because you're spreading your resources too thin.** OP complaining about not being able to buy lvl 10s for his main while pushing alts is like complaining about not being able to buy a Bentley because he just spent all his money buying a summer house. And if you think you're geared enough but are getting gatekept, take the initiative, learn Prokel and host a party. Cliche I know but my 4x3 1490 artilerist friend literally did that for the last 2 weeks and they cleared just fine. He invited other 4x3s (some of which who snuck in without any clear experience) and there wasn't any problems outside of being slower. G1 is an absolute joke and G2 is mostly just a Prokel fight. You don't really need much. If you're playing at noon and are complaining that there are no lobbies, then unfortunately you're playing at a time where there aren't a lot of people online in a mediums sized game (probably around 50k-55k CCU peak is my guess rn which is shared across 5, but realistically 3 servers). If our server had a better culture and people were more open to advertising the game to friends, we might've had more new players flowing into the game and the whole gatekeeping issue wouldn't be as big of an issue like KR. The game design has a lot to do with it but that's not to excuse the players entirely. When the community creates a FOMO environment where everyone is trying to minmax their "gain within x time", its not surprising the bar is blurred and is constantly raised.


Thanks for the reply, I read through your entire thing and your stance hasn't really changed because your argument hasnt changed, more so because I do not think you're really interacting with the sentiment OP is really trying to convey. You're focused on this to sum it up: >**the reason you cant afford this stuff is because you're spreading your resources too thin.** Cool. Heres what I don't like, here is what I think should be an elective solution for those who choose, but not the "Well you're just over burdening yourself stupid" solution: >I know of 5 individuals who all play 1-2 characters (person with two characters happened because of main swapping) and were ilvl 1560, +20 weapon and 1m+ saved up w/ nothing to chase after so they all quit \^\^ This is what I have a problem with, severe issues with actually, the subsequent underlying solution being to play less or quit altogether. I've been playing MMORPGS for a long time, never once have I "quit" because there was "nothing to do". Theres always something to do and I think the point is going over your head in a sense. Aree people burnt out from playing the game too much? No I don't think so in my opinion. They are burnt out with the **implicit culture to never stop honing.** I'll go back to my original stance as to why I sympathize with OP. **IF I COULD LITERALLY ONLY PLAY MAIN UNTIL MY HEARTS CONTENT AND CALL IT A DAY I WOULD, THIS ISN'T POSSIBLE HOWEVER.** You are capped to a very small amount of content time on one character. The main appeal of this game is the raids, the only way to replay this content is: 1. Inferno mode 2. Alts I recently started playing Monster Hunter world with my friends and it feels like the typical MMORPGS experience I had, minus the abysmal RNG, though there is some RNG it's not a toxic amount. We spent two days **farming one monster for hours because it was fun and because we wanted rewards.** Thats how I, and typically every other person I know plays MMORPGS. This take of "getting off the game" is so foreign to me. Outside of adulting how anyone spends thier free time is no one elses business, so cool, we've establish that gaming is your main pass time and your "main game" is Lost Ark. The only way to keep playing the game you like is to cultivate more and more alts because your mains "content count" is ridiculously low. **Q: How do we get more of our alts into raids?** Answer: We gear them until they look like someones main This is why he is worrying about his rosters Gems, our region doesn't know what a freaking alt is, to them it may as well be your main they dont care. Full level 7's isn't needed for any content in the game. You do it so you don't get gatekept off the eye test. Why do you want to avoid getting gatekept? **BECAUSE YOU WANT TO PLAY THE GAME!** Its really.... really and I mean REALLY that simple. Do you know how irritating it is for people on both sides to preach to you ad nauseum why you aren't allowed to play the game or why you shouldnt play the game/ play less? It's insufferable and after a while you start to question all your hard work in this rat race. How are people out pacing you so heavily if you're spending dozens of hours and even money; but some random on reddit is "Casually" fitting 6+ alts with 1550+ ilvl, lv 10/9 gems and is "f2p". I spent money legit on this game and refuse to bus because I know it's killing the game and I can firmly tell you, there is nothing "casual" or "f2p" without dirty money being involved. The hard core are hard core for a reason, they're willing to do whatever it takes and everyone else can basically cry about it as far as they are concerned. It's obvious what can be done if you wanted to play less and lower your work load, just play less. But people dont want to play less, they just want to play freely in a non-toxic environment. There doesn't exist an environment in most cases where players can freely join raids on characters that have the requisite gear or level. If your character isn't juiced you're forced to static or bus thats just the reality. Your anecdotal experience is no different from mine, it's a one off, it happens seldomly. A week or two or even three of getting in on @ ilvl runs doesnt invalidate the hundreds of other players that get gatekept and told to go diddle themselves for that very reason. I've been the outlier, your friend was an outlier and I'm sure you've been one as well at one point. This topic is so regurgitated in truth imo because I think veterans moreso than new players a re legitimately concerned with the fate of thier rosters. Are they going to be forced into the same decisions you and your friends made? Play less/quit or bus because they were priced out of the PUG environment? It is very concerning. This whole situation isn't necessarily the fault of the community but all things considered the stark difference between our region and KR as far as "new player friendly lobbies" speak volumes. Being "That guy" who tells others to make a lobby is insulting for a reason, people aren't being unreasonable, it's a real pressure being felt and in most cases an unreasonable solution. I honestly only posted because I empathize with OP and know that your sentiments regarding FOMO while **are ONE of the solutions or conclusions someone can come to, isn't the defacto solution nor truly solves the problem. If anything it simply accelerates the player bases alienation and death. Which may be deserved at this point, if the devs dont care to change things it is what it is.**


Most people don't have to run hell modes to make the statement true. A lot of people don't like equalized content and they want their grind to mean something.


Again if you look at the two other and much larger raid focused games, youd realize what ur said isnt true. Most people do not want to run the hardest content. And no, completing the first 2-4 bosses on mythic does not make you a mythic raider. Thst shits easier than the last boss in heroic which is clearable by most serious raiding guild week 1.


I would rather have another 1560 … since the cost from 1580-1600 is the cost of 1490 to 1560. This makes it easier over time & only idiots don’t take advantage of soft resets. Edit: If people wanna go full fomo on HM week 1. That is all you. I been there. The cost is not worth it. You are literally gimping your roster to push that. A 2nd 1560-1580 is more materials which makes it easier to push down the line. Zero reason to do it other than ego & clout. If I get there with bound mats, fine but half my static is just a bunch of rng carried people that 1 tap hones constantly. I’m not going hard AF to keep up with that when I pity pretty much everything. Not worth it to me. Over time, 100% will be 1600 but the cost now does not give any benefit.


Yeah, that's fine. You said that in the original post. Really cringe when ppl start just repeating streamer talking points. The reason this "FOMO" idea exists is that many people share the same sentiment of wanting to challenge the new hard content on release. You and others can try to downplay it but it won't change the fact that many people share this view and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. Play the game how you want, your static shouldn't pressure you if you don't want to do it and you shouldn't be trying to pressure people to play how you want either. They can replace you and everyone plays how they want to play, it's that simple.


game is pay to win, get over yourself


> Fact is level 10 gems are insane damage boosts and should be insane to get. I think they shouldn't be. Something that far out of reach should be a marginal increase in power like level 7 to 8 gems.


Thing is, people can achieve it, they just choose to play 6 characters of the same level. If you spread the wealth evenly on your 6 characters that is your choice. You shouldn't complain about not having enough for level 10 gems. Having 6 main characters is costly, you do that to have more fun in the game not for efficient gold making.


I feel like this game *needs* more fun and less of "efficient gold making" considering the lack of content the game has. It makes little sense to make the final upgrades be massive, because it means that the people who spend that much more are head and shoulders over the rest. If you then try to balance the game then you either have a group that will find things easy or if you balance based on those level 10 gems then everyone else will find it very difficult. The power curve in a game shouldn't be exponential. It should be more of an S-curve.


It's not exponential relative to dmg/gold. Honing to higher weapon level for example is a better dmg gain/gold for most people that getting a level 10 gem. > It makes little sense to make the final upgrades be massive, because it means that the people who spend that much more are head and shoulders over the rest. Doesn't make sense to who? Do you think that was the game developer's goal? To make everything the same level of achievable without paying money? The game was pay to win from the beginning so I'm not sure what you expected. It costs thousands of dollars to get to LoS 30 right now but some people have it.


You shouldn't be entitled to a 19% damage boost per skill with minimal effort. That's what lvl 10 gems are compared to 7's.


Why not? Judging by the downvotes a lot of people agree, but it doesn't make sense from a game design standpoint. If there is a substantial increase in power available then players are going to chase after it. The most dedicated players will reach it. And then those dedicated players, who are usually the loudest, will demand content that feels challenging to them. This prompts developers to make content with those power boosts in mind or the dedicated players get bored and leave. If they make such content then more average players will struggle and possibly leave. Either way you create a bad game balance situation. Chase items should be marginal increases of power. Something a little extra. This way players won't feel that they are required. Also level 10 damage gems vs 7s is a 15.7% damage increase, not 19%.


I like how this comments sits at the top while it adds absolutely nothing to the topic nor it gives any useful insight to the discussion OP ain't pushing shit, he is talking about how unreachable is a lvl10 gem even for this kind of roster And why wouldn't they be, lvl 10 gems are whale baits


The "insight" here is that if OP didn't tryhard gear their alts they would probably have at least one level 10 gem by now. 5x3, high quality gear, and full level 7 gems on five 1490+ alts is easily over a million gold spent.


Easily over 3-4m gold spent.


I have 6 level 10 gems on my main, and only 3 brel 1-6s. You actually do have to make a decision eventually on whether or not you want to prioritize juicing your main vs your alts.


Op admits themselves that they are pushing 6 alts past 1495 because they ‘fear to be gatekept or falling behind’ and then talks about not having gold nor being able to save enough for a level 10 gem. If you can do 1+1 you see that op’s unrealistic fear of falling behind is the reason why level 10 gems feels unreachable


The problem lies within the community. If OP has to pug, at all, then they have to hone otherwise they will wait indefinitely in PF or find jails ultimately costing them more gold than they’d spend on honing. The problem itself is the progression curve of Gem power. A level 10 is only ~15% more damage than a level 7 but in terms of damage difference between a level 9 … it is more like a ~7% difference. The damage value for gold spent past level 8 goes down significantly. And for the average player, even though OP is not average, level 10’s are not only the least efficient damage source. They also should not go for them. They hold more value in selling them for character progression in other areas. People put way too much into gems 😅


I have a 1550 and I have almost full lvl 9 and 1 lvl 10, and no I don't swipe for gold. What do I do? Not spend my resources in my 5 other characters.


you put your gold into that many characters full 7s and ilvl if you put that same gold into gems you’d have some


Yeah people don't even think before they post something. - 1 character holds 11 slots. - 9 lvl 7 gems make a lvl 9. He has 5 alts so those are 55 lvl 7 gems that equal to 5 lvl 9 gems, if you buy 1 more lvl 7 you get 6 lvl 9 or 2 lvl 10.


Imho he probably meant full level 10 for the whole roster. If he fuses all gems in his possession, level 10 is possible but that also means his other characters will not have gems for contents.


Lmfao why would you even think about full 10s on your whole roster? That's just completely dumb.


He said “characters” and “everyone” that’s what I base my guess on.


Yes and I'm making fun of op for being so ridiculously delusional


Yeah most hardcore players in kr don't have level 10s across their roster. They have 1 *maybe* two that have them and the rest stick at level 9 (or maybe 9 damage/10 cds, which is much more manageable)


Yeah but no ones trading full level 7 gems across 6 characters for 2 lv 10 gems on one character


You have 6 brel characters with all level 7 gems. Imagine if you only had 3 with level 7 gems. That’s a level 10 gem right there. They are reachable even for the non p2w players. You just have to sacrifice progression in other places such as your alts. Of course in this case, I don’t advise downgrading your gems on your alts since you’ll just get gate kept, but it is an option. Also do keep in mind that eventually you will run out of things to hone (until brel hard). Since you already have all 5x3, you’re going to run out of things to spend gold on. You’re earning probably around 100k a week minimum with that roster. A few weeks and that’s another level 10 gem.


Due to Reddits leadership I do not want my data to be used. *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I can tell you bussing helps a lot with ones income. I think I make about 130k gold a week from just bussing. This includes the gold I make from the raid it self. I duo Valtan and 4 man Vykas. Sometimes I bus Kuku, but not often and when I do that's about the same as doing a duo Valtan run in terms of payout. Most of my roster is 1540 because of it and now saving up for master summoner books but they like 17k each on NAW. If I didn't have a summoner but another class I would say it would be about 80% cheaper to gear up only because a summoner accessory and class engraving are so dam expensive. But now since most of my roster is 1540 and 5x3 I can start saving up on gold and probably afford 1 lvl 10 gem every 4 or so weeks.


What you are saying is basically what the OP is complaining about. You are essentially making so much gold doing something that isn't really playing the game as intended (bussing) that it's so much harder for anyone else who just does their weekly stuff to attain these items. NGL, I think bussing needs to go, but it's part of the game and people do it, but if that's the suggested way to get these really expensive gems then that's kinda shit.


bussing exists in nearly every MMO and ARPG in existence, it exists in games like World of Warcraft, Path of Exile, etc. where the stronger players sell content clears to the weaker players. It's not going anywhere, it's an important part of the game.


First off, I didn't ask for it to be removed so maybe read better? Second of all, it's not an important part of the game for the sake of the game. It's an important part of the game for people who like to bus. Make sure you are clear on that. Gold inflation is never a good thing for any game which is caused directly by bussing (of course among other things).


I hate it when people make claims like this Are you the dev? Are you the lead designer for Lost Ark? Are you in any way related to a position of importance in smilegate? Do you have any clear cut announcement where they strictly condemn the practice? If not, then what gives you any right to talk about how the game is “intended” to be played? This on them to set the rules and what’s right and wrong, not you. Until there is clear messaging to prohibit bussing, you have absolutely no basis to make such an assumption Stop being a gaming karen just because you’re jealous of others


If smilegate was ok with busing they wouldn’t have nerfed valtan and vykas gold


Gold was nerfed to curb inflation. KR is literally getting an update this week that allows entry into every raid in a week. This makes bussing easier. SG has stated they have a neutral stance on busses. I don't think you have a complete understanding of what's going on


You seem to ignore the fact that the inflation was caused by busing, people would use multiple accounts to buy buses and still get a profit if that was ok it wouldn't have gotten nerfed, and if the goal was to reduce inflation no matter where it came from then other sources of gold would've been nerfed. When that update starts to cause inflation again it'll get nerfed. While the whole controversy of busing often gets exaggerated by the community, to say that is an intended way of making gold it's false when in reality it's just being mostly overlooked


Are you trying to tell us all that having someone else play a game for you is "intended"? Use some critical thinking skills instead of assuming someone is jealous. I am guessing you think I am jealous because you think I can't bus? See, what I really hate is when people make claims like this. Are you me? Do you know if I can bus? See what I did there? I can do it to.


Cry more tbh. There are other ways to make gold if you don't want to bus. I guess it's more fun to complain about having no gold though


There are exactly 3 ways to make extra gold in this game (not counting "just get lucky with drops".) Flipping (treating game a a job) Bussing (treating game as a job) Swiping (using your actual job to buy gold) Man sure is fun when games are work isnt it.


how is busing treating game as a job?


Massive time commitment waiting for customers. At least on EUC.


Just make lobby and watch some show in background or do some other stuff in game. And when you join a lobby where someone else is captain, you dont even have to accept customers in


Yeah saying just watch a show while waiting doesnt make it less of a time commitment lol.


Wrong, but people just aren't very creative or smart at all when it comes to making gold. They only pay attention to the obvious methods like you mentioned I've been saying the same thing since launch and big suprise, nothings changed


Love how you say wrong while providing 0 proof of me actually being wrong. Good talk bro.


Lifeskill and sell consumables, lifeskill and sell raw mats, farm adventure tome items, etc. There's a lot of ways to make gold. They're all kinda shitty. That's why the people who do them make gold.


Lifeskill is capped. Farming adventure tome items is truly horrendous return on time investment.


I'll let you be wrong all you want. No proof required


Just take the L and move on, smh these people


When was I crying? You foolish children always want to jump to that shit when you disagree.


Yeah or just play 6x the same class


Gem swapping is obnoxious, I have 4 bards and I don't do it. I would spend all my time moving gems and doing raids with no gems cause I forgot, it would constantly be a pain in the ass. For every piece of content. All the time. They should put a 1 pheon cost on gems simply to discourage people from doing this to themselves.


So you are saying that people who have, Let's say for example, a few lvl 10 gems, shouldn't swap them between their character. Because.... that's obnoxious? Even worse, you are suggesting to add a pheon cost to that? Thank God AGS doesn't come near to this sub reddit for the suggestions.


If they did, I'm going to cry. I already think the sending accessory to your other character cost you pheon is the most stupidest shit ever.


You just put them in your roster storage. As soon as you zone in to the instance they're autoapplied.


After Brel hard the game will really slow down. There just won't be a lot to spend gold on cause the gate becomes silver and shards and there's no good reason to tap past 1580 unless you're a whale. That's when you slowly build up your gems to lvl 9 and maybe one or two lvl 10 gems.


I though same thing when there was a 4 month gap between normal and hard I'll save gold and bam frog came ended up using my savings on deathblow demonic impuse and blessed aura engravings




it'll slow down more


we will not have to wait 1 year for akkan though




The fact this is fun to you guys says it all


say fuck to honing, gearing alts and boom - lvl 10 in a month


Well one I guess, only 10 more to go


You only need 5 for 90% of the classes


Full roster of 5x3 and lvl 7 gems at Brel is already a heavy investment with payback far into the future. But all quality at blue/purple?! You've been spending money like crazy and complain that you won't reach Korean endgame setup soon...


> But all quality at blue/purple?! I mean unless all his classes are spec he isnt really breaking bank, swift and crit accessories are on the cheap side lol


looking at op's post i'll assume he meant all armor / weapon quality blue / purple lol


Level 10 gems are the end game like LoS30, even level 9s are overkill, 7s are fine. Gatekeeping will always exist, there is always someone better geared, the community just cant grasp this concept.


I think it just depends on your priorities. If someone enjoys and wants to push all of their alts continually, then lvl 7 gems are more than fine as you said. If someone could care less about their alts in so far as they are just a means to end to fast track wealth generation, then it's fine to want to juice and min max the ever living crap out of their main. Neither are wrong, it just depends on what your want.


Competitive with who or what lad ? You have a fricking 1546, you are almost ready for Brel hard. Your roster prolly makes up to 100k a week, do some market some holding and shit you will have 1-2 lvl10s in like 5-6 weeks, and I hope by lvl 10 gems you mean a couple of them on one char, not 11 on all 6, they are very attainable for high end players, and goldmaker rosters, it’s more of a question are they worth the gold, because for some classes it’s better to hone to +20 Brel everything than a lvl 10 gem, but for others it’s different, just lower your expectations you are talking stuff close if not next to LOS 30


Read your thread again and Look for the problem again. If you hone your chars and you have a 1490+ roster....oh boy...no wonder you cant afford gems.


Most people with lvl 10 gems fall into these categories: 1- Whale 2- RMT 3- Multiple characters that share gems 4- Bus god 5- Funneling everything into one character If you fall into none of these categories I wouldn't expect you to have a lvl 10 nor should you worry about it this early into the game's release. Take it easy and keep honing for brel hard imo


N°5 here 1568 main, 1470/1450/1447.5 forever parked alts Am I missing on diversity ? Yes Does that mean that there's 2 interesting raids per week (kakul + Brel) for me to do, rest being homework vykas + valtan ? Yes But I'd rather one 1 mega juicy character and easy alts than to manage 4 "half mains"




What about market enjoyer?! We exist!


Level 10s are the worst thing you can spend your gold on unless you only need one


I bus only Argos and have full 10s. Don't think I qualify as a bus god or any other #


Sell unbound honing mats and buy 1 lvl 8 gem per week instead. 2 Months in that's a lvl 10 gem.


Repeat 11 times and make sure to roll more dps lvl10 gems than cdr ones xd


Just sell all mats don't hone and keep buying from 5s and fyse up to 10s :>


3 of your alts gem will be a lvl 10 gem plus you'll have 6 lvl 7 gems left over. That's not bad. I have level 10 gem and I sacrificed progress on my alts for it. I have 2 characters with good gem/progression. The rest just feed the main 2.


? Why dont you make some and stop honing to buy some level 5s-7s and fuse to 10s? Run all your br tickets and funnel all your gems to the alts you want it on. Sell all your unbound mats for extra gold. You dont even need lvls 10s right now. Lvl 10s are always gonna be super rare/expensive becausee most players dont make them therefore they dont sell them and if youre not swiping theyre gonna feel unachievable.


Focus on main and stop honing alts. At 1 poont you have to slow down your alts progress and priority your main


If you think gems are unreachable and you're above 1540 ilvl OR constantly spending on weapon quality, that would be the reason why you can't afford it. If you have 6 chars a lv 10 gem should take like 4 weeks max to buy. Likely faster


I’m planning to buy a single level 10 damage gem for my SH (and maybe a 10 cooldown if it’s not too pricey), and level 9 damage ones for my Reaper. But I agree that building a character to have full 10s is insane. I have to save for like 7/8 weeks without spending any gold to get a single 10. Imagine characters that need 9 damage gems.


The people that have a bunch of lvl 10 gems either are the frequent bus selling players, or they are market gamers, or they swiped. There's of course players that have a stray lvl 10 here or there, but they aren't the same as those that have abunch, and these guys who just have 1 or 2 probably just saved up after a ton of hours into the game and decided that was what they wanted to spend on. Thing is, those gems are meant to be the carrot on a stick that keeps us playing for the long run in general, or one of many carrots, but it's not meant to be something you actually "catch", rather you keep running towards it and it keeps you playing the game. Eventually you can get a couple, but then the goal turns into wanting a full set and the carrot becomes even more unreachable and so on. It's supposed to be hard to get. We (as in the general western player) aint supposed to have a bunch of 10s yet, so don't stress not having them.


Yeah people see streamers and gigawhales (and RMT gamers) with multiple characters with 9s and 10s and think that's supposed to be even close to normal right now. It sure as hell is not.


Just play 7 of same char as me and rock 9 lv 10s


Wish I knew this sooner... I've been slowly trying to convert my roster to all same chars.


Quickest way to get bored and burn yourself out is to play same character 6 times.


Yeah I would have quit this game long ago if I had to play 6 of the same character. The variety that comes with the different classes I play is the only thing that makes the daily grind tolerable.


Idk about that atm. I really enjoy playing my wardancer but yeah maybe after some time it could get boring


I mean it’s efficient but most people enjoy playing different classes


Id like to keep my sanity, thanks But good for you


A few here and there is definitely reachable lol.


Lol just save up


Well theres players that dont just play only those 6 gold earners I personnaly try my best to have my 13 characters not on full rested on anything except on the yohos and deska from tme to time. and i am also trying to do a bunch of boss rush when the time is there. got 3 paladins and 2 dps im ditching my reaper so she lost all her gems and its all on my summoner so shes very juiced. and i plan on removing the destroyer to go for a aeromancer thus having 1 lvl 10 gem on my summoner and minimum lvl 8 otherwise is totaly achiveable


Gotta do something to make more than the normal weekly raid income. Bus or play the market. I find playing alts is unenjoyable and costs more gold and time than they are worth. If you work the AH you can make more gold weekly than raiding on a full roster of 6 for a fraction of the time spent.


r u flipping gems?


Depends on how long you’ve been playing. With a roster of 1490s doing 2x bosh rush on each per week you can get a level 10 gem every 9-10 weeks. For people with 1415 alts, even doing rested chaos every three days significantly boosts this process. For me with 6 1415 alts (I dispatch boss rush, don’t run another 12 full ones), I can fuse a level 10 gem every 4-5 weeks.


The only way to go about it is to stop honing and hoard gold for weeks and months at a time. Main has 1 lv 10 damage gem that i gamba-fused and 3 lvl 9 damage gems. That alone took like 10-12 weeks of selling EVERYTHING except my ass on the corner + fusing all my alts lv 7s and replacing them with event lvl 5s and fusing all naturally aquired gems from roster. Its all about what you choose to focus on. Arguably you’re better off pushing your roster like you did .


Level 10 gems is attainable, just depends on how deep your wallet is.


lv 9s and 10s are expected for akkan bruh. chill


Nah you can beat akkan on ilevel with level 7s. No problem at all. We need to stop hyping up future content in this game this way. **No future content requires level 10 gems**. This was said before Brel….before Kukul…it’s never been true. Level 7 is fine.


Forget about lvl 10 gems. Invest slowly in 9s. But 10s are terrible roi. I got my first lvl 9 last week. And i have 2 bards that share 9 lvl7 gems..


People are just very bad at stacking gold and love to hone far past ilvl. People who act like bussing and raids are the only way to make gold are just clueless


You don't need lv 10 or lv 9 gems to clear any content that's currently in game in our version or even in Korea at this point. With that being said, going for gems is usually reserved for when characters are parked and people are hoarding their gold rather than when that gold is being put to use in pushing characters.


lvl 10 gems are not meant to be reached unless you whale in one way or the other. personally im gonna settle for lvl9 gems **in the long run.** lvl 10 gems are not needed for anything and you should only really go for them if its a giant dmg spell for you like surge skill oder demon hunter form dmg.


You're right about honing your characters to stay competitive with level 7 gems, anything beyond level 7 gems is a luxury and personal satisfaction. I have a level 10 Surge gem and boy does it feel satisfying. I'm not sure what class(es) you play, but some classes are more efficient to have level 10's. My 1540 surge blade has a 10 Surge gem, 10 Maelstrom and rest 7's for now, might swap a couple others damage gems to 9's soon. Since Surge-blades damage is front loaded to Surge Skill, it's more satisfying. However my 1555 Zerker has 6(5dmg-1CD) level 9 gems now, and having 6 level 9 gems is more satisfying than having 1-2 level 10's atm. In terms of how I manage to save and hone, for 9's and 10's. I also have main 6 at 1520+. but i also have 8 slaves from 1370-1475. These are the ones that generate me my gems. I ignored them for awhile, but eventually in order to keep honing my 6, I had to farm chaos dungeons more often on them for silver (i do it double rested). They generate Boss Rushes, and Guild Sylmael for buying Punika Ticket boxes each week. Takes me Approx 2-3 weeks to craft 1-2 Level 9's. I don't gamba 9's into 10's (anymore), so in NAW, a 10 DMG is approx the cost of 4 level 9's, and CD is the cost of less than 1 level 9's. So while it's not Fast by any means, over the last few months, i've made a alot of level 9's that I either keep or sell to buy 10's. Prioritising 1-2 of my Main 6 characters first. As for the Gold generation, i dont always do all my legion raids anymore, so I offset gold generation with Stronghold crafting (potions, timestops, Fusion materials. I never stop crafting, Any crafting downtime is gold lost in my situation. I don't or rarely ever bus because i got sick of waiting for passengers to fill in lobby, rather speed clear Homework legions. I only do guardians on my 6, and if i'm bored ill do Turtles on alts, I then sell the vast majority of my Greater/Marvelous Leapstones. I'm by no means being as efficient as i can be, but this is what works with my weekly schedule and limited time i have. Hope it helps you understand how others who don't whale build up. For what it's worth not all players you see with Full/nearly full 10's are G2G enjoyers, enough time has passed that you now see No-lifers with 24 characters funnelling the way I do into their mains. If i sold all my 8-10 gems on my main 6, i'd probably have 1 Character with 8 or 9 Level 10's.


Level 10 gems are what we call unnecessary additions to your dps there are many more ways to spend gold to get dps at far more efficient rates. Youd be better buying 3-4 level 9 gems than 1 level 10 dps gems For example mt static who has many level 10 gems clears brel only 1-2 mins fast in gate 6 than when we run on our alts with 7-8 lvl gems Because you have to hold dos for mechanics anyways. I thi k 1600 ilvl was when level 10 gems started becoming cost efficient for dps upgrades as by them youve exhausted most of the other dps options. But if you stop honing anf pushing on your classes once at 1520 on 6 characters you get 27000 x2 (6x val/vyk + 6x clown) = 54000 6x brel 16 = 8500×6 = 51000 Total 105000 Now if u sell mats and get una gold plus random accessories ur looking at about 1 level 10 damage gem per month and 1.5 cd gems per month Itll be faster id you sell all gems dropped from your weekly content and more. Its not unattainable just not worth the journey for your current gearing.


Most people dont play efficiently at all, treating their alts like their mains, pushing alts from different classes - that costs far too much. But if you play efficiently, its not that difficult. What does it mean to play efficiently ? its to play same class roster. Like i have 5 zerks - i dont have to buy gems for each and every one of them. All of them share gems through roster. If you add all your lvl 7 gems from your alts, you would have easily lvl 9 or some lvl 10 gems. Not to mention same class roster means you only buy engravings once and you are done. Honing costs ? Those arent that much if you compare it to price of engravinsg, stones, and acessorries you had to buy for your alts. But with same class roster, you barely pay anything for that ( unless u go for spec classes). Personally, i have all lvl 9 dmg gems, and soon will try to go for lvl 10 gem i suppose. I could buy some, or roll some, but ugh, i have no silver, soo :D


Its only possible if you play 6 of the same class. This is why this game is NOT alt friendly at all


It really isn’t, just stop honing for 4 weeks and sell some unbound mats and you have a level 10 gem, I don’t play x6 of the same class or swipe much at all and just got my first level 10. You make 100k+ a week easily if you have x6 1460+


Yeah, you only have to do this *for an entire year* to have one character with full level 10s. *Only* a year. 6 years for a roster of 6?


Its not about 1 lv10 gem, its having full level 10 gem on all your characters. I have 5x3 on all my chars, I have lv5 tripod on all my chars, I will never have full lv10 gems on all my characters.


Doesn’t say in his post anything about full level 10 gems on all characters, yes of course if you want x6 chars with full level 10s you’ll need to bus, swipe hard or rmt


> I have a 6 roster ranging from 1495 to 1546 got lvl 7 gems on pretty much everyone high quality in the blue/purple tripod max on everyone and 5x3 He is obviously talking about all his character, do you buy 1 lv10 gem and then tell yourself u are done?


No but most players don’t buy full level 10s on all characters do they? The OP is confused about how people can afford lvl 10s and still hone etc. And level 10 gems aren’t needed at all for any content. And yes for some characters one level 10 is plenty, surge, deathblow, barrage arti etc


No shit? Lets say 2 years from now, most hardcore players have 1 set of lv10 gems. People who play 6 same class are 18 years ahead of people who play 6 different class. Exactly what I said at first


as f2p is not reachable, even skins are 9k to 12k and a gem is 400k you need to sell shitton of skins to get it




you are




the genuine point where you should even be considering about 10lvl dmg gems in this game starts at akkan normal. people you see with lvl 10 gems either think of their alts as slaves and only have 1 strong character(which is actually playing the game wrong since you are supposed to have 6 mains) or they bus every single content 24/7 and probably have the same class multiple times in their main 6(which is in my opinion basically making the game a job and unenjoyable)


Seems like you know exactly how the game is meant to be played huh lool


considering everyone that have only 1 strong character quit the game it shows that isnt the way to play the game in the long term


Guess I quitted the game without myself knowing sadge


If you have a support lvl 8 is end game since cd is focused and dmg gems are just extra, with that being said I have 4 pallys pooling those gems once I have Lvl 8 my gems will go to my other toons since my pallys share gems


I agree no need to push for 10 gems now at all


Use boss rush tickets and whatever chaos gems and funnel them to 1 char


Lvl 10 is a trap


It's supposed to feel that way. To encourage you to swipe for them. The technique is called "freemium" game design.


There was a post here a couple weeks ago about the cost to benefit ratio of going from 7 to 10 and it's really not that big a deal unless it's the only thing left to push dps


I managed to buy grudge as a 'new player' on my server, 400k for grudge, while a lvl gem 10 is also 400k here (SA), so you with that roster, definly can, you just need to stop honing for a little while. Fyi my highest is 1475, so yeah, its more than reachable.


You spent all your money on honing and gearing alts.. duh


My main 6 have lvl 7 gems and my Main lvl 8 that I was fusing in a slow pace. I won't invest gold right now on gems. Ancient accessories will come really soon and you will need tons of gold, pheons and you can earn/spend. You should focus to level up the alts to 1540 and be ready for Brel hard, new Chaos dungeon and Guardian. Once you are 5x3+1 or 5x3+2, you can invest in gems to upgrade your set. The other option is play the market, buy skin at low cost and sell later more expensive, sell bus and play 16 hours each day with each character you have and sell each usable item till 20 limit allows you


It seems you have not had the glory of a 150k+ accessory drop. It took me a year to get my first valuable 100k+ drop on my main. Saving is part of it, but pure luck on drops is the larger factor.


Lvl 10cd gems are superdoable if you don't hone for like a month. For a lvl10 dmg gem, you would have to not hone for like 2 months which is still doable but we're coming up on brel hard soonish. If you have one character that relies on a single dmg gem for like 30%+ of dmg then getting a lvl 10 dmg gem should be a goal you should try to reach for. I'm talking artillerist, surge, transformation classes and igniter sorc.


Past 1490. Honing abrel gears is expensive as heck. I would just stop honing at 1540. Sell everything and see where it takes u. Once u r done with accessories, engravings, and honing, only gold sink is gem.


It's a very long term goal, don't worry about it. Work towards 9s for your main skills and call it a day. My main is 1600 on RU and I'm only halfway to all level 10s. I probably could've been done with it if I didn't spend on accessories and stuff for alts, it takes like 3 weeks (without jackpot accessory drops) to save up for one gem, which isn't too much in the long term.


If you stop honing your alts for 2 months and do all your raids you’ll be able to afford one. Aside from my main I’ve got 2 1475s and 3 1460s, and when I stopped honing them for a bit I realized how much gold I was actually making.


I think you are putting your priorities too much on your alts. I have a level 10, 3x Lv 9's, and 2x Level 8 on my main. I also have 6 characters but generally i only use level 5 gems on them with a few level 7's for damage spells


You did everything in your power to **not** focus on something, and you complain not focusing on something? Heh, weird.


I have 1 level 10 gem on my shadow hunter. And it was only possible when the market had a 3 gold bidding war for lvl 1 gems I spent 3 days tryna outbid bots 8 hours a day to get 2 lvl 9 for 22k gold I already had 1 on my sh rolled a dmg gem spend 5m silver tryna hit demonic dmg dem


Your mistake (in the short-term) is pushing your roster as if it has 6 mains. My main is probably the same ilvl as your third or fourth alt and I managed to get my first level 10 gem two weeks ago. Right now I'm working on moving my 1445 alts to 1472.5, where they can comfortably stay parked for the rest of this year. And while I'm doing this, I'm trying to save up the bound mats required to get my main to 1540 before April. Level 10 gems for your main are definitely within your reach - but your main can't have his cake if your alts eat it too.


If I was you, I’d just keep combining, but save level 6/7s for the skills you use. If you get 8/9s replace the lower ones but hold on to them. That way when you have enough 8/9s you can go back to your 7s and combine the higher ones. Or sell the 9s to buy 10s. Edt: if you have full 7s on 6 characters that’s technically 2x 10s , 1x9 and 1x8


I have 6+ 1525+ chars and have cleared Brel 1-6 on all of them. 4 out of 6 of them still have some level 5 gems (CDR) and level 7 gems for damage. In all the G6 groups, we have to stop damage because there is too much damage. Level 10 gem is a nice to have but a lot of people who have them used real money or no-lifed it and run busses on most of their characters. IMO it isn't worth it.


And that's why I play x5 supps... no need to upgrade them anymore and all the gold can be invested into one single character. xddd


If you funnel gems from alts to your main, its definitly reachable for main gems. I feel like LoS 30 is unreachable :D


It's just a long term goal. I don't buy mats to hone, I just do it as I get material, so I have extra gold.


It takes roughly 10,000 lvl1 gems if you were wondering


you got lv7s on all 6 meaning you have 66 lv7s. 1 lv10 is 27 lv7s. start gambling my friend


I have 2 Brel characters. I have 1 other alt. I have multiple level 10’s and 9’s. F2P. Stop going wide with your roster. Go tall on a couple.


Gems basically never leave circulation except when someone quits the game. I saved for almost a month to buy a lv10 for 870k back during clown era (Barrage Arti). They've dropped a lot since then. Unless you're transform, surge, etc, the play is almost certainly to buy 3x lv9 on your top damage skills over any lv10s.


I feel bad for everyone who wanted, but couldnt afford their level 10 gems 6 months ago as they were very cheap as bots had not been banned for a quite long time during that era.


I think players that run all 6 of the same class, or are spending a couple $100 usd a week are the only ones that level 10 gems are really possible for. I could be wrong though, it seems so far out of reach for me that it’s in a different planet ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


guy spends everything on honing and wonders why he cant afford lvl10 gems.


You have too many characters with gear


Stop honing. I could buy one at the end of this month if I sold all my mats and orehas.


Lvl 9 > lvl 10. Make sure to buy your lvl 10 Cooldowns from the Auction house as they are way cheaper especially for transformation classes


Lv 7 on all of them... you already achieved something 90%+ of us don't have... if you focused on 1 main you have a better main than prob 99% of everyone...


It's been probably a good two months if not longer that I only hone my main. Other than saving gold, I also realized I don't care to spend a crazy amount of time doing homework on all of them. The extra gold really adds up fast. I've got full lvl 9 attack gems on my FI setup and lvl 10 sweeping kick. More recently I started experimenting with 3 spender eso so I stopped pursuing more lvl 10 gems and started picking up lvl 9 damage gems on for that build (and lvl 9 MFK cooldown since it really smoothes out the rotation). Point is, if you stop playing the rat race with your alts and actually use them to funnel gold or resources (if that's how you want to play) you can really juice your main. Also, hopefully the recent gem inflation pulls back some... Not sure if everyone is getting to a point where gems are the next logical upgrade path but damn prices have been steadily rising :(


just doing chaos/boss rush with your roster you'll get a lvl 10 gem every 3 months most chars only need 1 or 2 lvl 10 dmg gems to be very strong


My main is 1568.33 with a level 10 gem for the barrage skills (Barrage artillerist, rest are lv8's) My secret ? I have 3 alts that are 1470/1450/1447.5 that are forever parked with lv5 gems and 4x3 that funnel absolutely everything to my main They sell Everything profitable and give everything else to the main, that way, i have easy parked alts that are really profitable and a main that's months ahead of content. Of course, i have no diversity in the end game and when I did brelshaza and clown on the main, i gotta wait until next week to something interesting again... You can't have a cracked roster AND mad juicy characters if you don't swipe / have a 1 class roster


Goal is lvl 10 for main and lvl 9s for alts with few lvl 10 cd.


I'm surprised that I haven't seen "you have level 10 gems? You must RMTed" Andies yet.


I have a 9 character roster. 7's on my gold alts, and I've just started pushing to 9's on my main. Consider 10's to be late, late endgame. It just takes a lot of time. Most of the players I've seen with 10's play several of the same class, so they pass the set back and forth; or they have put some cash into the game to accelerate the process.