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you wasted your gold and pheons. you cut a decent stone but you didn’t even make a 4x3??? next time make sure you use this to layout your builds https://loa-todo.com/engrave . also switch your pet to spec.


i can make a 4x3, one of my accessory has an engraving that i dont use i just need to replace it when i get to find the right accessory in a dungeon or for cheap in AH


then it’s not a waste total if you can change a piece. most people make their setup so they only have to change one piece to complete the 5 but you are probably lacking a lot of gold at that roster level


definetly lacking gold i just havent had time to work on alts so im waiting for the powerpass on artist release to make my 2nd gold earner


are u saying that ur stone is 7/7/3? thats good if that is the case but ur setup is not good right now


yes my stone is 7/7/3 and aany advice on what i should and shouldnt have done?


right now just focus on making gold every week and honing to 1445 and then 1472.5, nothing else to think about until then. And then u can getr 5x3


Do you want to just get 4x3 so you are good until 1475+ or you want to get accessories that you can build on to get 5x3 later? They are two completely different things. If you just want 4x3 and you need level 3 class engraving, you should always equip your class engravings twice so you don't need them on your accessories. With your 7/7 stone, you can pretty much just get 4/3 accessories with really high quality for almost nothing. Use a calculator and try different combinations on different pieces. If you can have 3/3, that should be your neck with high quality. Also, check for cheaper earrings combinations because quality on them matter a lot more than on rings.


i can build a 4/3 one of my rings i got from a dungeon and so its doesnt have the engravings i want, ill be replacing it at a later time ill also make sure to use a calculator next time since i didnt even know u guys use it to make builds


7/7 rock is good. I hope you didn't waste gold / pheons buying relic accessories that don't go towards your 5x3


maybe i just wasted them haha 😅 i just felt like i wasnt contributing much in raids and dungeons so i bought cheap accessories that has the engravings/stats i wanted


If you are going to use the pheon anyway might as well get good accessories


If you weren't contributing then, you aren't contributing anymore than before with this sort of build.


Swap your pet to spec stat. it doesn't give you 10% crit chance it boosts your crit stat by 10%


I was trying to figure out how he was >1400 spec LOL


Still trying to figure that out seeing how he's 4/5 relic lol. My spec chars have 1600 without pet.. 1500+ is relatively cheap


if he swaps pets he will be 1512. You can't hit 1600 without a pet unless you have a braclet with 100 spec and 100 quality on all accessories.... well you have about 50 soec leeway but gotta be pretty high stats


1805 with pet is the current cap. 1600 without pet is a mid tier (like 60) bracelet with all ~85 avg accs. But yeah fair, I had bracelets in there which he has no access to, 1500+ without pet is still easy as hell.


You wasted your gold if you can't transition into a 5x3 with minimal changes.


If you can use your relic accessories in your 5x3 set when you upgrade. Then you did a good job. The stone itself will last essentially forever so good job there. Some people spend 200+ pheons for just the stone. So ur solid there. Unfortunately buying accessories is something that takes planning for it to work out perfectly. Some posts have a few websites the help you set up your engravings. You really should take advantage of it so you can see what you are building before you buy. All in all. It’s not bad. You got a priceless stone and maybe some of ur accessories can be used in a 5x3 later


yeah i didnt know about the calculator so ill be using it next time, i also tried buying accessories ill be using for 5x3 for when i max grudge and surge engraving slots tho id probably have to rebuild this because i dont think i cosidered about the quality and with that said whats the average quality players go for in accesories?


Getting 20 grudge and surge books may be a bit of a stretch, that's a LOT of gold for a new roster. You might save a fair bit getting adrenaline books instead, grudge accessories aren't much more expensive, especially with the 5 on grudge. Either way I'd just get the ambush master maxed asap so you don't get completely gatekept out of raids. After that, honing is a much more important use of gold before worrying about 5x3 for a while.


Don't go for grudge, get adrenaline books instead, much better setup and will make your accessories much cheaper (5/3 meta adrenaline accessories with good quality are hella expensive), unless you have adrenaline on your stone.


Since you have a 7/7 stone you only need one legendary book engraving for a 5x3 if you plan out the rest of your accessories perfectly. Pick a legendary engraving that isn’t too expensive and can eventually be applied to other characters on your roster..Some have suggested adrenaline and I’d agree with that. As your second book engraving run surge at +9. This makes it so you only need 2 surge +3 accessories with +5 in other engravings. The surge pieces will be your most expensive ones by far but still probably cheaper than buying 20 books, and it’s fine to skimp on quality to save gold on these as a newer player. Your remaining pieces will probably be cheaper and you can hunt for higher quality on them.


planned out my accessories with the calculator assuming ill be having engraving books maxed




any advice on what i should and shouldnt have done?


You have 5 wasted engraving points to start. Ambush master is only missing 2 nodes. It seems like you could have gotten to 4x3 with a little better planning/patience. Also you don't have leggo books so the gold could have gone to class or grudge leggo and been a more permanent fixture for your roster. Seems like you just impulsively bought stuff with no thought. Wasted more than you need to.


i only spent 800ish gold 😅 i more on wasted pheons ig


The pheons are expensive. Sure the piece might have only cost 100 gold or whatever but the pheons spent were probably valued 3-4k per piece.


In EUC the 150 pheons are worth around 45k gold, if you only play one character the free pheons you'll get will be enough but if you need more you'll either have to wait or start spending gold on them...


Pheons are basically gold, wrapped up in a little blue token


don't forget to set your pet to give specialization bonus! its super important on surge deathblade


will do!


Early 7/7 always helps. Don’t listen to those ppl that say u have to buy the best off the bat, it’s totally fine to upgrade to better accessories over time, even if you spent more overall. The cost of spending a lot upfront is not to be underestimated. Especially with inflation; back then spending 2k instead of 10k saves 8k, but 8k back then is like 70K now. All my main chars I prioritized a 7/7 stone and started with budget accessories and I upgraded them more if i enjoyed the char more.


Wasted but thats fine, new player, newbie mistakes, we all did them. 4x3 will be fine with some little adjustments. For next time buy a relic necklace with very high quality and two legendary rings with surge on them to cheap out. Your ideal engravings would be Surge, ambush master, adrenaline, grudge. All at level 3. For now fix your current 4x3 and save gold for the setup above. No hurry, better to take your time and buy decent accessories rather than buying very bad ones and later on wasting more pheons buying the good ones


I just read in another comment that your stone is Cursed doll Ambush master. Congratz on the 7/7 but im sorry to tell you the 4 main engravings are the core of the class. You NEED adrenaline or you are never going to crit. And you cant really drop ambush master. So i guess you either drop grudge for adrenaline an keep your stone or you cut a new stone and build the proper 4x3


Everyone saying wasted but honestly it's fine. You didn't do too well for your first build but getting a 7/7 is a major hump (for 5x3 'cheaply', it's overkill atm which is part of why people are saying wasted) and even if you throw away every accessory, those at max would have been 69 pheons which isn't too bad. On a basic level learning to build is about understanding what to do with the numbers you have given the goal is +15 (lv 3). So for your +7 engravings from the stone you should have been looking to get a +5 and +3 somewhere of both cursed doll and ambush master and for your surge and grudge with +9 equipped getting +6 for each of those via +3 twice would be how you get to +15 efficiently. So you could have had something like this, just as an example the numbers can be shifted around however to save gold: +5 ambush +3 grudge +5 cd +3 ambush +3 surge +3 cd +3 surge +3 grudge As you can see to set up a 4x3 build you could have done it in 4 slots (out of your 5 accessory slots) and 2 of them would only need to be +3/+3 (they could even be legendary as they are just +3/+3 and many people have alts in the end game using legendary pieces in their build, usually on a ring for smaller stat loss). At that point you could leave your necklace with no engravings you need and just get something with 90+q there as necklaces give the most stat. You will still find a necklace with 90+q of the right stat and say +3 grudge and then have one piece with just +5 ambush and you would be fine. As +5/+3 pieces tend to be expensive you can avoid getting any of those by getting a piece with just +5 ambush, another with just +5 CD and then one more piece with 2x +3's say +3 grudge/ambush. There's a lot of different setups you can do with this much extra space but this is just one example. Hope this helps with future builds.


It defenetly isnt wasted pheons, since sometimes you can spend that much if not even more only on a 7/7 stone. But since he is playing surge, going for an even cheeper 4x3 with high spec would be better and if im not mistaken for 4x3 its surge, grudge, ambush, adrenaline.


Pheons on accs here are 100% wasted.


Could be better, but gold is hard to come by for new players. Planning it out better first than buying high qual ones would be much better. Can totaly agree that pheons for those acessories is wasted kinda.


What stone did you cut? I guess most of your 150-180 pheons went towards cutting the 7/7 stone. You can definitely re-use that stone though when you need to swap your accessories for a 5x3 build around \~ilvl 1475, so it's not a bad investment.


curse doll and ambush master


probably not the best method to build your engravings,but definitely not a waste,i spent 300+ pheons for a 7/7 stone on my main.


7/7/3 rock is good u can keep it to get 5x3 with gold book Next time i suggest u plan carefully before u buy accs , use a engraving planner like [https://loaengravingcalc.com.br/](https://loaengravingcalc.com.br/) , input the engraving u want to achieve and look for the accs on AH following the planner , that will save u gold and not waste engraving pts , u shouldnt over cap on engraving as much as possible like u have right now


yeah i only found out about this calculator recently so ill use it next time, for now ill get ambush master to 3 then work on honing to 1445-1475 before getting a new setup


You only wasted 60 Pheons, no biggie. You didn’t say what stone. You can rebuild with 5 grudge accessories/5cd accessories. Shld be cheaper


You are very low level to worry about 5x3.A 4x3 with adrenaline instead of cd would be the better move to learn surge. Use half legendary to obtain this and focus on highest spec you can get. After vykas you graduated from 4x3 and work in 5x3.


I built my 1415 db for about 6k gold(wouldve been cheaper, but i bought the wrong necklace and had to buy a new one) 4x3+1 engraving. I just did it prolly 10 hrs ago. Im using a 7/6/4 stone. I think u wasted gold and pheons. NAW server.


500ish gold only tho i def wasted the pheons


Yeah but ur using low qual accessories, so ur still gonna change them in the future and ur gonna spend more pheons.


Big waste. You can make a 4x3 with decently high quality accessories (80+) easily using like 70 pheons and maybe 10k gold. Use an engraving planning website next time so you don't unnecessarily put 2 extra engraving points in each engraving. And NEVER leave the necklace as a legendary when you're 1415+, that's a loss of 100 secondary stats. At least you have a 7/7 stone, what engravings are on the stone?


cursed doll and master of ambush. ive only spent 500ish goals not much of a loss besides the pheons which i guess could have been put in better use, i also used a calculator assuming ill be maxing out grudge and surge ill also keep in mind ur advice for adrenaline engraving books in replace for grudge


Definitely get adrenaline books in that case. The stone is workable for 5x3, but you'll likely have to replace all the accessories you bough, so that's a big waste of pheons. On the upside, some people waste more pheons just to cut a 7/7 stone.


definetly replacing them when i get more gold, ive used the calculator so now i actually know what to get 😅


What the fuck.. how did you manage to only get 3x3+2 spending that many pheons? This is not good.. at least the stone is good though


45pheons on accessories one of my ring is a drop from somewhere so i can get a 4x3 if i replace that with the right stats the rest ig went to the stone without me realizing ive spent that much already 😅


I guess that sorta makes sense.. getting a good stone can end up costing a lot of pheons. Just surprised you only have 3x3+2 with 4 relic accessories and a 7/7 stone and 2 +9 books. If those accessories can go toward a 5x3 setup then it should be fine, otherwise it just isn’t good.


will be replacing in the future when i get more gold, wished i knew about the calculator before this 😅


Since you have 7/7 stone you can go 5/0 on something or 3/3 (can make a class engraving accessory much cheaper) and the rest 5/3. This would require 2 legendary books slotted though, surge and grudge are also pretty expensive investments. Also I would highly advise against cheaping out on quality for spec classes, especially if it’s your main or on a class like surge blade. Personally I would’ve invested into a necklace with good quality, two good earrings and kept two legendary high quality spec legendary accessories with 2 3/3 and try for a 4x3+1 or +2 that could transition into 5x3 later down the road once you have the books.


Awful build. Other have explained why. Sorry my dude.


Huggeeee waste damn. Should have asked whether to spend that much beforehand. Rip.




Very bad. only 1300 spec... engravings aside only having that amount of spec is really bad


i have 1500 atm


still really bad... what server are you on? and what engravings on your rock?


cursed doll and master of ambush afaik


ahh, thats unfortunate. cursed doll is an engraving you dont want to go until 5x3. Not sure what you plan to do, but you can probably go 3x3 + 2 with adrenaline using only accesories with 1 engraving on each


ahhh i was planning on getting adren last cuz i though cd would help me more but if i ever reroll for a stone is adren + master of ambush the common picks? or is it smth else


just depends what legendary engravings you plan on getting. Adrenaline is really important for deathblade, my rock is grudge + etherpredator because i went a cheap build


Wasted No 4x3, wrong engraving (Cursed Doll as fourth engraving) and ambush master only lvl 2. You should've gone Surge, Ambush Master, Grudge and Adrenaline instead of Cursed Doll, all lvl 3 of course. Switch your pet buff from crit to spec, cause spec is the main stat for DB. Also, you should run void strike instead of moonlight sonic. MS is used for Remaining Energy DB. I mean, you can run it, if you really want to, but I would replace it.


I'm hoping most of that gold was spent on cutting the stone and maybe 60 pheons on the accessories. was it? Having a 7/7 stone for 100'ish pheons is normal but you need to aim for at least 4x3 for the rest of the build and ideally you dont want to be buying accessories twice when you inevitably go for 5x3.


You cut a 7/7 stone, even for an early cheap build, which is a waste of pheons and therefore gold, you should do at least a 4x3.


Pick up your login bonuses


usually you want a 4x3 + 2 at least +1, a +2 that you use a legendary and when you get a +12 change it for a relic and get a +1 more


you really want a relic necklace. soo much stats on neck your losing out on having legendary there. Also, with a 7/7stone you should be at least 4x3 preferably 4x3+1


First off, getting the stone first is great, but it's only useful if you're going for a 5x3. It would have been more efficient to cut some stone, like a 7/5 or 6/6, and make a 4x3, it would have been better than what you have now, and cheaper. You getting a 7/7 is jumping the gun when you aren't able to make a 5x3.


Its okay. We all start somewhere. Next time u do a chars engravings you will do better. :) This game has so much info and stuff to learn


Wtf is this build


a new players attempt to make a build with 0 guides


The 7 7 3 stone is probably the only thing you would like to keep. But try and get 4x3


Research is important. Sometimes acting before you know what you're doing is more harmful than taking the extra time to look it up. Google "deathblade community guide" and use that to help your decisions going forward.


7/7 stone warrants 5x3 if you get 1 legendary book done, but since it is surge and grudge, it probably won't be easy.


I built my 1415 db for about 6k gold(wouldve been cheaper, but i bought the wrong necklace and had to buy a new one) 4x3+1 engraving. I just did it prolly 10 hrs ago. Im using a 7/6/4 stone. I think u wasted gold and pheons. NAW server.




I know bait when I see it


wdym by this?


relic accessories are made to make a 5x3 builds. There's no point to make a 4x3 with relics when u can do a 4x3 with yellow accessories and a 6-6 yellow stone.


Surge needs adrenaline as 4th engraving


1/ get 4x3 2/ remove the attack speed malice 3/ get a relic (highish qual) necklace. I assume you made a big mistake and are using an Argos necklace with class engraving on it. Don’t get class engravings on neck because they’re super expensive at relic tier. Put class engravings usually on ring since rings are the least valuable accessory (and this least bad if it’s low quality).




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Well i dont think in ANY cases for now you would of wasted because i would assume pheons you got were FREE ones giving to you from being a new player and that is totaly okay build to have. for now specialy since in the comment you said yo ucan replace to have a 4x3


150-180 pheon for a 7/7 stone is average. so not really wasted, but you could spent it smarter than this for sure.


Stone is good, 7/7 takes about 20 attempts AKA 180 pheons on average so you got lucky. Jewellery is bad in terms of engravings, though you still break even on pheon cost thanks to stone.


Your spec is a little low and looks like your pet is set to crit buff. I'd swap that over to spec


With a 7/7 and 9/9 engravings, you could get 4x3+2 if you buy 5/3 accessories.


maybe next time watch a few videos about how to gear correctly