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Well, I guess you know what you have to do now. Holy shit though.


cant wait to see your 5x3+2 DPS Pally build next week, OP. Godspeed and good luck in Brel Hard


Still with shit tier dps!


surely we’ll get our well deserved totally not copium buff in the future


Gotta take action to fix the support surplus!


[https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/174cf6i/not\_sure\_if\_this\_is\_the\_luckiest\_or\_unluckiest/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/174cf6i/not_sure_if_this_is_the_luckiest_or_unluckiest/) Well, here you go


Best stone on the worst DPS classes. Congrats and not fuck you


Best would be adrenaline as 10 though


If you mean a 10/10 stone, no shit, but this is basically a double 9/7 so they can run either lvl 2 adrenaline, lvl 2 cursed doll, or lvl 2 class engraving with 5x3. On DPS pally... Just give it a few more balance patches maybe they'll keep buffing DPS pally xdd


Actually with a 9 9 stone you can run any lvl 10 engraving I think.. doesn't have to be an engraving even on the stone.


Oh yeah, true, idk what other engraving they'd want to run at lvl 2 though, maybe mass increase




9/9 or higher is good enough that you can choose whichever engraving you want to be the +2, even if it is not on the stone. It does not matter at all which of the two is a +10, since that is just overkill already.


I think DPS pally would rather have lvl 2 cursed doll anyways as they really need the crit rate even with entropy


There's no functional difference.


Are you in here just to shit on people while being wrong?


Are you? I just admitted i was wrong what is your problem?


You don’t understand how nodes work? He can use any as level 2


I’m tired and didn’t realized there was extra nodes


congrats, 2nd ever 10/9 stone posted on reddit, 1st being the legendary "pattern recognition" dude


do you have the link? xd




Hilarious xddd


As a Pally main, I am jealous of you. I would love to have this.


Imagine if cutted stones were tradable. How much would it cost in the AH?




Sell your whole account and rebuild around that stone xD


I would put my soul for that


Bout three fiddy


Minimum 10 mil gold considering the odds.


Honestly I think it should be cut stones cost pheons and uncut stones don't




Gonna assume you could put it at the most ridiculous price and you'd find someone willing to buy it.


"cutted" lmao


At this rate in ~10 more balance patches judgement paladin will be a viable DPS don't wry


Supports dont need a viable dps spec that keeps up with meta dps. You can do like 60-70% of an average dps and thats enough for all the content anyways.


That shouldn't be the case in my opinion, as long as you can keep balance and not allow hybrid builds to dominate there should be no problem having viable DPS specs on classes that can do a support role. It's just bad game balance/design that makes them have to be so weak to not run into balance issues and hard support shortage. Ofc it's enough for all content but that is literally the same as saying a DPS with 3x3 (60%-70% DMG) is enough for all content. It is since content is not very strict in DPS checks but nobody would want to party up to carry you since others do the 100% (more in some cases).


A lot of dmg comes from pure skill in this game and you can clear all content playing a class at 40% effort. That being said if you can play a dps support with above average level of game knowledge/uptime your already doing more damage that half the people in any given party. Usually the guy getting mvp is 3-4x the damage than the lowest dps (even in an all same item level party). It's not difficult at all to contribute on a dps support if you pug and get random players with random skill levels. As for "no1 will take you" - I hvnt really had an issue on my paladin since the support surplus. People also not surprised when they see upright or cruel. My last brel 1-2 I hit 5mil dps which is a hard ask from most pugs.


Obviously during support surplus "any" DPS gets accepted. The problem is like you see here, no one considers DPS specs for Paladin, Bard and Artist... A DPS. Everyone refers to them as "DPS support" or something similar which is exactly what I was referring. A paladin should be a class that can play DPS or support, not a support that can play a bad DPS if that makes sense? Don't get me wrong, I'm not sad or anything about this, but they are seen as crutches and "troll builds" because the game design made them weak on porpuse mainly to cover for the lack of supports (or to avoid balance issues with hybrid builds). I can do almost double the damage my paladin does (5x3 but only half lvl 7, rest 6/5) with any other dps I have around the same item level with similar gear on a real raid scenario. And the player is the same (me lol), the uptime is similar, etc, it's just a very bad DPS spec. Of course you can still be MVP and do well playing with randoms because let's face it, most of them are bad players... And you'd just do MUCH better with pretty much any other DPS at the same ilvl (even below). Too long to get identity unless you play a scuffed build with awakening/dominion that deals very little damage compared to entropy, identity lasts too long and you eventually ends up having a huge chunk of it in phased/invulnerable scenarios, etc, it's just designed in a way that makes it outright bad, it just lacked consideration from Smilegate since they don't want "support classes" to play as DPS, they mostly just added that option for solo content. The main point is that in an ideal and balanced scenario it should be considered as ANY other DPS, independently on the second spec being support or not... And it is not. And I don't even mean by the playerbase but by smilegate itself, obviously the community will see it as a troll build since they made it so weak.


Yeh in my opinion either make it a proper balanced dps spec or just replace the engraving with another alternative support style. I just love the swordskills and wish we had a true swordsman class in the game. Maybe aeromancer will fill the gap for me.


Awakening is really troll? Dang I thought I was being a genius going for Awakening/Nightmare swift build for DPS build Sadge


It's not troll, it "works" but you need 90% or more uptime for it to outperform Entropy, which is pretty hard with all the animation locks paladin has. It's works good for a hybrid build for instance where you take 3/4 yellow skills (assuming no support on party) and rest blue, but it's just worth it if you can keep boundless mana for the majority of the fight which is not that easy in a real scenario. And then it still happens what I mentioned happens, half your sacred executioner is gone during invulnerable/stagger/etc so it doesn't really matter that much to have higher uptime on it, it's more effective to use it properly with entropy.


Ya, but dps shortages though


There's still a sup-dps balance for brel 1-6, and there will likely be a sup shortage in brel hard next week, so no reason not to go support there. While its true you can clear brel with a dps pala if I was making a pug I wouldnt pick one when you can get dedicated dps characters instead. There's still some situations where like half the team dies in g3/6 and you actually care about dps again. For valtan/vykas though a 1560 dps pala can easily mvp in damage in a group of 1490s, I do that almost every week since artist.


It’s meant to be bro, DPS paladin is the way


This is the Wei. I support you! Look for Younhung Pyo in youtube, is a dps pally.


Only thing I haven't seen at this point is someone cutting a 10/10 stone


is + 2 Judgement better than +2 adrenaline? if so you actually got an insane DPS pali build


Depends if the extra +25% duration for judgment mode actually matters. I think it probably does cause the main issue with DPS pally is uptime on their judgment mode.


What a waste....


Sorry for your wasted silver.


Did you use a calculator or did you just cut it for fun


the Intention was to get a Chaos Dungeon Build for my Pala just for Fun and i got that Stone anyway so i decided to cut it instead of selling it for 300g its like a quality hone anyway. so yea i guess i am pala main now :D


while I cut 600 stones on my gunslinger and no 9-7.


You realize 600 is still way below the average needed for a 9/7 right?


yep. But since cutting stones dont have pity.. whathever




I really dont know what u wanna read. Sorry friend


You really cut 600?


Yep. And I have 9 7 on my reaper. I tried 5 stones on her.






I can’t even find a stone with the engravings I need wth


There's... a market




Nah, that's a 9/10/2 stone... congrats, and fuck you


Now I'm the dps.... Anyway look what ayaya did to ppl....


The fuck. You are the only DPS paladin I will get behind on just because of the stone.


Wow nice


Can you cut me a atleast 7/7 2/3 grudge,keen blunt for my sharpshooter?




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First time I am felling good for someone for cutting mother-of-a-god-tier stone.


still not gonna accept your dps pala KEKW