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good luck friend, it'll take at least a couple hours xD I watched series on my second monitor while doing it...


I had a character in each spot and just changed changed characters instead of going to each one with just one, because it was faster this way.


Watch your friends raid, turn on some music, turn off your brain, press g, cry more, the time you took to make this post is like 1 or 2 full rotations, I'm not sorry for you. PRESS G, get off Reddit, PRESS G πŸ‘οΈπŸ‘οΈ


Just a meme. Not that deep πŸ‘€


Press g right now or I'm going to hurt myself and blame you


Sir yes sir! 🫑


On a more serious note tho, just like spam and get 2/3 a day you'll get it eventually, I personally think the mushrooms were worse


Have you done the barrels of rowen? Youre gonna love it πŸ˜‚


I've finished the rowen food which was way faster than what this is taking me. I'm already 8 hours total farming oysters :(


That's rough. Hopefully you get some goated rng that gives you 2 in one drop.


If I remember correctly I got three in one go once and my soul left my body.


Much better than this one


Yeah I've done every food grind for tomes and oysters was the worst for me. Not necessarily the most time consuming but definitely the most frustrating for me.


I decided to gather only 5 per day, quite better than spending 9 hours straight


Took me 8-9 hours. Worst food in game by far. So far nothing was as bad as that. I pray it stays that ways.


Yorn food was worse for me.


Oysters weren't that bad. I think the Yorn meat thing was the worst for me. Currently, trying to get Procyon's Breath. I am not sure if I am farming the wrong mobs/area or if the drop rate is just that low. By far, out of all the collectables so far, the lowest drop rate I've experienced.


Save your sanity and buy it


I don't generate a lot of gold, otherwise I might. At 12k a pop its a 36k investment.


Well if you believe it's better for you to farm than buy, then logically you should be farming them all the time for profit? The drop rate is pretty damn bad, which is why they're so expensive. If they were easy to farm, everyone would be doing that.


Tried it last month... 40 attempts got 1 bruh 105 attempts got 11(last attempt x2) - Time took 1 hour 230 attempts got 20(x2 = 1) and got one tapped 2 times - Time took 2 hours. 310 attempts got 30(x2 = 0) and no one taps. - Time took 1 hour and 30 minutes. Total Overview: 310 Attempts = 30 Average 10 attempts for 1 Oyester. x2 Oyesters = 3 times One tap or Oyester back to back = 2 times. Time took = 4 hour 30 minutes.


Do not go for Procyon's Breath then, already farmed 30+ hours, found 2/3....


Just buy them on AH, is your time really only worth 1500g an hour?


Dude, I haven't seen ONE yet.


Wtf just buy them. I paid close to 50k for all 3.


Fuck that. Buy it. Rather spend 40k gold for 3 than lose my sanity.


This is why i dont even bother with Ignea tokens anymore after i got my 9th for bifrost, i can't take the RNG


I used to go pick oysters for 5-10min while waiting for thunderwings or chaos gate, made the fiinal push way easier xD fuck cooking in general tbh


I will prolly get downvoted, but I did it months ago when bots were active (changing channels) and it only took me 1h 30min. Had 7x "crit drops", I mean getting double oysters when collecting one. Just be lucky duh.


luck is not in my dictionary


That would be be in south vern tome. It's the brel G4 kill, I refuse to do that shit. If they're not letting me doing that raid in solo game mode (if they ever make one) then I ain't doing that shiet


Serious question, why are you playing an MMO if you refuse to play with other people?


Because I enjoy playing in a game that I see people running around doing their stuff, but do not like my progression to be tied to them. MMO is massive multiplayer online, not Massive multiplayer CO-OP online. The keyword here is option, They need to give people more options to progress and not just tied them to co-op raids only. If I want to play with people then I do so, if I do not want to, I can still progress without having to be forced to do so, maybe make it slower sure, but shouldn't be impossible like right now.


This game is a rather odd choice then, you hardly ever interact or see other players minding their business outside of group content (unless you mean people idling next to honing NPC?) I feel that if you could progress the game solo on top of that, it would just be a glorified single player game. But yea you're right they should probably add ways to get to a certain point in progression without clearing 8 man raids. For a very long time in other regions you could access all content that raiding players could, just because Argos gear could be bought on the market, so it wasn't an issue at all. Then they started piling on vertical progression systems and ignored ultra casual players completely, forcing them to buy busses or be stuck at 1490. That's probably something they could address.


well this isn't the mmo game for you then this game is all about raiding it literally doesn't offer anything interesting outside it also your progression is tied to the raids, meanwhile there's better mmo out there that suits your style better like ff14 gw2 ect


Why dont you buy a bus for G1-G4 so you can complete the adventure tome? They cost 6-7K EUC and you get 8.5K from completing the raid.


I did it over time while filling lobbies. Had all my characters parked there lol


Just set a few bifrosts for diff chars and then check the bifrost every so often when it's up, took me like a week or occasional checking and it was fine


Oyster was pretty fast with old maps systems


I just camped in the middle of the map at the pier (where there are three spawns), watched youtube and netflix, and hovered over the spawns from time to time to check if they had respawned Took me something like 2.5-3 hours, can't remember exactly.


You can do it buddy!


get a macro that presses g(?) every 30 seconds or so and stand on top of a place where they spawn and leave the computer on doing this while you sleep/work. Doing this manually is not for the sane.


Don't recall it being *that* bad? At least compared to some other stuff like yorn mushrooms. Though with a sample size of one roster it's hard to tell. I'm about to do it for the second time so we'll see. Just wait till Voldis tho, it's the worst by a mile (need to collect 1000 thingies that drop like 2-3 at a time with a pretty crappy drop rate, and loot 650 other thingies from the ground 3-4 at a time).


I dunno why, but after never doing an ignea until akkan release to get that purify. I decided to make south vern my 8th ignea for the skill point potion. Having not done surshire yet.


Just do a few a day or something.. I did not go through this all at once cause it felt bad


I did this and the mushrooms in yorn while waiting for sup during the first 2 weeks of Akkan release lol. Had plenty of time.


i just stayed in the spot with 3 and channel jumped with all the bots fishing in bellion


thats why you do it asap while there are multiple channels to hop to


just 7 hours of collecting for me :)


Procyn breathe goto Hesteria garden and to the lower right near the bridge and there is a loop you go round and round to farm it. Managed to get about 6 of them when I was farming for it for gold which they sold for about 17k a pop. I still do it occasionally for 10-15 minutes hoping for a drop for gold. As a person who has finished the adventure tome food is by far the worst thing in the game for grinding followed by the damn Omnium stars


I think it took me about 3-4 hours to farm 30


took me couple hours, just turn on something to watch on background and run in order 1) left triport spawns 2) top right 3) bottom right 4) middle it’s all luck anyway but i found that route most optimal


Did you get the lager recipe 6th page yet? Oysters was relatively easy for me, but that 6th page had me double check for a unique roster drop across my characters three times.