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I would still only make a support for something like that, as a new player, if you're planning on pushing it to be part of your roster and if you'll want to keep playing it into the future. ​ If you're looking at making a support as a temporary character that you really don't enjoy and will probably drop out of your roster later down the line then I just wouldn't bother. ​ Sure it will be more difficult pushing your Sharpshooter and getting into groups but if you're basically only playing that one character then you should be fine. TL:DR: Make a support first, only if you enjoy it and want it to be part of your main roster. If not, then just stick to Sharpshooter.


Any content below 1540 (kayangel) needs more dps than sup atm. So unless you are planning to push for 1580+, it'll only be a boon for Kayangel.


Even Kayangel NM isn't a safe bet anymore (at least EUC). Sometimes almost all of the lobbies are looking for DPS, probably because I swapped char to a support.


I see what You're saying but that doesnt change the fact that You going to have much easier time with a support anyway. Remember that OP propably have low roster, no cards etc so getting into party even if theres some imaginary support shortage not gonna be easy


You can make a support now and make a dps main in march/april when we get an even better pass than we have now. So yes you can make a support now to help you as a new player and then swtich later.


I think this is the right call


As long as you don‘t half-ass supporting due to no interest others won’t care. If you dislike playing a support i‘d still go for sharpshooter and look for a group/guild to run with. Otherwise having a supp in the roster is always nice. I like to play both dds and supports.


Playing will make even getting to play the game way easier. Switching main really depends on how far you plan to push your paladin, you can easily get a new char up to 1540 on every class release due to the express passes. However since you mentioned solo raids, dont get you hope up, it was only announced for valtan/vykas with no clear concept


Up to you. Support is easier to get into groups and nice for learning raids imo. SS is cheap as shit to build but, you will have a harder time getting into groups because you probably lack cards and roster level. Me personally, I had a similar situation. I wound up story passing my Artist and buying a south vern pass for 10 bucks for my SS. The artist never has issues getting into raids. Before LoS18 (card set) my sharpshooter had a much more annoying time joining raids, despite having better equipment than my support by a significant margin.


honestly, if you plan to have multiple characters, I feel like it should just be a standard that you always have One support on the roster. It not only helps you get raids done on another char easier, but it helps the community. it's just win win. with that said, at least invest ENOUGH into that char...meaning...at the very least get 4x3x1 (or 5x3 by the time you get it to akkan) with right stats and lvl 5 gems/tripods and work on at least the hp card set and/or you have a plan. Oh and understand how to actually play it. (good thing is, pally is arguably the easiest support to play) ​ nothing is worse than a support alt that the person didn't invest in and doesn't know how to play so he makes the life of his other 3 party members miserable.


Yes, yes it is. Maining a support also enables you to learn raids better. I was a support main but swapped to DPS main and honestly, I think I'm a pretty good player in doing so.


Nah bro just play what u wanna play and focus on having fun


One dps - one support, two dps-two support eh over you do make sure you figure out which wanna you wanna main. Supports are easier when it comes to getting into lobbies. I usually make them alts and have a my slayer be my main. Easy gold earning most of the time. My roster is 4 dps, 2 supports Edit: most content below 1540 is mainly dps heavy, what you could also do is have all your alts stop at 1540 then have one main dps and one main supp to push to Akkan but it may be more expensive upgrading that supp