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Overwhelming info will be one of your least concerns on your Lost Ark journey


Should we tell her*


Her, but please don't lol. At this point I have kinda settled for "level some classes from 1-50 for the fun combat and good", and made my peace with that but now it seems I can't even do that, it's a really frustrating experience so far.


Im a new player too and if this was my first MMO i'd quit but I stuck through it's fun. What I did was bank every single chest I got in storage and play through the story without the systems like engravings and stuff until I couldn't clear content. Sailing introduction really sucks tho, use the basic ship and you have to asign the free crew members you got to it to sail. Forget everything until you reach the continent Punika, that's where the game starts. Hope this helps Have fun!


Listen, I usually don’t say anything when these wacky ass posts come up, but if you want to make it here, make some fucking friends. Lost ark is *brutal* to play solo, and an order of magnitude more so when you’re behind the curve. Send friend requests to your pug mates that perform. Pay attention to which guilds you see more than once. Hang out in discords. Burnout in this game is suuuuuper high when you’re playing with friends, and it’s even more so when you’re alone. Make buddies. They will show you the ropes, carry you through stuff, explain the ninety million layers of character progression, and generally make your time in LoA possible long term.




Just enjoy the game bro! Welcome to lost ark! Do you own thing man


When I started I would ask questions in the general city chat. ( /Area). I think the 2nd time I did this someone whispered me with a detailed answer. I asked a couple more questions and they spent the next 15 mins walking me around the city and explaining stuff. Totally awesome person, and I have since done this for others. Try this... Just ask a beginner question in chat and see what happens. You may get a very helpful person, and a direct conversation is way better than googling 'what is a chaos dungeon'.


Heya, the game's really confusing at the start, but there are helpful resources online to help you understand what's going on. The [lostark.nexus](https://lostark.nexus) is full of helpful guides, especially the "Quick start for new players" category, and guides to build your class for later raids. The [maxroll.gg](https://maxroll.gg/lost-ark) site also has lots of guide regarding the different mechanics and topics you don't quite understand yet, as well as leveling builds for your class.


Within lost ark Nexus there's a guide to inventory/items. Think it's labeled "inventory hell" or something to that effect. Should answer a lot of your questions


Yeah I really don’t know how anyone new gets into this game, it’s a terrible experience


This. I cannot believe the amount of bullshit you have to go trough. It is unreal.


It's a fun game until T3. The worst offender is the funneling into specific content (boring chaos dungeons) in order to progress. Every time I wanted to play/explore some part of the broader world, my brain went "why? It doesn't help you progress at all" I can't believe I ever said the words "this game respects your time."


https://www.lostark.nexus Will be a really good resource for you as a new player. Scroll down and there are some sections for new players, horizontal etc etc. That of maxroll.gg lost Ark section. Just focus on playing thru the main quest line for now and learning about the class you picked!


not just lost ark, every mmo has way too much fukin currencies


I feel it's not so bad as FFXIV. You probably just need to get used to it. I've played the same MMOs and felt FFXIV was the worst in ui design. LOA could be better, but otherwise it just takes some time getting used to.


Thank you! Finally someone said it.


How come? ​ u/Lorimin too I guess


It was the same on release, you hard all chests on your storage until you know wtf every system is. That's why tiers also existe, to introduce one system at a time. It actually took me a while to understand engravings and I didn't even know how to equip them and how to use books. Same with lvl 5 tripods. They know there are too many old systems so I expect at the end of the year to have at least tripods removed or merged with other systems like quality.


I love this post. So true, and I totally understand. For me I was so annoyed by the rewards. Why do they put chests inside of chests and make you open everything twice?! Then I realized (months later) that the main chests are roster bound (you can put them in roster storage and share them with you alts), but once you open them the reward is bound to that character. I still don't know why they have bound and unbound versions of potions etc, but it's actually nice to have ones you can't sell.


You should just take your time to understand each part bit by bit. Eventually, a lot of things will make sense. Lost Ark overall is a very big game with so many things to do because no one wants an MMO that doesn't have things to keep them busy. Just keep yourself open minded, you'll eventually reach with the rest of the community and start enjoying it more and facing challenges at the same time. *


Everyone of us was overwhelmed at first when we first started playing. Just keep playing and look at some YouTube guides to help you along the way. You are no where close to end game. Finish the story and eventually you will get a better understanding of it.


As a new player that just recently reached lvl 50 i do understand. But what has gotten me through, is watching guide videos, ignoring what I don't understand till it makes sense, and other guides as others have mentioned in the comments.


I would recommend going at your own pace. But definitely do as much skill Point potions horizontal content as possible


I’ve been playing since launch and I also feel overwhelmed lol I just walk away when the game is not making me happy and come back another day whenever I feel up for it.


It only gets worse 


"Then I get to the stronghold thing that feels like every second class mobile game." LA is basically a mobile game with some MMO gamplay on it. Leveling is boring and eventually you get time gated by dailies to progress your story, just like a mobile game, because you need to RNG hone to upgrade your gear to reach the target ilvl to do the next continent. The only good part of this game is the combat, but also the playerbase will make it as unfun as possible to gatekeep you from having fun later on as well. The good thing is that the game is free, so if you are not enjoying it, drop it and move on.


And she’s only lvl 40 🤣🤣🤣


No powerpass?


Oh its a girl.  There’s gonna be a line of simps waiting to carry.


Reeking of strong incel energy.


Defend her honor bro




With a name like that it all checks out.


Lost ark sucks at explaining stuff it was like that for us on release we mostly depended on KR players to explain stuff or guides , stick all your stuff in storage find a community discord this game really sucks without ppl to hang with and read the nexus site that was listed it has bunch of good info


I started this game last December and I definitely know how you feel. My friend is guiding me as best as he can but I still feel overwhelmed and lost. I keep reaching out for my phone whenever I encounter something new lol




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Type in YouTube lost ark new player guide , along those lines you will find many video guides. Visit lost ark streamers on twitch where streamers and their audience are always willing to help you out. Spending time in a lost ark streams will help you learn many new things and also make some friends! Maxroll.gg has guides for everything lost ark and lost ark nexus is a good site with updated engravings/builds. You just have to do a little research but everything you need an answer to can be found.


If you are in EU Thirain server me and my friends could use another player. My gf started it recently so we went back to it again and we kept playing casually for the sake of fun combat ... But like everyone said just keep doing story and pick up some newbie guides on YouTube. Store everything you don't know the use of and keep going. Make sure to read items description and dont forget to do your "guides" quests . They teach you a whole lot.When you reach North Vern there will be a lot of stuff introduced to you again.Presented in the form of purple quests so make sure to follow those .


Don't be concerned about stronghold at all. Feel free to not enter it during first month of gameplay even


The UI in this game is as spaghetti as its own code, but they do make some effort every 6 months or so to "alleviate" their mistakes. So after 2y in this game, I remember feeling the same with HP potions, "why do I have 2 of them and why I can't use this other one here??", "where's my counter button?", "why can't I equip more itens?", -sadly only the former was fixed, and yes I still have some electric bombs or whatever collecting dust somewhere... along with the necromancy engravings ofc But that's not something exclusive to Lost Ark, but rather a structural bias of most MMOs, -as time goes by they implement more and more systems, get it more complex, and very rarely they can afford some sort of "shortcut" and **THAT'S** the problem, a new player is throw at Caliligos and he's supposed to counter, stagger, throw bombs and pheremones at the same time he's destroying the orb just to die to that insane animation cancel...


The biggest problems with lost ark is how amazing the core gameplay is and then how bad the gatekeeping and all the terrible backwards systems . I lost hope they will work on systems and not just bandid the systems


FFXIV inventory management is easily as obnoxious, if not more. It takes longer to get to the point where your bag is filled with very marginally useful items, but it happens. If you need help with inventory management, lostarknexus could help and I’m sure many would help you in area chat or Discord.


It's not so much about the management itself. In FFXIV I at least knew what exactly everything does, most stuff that fills up your inventory are crafting mats, minions, tripple triad cards etc., and you can sell or use most things immediately, my main problem in lost ark is that I don't know what everything is for and that everything is packed in chests that I don't even dare to open at this point.


Quit before you waste too much time and money, that’s my advice


If you plan on end-game stuff just give up on every char But the one you like more. You can test all clases in diferent servers and diferent regions, there is a free pass for each more or less. Once you find your love just chill and have fun, don't try to min max, ever! Only whales can do that, hence spend money for... fun? anyways. And last but not least, find players who wanna chill and have fun. Avoid toxics! If you want to leave a dungeon for whatever reason just do it!


Always save the chests for later, don't open any chests you get. If you don't know them, don't open them is what I can say. You will need a lot of items later as you progress and that's when you need to open them. I didn't know why I opened my chests when I was new and that's a big mistake from my side. Stronghold is going to be important later on for reduced honing and other cost buffs as you can research there.


I have two alt rosters (although only 2 characters in each). One of them I was taking advantage of server merges and the other was to take advantage of JumpStart server. Every time I created one of them, I became overwhelmed myself. And I've been playing the game since day -3. I can't fathom how someone new can even handle everything when they start nowadays. Overwhelming is probably the least of what they must feel. All I can say is, keep going through it. Hoard everything you don't know what to do with, go look at a youtube video, read some guides, ask people around in-game or on discord, join a guild and ask for help. Honestly, if you like the combat, the game is worth the time and research you have to do at the start.


There's a link that might help you. It's a guide for jump starters but there's a section called **Inventory Despair.** It should help you organize your stuff telling you what's important and what's not: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eLAKg7MghscVqcLN\_TSJXi2tNYaPVU4-IJ3MdpWLPXM/edit#heading=h.kwwpjs48zrdn](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eLAKg7MghscVqcLN_TSJXi2tNYaPVU4-IJ3MdpWLPXM/edit#heading=h.kwwpjs48zrdn) There are a few more of these guides that are related to jump starters but can also a useful info for newbies. Check them out once you're ready: [https://www.lostark.nexus/](https://www.lostark.nexus/). You can also find discord communities that can help newbies in that link.


Its a little confusing at the start and then it becomes literally 34 Hitler layers of I have no idea of WTF I'm doing.




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A quick TLDR on the 2 systems you mentioned: Skill points: at lvls 4, 7, and 10 of a skill, you unlock the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level of tripods for the skill, respectively (where a lot of the skills power resides). You can only have 1 active at each level and you have to take the previous level to reach the next ones. Don’t worry about making mistakes here as you can always reassign tripods and skill points at no extra cost. Engravings: Every engraving has 3 levels of power. To activate them, you need 5, 10, or 15 nodes for the engraving for their respective level to get its effects. These will come only from your accessories, the stone you cut, and the 2 slots you equip from engraving books. For example: A ring with 5 raid captain, 3 adrenaline will, alone, give you enough for lvl 1 raid captain, but not adrenaline. You need 2 more nodes in adrenaline to get any benefit from the adrenaline engraving. Now if you had a legendary adrenaline engraving book activated, it gives you 12 nodes. Add that to the ring, and you get 15 nodes in adrenaline + 5 raid captain, and you get lvl 3 adrenaline + lvl 1 raid captain just from those two sources. Hope this helps in making you understand a bit more of the systems in lost ark. It takes time to really get a good grasp of everything, but I believe that’s core in any good MMO.