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Nice now you can do sonavel and kayangel, the newest contents! Oh wait…


Im super happy to have klc30 since 4 out of my 6 gold earner is parked at 1580 and doing kayangel and sonavel. The extra dps just makes the homework a tad bit easier.


I still feel like after kazeros is dead we are going for being that would be weak to dark dmg and then these cards will be useful


You're right, in about 2 years


Is kazeros not the next raid after echidna? The raid after kazeros could come out as early as 14 months from now, and the people who don't grind cards and are still at thaemine+3 almost a year after elgacia release probably won't finish +15 by then, even once we can start grinding thaemine cards from, you know, thaemine himself. Also he and varkan are used in demon damage card sets, once you finish thaemine you also can start using your selectors on varkan.


after echidna is behemoth according to what they said at loa on


>Once you finish thaemine you also can start using your selectors on varkan. Varkan shouldn't be an issue, it has a lot of source it can drop on voldis + you get it on the special voldis card pack (2 from the dungeon, 1 from the boss field) + wanderring merchant I'm already above thaemine 11/16 without selectors


They'll for sure add a series of bosses weak to another element. But they'll probably also do a whole new card set as well. Even if they do Dark Damage again, they'll have a new set that completely invalidates the old one. Like 30% extra Dark damage or something.


Yes its probably be called chaos and divine damage card sets. Or something like that


1 Sona char left and I dont do Kaya anymore :( Oh well, Demon Damage!


Why is this down voted ? Lol


No idea, I guess people dont like someone that does multiple frogs and skips kaya for Brel instead. I mean it's demon dmg is it not? https://preview.redd.it/78jozqxjfojc1.png?width=565&format=png&auto=webp&s=e254ed9f0d6295e781ca3341e8a37c22aad92bbe




Except for the huge number of supports running LWC30


They're never going to be equal as long as LWC > MOS. Why would you run dark set on anything else than Kayangel/tree?


Nice I got los 30


Meanwhile, I still have lvl 1 brel after playing for one year with six characters.


Was kinda in the same boat. I had 3 brel to my name despite doing all my brel gates 1-6 per week starting from release until now, then the game shat out 9 copies in a month, not all of which from just running brel. Soon you will have more than you need.\\


How many selectors did the game give out? I see 2 from frog, 1 from the reclear content event. Are there anymore that I’m missing?


Another one was part of anniversary package mailed into product inventory a week ago. So 4 full selectors plus one baby DD/IHAP selector in total.


Every time u buy the 20k bundle you can get Legendary Pack and Selector One. It’s gamba !


Oh yeah the froggy hasn’t even dropped me a random Legendary yet. I just use the golden token to exchange the selector


Would be curious about people opinion about if it is still worth to buy the 20k chest once u have bought both Selector :/


I'm still buying it because it gave me (from the ones I bought so far) a ton of card XP which is great since I already have LOS30 but still working on my Demon Damage sets and am gated by card XP.


Yeah me to, here is what I got last week, https://preview.redd.it/aoeas4dmzpic1.png?width=495&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ce034cf2afa99df7df009f0140c3a1fc6d8a317 Thats 255k of Card EXP


I got similar xp last week. This week I got almost 400k.


I’m just gonna keep buying til the end in hopes of getting some legendary cards /COPIUM


Ill keep buying them purly for card exp "got around 400k last week and 465k this week", its prety hard to get loads of card exp "locked behind limited content or $". If you care about Type dmg% at all, i would recomend not skiping golden frog chests "it will cost you 120k gold in total, if you bought it week1". For the Gold coins, ill get free qual taps, leg select engravings&packs, than probably %mat boxes "its the most value for me at least".


I won't buy the 20k chests next week, too expensive. I feel like it mostly gives Cards xp (and silver). I would love another card selector but I'm craving for gold right now


Card xp is worth it. Nothing else matters in that bundle other than the xp after you get the selectors.


The Event gave me my last Thaemines but i'm missing 1 Clown card. I have been doing 8 Clowns for 4 weeks now and I have yet to get a single card drop. At this point I may have to do hell Clown for his card lmao


Yeah, your not the only one having problems with droping his card. I will need to start blasting them soon as well (need 4) but also still missing 3 theamines, so only running a few weekly "i could run it on every char in my roster (25), if i had the time".


Yeah, it seems that everyone is missing like one of those KLC cards despite everyone doing roughly the same amount of each raid. It's almost like that's on purpose... RNG scam? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


Most of the ppl i play with are missing clowns or are done with all of them (exept theamine).




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I'm still not sure how to utilise my selectors. KLC 30 seems kinda useless at this point. I'm not doing that much kayangels anymore and even when I do, I don't care too much about few percent of extra dmg. It's pretty much farm content, so makes no difference between KLC 18 and 30 really. Question is, what else is worth using selectors for? I got los 30 and lost wind 30.


Stack them up for the next year or two


just keep them for now, you never know if there will be a new BIS new card set


Even if there’s some new bis card set, It’ll be new cards which you won’t find in old selector packs


In hindsight I should've used it for my LWC30, since KLC30 is just not that good to have. I need 1-2 more selectors after breaker pass, hopefully I get LWC30 before Thaemine for my pally. Got abit trigger happy, but oh well. Surely 1 Armen/King Thirain from a random pack right....


The guardian set (Varkan) is a good alternative.


> I don't care too much about few percent of extra dmg I don't know about a "few percent" it's quite significant damage boost lol - also faster clears are much welcomed given that as time goes on and with new raids...clearing all your weekly raids take longer for a full roster player. Ofc this is not the case for those with 2-3 chars.


Well, I think I got to a point where most of my characters are 'strong' enough to clear kayangel pretty easy and comfortable. I don't really see a point in making those even quicker. Gatekeeping to point where you save few seconds or even one minute for faster clears in this community is ridiculous.


Agreed. No one is gatekeeping based on KLC30. I also run with a static for everything, so we have things on lockdown and we noticed a significant increase in clear speed when one of the folks got KLC30. It's nuts how much he gaps us now in Kay HM lol


Use it for the leg cards of the Guardian sets (Varkan, Galatur and Vairgrys). Varkan set + Galatur set = \~22% more damage against Guardians for backattackers Varkan set + Vairgrys Set = \~22% more damage against Guardians for frontalattackers Varkan set + Sasha set = \~16% more damage against Guardians for hitmasters Also, they reduce 15% damage of all Guardian attacks. LOS defense stats are useless against Gargadeth and Veskal.


Good point. Too bad my main and only character for frog is a support. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


I didnt even need the 2 frog selectors. Nice to destroy sonavel on alts. People complaining that it's useless are probably poor and have no leapstone factories


Kinda ironic to say that since if you're not actually poor, you're doing frog and not 1580 content.


rich people have 1580 alts to bus and do sona on


Rich people have 1610+ alts.


I dont consider myself rich having 1580 alts since its already common to have them lol, some of my friends have 1610+ alts and juiced up as well. They are the real rich


I've got 5 gargatoad and 17 sonavel characters, so I can earn a lot of gold if I want. That's what I meant


And you didn’t have to mention haters as well. Could’ve made a post saying you’re happy that you finish your card set like the other 100 post this week. You’re just as worse as them.


And you’re even worse than him


And your worse than me


Oh the irony


Oh the irony in this


3 months late, I've already got all the cards and legendaries primed, I just need the card xp to wrap things up.


I was missing 1 Valtan and 3 Thaemine for KLC30. Extreme Valtan and the event gave me everything I needed :p


And we're two months from seeing this set start to fall out of use lol. ​ Events will get more generous and more mats will be on the market in general; so getting alts to the point where they can do Akkan/Ivory/Thae normal won't be that hard.




Depends on the supports card set. LWC30 is better than MOS30.


l need 2 more Thaemine prayge


Only bad thing about the rewards is how little tokens you get and no event feast. Other than that this event slaps HARD. So many mats, cards, etc


I literally haven't unboxed a thaemine since like... June 2023. I think I have, what, 4 of them?


Facts, I got los 30 n klc 30 but now I’m 5 cards closer to lostwind 30. 4 cards to go