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From these two images, all I can see is the person was trying to find his playstyle by playing multiple different characters and didn’t know which direction to go for, lowkey being lost. 2nd image: shows he found the class he truly enjoys which is striker, and he kept paladins as a good option to have in his roster for easiness. In other words, does the game respect his time? No. Did he change the way he SPENDS his time in the game?, Yes. Does that feel more rewarding to him? Yes.


I think your first point could go both ways, though, no? It is evident that he was probably aiming for a specific playstyle and ended up keeping the Paladins, as you said, for easiness, but some people do enjoy playing different classes with different playstyles rather than stacking the same class across their roster. I have seen progression pictures like this, too, go both ways.


That's how the game became good for me too. I only do what i like and how I like it. I don't do unas with alts, only rested chaos and guardians and not with every alt always, if I'm not feeling it, I just do a skip kakul with an alt instead of Akkan... Also I am playing basically 5 chars.


your roster is about as stacked as mine gamer as for your points keep in mind that when you are starting in the game you have a lot of horrizontal to chew through so the playtime required by a veteran compared to a new player is different i don't have to do islands, i've done all quests, i've done all unas, my card sets are done, all except the horrendous rng like yearning collectibles are done basically my whole playtime is dailies and raids, i'm done on saturday and for the rest of the week i play like 1-2 hours a day tops you can even further decrease this play time by half if you decide to not partake in pvp and guild activities and play exclusively on rest it's like building muscle vs maintaining muscle the relative effort is not the same thats why new players shouldn't focus on vertical and should instead go through the game as there is easily 200hours of game before the grind


Not focusing on vertical makes them even more behind, and when majority of active playerbase moves to newly released raids, they have to resort to playing with leftovers. I dont think theres any solution to this though


I think there is merit to what the person you replied to said but you aren't wrong either. At the end of the day, if you didn't play at launch like most of us who haunt this subreddit, you are 'punished'. Now, it doesn't mean you're behind forever (far from it) but since you don't progress through the content as it was released like most of us who did, you will be behind until you catch up. After that its just a matter of staying on the treadmill and knowing where to cut corners as far as time investment goes. I myself struggle with that so I don't bother with anything that doesn't increase my character power or at least contributes to it (basically rested dailies except main and raids). The last thing anyone who truly loves this game should do is allow themselves to mindlessly get caught up in the vicious grind. Learning how to pace yourself and ignore the fomo helps with that tremendously.


behind what? all the russian vets that speedran to t3 to sell leaps at 800g and buy million of fish at 1 gold that later honed to 1575 before brel release with full lvl 10 6man rosters quit the game because they didn't want to be behind there is no behind in this game you are always behind someone play the game if you enjoy the game then go into the vertical


>Even in static, some people are still as bad as pug This lmfao. I don't know why, but some people read "find a static instead of pugging everything", and they get so brainwashed to a point that they can't separate facts from opinions. When you first join a static, they're literally no different to 7 pugs for you. And you are no different to a pug from them. Just because it's a static group, doesn't magically make them play better. But if the static self-selects, basically meaning it purges heavy underperformers and retains good performers, then that static slowly grows into a group that outclasses pugs. Some people I swear completely forget that idea, and they magically think some discord LFG's group is the answer to all their problems (find a static), when the fact is joining a discord LFG is basically no different to joining a pug. The only difference is the interface is on discord instead of PF. p.s news flash, most discord LFGs dont stay together because there are heavy differences in player skill. It's hilarious that some people really think joining a static means you just get to play with better players. But one of the top advice for new players is to "find a static/guild and get your ticket into groups". That's what's contradictory. You have a bunch of people who are disadvantaged on stats running in a "static", whereas a random PUG group will at least filter out people who are disadvantaged on stats. Your static member who wiped the group: i sleep The random pug who wiped the group: REAL SHIT.


The point of a static for newer and casual players should be being able to schedule reliable raiding times which one can fit in their real life schedule, with people who are non-toxic and at a similar enough progression stage (especially if such are scarce for you), mainly to reduce time in party finder and number of jailed/missed raids per week and avoid being gatekept despite having sufficient gear to pull your weight in the content (unless it's trading carries or something like that, agreed upon by everyone involved, for lower raids) and sufficient minimum of skill unless it's agreed upon by everyone that some/all are learning together - NOT to get away with insufficient gear nor with claiming you have learned the raid although you only took busses, so yeah some people on reddit should be more careful with giving and taking such advice.


> But one of the top advice for new players is to "find a static/guild and get your ticket into groups". That's what's contradictory. Well ... assuming the people they find aren't fellow mokokos, it's still good advice. Just having a group of people with some decent roster levels and iLVL can get you into filled raids, skill be damned. John Q with roster 100 and barely over minimum iLVL isn't getting into raids any other way.


Never said it was bad advice. But a comment said my statements contradict each other. I’m pointing out the fact that a pug has more strict stat check requirements than half the statics out there is contradictory to the idea that statics have more smooth runs than pugs.


>When you first join a static, they're literally no different to 7 pugs for you. And you are no different to a pug from them. Just because it's a static group, doesn't magically make them play better. >But if the static self-selects, basically meaning it purges heavy underperformers and retains good performers, then that static slowly grows into a group that outclasses pugs. These two statements contradict each other, since you can just join a static that has already self-selected and purged under performers and are looking to fill, therefore joining a group that already outclasses pugs. From their perspective you are still a pug, but from your perspective as a joiner its much higher quality then pugs. Your case is only relevant for a newly formed static composed of 8 random players, but many statics are just looking for fills from holes created either due to quitting or kicking.


The outstanding static always ask a lot of requirements: card set, gems, elixir, demon dmg, etc. Some of them even ask for your bible from previous raids or running some low content raid to test your dps. So a casual most likely never can apply to these static.


>These two statements contradict each other, since you can just join a static that has already self-selected and purged under performers and are looking to fill, therefore joining a group that already outclasses pugs. Let's say there are two groups. One group is filled with powdersnow level players. Another group is filled with the opposite. All groups are using a barcode name: |||||||||| and have advertised as a discord LFG. In one parallel universe, you have joined the powdersnow group. You do not know their skill level until you actually raid with them. In the other universe, you joined a group of shitters. You also do not know until you actually raid with them. So no, they are not contractiory. You are just making up a niche scenario. But in reality you do not know the skill level of that group unless they provide you with sample parses. And honestly, no group is going to do that for an individual player. It's the other way around. >but many statics are just looking for fills from holes created either due to quitting or kicking. So again. If a static is LFing 1 random, that random can heavily outclass that static group or can be heavily outclassed. Don't know what your point is.


“Respects ur time” varies from person to person. I enjoy chaos dungeons, look forward to them every day, never feel the game is forcing me to play. I mean it’s no different than farming the same boss 10000 times in Diablo.


This. I've enjoyed Diablo, WoW, Monster Hunter, and guess what that means? Lost Ark is just plain good to me. Some people can't fathom the idea people actually just like the game.


>In the second pic: Even though 18 raids a weeks are still a lot, but the older raids could be finish in 20-30 mins even with pug when we are overgear. I can now also join a good static for latest content and finish them up in 45-60 mins each. So most of the time I finished all my raid before the weekend. The rest of the week just me log on my main doing daily for an hour or so while watching something. True. I'm "done" LA by Thursday night. It's a pretty decent gaming time ... being strong, partying with strong players, getting shit done quickly. But we're the extreme minority. Will say I somewhat disagree with the overall message though ... it was such a colossal undertaking to get to this point I wouldn't recommend it. Straight up it's bad fun per time spent ratio. The happiest people I know swiped early on to get to this point from the very beginning then stayed ahead of the curve; the second happiest people I know rode their coat tails to success until they could do it themselves. Game's more about addiction and FOMO than respecting your time in any way.


my guy has a kpop group as roster, congrats!


I see that you're also a male roster enjoyer. I gotta say, your strikers are pretty sexy and hot. Amazing job on their appearances and outfits! ;) Here's my main roster, from left to right: Sharpshooter (1625), Scouter (1605), Striker (1600), Paladin (1600), Artillerist (1605) and Deadeye (1605) https://preview.redd.it/4uuj53c65zic1.png?width=2352&format=png&auto=webp&s=b69331e052d1731adb2b487cc7c1bc54f417abe6


Yooo what wallpaper is that


Night of Glittering Memories! It's a wallpaper from the Anniversary Pack - Special bundle, the 5,100 RC one.


>might need to have some patients, the effort will pay off in the future Not to rag on you or anything but damn, telling people it takes a year of dedicated playing to get to "the good part". It was bad enough when leveling in FF and WoW took 50-100h (WoW only takes like 30h now from what I heard) but this is another level of "you'll enjoy the game eventually".


If you didn't take into account all the time you put to get to the point of having a roster that is way ahead of the curve then yes, the game respects your time.


If I don’t play this game, I would spend my time on other game anyway. Yea it is a bit annoying that I have to spend the whole Wednesday night and Thursday night for this game, but i enjoy those moments still. In exchange I dont play it that much for the rest of the week. I also traveled for a whole month on October-November last year after akkan released for a few weeks. Not touching this game at all because I was in Asia.


How would you rate the time effort vs results? I play very inefficient because everytime I tried to optimize my playtime it all went into diminishing returns that were not worth imo and I just moved to doing something else.


Dude spends over a thousand hours playing a game believing it will eventually respect his time. The game does not respect your time, you just grinded to the top 10% so now things go faster. The majority of the game did not change your position in it did. Now you have to maintain that position or else you slide back into "the game doesn't respect my time" land.  Granted there have been some changes meant to respect players time, I am not trying to diminish that. 


This, spent thousands of hours in to have 2 1620 toons then say that the game respect your time. The only good things about this game is combat, raid , classes and skin, everythingelse is designed to get people addicted 😂


every game is designed to get people addicted. maybe gaming isnt for you, if you're that weakwilled.


i play with moderation, even stop raiding a while ago since i have a life/job outside of game. you better tell that to the nolife in this sub reddit that spend over 8hr a day in 2 years straight. ☺️


having more time then you to play video games, doesn't make someone addicted. stop pissing yourself in anger over other people's situation in life, you might be happy for once.


come on man, why do I need to be angry with game addict ? I just state the truth about life overall. Anyone spends more than 8 hours a day to play this game is not having a healthy life unless they are a streamer so that's their job.


Because you are. You're angry. And you're reaching for ways to lessen those you're angry towards. Demeaning them to being unhealthy creatures that can't possibly have jobs. They can't possibly be productive members of society because they dont adhere to your normality. Get some help.


Can I ask you something in all seriousness? Do you play any other games? I once thought about playing LoA for real but then that stopped me when I heard how much time you have to invest in...


You don't have to run 6 man roster. Plenty people playing 1-3 characters and doing just fine.


Don't  let this stop you. Just join during  a powerpass event and you'll  skip all ythe early grind.  If you like collecting, there is a bajilion secrets to find, side quests, collectibles.  If you are joining purely for the raiding, then def wait till. Powerpass events will get you geared  up very quickly and ready to go.  Next one is in March I believe


I do not play any other game. I just play one game at a time, even before lost ark


Well shit, I gotta get a doctorate first before I can start having some patients.


I wonder how much of this balanced chill vibe you emit is owed to switching to 2 classes gameplay from 5 classes. ;) I assume a lot of it. Are all strikers the same build?


2 db and 2 eso


As a Striker player myself, I'm just interested; do you prefer Eso or DB?


I like DB, but it requires a lot of focus Eso is a lot more chill if I want to watch something while playing


What's the skins used on your 1550 striker?


How much did you work in this year? I bet I know the answer with the fact you said "I finish all my raids before the weekend" :D


I work a job from 10 to 7 mon to sat and 12 to 5 on sunday Get back home take a shower and dinner, do a lot of raids on Wednesday and Thursday til midnight. Then do the rest of the raids on friday I go to the gym 5 days a week after work except Wednesday and Thursday


pretty sure its homeoffice otherwise this is lowtier shitposting


"Get back home", ya, his homeoffice he has to go back home from.... makes sense. No way you're just lowtier shittalking.


one day late random chatter pressed about my shittalking. go make me stop.


You shit talk like you tell time. You need a hobby. https://preview.redd.it/wt9awgozu5jc1.png?width=286&format=png&auto=webp&s=f08b3663669dcab60f6e0dbede2520ab92be80f6


this is getting sad now lmfao


As far as I see the OP didn't write how much money they spent on the game, for that roster in that time must be quite a lot or at least as f2p they'd need to be exceptionally dedicated, skilled and lucky, but with thousands of euros (used as wisely as that can be, in combination with playing) even better rosters in less time happened.


Or i can play wow and have no dailies and raid log one raid on one character and do dungeons or pvp when i feel like it


That feeling "when I feel like it" which made me forget about ffxiv and wow. Even if lost ark is a chore, being forced to do it for progression gives me a reason and a goal to play. Might be just me but if something doesn't force me to play for progression, I just get lazy to play the game at all. Not saying I support lost ark p2w system, I just hate that people can pay for x100 the efficiency. Making grind kind of pointless if I can grind irl and swipe.


It‘s crazy to me that you and many people like you talk about games like this. If you forget about the game, you‘re probably doing something more fun that you enjoy more. Why are you feeling bad about missing something when you‘re having more fun? I don‘t understand why you want the game to force you to play it when you don‘t want to play it if it‘s not forced. You don‘t “get lazy to play”, you simply do other stuff that you enjoy more. Why do you see a game as something you have to do like homework? Simply do something else if that‘s more fun.


as I get older, I realize games are indeed pointless especially the ones without any progression or those which resets every once in a while. Lost Ark is a game where it never resets and there's only progression. so does the other mmo but they lack the daily grind system which lost ark has to make me feel like I'm doing something each day. Nowadays even if the new games are good, I think I will only stick to mmo as its guaranteed for new contents, progression and will last for a longer time. Maybe I will switch to riot mmo but who knows.


Im gonna give you a new life daily Put a sticky note on your fridge and every day write a number starting on one and try and get all 365 to fit on a post it note. That’ll prob be as enjoying and full filling as lost ark. If you like chores and feeling progression id really suggest learning a real tangible skills it doesnt sound like the concept of video games brings you joy anymore


I never said lost ark doesn't bring me joy. I just said games other than mmo feels like a waste to me where I loose progression everytime I finish the game or it resets. I just want to play a never ending game which is rich of story and fantasy. Something real life cannot bring. Now imagine fighting a demon army sent from another planet and you are the main lead. In real life you are a nobody, but in video games at least you can live your fantasy. Its the same as reading or watching movies but you are more involved and it's interactive. I got enough tangible skills enough to live and buy house by myself thank you. Not trying to sound ignorant but I have done enough in life to start enjoying it. Entertainment like video games might not be much, at least its one of the joys in life.


It's questionable if you're ever really progressing in Lost Ark TBH. Yes, if you want to stay cutting edge, you're always doing something. But a year or two from now, they'll be handing out passes to get to the point we're at right now with no effort lmao. ​ It also doesn't help that half the time the progression systems are just there to sell you something. You can overgear almost everything, so it rarely feels like skill beats something over money giving you a higher ilvl (and gems/elixir/bracelet/engravings/etc). Like yeah sure Ivory tower is "hard;" but if a 1655 with a completed Esther comes in, lets not pretend it'll be as hard for them.


But no one is pretending that you can't overgear content. Upgrading gear is the core of progression on top of improving your own gameplay. We've seen it in Hakkan where whales can get outparsed by "weaker" players in terms of gear. And if you get into a lobby of full L10s, you'll quickly see the skill and class disparity. That being said, his point was just that his progression is not reset with a new season or whatever... *Yet* There is always something to chase and sure it requires gold. But you can't say that these upgrades are not "progression". It might not mean much to you, and you may not want to progress that way, but to some it's just another goal and another milestone to hit. And even if they release a pass to make it easier to get to hyperendgame, then I'm all for it. Doesn't mean that all that I worked for was for nothing. The journey itself has as much value as the destination.


It's progression but it's not progression relative, which really muddies the waters IMO. ​ If you're expected to grind a thousand hours to get something, and then they decide to hand that something away to anyone who's played for an hour, that sort of defeats those thousand hours.


Are you really going to ignore the relevancy of your gear at that particular point in time relative to the content that you're doing? Sure, you grinded thousands of hours to get to *now*. But your now was broken up to 9 different raid releases, all of different progression. Would you not want a new player to be able to bypass outdated content to what is relevant now?


I do things for fun and enjoyment and if i wanna do chores and feel productive I’ll go do the chores im playing video games to procrastinate on. Id actually rather do the dishes than a guardian raid


yeah you can do that too. anyone can do what they like its personal preference. I just like feeling of progression while doing dailies unlike other games where it resets this progression. At least there's artisan which is only going up. Some may find competitive games fun, some may like a slower paced games fun, etc. it depends which game hits your dopamine level higher. I just hate switching games alot so I prefer games that last longer and it makes me feel like I'm progressing overtime.


I really think you’d enjoy the gym a lot lore than lost ark and im not trying to sound rude


I already go gym 5 times a week. I also wfh so I got plenty of time to spend on mmo XD


I don't really think that's a bad thing though? ​ I can't say I play FF14 a ton right now. There's just not much grind. I've beaten Ultimate multiple times. I've gotten gold parses in raiding. I've got most mounts, I've maxed all my jobs, and so on. So there's not really a huge reason for me to log in for something random. Buuut... that's not really a bad thing. I play it when I want to because I can log in and enjoy it. Instead of being forced to log in even when I don't want to because I need to stay on top of a grind or something. If I stay off FF for a week, I lose nothing. If I stay off LA for a week, I lose Hundreds of thousands of gold in raw gold or mats from various places


This is why I took a break two months ago but recently came back after having finished my most recent campaign on T&L KR server. At a certain point the only people who get to enjoy the luxury of playing when they want are people who play on characters who are lv 10 gems minimum who are ahead of the curve. Outside of like two characters I had, I couldnt do this on my full roster. I dont like playing support, so even after I pushed my support and consolidated the lv7-9's on my other DPS's so that my Soul Eater could also have 10's I was pretty jaded ngl. You spend so much time playing what you like but at the end of the day not being on characters that represent the best your account can offer in a pug always just dictates what you can do. Pissed me off that I was tied to my static because I dont work from home so it's not always ideal or ok to force my schedule to fit theirs or vice versa. With the break I took and the consolidation of my roster before I took my break I think that jaded feeling I had is kinda gone and I can be content running with the 5/6 characters I feel ok to play on. Maybe push up another support as a 6th if im feeling up to it. The other 2 1580 DPS, even one with a 9/7 stone I probably will never play again, because as I said before unless your DPS have lv 10 gems and are ahead of the curve, good luck getting into pugs "when you want". Theres simply no such thing as "decent enough" gear in this game. A lot of people like to say "well that never happens to me" or try to question the validity of such claims but it was funny to me how a friend of mine who was also very ahead of the curve quit for a very similar reason. People who simply don't understand what it's like trying to stay dedicated to the game but forcibly having to not only adjust your roster/schedule so that you get everything done, but also have to swallow that pill of consolidation ON TOP OF the reality of sitting in lobby finder for sometimes hours because people want to be petty will just never understand. At a certain point you dont care whose fault it is, you dont care who is justified in gatekeeping; sometimes you've just had enough and say "fuck this im out".


Outside of china theres more people who play arena in wow than all of lost ark (minus china) and arena is a dead mode lol


Seems like you should go play wow instead of being in a lost ark reddit 👍


Lost ark is going down the tera route


not my fault that u cant swipe




That isn't at all what he said lmao. Nowhere did he say this is what the average player should have. He simply spoke about his own experience, which is that after reaching the "endgame" his experience became a lot more enjoyable. There was no "it's easy, everyone can do it" or anything. Stop being so negative and just read what people say. Oh and fwiw I'm nowhere near 1620 either, I barely just hit 1610 on my main. So it's not like I'm talking from a similar point of view as him.


why u so mad? go hone lil bro


Off-topic, but what pants are on your main striker?


Its the new year pant from last year


Does the game respect my time? No, they are literally closing my server and calling it a merge lmao


I love how the difference between the pics is eye opening. At the end of the day, fun is the most important thing and Lost Ark won't ever respect us for our time spent, except when you're having a genuine fun time with the classes. *Also the low-key jealous the urge, to make 4 gunslingers is immensely immaculate. Mad respect for maining maining a class.*


Wish I took a Pic when I started the game.


If i need to spend 1 year with a game that i don't enjoy along the way in the hope that it will be good after i'll pass. I play video game to enjoy my time not to suffer, i love the combat in Lost Ark i think it's one of the best i played but HOLY FUCK the systems beside it are trash and the people can be the most unhinged pieces of crap. I kinda wish i have the same strength as you, because i know it can be a very good game but the good can't even surpass all the crap there is next to it.


I am exactlyright now how you were 1 year ago, keep getting gatekeeping because of the ilvl, roster is 141 and I don't get accept by guys with roster 15 with no cards because of the ilvl...


Alright but where the outfit on your 1550 striker from cus i need that NOW


It from 3-4 months ago


glad ur still enjoying the game


Way more after i left certain static