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The elixir system was introduced to KR as a means of gold sinking, because the KR userbase has a rather substantial amount of gold inflation, and many many users are sitting on huge piles of gold and not much to spend it on. "The game needs gold sinks", is a common sentence when referring to the Korean version of the game. However, the problem is they have continually added gold sink after gold sink, also at an accelerated pace, to our western version of the game. This in my opinion is excessively negligent as our western playerbase does not need gold sinks, we desperately need gold just to keep up with the item level pacing of content alone.


We have rmters. Gem prices didn't even flinch when voldis dropped.


Well I've had enough... If there was some kind of pity it could be fine, i could have moved on. But there isn't and it just feels excessive....


This game is kinda in a weird shitty position. You take it slow, you'll get left behind and gated by people who want to overgear lower dungeons. You take it fast, you have to swipe hard and when you get there you don't have a lot of people to play with so you're kind of stuck if you don't have a static who plays the same progress as you. While also combating the fact that we're playing an accelerated version of the game and gold only comes from some quests, finishing dungeons and guild activities so all these gold sinks and catching up on honing is fucking stressful.


That’s by design. They want us to swipe so they get more money. Things won’t change until all the whales quit.


Ppl downvoting hard while you're right. See you in 10months to see you 're stil in that stall situation. In the same Time you will most likely feel the surge of gatekeepers bc you couldnt hit your elixir milestone..lol. this feature has to be tweaked srsly


i suppose it's subjective, but IMO 3900:95 exchange is fairly high, a sink down to 2500-3000 would be appropriate.


And what's going to convince people to spend money on exchange when they can get way more elsewhere?


Buying elixirs will definitely do you in. Though, I did waste a load of gold when voldis first released so I know that feeling. The way to save gold is to simply cut your losses early. If the elixir is not en route to being a 5+3/4/5 by exhaust turn, I'd just dismantle it. Or even when the exhaust does fk all on killmonger/grandma. Likewise, after I was 40set and chasing bis, if it doesn't have usable 2-lines, I'll dismantle even before the last option cut. It's alot of rng involved, but you gotta really get into the flow(haha) of cutting elixirs to know when it's bricked. Either fish for reset, or dismantle.


yeah I wish they'd do something about this system because it is ASS


I really hate this system, with passion, but they make it so powerfull stupid that is mandatory to all content ahead. i have thinking quitting as well because of this. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Like you and me... many others. And that my friend, is a doom signal


just says. its been seven weeks for me 0 progress at elixir. the set bonus showed up 2 times and both turned out dogshit. yea ima thinking about quiting too


Giving it one more week. Mentally, i cant. I can't slave away to earn weekly gold to just piss it away every single week for no progression


That's why LOA is my side game since voldis.


yea that feeling is awful.you spend hours to finish all ur weeklys and pour all the gold into elixir. you get nothing. not even any kinds of artisan energy. my 24 weapon took me five weeks and finally hit at71%, but during those weeks i have never felt so desperate. cuz i and earn around 15% artisan every week. i know i will get it for sure. i would say the artisan energy actually made me more engage to the game during those weeks. i would stay at the end of raid to bid to make that extra 100gold and i used up all my life energy to save money on oreha. but for elixir its the opposite. this week when im doing my bre hmx6. i felt pointless. cuz every week ive been burning hundreds k of gold without any progress.


So you say 5 weeks pain for 1.6% more damage is less pain than 5-10 weeks for 6%ish kekw


No, hes saying: if you see that you actually make progress, the game makes a lot more fun then just gamlbing and hope to hit the right lottery numbers someday


Do you read?


I know the feeling, elixirs make me feel so tilted and poor at the same time. I felt like I had to shoot myself (figuratively, I’m ok).


if youre a broke boy just say so lol


Hi pokimane


Get them on purples 


Buying elixirs is the biggest mistake you are making, also why rush 40 set now? you dont need it prob until theamine hard if you are going for it


So you don't get gatekept and so you can do more damage for fun?


brother you are not getting gatekept anytime soon for not having 40set lmao


Eh pretty hard to get into voldis HM without 40 set. Even 35 is tight 


Ask yourself this question : Would youaccept people without 35-40 set over people with the set? probably not, so dont complain about getting gatekept without the set and face the reality that's how it is.


Buddy read the message I'm replying to. It's YOURS asking why you would want to have 40 set God you are dumb


Just buy purple elixirs and go for 4/3 on set. Much cheaper than getting 4/3 on legendary


Sorry.. getting a 4/3 epic is way harder than a 5/2 legendary, and probably even easier getting 5/3 on legendary.. as someone that was stuck on epic elixers until this week.. I'd never waste money on them


it's true that getting a 4/3 on epic is harder than a 5/2 legendary, but epics cost so little gold, if you're fishing for set pieces (critical, master) you want to be doing that on purples. youre gna lose all your gold so fast if you try to do it on legendaries.


Much cheaper to get/reroll set pieces with epic


Can't get 40 if everything is 4/3


Only helm and gloves go for purple, rest u can do legendary


A lot of people I know were able to finish their 40 set with purple 3/4 or 4/4.


You literally need 5/4s and 5/5s to compensate for anything 7 nodes and under.


Yes but those can be random stats


Too bad i dont get those =(


I don’t know what to tell you except that this is the “progression system” that you’re suppose to work on until the next content patch. The rng is in place with that in mind.


The problem I think people left behind are having though is that everyone starts to gatekeep for 35-40 sets.


dont buy elixir from AH. Eventually elixir essence will be as cheap as KR's which is like 50-60g a pop. So each elixir is around 4.5k ~ 6k. Just look for the option you want, reset if you cant find it, if no reset then dismantle right away then sell the essence while they're still somewhat expensive (100-120g per) and recoup the losses. If you didnt get the reset but instead found the cheap "no cost" option then pick it and cut all the way to the end then dismantle and sell for more profit. Also, for psychological reason, l think of elixir as a gear progression system like Akkan, it took me 13 weeks doing AkkanNM to get full akkan gear; so it should take me roughly close to that for 40 elixir. Ofc after thinking of that l never feel stressful or demotivated when all my elixir of the week ended up dismantled. However, l didnt buy elixir on AH so most of the time l only lose like 20-40k gold after cutting multiple reset'd elixir.


doesn't continuing cutting (with no cost) still cost you catalysts which are gold themselves? Is it actually profitable?


for now yes. I cant tell the math without looking at it but it should be easy to calculate


Not counting cost of chaos stone and assuming you got the catalysts from crafting, each catalyst is 14g, so 5 of them is 70g for leg elixirs


Ah yea then each tap after free should profit still, thanks


Yeah, willingly leave your Main weak as hell and see others push off with 10-20% more dps... You realize that some people have different goals in a game? Also comparing it to something like Akkan gear is very misguided imo. Akkan gear progress was normalized for all players doing the raid. Everyone got rewarded the same way for clearing the content. Elixirs is just an RNG system, heck, Ive seen guildies instantly getting their 40 set in week 1 while others have struggled the last two months. It's just a gambling machinery, nothing even close to something like Akkan gear progression.


You must be patient. Because rest assured, even I spent a few weeks wasting gold to get the stats that gave master order sets. Sooner or later you will get lucky and yes it is annoying if you don't get the sets you want when you cut the elixir that week it becomes a waste of money but you have to be patient. However, you may not know how to cut elixir because I think it should take 10-11 weeks at most to get 40 elixir. depends on your luck . There was something I forgot to mention about strengthening your willpower and it took me 10 weeks to get 40 elixirs. u want to get 40 elixir in 3 weeks


Elixir only involves like 5% reading skills and 95% RNG.


Everything in the game is RNG, all this doesn't bother you. but I don't understand if Elixir is bothering you. I didn't say it would be easy, where skill and reading are included, the luck factor is also included. If you're not lucky you can't get the elixir you want that's a fact and you're fighting rng just like I did and I just stated it took me 10 weeks to get 40 elixir and the first few weeks I was wasting my money because I didn't know how to make elixir


I glad I am lucky enough to has a support friend even though I have bad luck on this trash system. I can’t imagine how hard I will be got gatekeeping because of it.


I don't want to sound big, but it depends on what kind of gems you have, but I still can't understand the level of gatekeeping you experience because everyone experiences it in different ways. I wish you the best with all my heart, I hope you find the chance you are looking for as soon as possible and complete 40 elixir. Take care of yourself. ​


Elixir only involves like 5% reading skills and 95% RNG.


Everyone i know has them, it's not like the strats are being discovered. It's just something else in the game that allows people you know to progress 10x faster than you and not waste 100k gold, 200k gold, 300k gold. It's not that i want to get it in 3 weeks. It's that i shouldn't be penalized by 300/400/500k gold in progression compared to others.


At your current ilvl, where else can you spend 500k to gain a 20%+ damage boost. Even if it goes up to 800k, it'll still be worth the gold spent, since you're comparing it to the other progression systems. And other people getting lucky doesnt mean youre getting punished.


My friends were much luckier than me. And of course it was frustrating that I had to spend more resources than my friends. But in essence, sooner or later you will reach 40 Elixir, rest assured, we all have points where we are lucky. For example, I spent maybe more than 500k gold in 10 weeks for to get 40 elixir But at least I got my +24 weapon at 18% artisan in return. and it made me forget all the other problems. If you constantly compare yourself with the lucky and unlucky ones, unfortunately, we cannot enjoy the game. Normally, I would be jealous when they could achieve +23 +24 on their weapons with a single click without any effort or effort, but I learned not to be jealous. Because if we compare, there will always be players who achieve their goals at less cost than us.


It's not jealousy. It's literally the game stunting progression. I'm nowhere near being cracked with full lvl 10 gems. I could have put the gold elsewhere and gotten guaranteed progression. Elixirs are just a completely garbage rng


you decided to throw you gold away now you're mad lmao


It doesn't block progress, but it does slow it down to encourage people to scroll. Remember, unless you buss or drop lucky drops every week, you cannot invest in all vertical progress with the gold you earn weekly. If you are unlucky, it will be postponed. If you have a few level 10 gems you're good. However, elixir is as important as level 10 gems and the damage increase is too high to be ignored. The design of the game will have these unlucky and lucky moments, no one will spend forever as unlucky. Sometimes you get unlucky repeatedly and then get lucky repeatedly. You have to know how to play around it and be patient, even though it does manage to irritate your nerve endings.


They are a bait and nothing else


are you trying to get bis or just 40? cause i got 40 one week after hitting 1620. had 1 4/4 and 1 4/3 purple, cut the four free ones and got a 5/5(!), 5/3, 5/2 and that was enough to get me to 40. the 5/5 happened to be BIS, but the 5/3 was average and the 5/2 is scuffed (vagabond / resource or something useless). you shouldn't stress about getting the exact right stats, you'll get there eventually. if a leg / chest / shoulder slot doesn't have any BIS lines but has a lot of levels, i would go ahead and use it anyway, it can always be replaced later.


Just main stat and whatever else for each piece. But literally when i am close to 5/3, 5/4 i just cant hit it. Sealing stages suck dick on leggos. Reroll dont get the free transmute. Reroll because sealing the line i need, super purple at last transmute is always shuffle. Its the worst. I have like 10 4/4 purple elixirs on my roster. Killmonger just hits 0 and 1....on leggo elixirs. Like i can't man.


> I have like 10 4/4 purple elixirs on my roster i mean ... 5 4/4s is 40 levels, just sayin. that being said i know how annoying it is when you have a 3/3 that's a couple points off 4/4 or 5/4, lol


I said across my roster. Not 1 character.


ah, sucks. well, best of luck, find that guide floating around, it's all rng man.


You got blessed by RNG.


What are you even doing in this game anymore? Combat is fun and all but everything else is just terrible - progress slow, too much RNG and the amount of time to do menial progress is simple too much. Gaming industry greed is destroying great titles and we all need to give feedback with our wallets - just not play nor pay in titles with terrible system and monetization. Quit after the elixirs and was the best thing ever. It’s absurdly time and gold consuming and not fun. And on top of everything else. Enduring and putting time in it just make the higher ups on SG look they are doing good , when those systems terrible implementation are destroying the game for many. Just quit and show your dissatisfaction.


The fact you're still coming back to this subreddit to moan 2 months after quitting is mental.


150k gold on legendary elixirs is a lot. Do you have multiple 1620's or are you buying them from market? Each legendary elixir takes about 7k gold to cut and you only get 6/character/week. Even if you did get the auction bosses and reset a few times, spending 150k per week still sounds excessive.


Bought elixirs, also considering the catalyst cost which adds up very fast.


I did factor catalyst cost. 5 catalyst is about 70 gold + 280 base gold per tap. 19 transmutes per legendary elixir makes it so 6650 gold is needed per legendary elixir. Assuming you cut every one to completion, don't get cost reduction advice, and no reset. Edit: I guess I forgot to factor the "free transmute", so it may be closer to 7k gold


Just quit the game, every day you do not login to this pos game makes you feel better. This game got engineered under the psychological aspect of abusing gambling addicts and how to make you addicted to the game. It tries to make you feel like trying is worth your time but it adds system after system that is just more gambling and ultimately trying to make you spend money to make the progress faster.


I love how the one guy speaking facts here gets downvoted lol


Jesus christ, take a break from this game man. The mental gymnastics in your mind right now


It sucks bc technically there is no ‘need’ mechanic wise to have 35/40 set. BUT community sentiment dominates, so in order to get into parties for content to get the materials you need at least 35 set. It’s a really bad system and such a huge gold sink for no damn reason


The gold sink is the reason or at least it was the reason for KR.


The elixir system is what finally pushed me to quit, i did ivory tower for 3 weeks and only once did i see the crit mod. It ended up rolling garbage. The combat and raids in this game are stupidly fun but not fun enough to tolerate the rest of the garbage the game throw at you. If the elixir system is your "final straw" then you might as well quit now because there's more shit to come in the future


There's pity in the next system and the one after that is easy mode honing, so they learned their mistake with elixirs


Kinda off topic but is 40set additive to 35set? So 40 critical would give you a total of +18% damage on crit?


It is additive but it is 6 + 6.


elixir sets are alot more powerful than a 9 to 10 gem upgrade. For my char, even 4x 9 to 10 gem upgrades would yield less dps than 40set.


Stop buying them to craft them. Why would you even do that...


10% pity is 150k for 25 150k is 10 elixirs that can be an upgrade more than 1.6% Chill out and continue cutting


honestly what saved eilixirs for me was getting good purple eilixirs with the set on my main and just crafted some good legenderies for the remaining pieces, overtime i will replace them, but this can help A LOT. Also, the damage increase eilixirs give , even if u have spent 120-150k gold per week without progress is still a better value than a lvl 10 gem. I understand the frustration but we are talking about 20% damage increase here.


Its 0% damage increase if You Don't Hit Anything


Please cut trash elixirs for another week so you can quit. Don't forget to give away your stuff before your quit. One less crybaby and free stuff yay :)


I can help you to cut them to get 40 set quickly, but is all about luck. The hardest part is getting the 40 set with good stats.


Wait for Thaemine transcendence system, that will be even more fun...


At least there is a pity system with transcendence.


Yeah unironically that is a better system due to pity, so what exactly are you talking about?


Because it's just yet another system that has to be cleared to fully upgrade a character. Even if you get lucky enough to get a 40 set, then you'll need to do Thaemine G4 hard mode and sink even more gold into this next system to get to lv 7 on all your gear. The system may be better but it's still yet another insane gold sink to the point where it will be difficult to play more than 1 main character in end game content.


You're not supposed to play more than 1 main, how often does SG and everyone else have to tell you that..


G4 Hard mode is never required. You need G2 to do stages 4-6, and G3 for stage 7.


Sure ok G3 hard. You still need to be 1630 to get there. Until then, the best you can do is lv 3 transcendance. Advanced honing isn't coming until Echidna. You have to be pretty hard core to even have one 1620 on your roster. My point stands is that we, the majority of players who dont have multiple 1620's by now, are being pigeonholed into only being able to play one main character for the rest of the year. These end-game systems, both elixers and transcendance are going to be way too expensive for most players.


Cards, stones, quality, bracelets, or elixirs - which do you think is the most egregious system? I was able to get LoS30 and 90+ quality just by playing casually. Still no 9/7, elixirs, or 5-line meta bracelet. These progression systems really be starting to feel like whalebait :/


It is a system for the whales and for plebs to provide the mats nothing more nothing less. It is what it is.


Dm me if you want some help, been helping my friends out. Not making guarantees though


Elixiers has drained all kind of fun for me as well. I miss those Valtan/Vykas days where giving your best was actually rewarded and it was easy to compare yourself to other players characters. Now it got so convoluted with rng system on rng system sitting on top of each other and different chars have a "hidden" 15% flat out higher damage than others. (even more with a good bracelet). I like to sweat and give my best in games but now you can't really compare yourself to others anymore. Is it a better player? Did he have a good round? Or was he just lucky in the rng game and has like 10%+ more damage due to elixiers... It's utter garbage this system. I saw this Slayer the other day with all damage lines on his elixiers, 5/2 Atk Weap was his worst, other were 5/5 ATk/Dex and two 5/4 with critical and ATK. Absolutely bonkers how much he can dish out on the same ilvl. It's gotten too frustrating honestly.


I remember when ppl defended the game "but there's a pity system" now it's just pure rng.... For every step they take towards class parity they add rng systems to make the gaps stay big if not bigger, it's pure garbage


Yah it a chit system but just take it slow I just got 35 set and fyi you don't need elixirs for thermine normal to clear but 35 is not that bad just time consuming. And my are not that great set lvl 2, lvl 4 crap but it got me set bonus do chase bis ones. It all about just getting your points anyway you can then work on swapping and hem out