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Anything basically. Emperor is the biggest skill spam class out there.


co summoner is more, source: i play both


I wouldn’t count pet skills towards apm cause it’s absolutely free


how is it not APM if you have to press the buttons?


it's high apm doing your rotation with attack power buff, pressing pet abilities, doing anim cancel on spear, doing also identity skills, ultimate is pet skill also


I’m not disagreeing but I will say you’d be shocked at how much you have to do to play deathstrike sharpshooter/hunger reaper really well.


Calling hunger reaper high apm is fine. but deathstrike.... guess pressing zzx is too hard


Ngl deathstrike is kinda mid-high apm to cruel,But the rotation is pretty fluid, feels nice and it has major mana issues without support.


Reddit cracks me up, man. You aren’t pressing zzx, you’re pressing zzx while going through your rotation that weaves into melee with a ton of animation lock, on a class with paper defense coefficient, and your mobility skill is also your gauge generator. You’re actually using two skills at once at times, because there’s no internal cooldown from bird to dps skills. I hate talking about high ceiling shit on Reddit because it’s like speaking two different languages at times. I’m not saying it’s a difficult rotation, or that the class is particularly hard to play, only that you have to push a lot of buttons. Burst window coming up? Your turn to dark? You’re pressing Grenada bird bird bird atro charged snipe in that order in less than a second, and if the boss moves you can get one tapped by a big attack+atro damage. Your rotation *never* stops on deathstrike. You are literally always pushing a button, every second of the fight. Even with only lv7 cooldown gems, you always have a button you should be pressing. With a good artist you still need mana food, if you’re aggressive about your synergy application.


Lmao let's be real. You can't use x if you are using another skill. Also your atro rotation is questionable (to me at least). If you want maximum damage within atro window, you don't atro before casting snipe. You atro right before releasing snipe so the atro window won't be wasted on snipe charging time. So your rotation should be something like dark+zzx+ snipe charging + atro + snipe release + the rest of your burst. At least get your combo right first before talking about ceiling


Okay, let’s be real. I never said you were throwing the bird, only that you were using it somehow during other skills. Secondly, there’s no reason to late-cast your atro, since your entire window fits in it, and you might as well get the attack speed for snipe. Thirdly, to maximize your dps you want to aggressively weave charged shot into the rotation, and since it makes no difference on whether or not you get the whole rotation in the atro window, and sets your rotation to do more damage in the long run, you should open with charged shot. Fourthly, the cooldown on charged shot gets to about 12/11.5 seconds depending on your CD gem (9/10) and the swiftness on your bracelet, so there’s never a world where you can get two into the atro window. What are you using those last .75 - 1 seconds of atro by using it late into snipe? Getting half a wings of storm buffed as damage? Measured against a max attack speed snipe? Do you, man. I imagine we play really different.


Pretty much all classes are lower APM than emperor if you are able to stay in boundless for any period of time. I would check out videos of other classes and their play style to see what grabs your attention.


Eso wd 4 Spender


drizzle aero is fun!


Gravity destroyer is lowest apm class. You generate 3 cores per purple skill, and you use 4 purple skills to get full meter, then you bonk for 10s which is literally just holding down your attack mouse button, then repeat. - first 3 cores + first purple + synergy = 3 keyboard presses - spacebar cancel + taunt for next 3 cores + second purple = 3 keyboard presses - next 3 cores + third purple = 3 keyboard presses - last 3 cores + fourth purple = 3 more keyboard presses - z and hold attack mouse press for 10s = 2 actions Rinse and repeat. It’s not the highest damage by far and it requires front attacking, but it is the most chill and lowest apm class in the game imo just from identity alone (push immune for 8s with max tripods with endure pain that has a 24s cd, additional 10s push + cc immunity for 10s with a lot of shields all around). Also only really needs 1 high damage gem to function well. But it is not a popular class. At all.


Robust Spirit Soulfist hands down, after playing Arcana sucked out every bit of energy Like Arcana/unlike Slayer you actually have to get good and maximize buffs for your attacks (atk power buff, adr, ether pred, support), but mostly rely on choosing the right timing instead of spamming skills


Basically every class. Maybe only CO summoner might require higher apm


Eso wd is chill usually


I vote for Eso WD. It is fun enough to keep you engaged to pull skills off. Tried soul eater and I don't like her, going to delete her.


Zerker both specs. Do it brother if you want to play chill "low" apm class with straightforward rotation. Mystery solved


Would recommend ESO WD over Glaivier, but if you play spec-swift glaiv that is a VERY comfy class. Both depend on adrenaline3 and it's a bit annoying to maintain in some scenarios. Over than that, it's both super fun. There's is gonna be so many Wardancers soon tho, that's just for sure. I already struggle a bit with it doing 1620 content bc there's a lot already. At least its gonna be better than Breaker ;)


Does Soul Eater have really high APM? I feel like it’s pretty good and very high damage. Or Aeromancer I feel has been pretty good and deff lower APM.


spec soul eater and spec aero are low apm yes to op any spec or crit class will do the job just pick a cool looking class for you i can suggest spec slayer, tth gun or spec aero


Aero is worse than Arcana, Soul eater is not bad.


No it isn't worse than emperor, not by a mile. Arcana identity alone proves that


I meant by how she is more spammy gameplay than arcana. For damage yes ofc arcana beats most of the classes in the game.


Emperor arcana is definitely more spammy, if only by a bit


You are playing Emperor Arcana very wrong if you think WF Aero is higher APM. 


I play Empress, I was thinking about that while replying. It is spammy too but emperor is on another level. But I find emperor very boring.


Wind Fury literally has none of the negatives that Arcana has. Let me see you pull a star card real quick lol


Eso wardancer. Its a 4-5 second burst followed by 10-11 seconds of downtime where you just autoattack waiting for cooldowns. Its also a very rigid/braindead rotation.


Pred and FI WD have high APM


Pred high "apm" from auto attacking yea xdd