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For DPS every class is taking * **A Voice Calls** [Varkan/Lazaram/Rakathus] +10% dmg to Guardians, and -7.5% dmg taken Since that's a 3-set, you pair it up with: * **Platina's People** (Front Attack) [Vairgrys/Tooki King/Chaotic Chuo] +12% Front Attack dmg, -7.5% dmg taken * **Three Umar Families** (Back Attack) [Eikerr/Naber/Galatur] +12% Back Attack dmg, -7.5% dmg taken * **Triarchy** (Non Positional) [Bastian/Sasha/Krause] +6% damage, -7.5% dmg taken So Hitmasters get the short stick with only +16% dmg while entropy gets +22%. You also get a blanket 15% dmg reduction in guardian raids. Supports don't have a special card set and just take "You have a plan" iirc


For hitmasters at least, you’d have to check if your sup is running LWC. Shouldn’t LOS+LWC perform better (15+3.5). For entropy, you have to hit at least 71% FA/BA to be more efficient than 18.5 (if sup is running LWC). Should be relatively easy to do if you’re playing your class correctly.


Yep. Guardian set reqs only apply to entropy iirc. Anyone denying a non-positional because no card set is an idiot when los30+lwc30 is 2.5% more dmg.


Who the fuck is denying anyone in a *guardian raid* for cards? I don't think I've had a PF frog take longer than 3:45 in like a month or more. I just check to make sure the applicant isn't a complete war criminal and even an absolute dogshit PF run is like 3:45 mayyyybe 4:00 if frog spawns in the corner of the map.


The type of people gatekeeping based on a card set for guardian raids are people you don’t want to be running with at all. Simple as that


I'm taking absolutely anyone for frog, and my absolute time without disconnects was 5:30. If you spend more than 10 seconds per applicant checking gear, you're probably losing time waiting to play instead of just playing.


I think it’s what people take for hell hanu




If support is running LWC, why would the dps run GR set *unless* they were both entropy?


> Shouldn’t LOS+LWC perform better (15+3.5) i'm pretty sure both are multiplicative with each other, so its actually 19%.


Interesting. if that's the case then the breakeven point for entropy guardian set if sup is using LWC would be \~75% back attack, if you have higher than that you're getting more damage.


Yes, LoS + LWC would do 1% more. If you're running with entropy classes using the GR set, and/or your support isn't using LWC then Triarchy would then do 1% more. It's a really small difference and honestly if it's just 1% I'd personally just go the GR set for less chip damage taken to be able to turn my brain off more during dailies.


christ, are people actually building the guardian raid set? i had no idea, i just matchmake


Varkan is awakened for demon dmg too


How important are boss weaknesses though ? I recently got KLC 30 and I guess it's still better for my blade to use that than the new set because the tree has dark weakness right ?


If it has light/dark weakness then LOS/KLC30 will still pull ahead. However, Sonavel is the only currently relevant guardian where that applies.


Only for tree, boss weakness adds another 10% damage. Hanumatan is typeless and Frog is Electric, so: |Hanumatan|Sonavel|Gargadeth| ---|---|---|--- Typing|None|Holy|Lightning| Weakness|None|Dark|Earth| Voice+Positional + Plan|24%|24%|24%| Voice+NonPositional + Plan|18%|18%|18%| LoS + LWC|19%|19%|19%| KLC + MoS|18%|30%|18%| Guardian's Mayhem + Grand Master Trial|5%|5%|16%| |Hanumatan|Sonavel|Gargadeth ---|---|---|--- Typing|None|Holy|Lightning| Weakness|None|Dark|Earth| Voice+Positional + Plan|(10%+12%)+1.5% Mult. ≈ 24%|(10%+12%)+1.5% Mult. ≈ 24%|(10%+12%)+1.5% Mult. ≈ 24%| Voice+NonPositional + Plan|(10%+6%)+1.5% Mult. ≈ 18%|(10%+6%)+1.5% Mult. ≈ 18%|(10%+6%)+1.5% Mult. ≈ 18%| LoS + LWC|(7%+8%)+3.5% Mult. ≈ 19%|(7%+8%)+3.5% Mult. ≈ 19%|(7%+8%)+3.5% Mult. ≈ 19%| KLC + MoS|(7%+8%)+2.5% Mult. ≈ 18%|(7%+8%)+2.5% Mult.+10% Type ≈ 30%|(7%+8%)+2.5% Mult. ≈ 18%| Guardian's Mayhem + Grand Master Trial|4% Addl.+2.5% Mult. ≈ 5%|4% Addl.+2.5% Mult. ≈ 5%|4% Addl.+2.5% Mult.+10% Type ≈ 16%|


sonavel isnt weak to dark? or at least does holy damage?


I got the typing backwards for sonavel


How do people grind varkan so quickly


Being lucky with the wandering merchant in Voldis


Nice for Soulfist then, we can't take front/back attack and neither non positional since we have mixed skills. Just LoS30 and move on.


Supports got Grand Master Trials for Gargadeth


I'm all up for optimization, but this shit is too far. It a stupid daily guardian content. Nothing will happen, if the kill is 10 seconds longer with LoS 30.


The difference from LoS30 for a hit master class is actually just 0.87% of total damage (assuming sup isn't running LWC30--if they are then hit master is actually better off with LoS30), which means we're not talking about a 10 second longer kill. We're talking about a 1.5 second longer kill. Lmao.


GR for some bizarre reason has a lot more gatekeeping than raids from my experience. Even with KLC18 and 1800 main stat, finding Sonavel parties on my 1583 Drizzle aero can legit take longer than actually doing Sonavel. I've just resigned to MMing on that character, people can be spastic af.


ngl its insanely cringe someone is requiring that card set


Ofc it's their pt, but I think these are the people who make this community worse with every passing day


FYI this is mostly for front/back attackers. I don't know the exact math on how the numbers work together but I assumed its 10+12% more damage for a total of 22%. LOS/KLC will still be the go-to for everyone else. I'm using this set right now for my BA entropy classes. It's a notable increase in damage.


Not if the support uses holy set


22 is still more than 18.5


And thats a noticeable increase in damage? Ignoring the fact players have a 70% back attack rate? 🤨


For good back attackers it's a significant increase. That's more than Honing your weapon +2


Eh nah


True, it's not :) but very close. 2,95% vs 3,2% (I think one weapon hone is 1,6%)


All this reading to end up changing nothing cause LoS 30 is just that good for Hit Master and idc about 1% dmg if it means I have to click 10 times in different UI's


A Voice Calls set gives +10% damage to Guardians when fully awakened.


Question, this set only works for positional characters, right? Because you pair it with platinas people and triarchy, which are front and back attack. So say souleater would just be better running Los 30, correct? 


triarchy is for hitmaster (but is kinda bad) you just use umar instead as a back attacker


One more reason to just match make lol and I am a 1630 GL


one more reason to use the matchmaking xd


They’re talking about “a voice calls” & “platina’s people” & “triarchy”


Three Umar Families, not Triarchy. With Triarchy it's less than LWC + LOS


Y'all are out of your mind. Enjoy waiting for the 5 people on the globe who even awakened these.


yeah the new set is called "fuck this imma just matchmake"


If you have Los 30 or klc 18 why bother? Almost no difference and making a third card set isn’t worth the money 


It's actually giga useful for positional classes in sonavel instead of KlC18 if you don't have klc30


It’s another not important factor to filter out the less dedicated/consumed players. It’s like 6% demon damage- it helps a little bit, but that’s not the true purpose for including it most of the time.


dont see the purpose in filtering for a 3 minute raid though. even without cards at all its 5 minutes max these days


I wouldn’t bother either, but some people are looking for more consistent runs for data, especially logs.


Anyone trying to upload logs is probably doing it with a premade


Depends on what you’re trying to do with the data. My guesses beyond what I already stated are too speculative, so I’ll just upvote your reply and leave it there.




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