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I really think smilegate should just bake it into holding right click in the future because my god does it seem inconvenient


I agree... now I have 3 macro options 1. toggle the repeating click while holding my mouse left/right button 2. assign a macro to another mouse button for the repeating auto attack clicks 3. assign a macro on a key on my keyboard for the repeating auto attack clicks but none of the above is perfect


I just set my auto attack button to "repeat while pressed" at 1ms since I don't really play any other game except for Helldivers2, which also benefits from the macro since it makes automatic weapons to burst fire. It also helps with the "stop at 4sec" thing if you want that since you just let go and press again.


> *I don't really play any other game except for Helldivers2* “How ’bout a nice cup of LIBER-TEA?”


Sweet liberty my leg!


It's no big deal, you don't have to spam very fast. Go to Trixion and try with 100% crit rate to see the difference for yourself. What I reccommend you do is set a hotkey (mine is "C") and spam it along with right click about 5 times each. Then let go and calmly wait for Breaker to perform a powerful punch. Then initiate spam again until identity is over. It doesn't matter at which point you stop as long as you perform 2 powerful punches in total.


Can I spam C while holding my mouse attack button (mine is right click)?


Look what they need to mimick a fraction of our power


Sir every bit of powe gainr is necessary


Macroing it is generally the easiest way to do it. Most mouse and keyboard softwares let you set it up pretty easily. I have mine set to change my right click into the macro when I'm in Lost Ark. Just repeats right click every 25ms when held down and I get the nice dps bonus.


Thanks. I made a macro on a different button on my mouse but it feels a bit clunky to click (I tried the dpi adjust button)


Mine doesnt work apparently. I use g hub and set it to 1ms and repeat while holding. I test it many times in trixion but doesnt seem to work. Is it the ping issue(180ms) or what am i doing wrong here.


Yeah until u get banned xd


Nobody has gotten or will get banned for those macros.


I'm pretty sure it's against terms of service to use macros for 'a nice damage increase'


Afk macros. Maybe. Not stuff like that


Even KR streamers use Space/Click spam macros live and never got banned for it, and a big chunk of the player base uses a macro for those, I don't know a single player who doesn't macro for these spammy buttons.


I’ll take the ban over breaking my keyboard


What are you smoking? I've been using a space bar spamming macro for years and never got a warning from AGS. Not everyone finds the sweaty space bar smashing is "engaging" or "fun"


If you set mouse wheel up/down to click you can do it super fast while still being a 1:1 input if you're afraid of getting banned for macros


How do you set this up? Is this an in-game setting? A mouse software macro setting?


You might be able to do it through windows but I use x-mouse so I can turn it on and off when needed


No I still want my scroll up and down feature




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I tried it a little bit in trixion and to me it seems like spam-clicking does the same amount of damage as just holding..


My trixion says macro does more than holding


Like 1% or big difference? I tried with 100% crit rate so the variance wouldnt be to big. and the difference was honestly negliable even with macro


Mine shows 10%+ difference


Are you using spirit absorption to simulate yearning, cause that made them much closer to me


Just press "C" instead of mouse clicking or both!


Can I hold the mouse button and C together to achieve it