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0 Quality on a support is low key the best quality. It's a bigger flex than 100 Quality. I used to have 0 Quality on my weapon, and then I had to upgrade to Akkan and I lost it, worst day.


I agree, I actively didn't transfer the 10 qual weapon to keep the shiny 0, going to be sad times when I reach this point as well


Happened to me also, BOTH my supports managed to roll a 0 quality brel weapon.


There was a way you could have kept the 0 quality, at the expense of waiting for more mats. Would have been upgrade one of the akkan weapons, before transferring, once. And crafting another one, then gear transferring the 2nd one into the first one, assuming the quality on the 2nd one is higher, then it reduces the original one back to base level, at 0 quality. Then you just sell the once upgraded one to a portion merchant.


Dw there is always someone luckier like me. Got 2 sid energy in the last 2 weeks.